8,693 research outputs found

    Buffet test in the National Transonic Facility

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    A buffet test of a commercial transport model was accomplished in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center. This aeroelastic test was unprecedented for this wind tunnel and posed a high risk for the facility. Presented here are the test results from a structural dynamics and aeroelastic response point of view. The activities required for the safety analysis and risk assessment are described. The test was conducted in the same manner as a flutter test and employed on-board dynamic instrumentation, real time dynamic data monitoring, and automatic and manual tunnel interlock systems for protecting the model

    Blood transfusion in liver transplantation

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    Liver transplantation is a relatively new procedure in which unusually large quantities of blood are used. Blood use in 68 adult and 49 pediatric liver transplants was reviewed. The median (range) intraoperative red cell use for adults and children was 28.5 (3‐251) and 11 (2‐55), respectively. Blood use closely correlated with the patient's primary diagnosis. Adult patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and carcinoma used about one‐half as much blood as those with a diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis, hepatitis, or cirrhosis. Patients in the former diagnostic groups also had better survival rates. Total red cell use for the patient's entire hospitalization was about twice that used during surgery. Fresh‐frozen plasma use paralleled red cell transfusions, but platelet use was modest. These data can serve as a baseline in helping other hospital transfusion services prepare for the advent of liver transplantation in their institutions. 1985 AAB

    Estimation of groundwater consumption by phreatophytes using diurnal water table fluctuations: A saturated-unsaturated flow assessment

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    This is the published version. Copyright American Geophysical Union[1] Groundwater consumption by phreatophytes is a difficult-to-measure but important component of the water budget in many arid and semiarid environments. Over the past 70 years the consumptive use of groundwater by phreatophytes has been estimated using a method that analyzes diurnal trends in hydrographs from wells that are screened across the water table (White, 1932). The reliability of estimates obtained with this approach has never been rigorously evaluated using saturated-unsaturated flow simulation. We present such an evaluation for common flow geometries and a range of hydraulic properties. Results indicate that the major source of error in the White method is the uncertainty in the estimate of specific yield. Evapotranspirative consumption of groundwater will often be significantly overpredicted with the White method if the effects of drainage time and the depth to the water table on specific yield are ignored. We utilize the concept of readily available specific yield as the basis for estimation of the specific yield value appropriate for use with the White method. Guidelines are defined for estimating readily available specific yield based on sediment texture. Use of these guidelines with the White method should enable the evapotranspirative consumption of groundwater to be more accurately quantified

    Decline of Spectacled Eiders Nesting in Western Alaska

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    Spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri) populations in western Alaska are now less than 4% of the numbers estimated in the early 1970s. In 1992, an estimated 1721 nesting pairs remained on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Causes of this rapid and continuing decline of -14% per year are undocumented. Many aspects of spectacled eider biology remain unknown, including their marine foraging habitats, food items, migratory movements, and population ecology. A review of some biological characteristics and possible threats to the species suggests the importance of quantifying potential impacts from parasites and disease, subsistence harvest, predation during brood rearing, and alteration of Bering Sea food resources. Factors causing the population decline of spectacled eiders must be determined and appropriate actions taken to reverse the trend.Key words: Alaska, declining species, Somateria fischeri, spectacled eider, waterfowl, Yukon-Kuskokwim DeltaLes populations d'eider à lunettes (Somateria fischeri) de l'Alaska occidental s'élèvent maintenant à moins de 4 p. cent du total estimé au début des années 70. En 1992, on a estimé à 1721 le nombre de paires nicheuses qui restaient dans le delta du Yukon-Kuskokwim. Les causes de ce déclin rapide et continu de -14 p. cent par an ne sont pas documentées. Bien des aspects de la biologie de l'eider à lunettes restent inconnus, y compris l'habitat marin où il trouve sa nourriture, ses aliments, ses déplacements migratoires et l'écologie de la population. Un examen de certaines caractéristiques biologiques et des menaces dont l'espèce pourrait faire l'objet suggère l'importance qu'il y a à quantifier les retombées potentielles des parasites et des maladies, des récoltes destinées à assurer la subsistance, de la prédation durant l'élevage de la couvée et des changements dans les ressources alimentaires de la mer de Béring. Il faut déterminer les facteurs responsables du déclin de la population de l'eider à lunettes et prendre les mesures qui s'imposent pour renverser la tendance.Mots clés : Alaska, espèce en déclin, Somateria fischeri, eider à lunettes, oiseau aquatique, delta du Yukon-Kuskokwi

    Preliminary data on boulders at station 6, Apollo 17 landing site

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    A cluster of boulders at Station 6 (Apollo 17 landing site) consists of breccias derived from the North Massif. Three preliminary lithologic units were established, on the basis of photogeologic interpretations; all lithologies identified photogeologically were sampled. Breccia clasts and matrices studied petrographically and chemically fall into two groups by modal mineralogy: (1) low-K Fra Mauro or high basalt composition, consisting of 50-60% modal feldspar, approximately 45% orthopyroxene and 1-7% Fe-Ti oxide; (2) clasts consisting of highland basalt composition, consisting of 70% feldspar, 30% orthopyroxene and olivine and a trace of Fe-Ti oxide

    Capability of 2 Gait Measures for Detecting Response to Gait Training in Stroke Survivors: Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool and The Tinetti Gait Scale

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    Zimbelman J, Daly JJ, Roenigk KL, Butler K, Burdsall R, Holcomb JP. Capability of 2 gait measures for detecting response to gait training in stroke survivors: Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool and the Tinetti Gait Scale. Objective:To characterize the performance of 2 observational gait measures, the Tinetti Gait Scale (TGS) and the Gait Assessment and Intervention Tool (G.A.I.T.), in identifying improvement in gait in response to gait training. Design: In secondary analysis from a larger study of multimodal gait training for stroke survivors, we measured gait at pre-, mid-, and posttreatment according to G.A.I.T. and TGS, assessing their capability to capture recovery of coordinated gait components. Setting: Large medical center. Participants: Cohort of stroke survivors (N=44) greater than 6 months after stroke. Interventions: All subjects received 48 sessions of a multimodal gait-training protocol. Treatment consisted of 1.5 hours per session, 4 sessions per week for 12 weeks, receiving these 3 treatment aspects: (1) coordination exercise, (2) body weight–supported treadmill training, and (3) overground gait training, with 46% of subjects receiving functional electrical stimulation. Main Outcome Measures: All subjects were evaluated with the G.A.I.T. and TGS before and after completing the 48-session intervention. An additional evaluation was performed at midtreatment (after session 24). Results: For the total subject sample, there were significant pre-/post-, pre-/mid-, and mid-/posttreatment gains for both the G.A.I.T. and the TGS. According to the G.A.I.T., 40 subjects (91%) showed improved scores, 2 (4%) no change, and 2 (4%) a worsening score. According to the TGS, only 26 subjects (59%) showed improved scores, 16 (36%) no change, and 1 (2%) a worsening score. For 1 treatment group of chronic stroke survivors, the TGS failed to identify a significant treatment response to gait training, whereas the G.A.I.T. measure was successful. Conclusions: The G.A.I.T. is more sensitive than the TGS for individual patients and group treatment response in identifying recovery of volitional control of gait components in response to gait training

    Topological Modes in One Dimensional Solids and Photonic Crystals

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Physical Society via the DOI in this record.It is shown theoretically that a one-dimensional crystal with time reversal symmetry is characterized by a Z_{2} topological invariant that predicts the existence or otherwise of edge states. This is confirmed experimentally through the construction and simulation of a photonic crystal analogue in the microwave regime.We thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments. The authors acknowledge financial support from the EPSRC through the QUEST program grant (Grant No. EP/I034548/1), C.A.M.B. was supported by QinetiQ and the EPSRC through the Industrial CASE scheme (Grant No. 08000346). H.M. is supported by a grant from the U. S. Department of Energy to the Particle Astrophysics Theory group at CWRU. T.J.A. is funded by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement through a Cottrell Award

    Mapping urban infrastructure interdependencies and fuzzy risks

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.In this study, we considered the relationships between different types of CI and services to simulate possible cascading effects during extreme hazard conditions brought on by climate change and how to analyse impacts with limited data resources. An area in central Bristol, UK, was used as the case study to investigate the interdependencies among select assets and services. A wide range of plausible scenarios caused by pipe bursts in the area were simulated using the CADDIES 2D modelling framework, to identify the hotspots with high risk. The impact on CI, including water supply, electricity, wastewater, solid waste, transportation, telecommunication, and emergency services were assessed by the HAZUR tool. The analysis demonstrated that with limited data resources the dynamics of the interdependencies between CI networks can be highlighted and a basis of risk quantification can be established. The same procedure can be repeated to evaluate the impact of other types of hazards, or the compound hazard scenarios to provide a holistic assessment. Therefore, urban planners and managers can further explore options of interventions for setting up strategies to strengthen city resilience.This study is supported by the RESCCUE (RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas) project, funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 700174)

    Health-state utilities in a prisoner population : a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Health-state utilities for prisoners have not been described. Methods: We used data from a 1996 cross-sectional survey of Australian prisoners (n = 734). Respondent-level SF-36 data was transformed into utility scores by both the SF-6D and Nichol's method. Socio-demographic and clinical predictors of SF-6D utility were assessed in univariate analyses and a multivariate general linear model. Results: The overall mean SF-6D utility was 0.725 (SD 0.119). When subdivided by various medical conditions, prisoner SF-6D utilities ranged from 0.620 for angina to 0.764 for those with none/mild depressive symptoms. Utilities derived by the Nichol's method were higher than SF-6D scores, often by more than 0.1. In multivariate analysis, significant independent predictors of worse utility included female gender, increasing age, increasing number of comorbidities and more severe depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The utilities presented may prove useful for future economic and decision models evaluating prison-based health programs

    Challenges to Domesticating Native Forage Legumes

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    If ruminant production from cultivated and natural grasslands is to depend less on petroleum-based products, forage legumes must serve as protein sources. Commercially available legumes for warm-dry climate grasslands are, however, very limited and resources available for developing such legumes are inadequate. Indeterminate flowering and dehiscent seed pods combined with the need for specialized seed harvesting equipment are major impediments (Butler and Muir 2012). Warm climates often present environmental challenges such as poor rainfall distribution, extended dry seasons, temperature extremes and aggressive grass species (Muir et al. 2011). Erosion of indigenous knowledge and replacement with inappropriate land management approaches from moist-temperate regions compound the challenges