970 research outputs found

    Geothermal heat flow in Antarctica: Current and future directions

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    Antarctic geothermal heat flow (GHF) affects the temperature of the ice sheet, determining its ability to slide and internally deform, as well as the behaviour of the continental crust. However, GHF remains poorly constrained, with few and sparse local, borehole-derived estimates and large discrepancies in the magnitude and distribution of existing continent-scale estimates from geophysical models. We review the methods to estimate GHF, discussing the strengths and limitations of each approach; compile borehole and probe-derived estimates from measured temperature profiles; and recommend the following future directions. (1) Obtain more borehole-derived estimates from the subglacial bedrock and englacial temperature profiles. (2) Estimate GHF from inverse glaciological modelling, constrained by evidence for basal melting and englacial temperatures (e.g. using microwave emissivity). (3) Revise geophysically derived GHF estimates using a combination of Curie depth, seismic, and thermal isostasy models. (4) Integrate in these geophysical approaches a more accurate model of the structure and distribution of heat production elements within the crust and considering heterogeneities in the underlying mantle. (5) Continue international interdisciplinary communication and data access

    An automated methodology for differentiating rock from snow, clouds and sea in Antarctica from Landsat 8 imagery: A new rock outcrop map and area estimation for the entire Antarctic continent

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    As the accuracy and sensitivity of remote-sensing satellites improve, there is an increasing demand for more accurate and updated base datasets for surveying and monitoring. However, differentiating rock outcrop from snow and ice is a particular problem in Antarctica, where extensive cloud cover and widespread shaded regions lead to classification errors. The existing rock outcrop dataset has significant georeferencing issues as well as overestimation and generalisation of rock exposure areas. The most commonly used method for automated rock and snow differentiation, the normalised difference snow index (NDSI), has difficulty differentiating rock and snow in Antarctica due to misclassification of shaded pixels and is not able to differentiate illuminated rock from clouds. This study presents a new method for identifying rock exposures using Landsat 8 data. This is the first automated methodology for snow and rock differentiation that excludes areas of snow (both illuminated and shaded), clouds and liquid water whilst identifying both sunlit and shaded rock, achieving higher and more consistent accuracies than alternative data and methods such as the NDSI. The new methodology has been applied to the whole Antarctic continent (north of 82°40′ S) using Landsat 8 data to produce a new rock outcrop dataset for Antarctica. The new data (merged with existing data where Landsat 8 tiles are unavailable; most extensively south of 82°40′ S) reveal that exposed rock forms 0.18 % (21 745 km2) of the total land area of Antarctica: half of previous estimates

    Autochthonous vs. accreted terrane development of continental margins: a revised in situ tectonic history of the Antarctic Peninsula

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    The allochthonous terrane accretion model previously proposed for the geological development of the Antarctic Peninsula continental margin arc is reviewed in light of recent data and the geology is reinterpreted as having evolved as an in situ continental arc. This is based upon the following factors: (1) the presence of Early Palaeozoic basement and stratigraphic correlation of sequences between the autochthonous and previously proposed allochthonous terranes; (2) isotopic evidence for similar deep crustal structure across the different terranes; (3) ocean island basalt magmas and deep marine sedimentary rocks formed during continental margin extension within the previously proposed accretionary wedge sequence (i.e. not formed against an active oceanic arc); (4) the distribution of magnetic susceptibility measurements and aeromagnetic data locating the palaeo-subduction zone along the west of the Peninsula; (5) a lack of clear palaeomagnetic distinction between the terranes. The following alternative tectonic history is proposed: (1) amalgamation and persistence of Gondwana; (2) subsequent silicic large igneous province magmatism and extension; (3) development and history of Andean subduction until its cessation in the Cenozoic. A number of features in the Antarctic Peninsula correlate with those of other circum-Pacific margins, supporting a global evaluation of allochthonous v. autochthonous margin development to aid our understanding of crustal growth mechanisms

    Breaking the Ring of Fire: How ridge collision, slab age, and convergence rate narrowed and terminated the Antarctic continental arc

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    The geometry of the Antarctic-Phoenix Plate system, with the Antarctic Plate forming both the overriding plate and the conjugate to the subducting oceanic plate, allows quantification of slab age and convergence rate back to the Paleocene and direct comparison with the associated magmatic arc. New Ar-Ar data from Cape Melville (South Shetland Islands, SSI) and collated geochronology shows Antarctic arc magmatism ceased at ∼19 Ma. Since the Cretaceous, the arc front remained ∼100 km from the trench whilst its rear migrated trenchward at 6 km/Myr. South of the SSI, arc magmatism ceased ∼8–5 Myr prior to each ridge-trench collision, whilst on the SSI (where no collision occurred) the end of arc magmatism predates the end of subduction by ∼16 Myr. Despite the narrowing and successive cessation of the arc, geochemical and dyke orientation data shows the arc remained in a consistently transitional state of compressional continental arc and extensional backarc tectonics. Numerically relating slab age, convergence rate, and slab dip to the Antarctic-Phoenix Plate system, we conclude that the narrowing of the arc and the cessation of magmatism south of the South Shetland Islands was primarily in response to the subduction of progressively younger oceanic crust, and secondarily to the decreasing convergence rate. Increased slab dip beneath the SSI migrated the final magmatism offshore. Comparable changes in the geometry and composition are observed on the Andean arc, suggesting slab age and convergence rate may affect magmatic arc geometry and composition in settings currently attributed to slab dip variation

    Evolution of an accretionary complex (LeMay Group) and terrane translation in the Antarctic Peninsula

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    The LeMay Group accretionary complex of Alexander Island (Antarctic Peninsula) comprises a 4 km thick succession of variably deformed turbidites associated with thrust slices of ocean floor basalts. The depositional age and provenance of the succession is uncertain with estimates ranging from Carboniferous to Cretaceous. The accretion history is also poorly established and whether the LeMay Group developed allochthonously and accreted during an episode of Cretaceous terrane translation. We have examined the geochronology and geochemistry of twenty-two samples from across the entire accretionary complex to determine its depositional, provenance and accretion history. The accretionary complex has been subdivided into four separate groups based on detrital zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf provenance analysis. Groups 1 and 2 are interpreted to be a continuation of the extensive Permian accretionary complexes of West Gondwana and have a depositional age of c. 255 Ma, with volcaniclastic input from the extensive silicic volcanism of the Choiyoi Province. Accretion of the LeMay Group to the continental margin developed during the mid-Triassic, potentially related to the Peninsula Orogeny and an episode of flat-slab subduction of the proto-Pacific plate. Group 3 is only identified from an island to the west of Alexander Island and has a mid-Cretaceous depositional age and provenance akin to offshore sequences from Thurston Island. A para-autochthonous origin is suggested, with mid-Cretaceous accretion associated with the melange belts of central Alexander Island. Group 4 is also a distinct unit with an Early Jurassic depositional age and a source more closely related to the Antarctic Peninsula

    Palaeozoic – Early Mesozoic geological history of the Antarctic Peninsula and correlations with Patagonia: Kinematic reconstructions of the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana

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    The Antarctic Peninsula preserves geological evidence of a long-lived continental margin with intrusive, volcaniclastic and accretionary complexes indicating a convergent margin setting from at least the Cambrian to the Cenozoic. We examine the poorly understood units and successions from the Palaeozoic to the Early Mesozoic and develop detailed kinematic reconstructions for this section of the margin. We use existing geochronology, along with newly presented Usingle bondPb detrital zircon geochronology, combined with detailed field evidence to develop correlations between geological units and tectonic events across Patagonia and the proto-Antarctic Peninsula. The continental margin of Gondwana/Pangea was a convergent margin setting punctuated by crustal block translation, deformation, magmatic pulses (flare-ups) and development of thick accretionary complexes. These events are strongly linked to subducting slab dynamics and a para-autochthonous model is proposed for the long-lived margin. Major magmatic pulses are evident during the Ordovician (Famatinian) and Permian, and the magmatic record is reflected in the detrital zircon age profiles of metasedimentary successions of the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego. Major tectonic events during the Carboniferous – Permian (Gondwanide Orogeny) and Triassic (Chonide Event – Peninsula Orogeny) are recognised across the Antarctic Peninsula – Patagonia and are correlated to potential terrane suturing and flat slab dynamics. Our kinematic reconstructions developed in GPlates, combined with geological field relationships have allowed us to model the locus of magmatism relative to the active margin and also the likely source for thick sedimentary successions

    Extracellular Hsp72 concentration relates to a minimum endogenous criteria during acute exercise-heat exposure

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    Extracellular heat-shock protein 72 (eHsp72) concentration increases during exercise-heat stress when conditions elicit physiological strain. Differences in severity of environmental and exercise stimuli have elicited varied response to stress. The present study aimed to quantify the extent of increased eHsp72 with increased exogenous heat stress, and determine related endogenous markers of strain in an exercise-heat model. Ten males cycled for 90 min at 50% O2peak in three conditions (TEMP, 20°C/63% RH; HOT, 30.2°C/51%RH; VHOT, 40.0°C/37%RH). Plasma was analysed for eHsp72 pre, immediately post and 24-h post each trial utilising a commercially available ELISA. Increased eHsp72 concentration was observed post VHOT trial (+172.4%) (P<0.05), but not TEMP (-1.9%) or HOT (+25.7%) conditions. eHsp72 returned to baseline values within 24hrs in all conditions. Changes were observed in rectal temperature (Trec), rate of Trec increase, area under the curve for Trec of 38.5°C and 39.0°C, duration Trec ≥ 38.5°C and ≥ 39.0°C, and change in muscle temperature, between VHOT, and TEMP and HOT, but not between TEMP and HOT. Each condition also elicited significantly increasing physiological strain, described by sweat rate, heart rate, physiological strain index, rating of perceived exertion and thermal sensation. Stepwise multiple regression reported rate of Trec increase and change in Trec to be predictors of increased eHsp72 concentration. Data suggests eHsp72 concentration increases once systemic temperature and sympathetic activity exceeds a minimum endogenous criteria elicited during VHOT conditions and is likely to be modulated by large, rapid changes in core temperature

    Antarctic geothermal heat flow: future research directions

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    Antarctic geothermal heat flow (GHF) affects the ice sheet temperature, determining how it slides and internally deforms, as well as the rheological behaviour of the lithosphere. However, GHF remains poorly constrained, with few borehole-derived estimates, and there are large discrepancies in currently available glaciological and geophysical estimates. This SCAR White Paper details current methods, discusses their challenges and limitations, and recommends key future directions in GHF research. We highlight the timely need for a more multidisciplinary and internationally-coordinated approach to tackle this complex problem

    Integrating Positive and Clinical Psychology: Viewing Human Functioning as Continua from Positive to Negative Can Benefit Clinical Assessment, Interventions and Understandings of Resilience

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    In this review we argue in favour of further integration between the disciplines of positive and clinical psychology. We argue that most of the constructs studied by both positive and clinical psychology exist on continua ranging from positive to negative (e.g., gratitude to ingratitude, anxiety to calmness) and so it is meaningless to speak of one or other field studying the “positive” or the “negative”. However, we highlight historical and cultural factors which have led positive and clinical psychologies to focus on different constructs; thus the difference between the fields is more due to the constructs of study rather than their being inherently “positive” or “negative”. We argue that there is much benefit to clinical psychology of considering positive psychology constructs because; (a) constructs studied by positive psychology researchers can independently predict wellbeing when accounting for traditional clinical factors, both cross-sectionally and prospectively, (2) the constructs studied by positive psychologists can interact with risk factors to predict outcomes, thereby conferring resilience, (3) interventions that aim to increase movement towards the positive pole of well-being can be used encourage movement away from the negative pole, either in isolation or alongside traditional clinical interventions, and (4) research from positive psychology can support clinical psychology as it seeks to adapt therapies developed in Western nations to other cultures

    Geochronology and geochemistry of the northern Scotia Sea: a revised interpretation of the North and West Scotia ridge junction

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    Understanding the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea is critical to interpreting how ocean gateways developed during the Cenozoic and their influence on ocean circulation patterns and water exchange between the Atlantic and Southern oceans. We examine the geochronology and detrital age history of lithologies from the prominent, submerged Barker Plateau of the North Scotia Ridge. Metasedimentary rocks of the North Scotia Ridge share a strong geological affinity with the Fuegian Andes and South Georgia, indicating a common geological history and no direct affinity to the Antarctic Peninsula. The detrital zircon geochronology indicates that deposition was likely to have taken place during the mid – Late Cretaceous. A tonalite intrusion from the Barker Plateau has been dated at 49.6 ±0.3Ma and indicates that magmatism of the Patagonian–Fuegian batholith continued into the Eocene. This was coincident with the very early stages of Drake Passage opening, the expansion of the proto Scotia Sea and reorganization of the Fuegian Andes. The West Scotia Ridge is an extinct spreading centerthat shaped the Scotia Sea and consists of seven spreading segments separated by prominent transform faults. Spreading was active from 30–6Ma and ceased with activity on the W7 segment at the junction with the North Scotia Ridge. Reinterpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies indicate that the architecture of the W7 spreading segment is distinct to the other segments of the West Scotia Ridge. Basaltic lava samples from the eastern flank of the W7 segment have been dated as Early – mid Cretaceous in age (137–93Ma) and have a prominent arc geochemical signature indicating that seafloor spreading did not occur on the W7 segment. Instead the W7 segment is likely to represent a downfaulted block of the North Scotia Ridge of the Fuegian Andes continental margin arc, or is potentially related to the putative Cretaceous Central Scotia Sea