344 research outputs found

    Study of Co-based hydrotalcite-derived mixed metal oxides partially modified with silver as potential catalysts for N2O decomposition

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    Co-Al-Ox mixed metal oxides partially modified with Cu or Mg, as well as Ag were successfully prepared, characterized and evaluated as potential catalysts for the N2O decomposition. The materials were characterized by the following techniques: X-Ray Diffraction, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), N2 Physisorption, Hydrogen Temperature-Programmed Reduction (H2-TPR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Ag-modified HT-derived mixed oxides showed enhanced activity compared to the undoped materials, the optimum composition was found for (1 wt.% Ag)CHT-Co3Al. The catalyst characterization studies suggested that the improved catalytic activity of Ag-promoted catalysts were mainly because of the altered redox properties of the materials

    Determination of ADAMTS13 Susceptibility in Type IIA von Willebrand Disease

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    von Willebrand Disease (vWD) is a bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency in von Willebrand Factor (vWF), a large glycoprotein that assists in coagulation. Specifically, large vWF multimers in the blood stream are key components in starting the coagulation cascade. vWF is cleaved by the metalloprotease ADAMTS13, regulating the multimers size, which hinders vWF’s ability to function properly. The three main types of vWD —Type I, II, and III— are not well defined, and as a result are all similarly treated with plasma-derived vWF replacement therapy. Plasma-derived vWF is a treatment that does not cure the problem but relieves the symptom of continual bleeding. vWD Type II, the second most common form of vWD, is sub-grouped further into four types: IIA, IIB, IIN and IIM. The objective of this project was to better understand the mutation(s) involved in vWD Type IIA and thus determine the mechanism of this specific vWF dysfunction. In vitro assays were optimized to determine ADAMTS13 susceptibility for uncharacterized vWD Type II mutations. Our findings suggest that Type IIA mutations that result in a loss of high molecular weight vWF multimers are associated with increased ADAMTS13 susceptibility. A better understanding of the various mechanisms behind vWD may lead to the development of more successful, targeted therapies

    Osservazioni sull'esistenza giuridica della sentenza canonica

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    Beginning with a comparison between the canon and secular legal systems, we have an in-depth investigation of the idea of legal existence, both in its possible autonomous configuration within the general context of the invalidity of the Canon Law act, and also in its specific application to Canon Sentence. After a synthesis of the positions which doctrine and jurisprudence have taken on the matter, the legal existence in the convergence of the judicial approach of Olis Robleda with the personalist phenomenology of Karol Wojtyla is identified. Within this convergence, the identification of a personalist subjectivity which implies the general breadth of the responsibilities of the faithful in ordering the..

    L'assenza della forma canonica preclude l'operatività del processo di nullità matrimoniale? Un'ipotesi

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    El sistema canónico actual parece no excluir la praxis de hacer operativo el proceso de nulidad matrimonial también en relación con matrimonios que los católicos hayan celebrado entre ellos sin observar la forma canónica. En particular, la 'justa causa' del proceso, en el caso, vendrá identificada por el hecho de que dos católicos están 'unidos en matrimonio' entre ellos, y en tal sentido opera el actual aprecio jurídico de tres figuras, cuya dimensión unitiva parece justificar precisamente el ejercicio de la potestad jurisdiccional sobre matrimonios que los católicos han celebrado sin observar la forma canónica. La primera es la función renovada que ha de reconocerse a la forma canónica en la nueva legislación ('conditio iuris' de validez pero no de existencia del matrimonio). Los otros dos elementos considerados para justificar el ejercicio de la potestad jurisdiccional en el caso son: la dimensión renovada, dinámica y participada, de la pertenencia eclesial y la renovada dimensión pastoral del proceso canónico. Por su parte, el 'fumus boni iuris' de la demanda judicial vendrá identificado por el hecho de que dos católicos han elegido precisamente 'celebrar su matrimonio', de modo conforme a un rito matrimonial institucionalizado. ------ The actual canonical system does not seem to exclude the praxis of making operative the process of matrimonial nullity in relation with the marriages that Catholics may have celebrated without observing the canonical form. In particular, the 'just cause' of the process, in the case, will be identified by the fact that two Catholics are 'united in marriage', and in that sense, the actual juridical appraisal of the three figures operates, the unitive dimension of which seems to justify precisely the exercise of the jurisdictional power about marriages that Catholics have celebrated without observing the canonical form. The first one is the renewed function that has to be recognized to the canonical form in the new legislation ('conditio iuris' of the validity but not of the existence of marriage). The other two elements considered to justify the exercise of the jurisdictional power in the case are: the renewed, dynamic and participated dimension of the ecclesial affiliation and the renewed pastoral dimension of the canonical procedure. For its part, the 'fumus boni iuris' of the petition will be identified by the fact that two Catholics have opted precisely to celebrate their marriage, in a manner which conforms to the institutionalised marriage rite

    Critics on the Extreme Male Brain Theory and its applications on gender identity within the autistic community.

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    openLa letteratura scientifica ha riscontrato un'alta percentuale di persone transgender all'interno della comunità autistica, con una prevalenza di persone che compiono la transizione da donne a uomini, o FtM. Partendo dalla teoria di Baron-Cohen, denominata Extreme Male Brain Theory, gli studiosi spiegarono questo fenomeno come una mascolinizzazione del cervello presente sia in persone autistiche che uomini trangender (FtM). In questa tesi, riporto le critiche a questo tipo di approccio e come esso possa arrecare danno a entrambe le comunità.Scientific literature found a high percentage of transgender people within the autistic community, with a prevalence of people transitioning from women to men, or FtMs. Starting from Baron-Cohen's theory, called Extreme Male Brain Theory, scholars explained this phenomenon as a masculinization of the brain present in both autistic people and transgender men (FtM). This thesis reports the criticisms of this kind of approach and how it can be harmful to both communities

    Tecniche di realizzazione di superfici di interfaccia con sistemi biologici per dispositivi biomedici miniaturizzati

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha preso in esame lo studio di tecnologie e materiali per la realizzazione di dispositivi miniaturizzati in ambito biomedico. In particolare sono state realizzate delle superfici di interfaccia tra sistemi biologici e artificiali, prendendo in considerazione diverse scale dimensionali, dal centimetro al micrometro. Per ogni intervallo sono stati studiati i problemi connessi alla progettazione, alla strategia di fabbricazione e all’interazione con gli elementi biologici. Sono stati valutati, come sistemi esemplificativi delle varie problematiche, dei dispositivi medici che entrano in contatto con sostanze biologiche (uno strumento endoscopico, un sensore bio-ibrido e un dispositivo lab-on-chip). Gli strumenti sono stati progettati e fabbricati in modo da possedere capacità di attuazione e/o sensorizzazione innovative dal punto di vista ingegneristico e, allo stesso tempo, garantire la sicurezza della parte trattata. The present work is focused on the study of technologies and materials for the production of miniaturized biomedical devices. In particular, different surfaces were developed as interface between artificial and biological systems. Different length scale were considered, between the centimetre and the micrometre; for each range the problems related to the design, the fabrication strategy and the interaction with the biological elements were studied. Different medical devices, which interact with biological substances, are described as examples of the diverse issues (an endoscopic instrument, a bio-hybrid sensor and a lab-on-chip device). The developed devices are safe for the biological systems and, at the same time, they incorporate innovative actuation and sensorization systems

    La enseñanza de la religión en el contexto multirreligioso. La educación religiosa como instrumento de protección del menor: ¿qué relevancia jurídica tiene?

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    The context for this analysis is a study carried out in Italy which concluded that the teaching of the Catholic religion at school may be adapted to current religious pluralism only through a new methodological approach; a hermeneuticexistential renewal that, although typical of the teaching of the Catholic religion in Italy, may be seen as paradigmatic for three reasons. Firstly, because it is capable of comparing various religious confessions without erasing or reinforcing their differences. Secondly, because it respects the historical roots and social value attributed to religion in all states, bearing in mind that the challenge of religious multiculturalism cannot be reduced to which religion is to play a role in the public sphere, but consists of identifying which religion has the appropriate cultural weight to ground constructive interreligious dialogue. Thirdly, because it can also foster legal reflection on the religious identity of each citizen and on their religious duties.El estudio se mueve en el contexto de un ensayo realizado en Italia en el que se señaló que la enseñanza de la religión católica en la escuela puede adaptarse al pluralismo religioso actual solo a través de una renovación metodológica. Una renovación (hermenéutica-existencial) que, aunque típica de la enseñanza de la religión católica en Italia, se puede denominar paradigmática por tres razones. En primer lugar porque es capaz de comparar las diversas confesiones religiosas para no anular o incluso fortalecer sus diferencias. En segundo lugar, porque respeta las raíces históricas y la apreciación social de la religión en todos los estados, teniendo en cuenta que el desafío del multiculturalismo religioso no es reducible a qué religión invocar en el espacio público, sino que consiste en identificar qué religión posee el pondus cultural adecuado para llevar a cabo un diálogo constructivo interreligioso. En tercer lugar, porque también puede estimular una reflexión jurídica sobre la identidad religiosa de cada ciudadano y sobre sus deberes religiosos.

    Evaluation of friction enhancement through soft polymer micro-patterns in active capsule endoscopy

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    Capsule endoscopy is an emerging field in medical technology. Despite very promising innovations, some critical issues are yet to be addressed, such as the management and possible exploitation of the friction in the gastrointestinal environment in order to control capsule locomotion more actively. This paper presents the fabrication and testing of bio-inspired polymeric micro-patterns, which are arrays of cylindrical pillars fabricated via soft lithography. The aim of the work is to develop structures that enhance the grip between an artificial device and the intestinal tissue, without injuring the mucosa. In fact, the patterns are intended to be mounted on microfabricated legs of a capsule robot that is able to move actively in the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving the robot’s traction ability. The effect of micro-patterned surfaces on the leg-slipping behaviour on colon walls was investigated by considering both different pillar dimensions and the influence of tissue morphology. Several in vitro tests on biological samples demonstrated that micro-patterns of pillars made from a soft polymer with an aspect ratio close to 1 enhanced friction by 41.7% with regard to flat surfaces. This work presents preliminary modelling of the friction and adhesion forces in the gastrointestinal environment and some design guidelines for endoscopic devices

    A bio-hybrid tactile sensor incorporating living artificial skin and an impedance sensing array

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    The development of a bio-hybrid tactile sensor array that incorporates a skin analogue comprised of alginate encapsulated fibroblasts is described. The electrical properties are modulated by mechanical stress induced during contact, and changes are detected by a ten-channel dual-electrode impedance sensing array. By continuously monitoring the impedance of the sensor array at a fixed frequency, whilst normal and tangential loads are applied to the skin surface, transient mechanotransduction has been observed. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the preliminary prototype bio-hybrid tactile sensor

    A magnetic internal mechanism for precise orientation of the camera in wireless endoluminal applications

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    Background and study aims: The use of magnetic fields to control operative devices has been recently described in endoluminal and transluminal surgical applications. The exponential decrease of magnetic field strength with distance has major implications for precision of the remote control. We aimed to assess the feasibility and functionality of a novel wireless miniaturized mechanism, based on magnetic forces, for precise orientation of the camera. Materials and methods: A remotely controllable endoscopic capsule was developed as proof of concept. Two intracapsular moveable permanent magnets allow fine positioning, and an externally applied magnetic field permits gross movement and stabilization. Performance was assessed in ex vivo and in vivo bench tests, using porcine upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. Results: Fine control of capsule navigation and rotation was achieved in all tests with an external magnet held steadily about 15 cm from the capsule. The camera could be rotated in steps of 1.8°. This was confirmed by ex vivo tests; the mechanism could adjust the capsule view at 40 different locations in a gastrointestinal tract phantom model. Full 360° viewing was possible in the gastric cavity, while the maximal steering in the colonwas 45° in total. In vivo, a similar performance was verified, where the mechanism was successfully operated every 5 cm for 40 cm in the colon, visually sweeping from side to side of the lumen; 360° views were obtained in the gastric fundus and body, while antrally the luminal walls prevented full rotation. Conclusions: We report the feasibility and effectiveness of the combined use of external static magnetic fields and internal actuation to move small permanent intracapsular magnets to achieve wirelessly controllable and precise camera steering. The concept is applicable to capsule endoscopy as to other instrumentation for laparoscopic, endoluminal, or transluminal procedures
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