292 research outputs found

    Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior

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    A new analytical formulation for the modeling of piezoresistive fiber-reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior is presented in this work. Firstly, we develop a closed-form solution of the electrical conductivity of oriented short-fiber reinforced composites by using generalized spherical harmonics series expansions of a Mori-Tanaka (MT) model. Piezoresistive effects are accounted for by means of three distinct mechanisms, namely filler reorientation, volume expansion, and breakage/formation of conductive paths. Then, this solution is used to derive simple analytical formulas to estimate the linear piezoresistivity coefficients. To illustrate the potentials of the proposed formulation, numerical results and discussion are presented on its application to the modeling of the piezoresistive composites doped with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The presented formulation is also inlaid in a standard 3D finite element code to simulate the electromechanical response of full-scale CNT-based structural elements. The reported results demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed formulation to link the microstructural properties of short-fiber composites with the macroscopic response of structural systems with extraordinarily fast computation times and accuracy.A new analytical formulation for the modeling of piezoresistive fiber-reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior is presented in this work. Firstly, we develop a closed-form solution of the electrical conductivity of oriented short-fiber reinforced composites by using generalized spherical harmonics series expansions of a Mori-Tanaka (MT) model. Piezoresistive effects are accounted for by means of three distinct mechanisms, namely filler reorientation, volume expansion, and breakage/formation of conductive paths. Then, this solution is used to derive simple analytical formulas to estimate the linear piezoresistivity coefficients. To illustrate the potentials of the proposed formulation, numerical results and discussion are presented on its application to the modeling of the piezoresistive composites doped with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The presented formulation is also inlaid in a standard 3D finite element code to simulate the electromechanical response of full-scale CNT-based structural elements. The reported results demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed formulation to link the microstructural properties of short-fiber composites with the macroscopic response of structural systems with extraordinarily fast computation times and accuracy

    Giocasta di Azio Corghi

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    L'articolo, scritto in occasione della prima rappresentazione assoluta dell'opera e inserito nel rispettivo libretto di sala, presenta il melologo del compositore Azio Corghi su testo di Maddalena Mazzocut-MisThe article presents the new m\ue9lodrame "Giocasta" by Azio Corghi and Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis staged at Teatro Olimpico di Vicenz

    Vittorio Meloni, Il crepuscolo dei media. Informazione, tecnologia e mercato, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2017

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    Recensione del libro di Vittorio Meloni.Review of the book by Vittorio Meloni

    Una scrittura "a portata di mano"?

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    Considerazioni in merito alla scrittura giovanile contemporanea, in particolare sul web.Considerations about some features of the writings of young people, above all in Internet

    L'«ABC(DE)» della musica nel Vocabolario della Crusca. Osservazioni diacroniche e comparative

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    Il saggio studia la presenza dei lemmi musicali all'interno del Vocabolario della Crusca, confrontando le edizioni che si sono succedute dal 1612 in poi e studiando l'evoluzione lessicale e semantica delle voci considerate.This essay examines the musical words included in the Crusca's Vocabulary, from 1612 to 1923: they are studied both as nomenclature and about their semantic evolution

    Fighting Against Resistant Strains: The Case of Benzothiazinones and Dinitrobenzamides

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    The resurgence of tuberculosis is ascribed to co-infection with immunodeficiency virus, and the emergence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug-resistant strains. New molecules should be useful to fight both drug-susceptible as well as drug-resistant strains. The two principal research routes to find out new antibacterial molecules and novel bacterial targets are from drug to target and from target to drug. Until now the first one appears to be the most easily attainable, leading to the discovery of new molecules which are currently in clinical trials and the last published benzothiazinones and dinitrobenzamides

    Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior

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    A new analytical formulation for the modeling of piezoresistive fiber-reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior is presented in this work. Firstly, we develop a closed-form solution of the electrical conductivity of oriented short-fiber reinforced composites by using generalized spherical harmonics series expansions of a Mori-Tanaka (MT) model. Piezoresistive effects are accounted for by means of three distinct mechanisms, namely filler reorientation, volume expansion, and breakage/formation of conductive paths. Then, this solution is used to derive simple analytical formulas to estimate the linear piezoresistivity coefficients. To illustrate the potentials of the proposed formulation, numerical results and discussion are presented on its application to the modeling of the piezoresistive composites doped with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The presented formulation is also inlaid in a standard 3D finite element code to simulate the electromechanical response of full-scale CNT-based structural elements. The reported results demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed formulation to link the microstructural properties of short-fiber composites with the macroscopic response of structural systems with extraordinarily fast computation times and accuracy.Feder (UE) 2014e2020Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) DPI2017-89162-RConsejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (España) P18-RT-312

    Docere, delectare, movere : strategie testuali e comunicative dei quotidiani politici della “Seconda Repubblica”

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    Il saggio si propone di illustrare le principali strategie comunicative e informative dei pi\uf9 importanti quotidiani politici italiani nella prima parte della cosiddetta \u201cSeconda Repubblica\u201d: gli articoli esaminati sono stati tratti da tre giornali di centrosinistra e altrettanti di centrodestra, nei mesi a cavallo tra il 2004 e il 2005. Concentrandosi soprattutto sui fenomeni della testualit\ue0, si rilevano quali sono le principali tipologie testuali che \ue8 possibile individuare negli articoli, sotto che vesti si presenta il lead dei pezzi, in quali forme viene sfruttato il discorso riportato per creare effetti di focalizzazione interna al testo, come si concretizzano la coerenza e la coesione nel procedere espositivo degli articoli, quali altri espedienti del cosiddetto \u201cstile brillante\u201d vengono impiegati per rendere i pezzi pi\uf9 espressivi e pragmaticamente efficaci.This essay wants to illustrate the main communicative and informational strategies of the most important political Italian newspapers published in the first period of the so-called \u201cSeconda Repubblica\u201d: the examined articles are taken from three progressive and three conservative papers published between 2004 and 2005. This contribution mainly focuses on the following textual phenomena: which textual typologies are present in the articles, how leads are written, how reported speech is used to create internal focuses, how texts\u2019 coherence and cohesion are achieved, which further devices of the so-called \u201cstile brillante\u201d are used to make articles more expressive and pragmatically effective