106 research outputs found

    The evolution of self-compatibility and its genetic consequences in Leavenworthia alabamica (Brassicaceae)

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    Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 2005The evolution of self-fertilization from the outcrossing condition is a common transition in flowering plants which strongly alters the genetic structure of populations. In general, it is thought that self-fertilization may evolve in response to its innate transmission advantage or pollen limitation, and that this mating system may endanger the long-term viability of populations through mutation accumulation. The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the costs and benefits of self-fertilization in the species Leavenworthia alabamica, which exhibits variation among populations in the presence or absence of self-incompatibility. This variation in mating-system made it possible to directly answer the following questions: 1) what are the agents of selection driving the fixation of self-compatibility alleles in populations?; 2) does inbreeding depression selectively maintain self-incompatibility in nature, and if so, what happens to these deleterious alleles following the transition to self-compatibility?; and 3) does a history of self-fertilization cause populations to accumulate deleterious mutations and potentially experience extinction? In L. alabamica, self-incompatibility predominates in large, stable and geographically central populations. In contrast, self-compatibility and adaptations for self-fertilization evolve in the small, disturbed, and geographically peripheral populations of this species. A field experiment shows that self-compatible genotypes are selectively favored in all environments, but that reductions in mate availability likely favor their spread and fixation in the smallest of populations. This model of mating-system evolution is supported by the nearly complete or complete loss of sequence diversity in all of the independently derived self-compatible taxa of Leavenworthia. Inbreeding depression plays a role in the maintenance of self-incompatibility in L. alabamica, and the spread and fixation of self-compatibility alleles purge populations of these strongly deleterious mutations. Nearly all of the populations of this species do not suffer from a substantial local drift load caused by the fixation of mildly deleleterious mutations. That being said, the oldest and most isolated self-fertilizing population showed a dramatic increase in fitness following crosses between populations. Overall, these results suggests that mutation accumulation may eliminate highly inbreeding plant populations as the stochastic fixation of mildly deleterious mutations depresses fitness over many generations

    Tawuran antar pelajar: penelitian di SMK Diponegoro Kecamatan Ploso dan SMK Dwijaya Bhakti Jombang

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    Ada dua persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya aksi tawuran antar pelajar di SMK Diponegoro Kecamatan Ploso dan SMK Dwijaya Bhakti Jombang; (2) Faktor apa yang paling dominan yang meyebabkan terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar dan faktor yang paing dominan penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar. Untuk mengungkap persoalan tersebut secara menyeluruh dan mendalam maka dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang bersifat kualitatif dalam menganalisis data-data yang diperoleh dilapangan melalui observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis dengan dasar teori Konflik Lewis A. Coser tentang adanya konflik yang dapat menimbulkan dampak positif terhadap kelompok dalam. Hal ini dimaksudkan adanya konflik yang dapat meningkatkan rasa solidaritas clan kebersamaan antara satu dengan yang lain karena faktor lingkungan keseharian mereka yang mengharuskan untuk ikut terlibat kedalam aksi tawuran antar pelajar, mereka bersatu untuk melindungi kelompok mereka dari siapapun yang mengganggu dan menyakiti anggota dalam kelompok yang sudah mereka bentuk. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa (I) Faktor penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar adalah faktor lingkungan dan pergaulan, faktor membela teman, faktor balas dendam, faktor keluarga serta pengaruh perubahan zaman (2) Dari beberapa faktor yang telah dikemukakan faktor lingkungan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dan paling berpangaruh terhadap terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar, karena baik dan buruknya tingkah laku remaja semua itu tidak akan lepas dari lingkungan tempat mereka beradaptasi dan menghabiskan waktu kesehariannya dengan teman-teman mereka

    Negotiating the modern cross-class ‘model home’:domestic experiences in Basil Spence’s Claremont Court

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    This article investigates the spatial articulation of architecture and home through the exploration of current domestic experiences in Basil Spence’s Claremont Court housing scheme (1959-1962), Edinburgh. How architecture and home are both idealized and lived is the backdrop for a discussion that draws on the concept of “model home,” or physical representation of a domestic ideal. The article reads Claremont Court as an architectural prototype of the modern domestic ideal, before exploring its reception by five of its households through the use of visual methods and semistructured interviews. Receiving the model home involves negotiating between ideal and lived homes. Building on this idea, the article contributes with a focus on the spatiality of such reception, showing how it is modulated according to the architectural affordances that the “model home” represents. The article expands on scholarship on architecture and home with empirical evidence that argues the reciprocal spatiality of home

    data for: Hybrid breakdown is elevated near the historical cores of a species\u27 range

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    Data and code for the manuscript: Accumulation of hybrid incompatibilities reflects neutral genetic structure more strongly than climatic differentiation F1 and F2 fitness data from within and between population crosses of Campanula americana are in F1_fitness.xls and F2_fitness.xls files, respectively. Data used for multiple linear regression testing the effects of neutral genetic and climatic differentiation on hybrid breakdown are in multipleReg_input.xls. Prism climatic data used to calculate Mahalonobis environmental distances are in prism_annual.xls. Code for resampling fitness data to calculate standard deviation of hybrid breakdown within hybrid crosses is provided in \u27resample_fitness.R\u27. Code for the mutliple linear regression is provided in \u27multipleReg_code.R\u27 and code to calculate Mahalanobis D are in \u27Mahalanobis_Env_D.R\u27

    Model source code

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    Contains C++ files used to model inbreeding depression in autotetraploid

    Data from: Bottlenecks and inbreeding depression in autotetraploids

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    Inbreeding depression is dependent on the ploidy of populations and can inhibit the evolution of selfing. While polyploids should generally harbor less inbreeding depression than diploids at equilibrium, it has been unclear whether this pattern holds in non-equilibrium conditions following bottlenecks. We use stochastic individual based simulations to determine the effects of population bottlenecks on inbreeding depression in diploids and autotetraploids, in addition to cases where neo-autotetraploids form from the union of unreduced gametes. With a ploidy-independent dominance function based on enzyme kinetics, inbreeding depression is generally lower in autotetraploids for fully and partially recessive mutations. Due to the sampling of more chromosomes during reproduction, bottlenecks generally reduce inbreeding depression to a lesser extent in autotetraploids. All else being equal, population bottlenecks may have ploidy dependent effects for another reason – in some cases mating between close relatives temporarily increases inbreeding depression in autotetraploids by increasing the frequency of the heterozygous genotype harboring the most harmful mutations. When neo-autotetraploids are formed by few individuals, inbreeding depression is dramatically reduced, given extensive masking of harmful mutations following whole genome duplication. This effect persists as nascent tetraploids reach mutation-selection-drift balance, providing a transient period of permissive conditions favoring the evolution of selfing