287 research outputs found

    Trophic ecology of common elasmobranchs exploited by artisanal shark fisheries off south-western Madagascar

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    Knowledge of the trophic ecology and interactions of marine top predators is fundamental for understanding community structure and dynamics as well as ecosystem function. We examined the feeding relationships of 4 heavily exploited elasmobranchs caught in coastal artisanal shark fisheries in south-western Madagascar in 2009 and 2010—Sphyrna lewini, Loxodon macrorhinus, Carcharhinus falciformis and Rhynchobatus djiddensis—using stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analysis. Relative trophic position (indicated by δ15N) and foraging location (indicated by δ13C) differed among species. Isotopic niche width was highly variable: more pelagic species, such as S. lewini and C. falciformis, had the broadest isotopic niches while the benthic R. djiddensis had the narrowest. A high percentage of niche overlap occurred between R. djiddensis and 2 of the species, C. falciformis (93.2%) and L. macrorhinus (73.2%), and to a lesser extent S. lewini (13.3%). Relative trophic position of S. lewini significantly increased with size, suggesting a dietary shift with age. Sex differences in δ15N values were observed in L. macrorhinus, suggesting intraspecific niche partitioning. Variation in stable isotope values among these 4 highly exploited elasmobranch species indicates trophic structuring, likely driven by differences in diet and habitat use as well as by size and sex. This study provides the first baseline information on the trophic ecology of elasmobranchs caught in artisanal fisheries from south-western Madagascar

    Stepwise bending of DNA by a single TATA-box Binding Protein

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    The TATA-box Binding Protein (TBP) is required by all three eukaryotic RNA polymerases for the initiation of transcription from most promoters. TBP recognizes, binds to, and bends promoter sequences called ``TATA-boxes'' in the DNA. We present results from the study of individual Saccharomyces cerevisia TBPs interacting with single DNA molecules containing a TATA-box. Using video microscopy, we observed the Brownian motion of beads tethered by short surface-bound DNA. When TBP binds to and bends the DNA, the conformation of the DNA changes and the amplitude of Brownian motion of the tethered bead is reduced compared to that of unbent DNA. We detected individual binding and dissociation events and derived kinetic parameters for the process. Dissociation was induced by increasing the salt concentration or by directly pulling on the tethered bead using optical tweezers. In addition to the well-defined free and bound classes of Brownian motion, we observed another two classes of motion. These extra classes were identified with intermediate states on a three-step, linear binding pathway. Biological implications of the intermediate states are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in: Biophysical Journa

    Inter-species differences in polychlorinated biphenyls patterns from five sympatric species of odontocetes : Can PCBs be used as tracers of feeding ecology?

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of volunteers from the Galician (CEMMA) and Portuguese (SPVS) stranding networks. The authors would like to thank R. Gallois and C. Trichet for their participation on total lipid content analysis. P. Méndez-Fernandez was supported during the research period through a PhD grant from the Fundação do Ministério de Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal and ANIMATE project (SFRH/BD/36766/2007) and through a Science Without Borders (CSF) young talent postdoctoral grant of the Brazilian government. G. J. Pierce acknowledges support from the EU ANIMATE project (MEXC-CT-2006-042337), University of Aveiro and Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Evolution of Disease Response Genes in Loblolly Pine: Insights from Candidate Genes

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    BACKGROUND: Host-pathogen interactions that may lead to a competitive co-evolution of virulence and resistance mechanisms present an attractive system to study molecular evolution because strong, recent (or even current) selective pressure is expected at many genomic loci. However, it is unclear whether these selective forces would act to preserve existing diversity, promote novel diversity, or reduce linked neutral diversity during rapid fixation of advantageous alleles. In plants, the lack of adaptive immunity places a larger burden on genetic diversity to ensure survival of plant populations. This burden is even greater if the generation time of the plant is much longer than the generation time of the pathogen. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we present nucleotide polymorphism and substitution data for 41 candidate genes from the long-lived forest tree loblolly pine, selected primarily for their prospective influences on host-pathogen interactions. This dataset is analyzed together with 15 drought-tolerance and 13 wood-quality genes from previous studies. A wide range of neutrality tests were performed and tested against expectations from realistic demographic models. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Collectively, our analyses found that axr (auxin response factor), caf1 (chromatin assembly factor) and gatabp1 (gata binding protein 1) candidate genes carry patterns consistent with directional selection and erd3 (early response to drought 3) displays patterns suggestive of a selective sweep, both of which are consistent with the arm-race model of disease response evolution. Furthermore, we have identified patterns consistent with diversifying selection at erf1-like (ethylene responsive factor 1), ccoaoemt (caffeoyl-CoA-O-methyltransferase), cyp450-like (cytochrome p450-like) and pr4.3 (pathogen response 4.3), expected under the trench-warfare evolution model. Finally, a drought-tolerance candidate related to the plant cell wall, lp5, displayed patterns consistent with balancing selection. In conclusion, both arms-race and trench-warfare models seem compatible with patterns of polymorphism found in different disease-response candidate genes, indicating a mixed strategy of disease tolerance evolution for loblolly pine, a major tree crop in southeastern United States