237 research outputs found

    The interplay of short‐term mesophyll and stomatal conductance responses under variable environmental conditions

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    Understanding the short‐term responses of mesophyll conductance (gm) and stomatal conductance (gsc) to environmental changes remains a challenging yet central aspect of plant physiology. This review synthesises our current knowledge of these short‐term responses, which underpin CO2 diffusion within leaves. Recent methodological advances in measuring gm using online isotopic discrimination and chlorophyll fluorescence have improved our confidence in detecting short‐term gm responses, but results need to be carefully evaluated. Environmental factors like vapour pressure deficit and CO2 concentration indirectly impact gm through gsc changes, highlighting some of the complex interactions between the two parameters. Evidence suggests that short‐term responses of gm are not, or at least not fully, mechanistically linked to changes in gsc, cautioning against using gsc as a reliable proxy for gm. The overarching challenge lies in unravelling the mechanistic basis of short‐term gm responses, which will contribute to the development of accurate models bridging laboratory insights with broader ecological implications. Addressing these gaps in understanding is crucial for refining predictions of gm behaviour under changing environmental conditions

    How do ionic superdiscs self-assemble in nanopores?

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    Discotic ionic liquid crystals (DILCs) consist of self-assembled superdiscs of cations and anions that spontaneously stack in linear columns with high one-dimensional ionic and electronic charge mobility, making them prominent model systems for functional soft matter. Unfortunately, a homogeneous alignment of DILCs on the macroscale is often not achievable, which significantly limits their applicability. Infiltration into nanoporous solid scaffolds can in principle overcome this drawback. However, due to the extreme experimental challenges to scrutinise liquid crystalline order in extreme spatial confinement, little is known about the structures of DILCs in nanopores. Here, we present temperature-dependent high-resolution optical birefringence measurement and 3D reciprocal space mapping based on synchrotron-based X-ray scattering to investigate the thermotropic phase behaviour of dopamine-based ionic liquid crystals confined in cylindrical channels of 180~nm diameter in macroscopic anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes. As a function of the membranes' hydrophilicity and thus the molecular anchoring to the pore walls (edge-on or face-on) and the variation of the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance between the aromatic cores and the alkyl side chain motifs of the superdiscs by tailored chemical synthesis, we find a particularly rich phase behaviour, which is not present in the bulk state. It is governed by a complex interplay of liquid crystalline elastic energies (bending and splay deformations), polar interactions and pure geometric confinement, and includes textural transitions between radial and axial alignment of the columns with respect to the long nanochannel axis.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 1 ancillary fil

    Obligatory amino acid exchange via systems b0,+ like and y+L-like. A tertiary active transport mechanism for renal re-absorption of cystine and diabsic amino acids

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    Mutations in the rBAT gene cause type I cystinuria, a common inherited aminoaciduria of cystine and dibasic amino acids due to their defective renal and intestinal reabsorption (Calonge, M. J., Gasparini, P., ChillarĂłn, J., ChillĂłn, M., Gallucci, M., Rousaud, F., Zelante, L., Testar, X., Dallapiccola, B., Di Silverio, F., BarcelĂł, P., Estivill, X., Zorzano, A., Nunes, V., and PalacĂ­n, M. (1994) Nat. Genet. 6, 420-426; Calonge, M. J., Volipini, V., Bisceglia, L., Rousaud, F., De Sanctis, L., Beccia, E., Zelante, L., Testar, X., Zorzano, A., Estivill, X., Gasparini, P., Nunes, V., and PalacĂ­n, M.(1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 92, 9667-9671). One important question that remains to be clarified is how the apparently non-concentrative system bo,+-like, associated with rBAT expression, participates in the active renal reabsorption of these amino acids. Several studies have demonstrated exchange of amino acids induced by rBAT in Xenopus oocytes. Here we offer evidence that system bo,+-like is an obligatory amino acid exchanger in oocytes and in the 'renal proximal tubular' cell line OK. System bo, +-like showed a 1:1 stoichiometry of exchange, and the hetero-exchange dibasic (inward) with neutral (outward) amino acids were favored in oocytes. Obligatory exchange of amino acids via system bo,+-like fully explained the amino acid-induced current in rBAT-injected oocytes. Exchange via system bo,+-like is coupled enough to ensure a specific accumulation of substrates until the complete replacement of the internal oocyte substrates. Due to structural and functional analogies of the cell surface antigen 4F2hc to rBAT, we tested for amino acid exchange via system y+L-like. 4F2hc-injected oocytes accumulated substrates to a level higher than CAT1-injected oocytes (i.e. oocytes expressing system y+) and showed exchange of amino acids with the substrate specificity of system y+L and L-leucine-induced outward currents in the absence of extracellular sodium. In contrast to L-arginine, system y+L-like did not mediate measurable L-leucine efflux from the oocyte. We propose a role of systems bo,+-like and y+L-like in the renal reabsorption of cystine and dibasic amino acids that is based on their active tertiary transport mechanism and on the apical and basolateral localization of rBAT and 4F2hc, respectively, in the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule of the nephron

    Manipulating photorespiration to increase plant productivity:recent advances and perspectives for crop improvement

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    Recycling of the 2-phosphoglycolate generated by the oxygenase reaction of Rubisco requires a complex and energy-consuming set of reactions collectively known as the photorespiratory cycle. Several approaches aimed at reducing the rates of photorespiratory energy or carbon loss have been proposed, based either on screening for natural variation or by means of genetic engineering. Recent work indicates that plant yield can be substantially improved by the alteration of photorespiratory fluxes or by engineering artificial bypasses to photorespiration. However, there is also evidence indicating that, under certain environmental and/or nutritional conditions, reduced photorespiratory capacity may be detrimental to plant performance. Here we summarize recent advances obtained in photorespiratory engineering and discuss prospects for these advances to be transferred to major crops to help address the globally increasing demand for food and biomass production

    Overexpression of Rubisco subunits with RAF1 increases Rubisco content in maize.

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    Rubisco catalyses a rate-limiting step in photosynthesis and has long been a target for improvement due to its slow turnover rate. An alternative to modifying catalytic properties of Rubisco is to increase its abundance within C4 plant chloroplasts, which might increase activity and confer a higher carbon assimilation rate. Here, we overexpress the Rubisco large (LS) and small (SS) subunits with the Rubisco assembly chaperone RUBISCO ASSEMBLY FACTOR 1 (RAF1). While overexpression of LS and/or SS had no discernable impact on Rubisco content, addition of RAF1 overexpression resulted in a >30% increase in Rubisco content. Gas exchange showed a 15% increase in CO2 assimilation (ASAT) in UBI-LSSS-RAF1 transgenic plants, which correlated with increased fresh weight and in vitro Vcmax calculations. The divergence of Rubisco content and assimilation could be accounted for by the Rubisco activation state, which decreased up to 23%, suggesting that Rubisco activase may be limiting Vcmax, and impinging on the realization of photosynthetic potential from increased Rubisco content.This research was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture, under award number 2016-67013-24464. Travel to the Australian National University was supported by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, International Research Travel Grant at Cornell University

    Biomarkers in Liquid Biopsies for Prediction of Early Liver Metastases in Pancreatic Cancer

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    Individualized diagnostics approaches in modern cancer therapy require predictive and prognostic biomarkers that are easily accessible and stratify patients for optimal and individualized treatment. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is still a life-threatening disease mainly because of its late diagnosis in advanced stages or rapid progress even in patients with curative resection of the primary tumor. Moreover, patients with liver metastases exhibit an even worse prognosis. Hence, this retrospective multi-center study aims to identify biomarkers in perioperative serum of PDAC patients predicting early liver metastasis. A highly sensitive biomarker analysis was performed using two different methodological approaches. OlinkÂź analysis, which was also used to validate LEGENDplexTM results, identified significant differences in proteins involved in chemotaxis and migration of immune cells as well as cell growth in serum of patients with early versus late onset of liver metastasis. Further studies with larger cohorts are required to validate these findings for clinical translation

    A guide to photosynthetic gas exchange measurements:Fundamental principles, best practice and potential pitfalls

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    Gas exchange measurements enable mechanistic insights into the processes that underpin carbon and water fluxes in plant leaves which in turn inform understanding of related processes at a range of scales from individual cells to entire ecosytems. Given the importance of photosynthesis for the global climate discussion it is important to (a) foster a basic understanding of the fundamental principles underpinning the experimental methods used by the broad community, and (b) ensure best practice and correct data interpretation within the research community. In this review, we outline the biochemical and biophysical parameters of photosynthesis that can be investigated with gas exchange measurements and we provide step‐by‐step guidance on how to reliably measure them. We advise on best practices for using gas exchange equipment and highlight potential pitfalls in experimental design and data interpretation. The Supporting Information contains exemplary data sets, experimental protocols and data‐modelling routines. This review is a community effort to equip both the experimental researcher and the data modeller with a solid understanding of the theoretical basis of gas‐exchange measurements, the rationale behind different experimental protocols and the approaches to data interpretation

    Simultaneous Magneto-Optical Trapping of Two Lithium Isotopes

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    We confine 4 10^8 fermionic 6Li atoms simultaneously with 9 10^9 bosonic 7Li atoms in a magneto-optical trap based on an all-semiconductor laser system. We optimize the two-isotope sample for sympathetic evaporative cooling. This is an essential step towards the production of a quantum-degenerate gas of fermionic lithium atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Generation of ordered protein assemblies using rigid three-body fusion

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    Protein nanomaterial design is an emerging discipline with applications in medicine and beyond. A longstanding design approach uses genetic fusion to join protein homo-oligomer subunits via α-helical linkers to form more complex symmetric assemblies, but this method is hampered by linker flexibility and a dearth of geometric solutions. Here, we describe a general computational method that performs rigid three-body fusion of homo-oligomer and spacer building blocks to generate user-defined architectures, while at the same time significantly increasing the number of geometric solutions over typical symmetric fusion. The fusion junctions are then optimized using Rosetta to minimize flexibility. We apply this method to design and test 92 dihedral symmetric protein assemblies from a set of designed homo-dimers and repeat protein building blocks. Experimental validation by native mass spectrometry, small angle X-ray scattering, and negative-stain single-particle electron microscopy confirms the assembly states for 11 designs. Most of these assemblies are constructed from DARPins (designed ankyrin repeat proteins), anchored on one end by α-helical fusion and on the other by a designed homo-dimer interface, and we explored their use for cryo-EM structure determination by incorporating DARPin variants selected to bind targets of interest. Although the target resolution was limited by preferred orientation effects, small scaffold size, and the low-order symmetry of these dihedral scaffolds, we found that the dual anchoring strategy reduced the flexibility of the target-DARPIN complex with respect to the overall assembly, suggesting that multipoint anchoring of binding domains could contribute to cryo-EM structure determination of small proteins

    Generation of ordered protein assemblies using rigid three-body fusion

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    Protein nanomaterial design is an emerging discipline with applications in medicine and beyond. A longstanding design approach uses genetic fusion to join protein homo-oligomer subunits via α-helical linkers to form more complex symmetric assemblies, but this method is hampered by linker flexibility and a dearth of geometric solutions. Here, we describe a general computational method that performs rigid three-body fusion of homo-oligomer and spacer building blocks to generate user-defined architectures, while at the same time significantly increasing the number of geometric solutions over typical symmetric fusion. The fusion junctions are then optimized using Rosetta to minimize flexibility. We apply this method to design and test 92 dihedral symmetric protein assemblies from a set of designed homo-dimers and repeat protein building blocks. Experimental validation by native mass spectrometry, small angle X-ray scattering, and negative-stain single-particle electron microscopy confirms the assembly states for 11 designs. Most of these assemblies are constructed from DARPins (designed ankyrin repeat proteins), anchored on one end by α-helical fusion and on the other by a designed homo-dimer interface, and we explored their use for cryo-EM structure determination by incorporating DARPin variants selected to bind targets of interest. Although the target resolution was limited by preferred orientation effects, small scaffold size, and the low-order symmetry of these dihedral scaffolds, we found that the dual anchoring strategy reduced the flexibility of the target-DARPIN complex with respect to the overall assembly, suggesting that multipoint anchoring of binding domains could contribute to cryo-EM structure determination of small proteins
