12 research outputs found

    Swift J2058.4+0516: Discovery of a Possible Second Relativistic Tidal Disruption Flare?

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    We report the discovery by the Swift hard X-ray monitor of the transient source Swift J2058.4+0516 (Sw J2058+05). Our multi-wavelength follow-up campaign uncovered a long-lived (duration >~ months), luminous X-ray (L_X,iso ~ 3 x 10^47 erg s^-1) and radio (nu L_nu,iso ~ 10^42 erg s^-1) counterpart. The associated optical emission, however, from which we measure a redshift of 1.1853, is relatively faint, and this is not due to a large amount of dust extinction in the host galaxy. Based on numerous similarities with the recently discovered GRB 110328A / Swift J164449.3+573451 (Sw J1644+57), we suggest that Sw J2058+05 may be the second member of a new class of relativistic outbursts resulting from the tidal disruption of a star by a supermassive black hole. If so, the relative rarity of these sources (compared with the expected rate of tidal disruptions) implies that either these outflows are extremely narrowly collimated (theta < 1 degree), or only a small fraction of tidal disruptions generate relativistic ejecta. Analogous to the case of long-duration gamma-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae, we speculate that rapid spin of the black hole may be a necessary condition to generate the relativistic component. Alternatively, if powered by gas accretion (i.e., an active galactic nucleus [AGN]), Sw J2058+05 would seem to represent a new mode of variability in these sources, as the observed properties appear largely inconsistent with known classes of AGNs capable of generating relativistic jets (blazars, narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies).Comment: Minor typos correcte

    SN2010jp (PTF10aaxi): A Jet-Driven Type II Supernova

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    We present photometry and spectroscopy of the peculiar TypeII supernova (SN) 2010jp, also named PTF10aaxi. The light curve exhibits a linear decline with a relatively low peak absolute magnitude of only -15.9, and a low radioactive decay luminosity at late times that suggests a nickel mass below 0.003 MM_{\odot}. Spectra of SN2010jp display an unprecedented triple-peaked Hα\alpha line profile, showing: (1) a narrow (800 km/s) central component that suggests shock interaction with dense CSM; (2) high-velocity blue and red emission features centered at -12600 and +15400 km/s; and (3) broad wings extending from -22000 to +25000 km/s. These features persist during 100 days after explosion. We propose that this line profile indicates a bipolar jet-driven explosion, with the central component produced by normal SN ejecta and CSM interaction at mid latitudes, while the high-velocity bumps and broad line wings arise in a nonrelativistic bipolar jet. Two variations of the jet interpretation seem plausible: (1) A fast jet mixes 56Ni to high velocities in polar zones of the H-rich envelope, or (2) the reverse shock in the jet produces blue and red bumps in Balmer lines when a jet interacts with dense CSM. Jet-driven SNeII are predicted for collapsars resulting from a wide range of initial masses above 25 MM_{\odot} at sub-solar metallicity. This seems consistent with the SN host environment, which is either an extremely low-luminosity dwarf galaxy or very remote parts of an interacting pair of star-forming galaxies. It also seems consistent with the low 56Ni mass that may accompany black hole formation. We speculate that the jet survives to produce observable signatures because the star's H envelope was mostly stripped away by previous eruptive mass loss.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    An Optically Dark GRB Observed by HETE-2: GRB 051022

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    GRB 051022 was detected at 13:07:58 on 22 October 2005 by HETE-2. The location of GRB 051022 was determined immediately by the flight localization system. This burst contains multiple pulses and has a rather long duration of about 190 seconds. The detections of candidate X-ray and radio afterglows were reported, whereas no optical afterglow was found. The optical spectroscopic observations of the host galaxy revealed the redshift z = 0.8. Using the data derived by HETE-2 observation of the prompt emission, we found the absorption N_H = 8.8 -2.9/+3.1 x 10^22 cm^-2 and the visual extinction A_V = 49 -16/+17 mag in the host galaxy. If this is the case, no detection of any optical transient would be quite reasonable. The absorption derived by the Swift XRT observations of the afterglow is fully consistent with those obtained from the early HETE-2 observation of the prompt emission. Our analysis implies an interpretation that the absorbing medium could be outside external shock at R ~ 10^16 cm, which may be a dusty molecular cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ lette

    HETE-2 Observations of the X-Ray Flash XRF 040916

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    A long X-ray flash was detected and localized by the instruments aboard the High Energy Transient Explorer II (HETE-2) at 00:03:30 UT on 2004 September 16. The position was reported to the GRB Coordinates Network (GCN) approximately 2 hours after the burst. This burst consists of two peaks separated by 200 s, with durations of 110 s and 60 s. We have analyzed the energy spectra of the 1st and 2nd peaks observed with the Wide Field X-Ray Monitor (WXM) and the French Gamma Telescope (FREGATE). We discuss the origin of the 2nd peak in terms of flux variabilities and timescales. We find that it is most likely part of the prompt emission, and is explained by the long-acting engine model. This feature is similar to some bright X-ray flares detected in the early afterglow phase of bursts observed by the Swift satellite.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in PAS

    The design and development status of the cryogenic receiver for the EXoplanet Climate Infrared TELescope (EXCITE)

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    The EXoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE) is an instrument dedicated to measuring spectroscopic phase curves of extrasolar giant planets. EXCITE will carry a moderate resolution near-infrared spectrograph and will fly on a long duration balloon mission. We give an overview of the mechanical and thermal design and development status of the EXCITE cryogenic receiver. Active cooling for the EXCITE cryostat is provided by two linear pulse-tube cryocoolers. We discuss cryocooler thermal performance, integration of the spectrometer and detector, and the mounting scheme that attaches the cryostat to the backplate of the telescope. To reject heat power from the cryocoolers, gravity-assisted copper-methanol thermosyphons will maintain cryocooler temperatures within 20 ◦C of ambient temperature during operation. We discuss the results of preliminary thermal modeling of the thermosyphons as well as performance testing of a prototype built for in-lab verification

    Physiology of growth and morphogenesis in bacteria

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    From Selectivity to Universalism: The Political Economy of Pro-Equality Educational Reform

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