5,736 research outputs found

    Non-disturbing quantum measurements

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    We consider pairs of quantum observables (POVMs) and analyze the relation between the notions of non-disturbance, joint measurability and commutativity. We specify conditions under which these properties coincide or differ---depending for instance on the interplay between the number of outcomes and the Hilbert space dimension or on algebraic properties of the effect operators. We also show that (non-)disturbance is in general not a symmetric relation and that it can be decided and quantified by means of a semidefinite program.Comment: Minor corrections in v

    Sensory acceptance of organic and conventional food by children in the age of 2 to 7 years

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    This study is initialized to find out which sensory factors might influence the acceptance of organic food by young children. 138 children aged from 2 to 7 years were recruited at the German Research Institute of Child Nutrition in Dortmund. All these children are participating in the DONALD-Study. Detailed nutrition records are available about breastfeeding and feeding of these children from birth to the age of one and further on. In a 2-year testing-period children tasted organic and conventional food in two-sided Paired Comparison Tests. In both years parents were asked a number of questions, mainly about the nutrition behaviour of their children. Sensory tests were analyzed and connected in different ways: with data of sensory profiles, nutrition records and different questionnaires

    Microscopic origin of the anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear kagome magnets

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    The anomalous Hall effect is commonly considered a signature of ferromagnetism. However, recently, an enormous anomalous Hall conductivity was measured in the compensated kagome magnets Mn3Sn and Mn3Ge. The occurrence of this effect is allowed by the magnetic point group of these materials; however, its emergence is still lacking a microscopic explanation. Herein we show that the spin-orbit coupling and an out-of-plane tilting of the texture are equivalent for several kagome magnets. Consequently, a coplanar system with spin-orbit coupling behaves as if it were virtually noncoplanar. We show via tight-binding model calculations that the Hall effect can mainly be interpreted as a topological Hall effect generated by the opening angle of the virtually tilted texture. Furthermore, upon tilting the fixed texture out of the kagome plane, we find a critical tilting angle for which the Hall conductivity vanishes for all energies. In this case, the Hamiltonian is invariant under a combined time-reversal and mirror symmetry, because the virtual texture is coplanar

    The semisolid bolus swallow test for clinical diagnosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia: a prospective randomised study

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    Contrary to clinical experience, clinical swallow tests are predominantly performed using water (water swallow tests, WST). In this study, we examine whether swallow tests performed using a bolus of semisolid food (bolus swallow test, BST) offer benefits. In a prospective, randomised, blind study, the results of a standardised saliva swallow test (SST), WST, BST, combinations of these tests and an endoscopic swallow test (FEES) in patients with oropharyngeal swallowing disorders of neurological (NEU) and non-neurological (NNEU) origin were compared. Sensitivity, specificity, test accuracy and inter-rater reliability were analysed. 62 patients (mean age = 64.68; range = 22–84) were included in the study (NEU = 40; NNEU = 22). A sensitivity of 70.7% (NEU = 70.3%, NNEU = 71.4%) and specificity of 82.5% (NEU = 92.3%; NNEU = 100%) were determined for the WST. The BST + SST was found to have a sensitivity of 89.6% (NEU = 66.7%; NNEU = 90.9%) and a specificity of 72.7% (NEU = 87.5%; NNEU = 90.9%). Analysis of test accuracy showed a statistically significant correlation between FEES and BST + SST. Only BST + SST exhibited statistically significant inter-rater reliability. BST in combination with SST was the sensitive clinical instrument for detecting aspiration both over the patient population as a whole and over the two sub-populations. Inter-rater reliability was found to be statistically significant. The results presented here demonstrate the benefit of semisolid food in investigating clinical dysphagia

    Fitting in a complex chi^2 landscape using an optimized hypersurface sampling

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    Fitting a data set with a parametrized model can be seen geometrically as finding the global minimum of the chi^2 hypersurface, depending on a set of parameters {P_i}. This is usually done using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The main drawback of this algorithm is that despite of its fast convergence, it can get stuck if the parameters are not initialized close to the final solution. We propose a modification of the Metropolis algorithm introducing a parameter step tuning that optimizes the sampling of parameter space. The ability of the parameter tuning algorithm together with simulated annealing to find the global chi^2 hypersurface minimum, jumping across chi^2{P_i} barriers when necessary, is demonstrated with synthetic functions and with real data

    Multilateral Environmental Agreements in the WTO: Silence Speaks Volumes

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    This study contributes to the debate concerning the appropriate role of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in in WTO dispute settlement. Its distinguishing feature is that it seeks to address this relationship in light of the reason why the parties have chosen to separate their obligations into two bodies of law without providing an explicit nexus between them. The basic conclusion is that legislators’ silence concerning this relationship should speak volumes to WTO adjudicating bodies: MEAs should not be automatically understood as imposing legally binding obligations on WTO Members, but could be used as sources of factual information

    Charged-particle multiplicity distributions over a wide pseudorapidity range in proton-proton collisions at s√= 0.9, 7, and 8 TeV

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    We present the charged-particle multiplicity distributions over a wide pseudorapidity range (−3.4<η<5.0) for pp collisions at s√=0.9,7, and 8 TeV at the LHC. Results are based on information from the Silicon Pixel Detector and the Forward Multiplicity Detector of ALICE, extending the pseudorapidity coverage of the earlier publications and the high-multiplicity reach. The measurements are compared to results from the CMS experiment and to PYTHIA, PHOJET and EPOS LHC event generators, as well as IP-Glasma calculations
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