431 research outputs found

    Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: Upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance analysis from re-commissioning

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    SPIFFI is an AO-fed integral field spectrograph operating as part of SINFONI on the VLT, which will be upgraded and reused as SPIFFIER in the new VLT instrument ERIS. In January 2016, we used new technology developments to perform an early upgrade to optical subsystems in the SPIFFI instrument so ongoing scientific programs can make use of enhanced performance before ERIS arrives in 2020. We report on the upgraded components and the performance of SPIFFI after the upgrade, including gains in throughput and spatial and spectral resolution. We show results from re-commissioning, highlighting the potential for scientific programs to use the capabilities of the upgraded SPIFFI. Finally, we discuss the additional upgrades for SPIFFIER which will be implemented before it is integrated into ERIS.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Proceedings from SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    Variabilidad en la brotación de las yemas vegetativas de los olmos europeos

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    The bud-burst dates of clones of Ulmus minor, Ulmus glabra, and Ulmus laevis were recorded in the field during the spring of 2000, 2001 and 2002 at six locations in five European countries. Meteorological data were obtained from stations close to the plots. Thermal time to bud-burst (T) and chilling (C) were calculated. A relationship on the form T = a + b erC was fitted for each species. In the three species, winter rest release seems to be controlled by two opposite quantitative effects of the temperature, which interrelate according to an inverse exponential relation. Besides, the bud-burst date was found to be stable between years characterised by different winter thermal trends. These three Elm species have small chilling requirements. U. minor has chilling requirements lower than those of the other two species, in agreement with the more southern distribution.Durante las primaveras de los años 2000, 2001 y 2002 se registró en campo, en seis localidades de cinco países europeos, la fecha de apertura de yemas en un número de clones pertenecientes a Ulmus minor, Ulmus glabra y Ulmus laevis. Simultáneamente se obtuvieron datos meteorológicos en estaciones próximas a las parcelas. Se calculó los grados día (T) y el requerimiento de frío (C). Para cada especie se estableció una relación de la forma T = a + b erC. En las tres especies, la interrupción de la quiescencia parece estar controlada por dos efectos termales cuantitativos opuestos, relacionados por una exponencial inversa. Se ha encontrados que la fecha de apertura de yemas ha sido estable incluso en años con características térmicas invernales considerablemente diferentes. Los requerimientos de frío son pequeños en las tres especies de olmo. U. minor requiere fríos menores que las otras dos especies, lo que es consistente con su distribución más meridional

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of photoexcited spin-state concentration waves

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    International audienceThe spin crossover compound [FeIIH2L2-Me][PF6]2 presents a two-step phase transition. In the intermediate phase, a spin state concentration wave (SSCW) appears resulting from a symmetry breaking (cell doubling) associated with a long-range order of alternating high and low spin molecular states. By combining time-resolved optical and X-ray diffraction measurements on a single crystal, we study how such a system responds to femtosecond laser excitation and we follow in real time the erasing and rewriting of the SSC

    Use of Human Cancer Cell Lines Mitochondria to Explore the Mechanisms of BH3 Peptides and ABT-737-Induced Mitochondrial Membrane Permeabilization

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    Current limitations of chemotherapy include toxicity on healthy tissues and multidrug resistance of malignant cells. A number of recent anti-cancer strategies aim at targeting the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery to induce tumor cell death. In this study, we set up protocols to purify functional mitochondria from various human cell lines to analyze the effect of peptidic and xenobiotic compounds described to harbour either Bcl-2 inhibition properties or toxic effects related to mitochondria. Mitochondrial inner and outer membrane permeabilization were systematically investigated in cancer cell mitochondria versus non-cancerous mitochondria. The truncated (t-) Bid protein, synthetic BH3 peptides from Bim and Bak, and the small molecule ABT-737 induced a tumor-specific and OMP-restricted mitochondrio-toxicity, while compounds like HA-14.1, YC-137, Chelerythrine, Gossypol, TW-37 or EM20-25 did not. We found that ABT-737 can induce the Bax-dependent release of apoptotic proteins (cytochrome c, Smac/Diablo and Omi/HtrA2 but not AIF) from various but not all cancer cell mitochondria. Furthermore, ABT-737 addition to isolated cancer cell mitochondria induced oligomerization of Bax and/or Bak monomers already inserted in the mitochondrial membrane. Finally immunoprecipatations indicated that ABT-737 induces Bax, Bak and Bim desequestration from Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL but not from Mcl-1L. This study investigates for the first time the mechanism of action of ABT-737 as a single agent on isolated cancer cell mitochondria. Hence, this method based on MOMP (mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization) is an interesting screening tool, tailored for identifying Bcl-2 antagonists with selective toxicity profile against cancer cell mitochondria but devoid of toxicity against healthy mitochondria

    Satisfaction and experience with colorectal cancer screening : a systematic review of validated patient reported outcome measures

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    Background: Patient satisfaction or experience with colorectal cancer screening can determine adherence to screening programs. An evaluation of validated patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for measuring experience or satisfaction with colorectal cancer screening does not exist. Our objective was to identify and critically appraise validated questionnaires for measuring patient satisfaction or experience with colorectal cancer screening. Methods: We conducted a systematic review following the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) methodology. We conducted searches on MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL and BiblioPRO and assessed the methodological quality of studies and measurement properties of questionnaires according to the COSMIN guidelines for systematic reviews of PROMs. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42019118527. Results: We included 80 studies that used 75 questionnaires, of which only 5 were validated. Four questionnaires measured satisfaction with endoscopy: two in the context of colorectal cancer screening (for colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy) and two for non-screening endoscopy. One questionnaire measured satisfaction with bowel preparation. The methodological quality of studies was variable. The questionnaires with evidence for sufficient content validity and internal consistency were: the CSSQP questionnaire, which measures safety and satisfaction with screening colonoscopy, and the Post-Procedure questionnaire which measures satisfaction with non-screening endoscopic procedures. Conclusions: This systematic review shows that a minority of existing PROMs for measuring patient satisfaction with colorectal cancer screening are validated. We identified two questionnaires with high potential for further use (CSSQP and the Post-Procedure questionnaire)

    Characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a tertiary care hospital: a 2-year study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structure of health care in Greece is receiving increased attention to improve its cost-effectiveness. We sought to examine the epidemiological characteristics of patients presenting to the vascular emergency department of a Greek tertiary care hospital during a 2-year period. We studied all patients presenting to the emergency department of vascular surgery at Red Cross Hospital, Athens, Greece between 1<sup>st </sup>January 2009 and 31st December 2010.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 2452 (49.4%) out of 4961 patients suffered from pathologies that should have been treated in primary health care. Only 2509 (50.6%) needed vascular surgical intervention.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The emergency department of vascular surgery in a Greek tertiary care hospital has to treat a remarkably high percentage of patients suitable for the primary health care level. These results suggest that an improvement in the structure of health care is needed in Greece.</p