142 research outputs found

    Valorization of Agricultural Wastes for the Production of Protein-Based Biopolymers

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    In this study we provide an overview of the latest developments on the extraction, production, modification and applications of fruit residues and by-products in the formation of protein-based biopolymers, in particular for the formulation of edible films. Our aim was mainly to demonstrate the highly transdisciplinary character of these topics by giving an overview of the main developments and research topics in the chemistry and engineering aspects of protein-based biopolymers. These innovative raw materials have been evaluated for the production of biomaterials to be used in some key sectors, such as food packaging

    Biología floral en albaricoquero y sus implicaciones en la mejora

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    15 pages, 8 tables, 1 figure.-- Review.[EN] Different aspects related to flower biology have a close link to fruit set failures in apricot and other fruit trees. In this work, studies on pollen viability and germinability, stigma receptivity, ovule development and longevity, the different factors affecting the effective pollination period (EPP), are reviewed. The concept of EPP is based on biological parameters that are the successive steps that take place during the reproductive process and it is the frame within which the factors limiting an appropriate fruit set can be studied. The definition of this concept and its detailed study have allowed determination of the different limiting factors and the design of specific treatments to improve it. Knowledge of the incompatibility phenotype for many apricot cultivars has allowed advising about the planting of singlecultivar orchards. The study of the inheritance of this and other traits in apricot and other fruit trees has allowed planning of hybridisations to minimise or eliminate the production of undesirable seedlings, increasing the efficiency of the breeding programme. Studies on the flower biology of apricot have provided valuable information to help select the appropriate parent cultivars for breeding programmes, also this information is transferred to farmers to avoid losses produced by an inadequate cultivar selection. In this review we intend to give an updated overview of the state of the art in the research and the achievements thus far, as well as considering the implications of these studies for fruit breeding in general, with special attention to apricot breeding.[ES] Diferentes aspectos de la biología de la flor tienen una estrecha relación con los problemas productivos del albaricoquero y otros frutales. En este trabajo se revisan estudios de viabilidad y germinabilidad del polen, receptividad del estigma, desarrollo y longevidad de los óvulos y en definitiva los diferentes aspectos que condicionan el periodo de polinización efectiva (PPE). El concepto de PPE está basado en parámetros biológicos que constituyen los pasos sucesivos que ocurren durante el proceso reproductor y supone el marco dentro del cual se pueden estudiar los factores limitantes para una adecuada fructificación. El establecimiento de este concepto y su estudio detallado han permitido determinar diferentes factores que lo limitan y diseñar tratamientos específicos para mejorarlo. El conocimiento del fenotipo para la incompatibilidad de muchas variedades de albaricoquero ha permitido desaconsejar su establecimiento en plantaciones monovarietales. El estudio del modo de herencia de éste y otros caracteres en albaricoquero y otros frutales, ha permitido la planificación de los cruzamientos para minimizar o eliminar la producción de descendientes indeseables, aumentando así la eficiencia de los programas de mejora. En conjunto, el estudio de la biología floral del albaricoquero ha producido información aplicable tanto en la elección de genitores en el programa de mejora, como transferible directamente al sector productivo para evitar las pérdidas causadas por una incorrecta elección varietal. En esta revisión se ha pretendido dar una visión actualizada del estado de la investigación y las metas alcanzadas, así como de la incidencia de estos estudios en la mejora genética de los frutales en general y del albaricoquero en particular.Peer reviewe

    Biología floral en albaricoquero y sus implicaciones en la mejora

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    15 pages, 8 tables, 1 figure.-- Review.[EN] Different aspects related to flower biology have a close link to fruit set failures in apricot and other fruit trees. In this work, studies on pollen viability and germinability, stigma receptivity, ovule development and longevity, the different factors affecting the effective pollination period (EPP), are reviewed. The concept of EPP is based on biological parameters that are the successive steps that take place during the reproductive process and it is the frame within which the factors limiting an appropriate fruit set can be studied. The definition of this concept and its detailed study have allowed determination of the different limiting factors and the design of specific treatments to improve it. Knowledge of the incompatibility phenotype for many apricot cultivars has allowed advising about the planting of singlecultivar orchards. The study of the inheritance of this and other traits in apricot and other fruit trees has allowed planning of hybridisations to minimise or eliminate the production of undesirable seedlings, increasing the efficiency of the breeding programme. Studies on the flower biology of apricot have provided valuable information to help select the appropriate parent cultivars for breeding programmes, also this information is transferred to farmers to avoid losses produced by an inadequate cultivar selection. In this review we intend to give an updated overview of the state of the art in the research and the achievements thus far, as well as considering the implications of these studies for fruit breeding in general, with special attention to apricot breeding.[ES] Diferentes aspectos de la biología de la flor tienen una estrecha relación con los problemas productivos del albaricoquero y otros frutales. En este trabajo se revisan estudios de viabilidad y germinabilidad del polen, receptividad del estigma, desarrollo y longevidad de los óvulos y en definitiva los diferentes aspectos que condicionan el periodo de polinización efectiva (PPE). El concepto de PPE está basado en parámetros biológicos que constituyen los pasos sucesivos que ocurren durante el proceso reproductor y supone el marco dentro del cual se pueden estudiar los factores limitantes para una adecuada fructificación. El establecimiento de este concepto y su estudio detallado han permitido determinar diferentes factores que lo limitan y diseñar tratamientos específicos para mejorarlo. El conocimiento del fenotipo para la incompatibilidad de muchas variedades de albaricoquero ha permitido desaconsejar su establecimiento en plantaciones monovarietales. El estudio del modo de herencia de éste y otros caracteres en albaricoquero y otros frutales, ha permitido la planificación de los cruzamientos para minimizar o eliminar la producción de descendientes indeseables, aumentando así la eficiencia de los programas de mejora. En conjunto, el estudio de la biología floral del albaricoquero ha producido información aplicable tanto en la elección de genitores en el programa de mejora, como transferible directamente al sector productivo para evitar las pérdidas causadas por una incorrecta elección varietal. En esta revisión se ha pretendido dar una visión actualizada del estado de la investigación y las metas alcanzadas, así como de la incidencia de estos estudios en la mejora genética de los frutales en general y del albaricoquero en particular.Peer reviewe

    Synthesis and Characterization of Lactic Acid Oligomers: Evaluation of Performance as Poly(Lactic Acid) Plasticizers

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    The use of fully bio-based and biodegradable materials for massive applications, such as food packaging, is an emerging tendency in polymer research. But the formulations proposed in this way should preserve or even increase the functional properties of conventional polymers, such as transparency, homogeneity, mechanical properties and low migration of their components to foodstuff. This is not always trivial, in particular when brittle biopolymers, such as poly(lactic acid) (PLA), are considered. In this work the formulation of innovative materials based on PLA modified with highly compatible plasticizers, i.e. oligomers of lactic acid (OLAs) is proposed. Three different synthesis conditions for OLAs were tested and the resulting additives were further blended with commercial PLA obtaining transparent and ductile materials, able for films manufacturing. These materials were tested in their structural, thermal and tensile properties and the best formulation among the three materials was selected. OLA with molar mass (Mn) around 1,000 Da is proposed as an innovative and fully compatible and biodegradable plasticizer for PLA, able to replace conventional plasticizers (phthalates, adipates or citrates) currently used for films manufacturing in food packaging applications.Authors would like to thank PURAC BV (Gorinchem, The Netherlands) for kindly supplying D,L-LA. It is also acknowledged the financial support obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ref. MAT-2011-28468-C02-01) and CDTI (Ref. IDI-20110558)

    Impacto del ejercicio físico en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Revisión sistemática

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    Introducción. La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal es un conjunto de enfermedades crónicas autoinflamatorias de origen desconocido, localizada en el tubo digestivo, y condicionada por factores genéticos, ambientales e inmunológicos. Dentro de esta enfermedad se distinguen la enfermedad de Crohn y la colitis ulcerosa. El ejercicio físico puede ser empleado como un tratamiento adyuvante al farmacológico que ayuda a obtener beneficios a nivel físico, biológico y psicológico de estos pacientes. Objetivo. Revisar la bibliografía publicada acerca de los beneficios del ejercicio físico en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Resultados y discusión. A partir de los tres artículos estudiados, se han comparado los diferentes beneficios que tiene la realización de ejercicio físico en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, en tres metodologías diferentes de realización. Conclusión. El ejercicio físico combinado, de actividad aeróbica y de fuerza, es el que mayor mejoría evidencia en la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, pudiendo considerarse un tratamiento no farmacológico adyuvante al medicamentoso en estas personas.Grado en Enfermerí

    Natural Pectin Polysaccharides as Edible Coatings

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    The most fashionable trends in food packaging research are targeted towards improvements in food quality and safety by increasing the use of environmentally-friendly materials, ideally those able to be obtained from bio-based resources and presenting biodegradable characteristics. Edible films represent a key area of development in new multifunctional materials by their character and properties to effectively protect food with no waste production. The use of edible films should be considered as a clean and elegant solution to problems related with waste disposal in packaging materials. In particular, pectin has been reported as one of the main raw materials to obtain edible films by its natural abundance, low cost and renewable character. The latest innovations in food packaging by the use of pectin-based edible films are reviewed in this paper, with special focus on the use of pectin as base material for edible coatings. The structure, properties related to the intended use in food packaging and main applications of pectins are herein reported

    Synthesis and Thermal Characterization of Polyurethanes Obtained from Cottonseed and Corn Oil-Based Polyols

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    The use of vegetable oils to replace fossil feedstock has become an area of opportunity and a priority for study in the field of polymer science. Vegetable oils are considered as renewable resources with high potential, low cost and full availability. The aim of this study is the synthesis of biobased polyols from cottonseed oil (Gossypium barbadanse) and corn oil (Zea mays) as feedstock. Their synthesis was successfully performed, as can be concluded from the determination of their hydroxyl index as well as the structural and thermal characterization carried out in this work. Polyurethanes from biobased polyols were synthesized with two different isocyanates (HDI and MDI) and variable polyol/isocyanate ratio and they were further characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy, concluding that cottonseed and corn oils could be considered as valid alternatives for the synthesis of biobased polymeric materials.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MAT2014-59242-C2-2-R) and CONACYT-Mexico (No.CB06825 and doctoral scholarship No.234299/212279) for their financial support

    Characterization of Jatropha curcas accessions based in plant growth traits and oil quality

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    Variability in growth and reproductive characteristics, seed traits, quality and oil content of six accessions of Jatropha curcas growing in Murcia (Spain) under greenhouse conditions were analysed. Differences were found among accessions in branch length, ratio female to male flowers (F/M), productions, seed weight, endosperm weight, percentage of endosperm and percentage of aborted seeds oil contents, fatty acids composition and quality indexes of the biodiesel. Two genotypes (8-8 and 6-3) have shown a good vigor plant, the best F/M ratio, and appropriate average productions. In addition, these accessions showed the highest average single seed weights, and the best average endosperm weights. The highest total seed oil percentages were observed in the accessions 4-5 (42.42 ± 0.26), 6-3 (41.51 ± 0.20), and 8-8 (40.41 ± 0.73), whereas percentages lower than 30% were recorded in the others. The percentage of endosperm oil ranged from 42.72 ± 0.98% to 65.71 ± 0.36%. In relation to the fatty acids composition, the highest monounsaturated fatty acids percentages with the highest concentration of oleic acid and the lowest concentration of linolenic acid were observed in three genotypes (4-5, 8-8 and 6-3). The biodiesel obtained from these accessions presented high cetane number and low iodine value, which indicates the good ignition quality and stability of the oil. The knowledge of plant growth parameters and oil quality of the studied genotypes could be useful to choose the appropriate ones to be grown under subtropical climatic conditions or to be used as parents in a breeding program

    Use of herbs, spices and their bioactive compounds in active food packaging

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    The interest and societal demand on the use of natural, biodegradable and renewable resources has increased in the last few years. In addition, food producers and consumers have improved their requirements for the quality of processed food, particularly in the field of increasing shelf-life while preserving organoleptic and nutritional properties. Active packaging technologies have greatly developed in the last decade by trying to satisfy the need for long-life processed food in addition to antioxidant/antimicrobial components in the packaging material. These components are intended to be released in a controlled way to food. These rising trends have been reflected in the field of food packaging by the use of chemicals extracted and obtained from plants in active packaging formulations. Herbs and spices have shown great potential to be used as renewable, biodegradable and valuable sources of chemicals, such as polyphenols, with high antioxidant/antimicrobial performance. This review aims to present the latest published work in this area.Authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) by their financial support (Project MAT2011-28648-C02-01). Moreover, Marina Ramos would like to thank University of Alicante (Spain) for UAFPU2011-48539721S predoctoral research grant

    Acogida de la vacuna HPV en padres y estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa República del Ecuador. 2014

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    Analizar la acogida de la vacuna HPV en padres y estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa “República del Ecuador” de la ciudad de Otavalo, provincia de Imbabura, en el año 2014.Realizar un estudio acerca del nivel de conocimientos y acogida de la vacuna HPV en padres y estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa República del Ecuador, surgió como una iniciativa de intervención centrada en el ámbito de la salud y específicamente de la medicina preventiva de la población infantil de la ciudad de Otavalo, tomando en cuenta el alto riesgo y graves consecuencias de las enfermedades ocasionadas por la presencia del virus del papiloma humano. Pero además se consideró la incidencia social y el nivel de conocimiento de una población altamente relegada, que no ha tenido posibilidades de acceder, en su mayoría, a un nivel de instrucción aceptable que le permita mantener una condición y calidad de vida con conocimientos específicos sobre su salud y responsabilidad sexual. La investigación seleccionó una metodología de trabajo apropiada para conseguir datos relevantes que permitan establecer la realidad del grupo investigado, mediante la aplicación de encuestas a las niñas de 5°, 6° y 7° grados de educación general básica que se encuentran entre los 9 a 11 años de edad. De los resultados obtenidos en la investigación se concluye que existe un alto porcentaje de desconocimiento acerca de la vacuna HPV para prevenir la presencia del VPH en la mujer adulta en edad reproductiva. Tampoco conocen acerca de las enfermedades altamente peligrosas para la salud y la vida de la mujer en edad adulta y que el principal foco de contaminación es la actividad sexual. La institución educativa no interviene ni aborda temas formativos relacionados con salud y medicina preventiva más que en el ámbito que lo determina la malla curricular y eventualmente requiere la presencia de especialistas que ofrezcan charlas informativas sobre este tipo de casos. Una vez concluida la investigación se propone la ejecución de talleres informativos de los efectos benéficos de la vacuna HPV y de las graves consecuencias para la salud y la vida de las personas, ocasionadas por la presencia del virus del papiloma humano y que son producto de la actividad sexual en personas adultas.Licenciatur