440 research outputs found

    Late Palaeozoic lithostratigraphy of the Andean Precordillera revisited (San Juan Province, Argentina)

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    New data on some neopalaeozoic lithostratigraphic units of the central sector of the Argentinean Precordillera are presented. The western Precordillera displays occasional outcrops of siliciclastic rocks of the Late Palaeozoic. These rocks are separated by two main unconformi­ties related to the development of the Chanic (Upper Devonian-early Carboniferous) and Gondwanan (late Carboniferous-early Permian) orogens. A major unconformity marks the beginning of the Andean cycle in middle Permian times. The Del Ratón Formation (800 m) in the studied area is made up of conglomerates and can be divided into two units. The basal part (Lower Member) was deposited in a fjord environment. The Upper Member was generated by an alluvial system that was mainly dominated by upper flow-regime plane beds, whereas its uppermost part accumulated in a fan delta setting. The clast provenance and the main palaeocurrents suggest the existence of a significant topographic high to the W and NW of the present outcrops. The El Planchón Formation (1400 m) is mainly composed of shales and sandstones as a result of sedimentation in a deep-sea fan environment. These lutite-dominated materials graded laterally north­wards into conglomerates in a glacial setting. The Del Ratón and El Planchón formations of the Lower Carboniferous correspond to the synorogenic Chanic sedimentation (Chanic foreland basin). Thereafter, the stratigraphic succession underwent deformation which led to its prolonged subaerial exposure and rubefaction. In Permian times, a marine transgression gave rise to the Del Salto Formation (600 m), which is constituted by beach deposits with some aeolian reworking and which lies unconformably over the Lower Carboniferous rocks. Conglomerates (Quebrada del Alumbre Formation, 100 m) produced by an alluvial system prograded episodically into coastal areas. The Escombrera Formation (350 m) is composed of beach deposits prograding seawards. This formation probably represents the end of the Palaeozoic sedimentary record. Thereafter, a playa-lake and an alluvial fan system were generated (Quebrada de la Arena Formation). This unit (750 m) was the last infill of the Gondwanan retroarc foreland, the total thickness of which was about 4000 m.Se presentan nuevos datos sobre las unidades neopaleozoicas aflorantes en la parte occidental de la Precordillera andina. Esas unidades litoestratigráficas estan separadas por dos discordancias angulares principales asociadas al desarrollo de las orogenias Chánica (Devónico tardío-Carbonífero temprano) y Gondwánica (Carbonífero tardío-Pérmico temprano) respectivamente. Otra nueva discordancia sugiere el inicio del ciclo andino durante el Pérmico medio. La Formación Del Ratón (800 m) está constituida principalmente por conglomerados y puede dividirse en dos unidades de rango menor: la parte basal y la parte superior respectivamente. La parte basal (Miembro inferior) fue acumulada en un fiordo. La parte superior (Miembro superior) fue generada en un sistema alluvial dominado predominantemente por la acumulación de capas planas de alto régimen de flujo, mientras que la parte más alta fue depositada en un entorno de abanico deltaico (fandelta). La procedencia de los clastos y las paleocorrientes principales indican la presencia de un relieve topográfico alto y significativo, situado al O y NO de los afloramientos actuales.La Formación El Planchón (1400 m) constituida principalmente por lutitas y areniscas fue acumulada en un contexto de abanico submarino (deep-sea fan). Estos materiales predominantemente lutíticos pasan lateralmente hacia el norte a conglomerados acumulados en un ambiente sedimentario glacial. Las Formaciones Del Ratón y El Planchón corresponden a la sedimentación sinorogénica Chánica (cuenca de antepaís chánica). Posteriormente, la sucesión estratigráfica sufrió una deformación que dió lugar a una prolongada exposición subaérea y su consiguiente rubefacción. Durante el Pérmico, una transgresión marina produjo la acumulación de la Formación Del Salto (600 m), que está constituída por depósitos de playa con algún retrabajamiento eólico y que recubre discordantemente los materiales del Carbonífero inferior. Un sistema aluvial conglomerático (Formación Quebrada del Alumbre 100 m) pogradó episódicamente sobre las zonas costeras. La Formación Escombrera (350 m), que está constituída por materiales arenosos coste-ros progradantes hacia el mar, representa, muy probablemente, el final del registro sedimentario paleozoico en esta zona. Posteriormente se generó otra discordancia sobre la que se acumularon materiales arenosos en un contexto de cursos fluviales trenzados sobre los que se disponen materiales lutíticos acumulados en una ciénaga (playa-lake) que gradan, primero a cursos trenzados, luego a cursos sinousos y finalmente a abanicos aluviales (Formación Quebrada de la Arena). Esta unidad (750 m) corresponde al último relleno sedimentario de la cuenca Gondwánica de retroarco, cuya potencia es del orden de unos 4000 m.Fil: Colombo, F.. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Limarino, Carlos Oscar. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: Spalletti, Luis Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Busquets, P. Universidad de Barcelona; EspañaFil: Cardo, R.. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Mendez Bedia, I. Universidad de Oviedo; EspañaFil: Heredia, N.. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España; Españ

    In memoriam of Andrés Pérez-Estaún

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    Stationary states of a spherical Minority Game with ergodicity breaking

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    Using generating functional and replica techniques, respectively, we study the dynamics and statics of a spherical Minority Game (MG), which in contrast with a spherical MG previously presented in J.Phys A: Math. Gen. 36 11159 (2003) displays a phase with broken ergodicity and dependence of the macroscopic stationary state on initial conditions. The model thus bears more similarity with the original MG. Still, all order parameters including the volatility can computed in the ergodic phases without making any approximations. We also study the effects of market impact correction on the phase diagram. Finally we discuss a continuous-time version of the model as well as the differences between on-line and batch update rules. Our analytical results are confirmed convincingly by comparison with numerical simulations. In an appendix we extend the analysis of the earlier spherical MG to a model with general time-step, and compare the dynamics and statics of the two spherical models.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures; typo correcte

    Late Palaeozoic lithostratigraphy of the Andean Precordillera revisited (San Juan Province, Argentina)

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    New data on some neopalaeozoic lithostratigraphic units of the central sector of the Argentinean Precordillera are presented. The western Precordillera displays occasional outcrops of siliciclastic rocks of the Late Palaeozoic. These rocks are separated by two main unconformities related to the development of the Chanic (Upper Devonian-early Carboniferous) and Gondwanan (late Carboniferous-early Permian) orogens. A major unconformity marks the beginning of the Andean cycle in middle Permian times. The Del Ratón Formation (800 m) in the studied area is made up of conglomerates and can be divided into two units. The basal part (Lower Member) was deposited in a fjord environment. The Upper Member was generated by an alluvial system that was mainly dominated by upper flow-regime plane beds, whereas its uppermost part accumulated in a fan delta setting. The clast provenance and the main palaeocurrents suggest the existence of a significant topographic high to the W and NW of the present outcrops. The El Planchón Formation (1400 m) is mainly composed of shales and sandstones as a result of sedimentation in a deep-sea fan environment. These lutite-dominated materials graded laterally northwards into conglomerates in a glacial setting. The Del Ratón and El Planchón formations of the Lower Carboniferous correspond to the synorogenic Chanic sedimentation (Chanic foreland basin). Thereafter, the stratigraphic succession underwent deformation which led to its prolonged subaerial exposure and rubefaction. In Permian times, a marine transgression gave rise to the Del Salto Formation (600 m), which is constituted by beach deposits with some aeolian reworking and which lies unconformably over the Lower Carboniferous rocks. Conglomerates (Quebrada del Alumbre Formation, 100 m) produced by an alluvial system prograded episodically into coastal areas. The Escombrera Formation (350 m) is composed of beach deposits prograding seawards. This formation probably represents the end of the Palaeozoic sedimentary record. Thereafter, a playa-lake and an alluvial fan system were generated (Quebrada de la Arena Formation). This unit (750 m) was the last infill of the Gondwanan retroarc foreland, the total thickness of which was about 4000 m.Centro de Investigaciones Geológica

    Delayed gastric emptying after classical Whipple or pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy: a randomized clinical trial (QUANUPAD)

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    Purpose Pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD) has been the gold standard for pancreatic head lesion resection for several years. Some studies have noted that it involves more delayed gastric emptying (DGE) than classical Whipple (i.e., pancreatoduodenectomy with antrectomy). Our working hypothesis was that the classical Whipple has a lower incidence of DGE. We aimed to compare the incidence of DGE among pancreatoduodenectomy techniques. Methods This pragmatic, randomized, open-label, single-center clinical trial involved patients who underwent classical Whipple (study group) or PPPD (control group). Gastric emptying was clinically evaluated using scintigraphy. DGE was defined according to the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) criteria. The secondary endpoints were postoperative morbidity, length of hospital stay, anthropometric measurements, and nutritional status. Results A total of 84 patients were randomized (42 per group). DGE incidence was 50% (20/40, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 35-65%) in the study group and 62% (24/39, 95% CI: 46-75%) in the control group (p = 0.260). No differences were observed between both groups regarding postoperative morbidity or length of hospital stay. Anthropometric measurements at 6 months post-surgery: triceps fold measurements were 12 mm and 16 mm (p = 0.021). At 5 weeks post-surgery, triceps fold measurements were 13 mm and 16 mm (p = 0.020) and upper arm circumferences were 26 cm and 28 cm (p = 0.030). No significant differences were observed in nutritional status. Conclusion DGE incidence and severity did not differ between classical Whipple and PPPD. Some anthropometric measurements may indicate a better recovery with PPPD

    The ESCRT-III machinery participates in the production of extracellular vesicles and protein export during Plasmodium falciparum infection

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    Infection with Plasmodium falciparum enhances extracellular vesicle (EV) production in parasitized red blood cells (pRBCs), an important mechanism for parasite-to-parasite communication during the asexual intraerythrocytic life cycle. The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), and in particular the ESCRT-III sub-complex, participates in the formation of EVs in higher eukaryotes. However, RBCs have lost the majority of their organelles through the maturation process, including an important reduction in their vesicular network. Therefore, the mechanism of EV production in P. falciparum-infected RBCs remains to be elucidated. Here we demonstrate that P. falciparum possesses a functional ESCRT-III machinery activated by an alternative recruitment pathway involving the action of PfBro1 and PfVps32/PfVps60 proteins. Additionally, multivesicular body formation and membrane shedding, both reported mechanisms of EV production, were reconstituted in the membrane model of giant unilamellar vesicles using the purified recombinant proteins. Moreover, the presence of PfVps32, PfVps60 and PfBro1 in EVs purified from a pRBC culture was confirmed by super-resolution microscopy and dot blot assays. Finally, disruption of the PfVps60 gene led to a reduction in the number of the produced EVs in the KO strain and affected the distribution of other ESCRT-III components. Overall, our results increase the knowledge on the underlying molecular mechanisms during malaria pathogenesis and demonstrate that ESCRT-III P. falciparum proteins participate in EV production