27 research outputs found

    La naturalesa de la t脿ctica esportiva: aproximacions a la seva mesura

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    La t脿ctica esportiva, la relaci贸 de l鈥檈sportista amb els altres esportistes de l鈥檈ntorn o les aptituds interactives dels individus fent esport centren la refl exi贸 del present article. S鈥檃profundeix en el marc de refer猫ncia i en la visi贸 de diversos autors del fenomen t脿ctic a l鈥檈sport. S鈥檃porta una an脿lisi etimol貌gica dels termes vinculats i es revisen les principals propostes que s鈥檋an utilitzat per mesurar les aptituds t脿ctiques i cognitives a l鈥檈sport. Finalment, s鈥檃punten algunes l铆nies de recerca futura centrades en la utilitzaci贸 de les noves tecnologies

    Disseny d'un test per avaluar les aptituds cognitives a l'esport (TACE)

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    [cat] El raonament, la cognici贸 i el comportament dels individus intel路ligents han estat un dels eixos en el camp de la mesura de les aptituds esportives en els darrers anys. La seva perspectiva multicanal, la dificultat per acotar-ne l'origen i la seva incid猫ncia en el rendiment i l'aprenentatge esportius n'han estat, possiblement, les raons fonamentals. Aquesta dificultat en el camp de la recerca cient铆fica, s'ha obviat en el terreny de la praxis en el m贸n de l'entrenament. Nombrosos entrenadors/es i especialistes utilitzen termes com "jugadors llestos", "esportistes espavilats" i "comportaments intel路ligents " dins els terrenys de joc amb molta freq眉猫ncia, i amb no menys encert. Parlen de subjectes que troben la soluci贸 bona en situacions diverses de menor o major complexitat. En aquesta l铆nia, el criteri cognitiu s'ha erigit com un bon indicador del nivell d'expertesa esportiva (Starkes, 1987; Abernethy, 1988, 1994; Helsen i Starkes, 1999; Ward i Williams, 2003). El car脿cter multifactorial que explica la capacitat d'aprenentatge i de rendiment esportiu i la manca d'eines psicom猫triques per avaluar les aptituds funcionals necess脿ries per a la pr脿ctica esportiva (Riera, 2005), justifiquen el plantejament d'una proposta de disseny d'un test d'aquestes caracter铆stiques. Aquesta tesi doctoral ofereix un instrument de mesura de les aptituds cognitives esportives des d'una perspectiva psicom猫trica. Despr茅s d'establir un marc de refer猫ncia per a la classificaci贸 de les habilitats esportives (Riera, 2001), de definir el constructe d'aptitud cognitiva esportiva (Busc脿, 2005) i despr茅s de revisar els principals estudis i instruments que tenen per objectiu avaluar diversos constructes psicol貌gics relacionats amb la cognici贸 en situacions esportives, es procedeix a la construcci贸 d'un test per avaluar les aptituds cognitives a l'esport (TACE). Per tal de plasmar les situacions esportives de forma intel路ligible minimitzant, aix铆, la influ猫ncia del raonament verbal d'铆tems escrits, s'han dibuixat 75 situacions esportives que es corresponen amb problemes reals que es donen en l' esport i que cobreixen tan les habilitats b脿siques com les t猫cniques i les t脿ctiques. Els 铆tems es presenten en una aplicaci贸 inform脿tica molt intu茂tiva per a qu猫 cada subjecte pugui respondre de forma aut貌noma i amb el ritme propi. Per cada situaci贸, es presenten 5 opcions de resposta de les quals una ha de ser escollida pel subjecte de forma obligat貌ria. Despr茅s de fer una prova pilot amb una mostra seleccionada (n=57) i de procedir a l'an脿lisi dels 铆tems i dels distractors, es van seleccionar 64 铆tems els quals es van administrar en la versi贸 consolidada del TACE a una mostra d'estudiants de secund脿ria (n=242). De la segona an脿lisi dels 铆tems, se'n van consolidar 56 els resultats dels quals es van utilitzar per realitzar l'estudi emp铆ric per determinar la fiabilitat i la validesa del test. Es van calcular indicadors de fiabilitat amb un valor d'伪 de Cronbach de 0,77 (n=56) i una correlaci贸 de Pearson entre test i retest de 0,72 (n=69) i es van establir criteris de validesa de contingut, de criteri i de constructe. L'opini贸 d'experts i una correlaci贸 de Pearson entre el resultat en el TACE i un criteri extern de valoraci贸 del professor d'educaci贸 f铆sica (r=0,40; p<0,00) van consolidar-ne la validesa de contingut i de criteri. La posterior comparaci贸 de mitjanes entre subgrups de la mostra van apuntar diferencies de g猫nere en la resoluci贸 de problemes. De la mateixa manera es van observar difer猫ncies significatives en els resultats del test en funci贸 de la quantitat i tipus de pr脿ctica dels subjectes. L'an脿lisi factorial va permetre establir indicis raonables per estimar la validesa de constructe del test aix铆 com per confirmar la qualitat psicom猫trica dels 铆tems. Una primera aproximaci贸 explorat貌ria (valor mitj脿 d'extracci贸 de r=0,64) va permetre extreure 23 factors incapa莽os de contribu茂r a l'explicaci贸 del constructe. Una posterior an脿lisi factorial per categories d'铆tems (valor mitj脿 d'extracci贸 de r=0,92) va permetre extreure dos factors diferenciats que explicaven el 79,87% de la vari脿ncia i que s'associaven als conceptes de t猫cnica i de t脿ctica a causa de les altres correlacions que aquests factors tenien amb les categories d'铆tems associades a aspectes t猫cnics i t脿ctics dels esports. Els resultats es discuteixen en relaci贸 a altres processos de construcci贸 d'instruments psicom猫trics de caire esportiu.[eng] The aim of this doctoral thesis is to provide an instrument to measure the cognitive abilities in sport from a psychometric point of view. Once the reference frame to classify the abilities in sport is established (Riera, 2001; 2005), to define the cognitive ability construct (Busc脿, 2005), and to review the most prominent research and instruments the aim of which is to evaluate the different psychological constructs related to cognition in sporting frames, this paper is meant to develop a test to evaluate the cognitive abilities in sport (TACE). In order to comprehensibly capture the varied conditions in sport, the influence of verbal reasoning in the shown items has been minimized. A number of 75 sporting situations corresponding to real cases have been described. Such situations cover the basic together with the technical and tactical skills. The items are shown in a very intuitive computerized application so as each subject of study can answer autonomously and at a pace of his own. For every single situation five answering options are presented one of them to be compulsorily chosen. After a pilot scheme on a selected sample (n=57) and the following analysis of the items and distractors is carried out, a number of 64 items were selected which, in the consolidated version of TACE, were fed to a sample of secondary students (n=242). From the second analysis of items, 56 results were consolidated which were used to set up an empirical study to determine the validity and reliability of the test. Reliability indicators were worked out with 0.77 Cronbach's 伪 value and some validity criteria to content, to criteria and to construct were established. Reasonable signs to consider the test validity were set up by experts' opinion, a Pearson's correlation between the TACE results and an external evaluation from the physical education teacher together with the mean comparison among samples subgroups and factorial analysis. Results are explained in relation to other processes of construction of psychometric tools in the sport area

    Aproximaci贸 al constructe d'intel路lig猫ncia esportiva

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    La lucha temporal entre el bloqueador central y el colocador en el voleibol de alto nivel

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the temporal fight of the volleyball Spanish high-level setter and the opponent middle-blocker to get advantage in the attack construction situations and blocking, respectively. A frame-by-frame high-speed video sequences analysis was used to calculate temporal descriptive data from setting trajectories and the anticipatory behaviour of the middle-blocker. In addition, middle-blockers behaviours were analyzed according to temporal motor response proposed by Broker and Crawley (2001) in a similar task. There was some evidence that middle-blockers develop anticipated responses for 60,94% of the actions. Finally, the relationship with block effectiveness was analyzed.En el presente estudio se analiza la lucha temporal del colocador de voleibol de alto nivel espa帽ol y el central oponente para conseguir ventaja en la construcci贸n del ataque y el bloqueo, respectivamente. A trav茅s del an谩lisis de recuento de im谩genes registradas con v铆deo de alta velocidad, se aportan datos temporales descriptivos de las trayectorias de pase y las conductas anticipatorias del central oponente con gran precisi贸n. Posteriormente se contrastan dichas conductas con el tiempo de respuesta motora propuesta por Broker y Crawley (2001) en una tarea de bloqueo y se constata que los centrales se anticipan en un 60,94% de las acciones. Finalmente se analiz贸 la relaci贸n del comportamiento del central con la eficacia en el bloqueo

    A low-cost contact system to assess load displacement velocity in a resistance training machine

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    This study sought to determine the validity of a new system for assessing the displacement and average velocity within machine-based resistance training exercise using the Chronojump System. The new design is based on a contact bar and a simple, low-cost mechanism that detects the conductivity of electrical potentials with a precision chronograph. This system allows coaches to assess velocity to control the strength training process. A validation study was performed by assessing the concentric phase parameters of a leg press exercise. Output time data from the Chronojump System in combination with the preestablished range of movement was compared with data from a position sensor connected to a Biopac System. A subset of 87 actions from 11 professional tennis players was recorded and, using the two methods, average velocity and displacement variables in the same action were compared. A t-test for dependent samples and a correlation analysis were undertaken. The r value derived from the correlation between the Biopac System and the contact Chronojump System was >0.94 for all measures of displacement and velocity on all loads (p < 0.01). The Effect Size (ES) was 0.18 in displacement and 0.14 in velocity and ranged from 0.09 to 0.31 and from 0.07 to 0.34, respectively. The magnitude of the difference between the two methods in all parameters and the correlation values provided certain evidence of validity of the Chronojump System to assess the average displacement velocity of loads in a resistance training machine

    Herramienta observacional para analizar la cobertura del ataque en voleibol

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    This study presents a methodological proposal that uses a competitive model to analyze a game action in volleyball known as the attack coverage. An ad hoc observation tool was designed to carry out synchronic and diachronic analyses of the action under study whilst taking into account the different levels of behavioural interaction that can occur between players on the same team. Once the quality of the data had been verified, we carried out an exploratory study of the libero player and found 19 coverage patterns in different game situations. The results reinforced the idea that each player should take responsibility for a specific area of coverage in each particular attack zone.En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodol贸gica para analizar una acci贸n de juego del voleibol, la cobertura del ataque, desde la perspectiva del modelo competitivo. Atendiendo a los distintos niveles de interacci贸n conductual que pueden desarrollar los jugadores de un mismo equipo, se dise帽贸 un instrumento de observaci贸n ad hoc que permite realizar an谩lisis sincr贸nicos y diacr贸nicos de la acci贸n objeto de estudio. Una vez verificada la calidad del dato, se efectu贸 un estudio exploratorio de la jugadora l铆bero en el que se detectaron 19 patrones de cobertura en distintas situaciones de juego. Los resultados obtenidos reforzaron la idea de que cada jugador debe asumir un 谩rea de responsabilidad de cobertura determinada para cada zona de ataque en particular

    Orientaci贸n deportiva hacia actividades t谩cticas

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    The orientation towards a good choice of a sport would allow youngsters to choose the most adapted one to their personal characteristics. In order to do that, it is absolutely necessary to identify those personal characteristics that play an important role in every single sport or group of similar sports. Based on a competition in a tactical trial and the measure of different individual characteristics, in a reduced group of teenagers (14-15), in this research we try to give data to orient towards tactical sports practice. The data seems to support that some psychological characteristics contribute to success in tactical competitions. As a discussion, different proposals to verify the methodology used in this study about sportive orientation towards tactical sports are suggested.La orientaci贸n para la elecci贸n de un deporte posibilitar铆a que los/las j贸venes deportistas escogieran el deportes m谩s adecuado a sus caracter铆sticas personales. Para ello es necesario identificar las caracter铆sticas personales que favorecen el progreso en cada deporte o grupo de deportes similares. En esta investigaci贸n se intenta aportar datos para orientar hacia la pr谩ctica en deportes t谩cticos, a partir de una competici贸n en una prueba t谩ctica y de la medici贸n de diversas caracter铆sticas individuales en un grupo reducido de jovenes de 14-15a帽os. Los datos parecen apoyar que algunas caracter铆sticas psicol贸gicas contribuyen al 茅xito en la competici贸n t谩ctica. A partir de la discusi贸n de los resultados se sugieren diversas propuestas para verificar el alcance de la metodolog铆a utilizada para la orientaci贸n deportiva hacia los deportes t谩cticos

    Competitive balance using Accumulated Points Difference method in male and female roller hockey leagues

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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the competitive balance in both men鈥檚 and women鈥檚 professional division roller hockey competitions (Spanish and Portugal leagues) comparing the results obtained according to the sex of participants. The sample was composed of 5,942 roller hockey games (2,044 in Spanish male league, 1,580 in Spanish female league, 1,814 in Portuguese male league and 504 in Portuguese female league) between the 2009-2010 and 2017-18 seasons. To calculate the competitive balance, it was used the Accumulated Points Difference index andthe one way ANOVA followed by Tukey Post Hoc multiple comparison test. The results showed that male leagues are more balanced than female (71.41卤11.29 vs. 79.65卤5.75 for Spanish leagues and 75.56卤7.54 vs. 80.16卤15.01 for Portuguese leagues). The results in relation to the sex of participants are consistent with previous studies in other sports like football. The analysis of the competitive balance could be useful for the governing body of Roller Hockey Federations to have quantitative data of the equality that exists in each league and to asses if it is necessary to introduce changes in the competition to make it more equalized in order to increase the audience

    Acute effects of jaw clenching using a customized mouthguard on anaerobic ability and ventilatory flows

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    The latest findings on the ergogenic effects of a dentistry-design, bite-aligning mouthpiece require additional research to assess its impact on anaerobic ability and ventilatory parameters. This paper was aimed at determining the ergogenic acute effects of wearing a custom-made mouthpiece on oral airflow dynamics, 30-s Wingate Anaerobic Test performance parameters. Twenty-eight healthy and physically-active male subjects (age: 24.50 卤 3.32, height: 181.34 卤 7.4, weight: 78.14 卤 8.21), were voluntarily studied. The subjects were first briefed on the test protocols, and then performed the 30s Wingate test and Spirometer test. The experimental trials were performed in a random counterbalanced order. We evaluate maximum expiratory volume (VEmax L min(-1)), mean power (W kg(-1)), peak power (W kg(-1)), time to peak (s), rate to fatigue (Ws(-1)) and lactate production (mMol L(-1)), rate of perceived exertion (RPE). There were significant differences between mouthguard and no-mouthguard conditions in mean power (W kg(-1)), peak power (W kg(-1)), time to peak (s), and rate to fatigue (Ws(-1)) for the 30-s Wingate Anaerobic Test. Significantly lower lactate production (mMol L(-1)) was observed, in mouthguard condition but no significant differences were found in RPE. In airflow dynamics, the VEmax L min(-1) was significantly higher when comparing the mouthguard and the no mouthguard conditions in both forced and unforced conditions. In conclusion, wearing a customized mouthguard improves anaerobic ability and increases forced expiratory volume. This study will help practitioners improve athlete's performance in anaerobic activities where high intensity action might provoke jaw-clenching, contributing in reductions of lactate and fatigue, and improving ventilatory parameters