95 research outputs found

    Improving cartilage phenotype from differentiated pericytes in tunable peptide hydrogels

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    Differentiation of stem cells to chondrocytes in vitro usually results in a heterogeneous phenotype. This is evident in the often detected over expression of type X collagen which, in hyaline cartilage structure is not characteristic of the mid-zone but of the deep-zone ossifying tissue. Methods to better match cartilage developed in vitro to characteristic in vivo features are therefore highly desirable in regenerative medicine. This study compares phenotype characteristics between pericytes, obtained from human adipose tissue, differentiated using diphenylalanine/serine (F2/S) peptide hydrogels with the more widely used chemical induced method for chondrogenesis. Significantly higher levels of type II collagen were noted when pericytes undergo chondrogenesis in the hydrogel in the absence of induction media. There is also a balanced expression of collagen relative to aggrecan production, a feature which was biased toward collagen production when cells were cultured with induction media. Lastly, metabolic profiles of each system show considerable overlap between both differentiation methods but subtle differences which potentially give rise to their resultant phenotype can be ascertained. The study highlights how material and chemical alterations in the cellular microenvironment have wide ranging effects on resultant tissue type

    Nacre Topography Produces Higher Crystallinity in Bone than Chemically Induced Osteogenesis

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    It is counter-intuitive that invertebrate shells can induce bone formation yet nacre, or mother of pearl, from marine shells is both osteoinductive and osteointegrative. Nacre is composed of aragonite (calcium carbonate) and induces production of vertebrate bone (calcium phosphate). Exploited by the Mayans for dental implants, this remarkable phenomenon has been confirmed in vitro and in vivo yet the characteristic of nacre that induces bone formation remains unknown. By isolating nacre topography from its inherent chemistry in the production of polycaprolactone (PCL) nacre replica, we show that, for mesenchymal stem cells, nacre topography is osteoinductive. Gene expression of specific bone marker proteins, osteopontin, osteocalcin, osteonectin and osterix are increased 10-, 2- 1.7- and 1.8-fold respectively when compared to planar PCL. Furthermore, we demonstrate that bone tissue that forms in response to the physical topographical features of nacre has higher crystallinity than bone formed in response to chemical cues with full width half maximum for PO4 3- Raman shift of 7.6±0.7 for mineral produced in response to nacre replica compared to a much broader 34.6±10.1 in response to standard osteoinductive medium. These differences in mineral product are underpinned by differences in cellular metabolism. This observation can be exploited in the design of bone therapies; a matter that is most pressing in light of a rapidly ageing human population. Aragonite and calcite are the two calcium carbonate polymorphs that constitute the shell of molluscan bivalves conferring strength and resilience due to the nano- and microstructural assembly of the overall architecture. A small percentage of the invertebrate shell constitute the organic matrix which is responsible for the intricate processes of nucleation, growth and inhibition of calcium carbonate crystals resulting in the well-defined shell structure. The discovery of fully integrated shell dental implants in Mayan skulls initiated a number of studies showing that nacre, or mother of pearl, the aragonite calcium carbonate polymorph derived from the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima has good osteointegrative properties in vivo. Further exploration of this phenomenon in human jaw reconstructions and sheep femur implants confirm the osteointegrative properties of invertebrate shells. In addition, nacre initiates osteogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro. This observation has led to a number of studies in which nacre and its chemistry have been incorporated into the design of existing biomaterials to induce bone formation. MSCs can be induced into undergoing osteogenesis in vitro by the use of pre-formulated soluble factors in the culture media, chemically defined surfaces, substrate matrix elasticity and the surface topography of the substrate. These approaches induce osteogenesis when presented in isolation or in combination. When these cues are presented in combination, surface patterning plays an important role and topography can have a stronger influence on cell behaviour when presented with effective surface chemistries. In vertebrate and invertebrate systems, the main requisites for forming hard tissue or biomineral structures are calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate respectively, both of which are assembled in a variety of ways generating an incredible amount of structural diversity. This juxtaposition of phosphate and carbonate is described as the “Bone-Shell Divide”. It is intriguing that mammalian cells respond to mineral on the shell side of the Bone-Shell Divide and this begs questions: which feature of nacre elicits this response and, in transcending the Bone-Shell Divide, do MSCs produce bone of similar or superior characteristics to that induced by other means? Addressing these questions has important implications in tissue engineering and biomaterial applications, especially with regards to orthopaedic applications where critical sized defects in trauma and reconstructive surgery demand large areas of intact bone usually acquired by creating a secondary injury site. By isolating the topographical features of nacre from its inherent chemistry, we show that the osteoinductive properties of nacre arise from the patterning of the surface presented to MSCs. Importantly, separating nacre topography from its inherent chemistry enhances the osteogenic response. In this report we dissect out the contribution of topography to nacre bioactivit

    Topic modeling for untargeted substructure exploration in metabolomics

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    The potential of untargeted metabolomics to answer important questions across the life sciences is hindered due to a paucity of computational tools that enable extraction of key biochemically relevant information. Available tools focus on using mass spectrometry fragmentation spectra to identify molecules whose behavior suggests they are relevant to the system under study. Unfortunately, fragmentation spectra cannot identify molecules in isolation, but require authentic standards or databases of known fragmented molecules. Fragmentation spectra are, however, replete with information pertaining to the biochemical processes present; much of which is currently neglected. Here we present an analytical workflow that exploits all fragmentation data from a given experiment to extract biochemically-relevant features in an unsupervised manner. We demonstrate that an algorithm originally utilized for text-mining, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, can be adapted to handle metabolomics datasets. Our approach extracts biochemically-relevant molecular substructures (‘Mass2Motifs’) from spectra as sets of co-occurring molecular fragments and neutral losses. The analysis allows us to isolate molecular substructures, whose presence allows molecules to be grouped based on shared substructures regardless of classical spectral similarity. These substructures in turn support putative de novo structural annotation of molecules. Combining this spectral connectivity to orthogonal correlations (e.g. common abundance changes under system perturbation) significantly enhances our ability to provide mechanistic explanations for biological behavior

    Integrating Candida albicans metabolism with biofilm heterogeneity by transcriptome mapping

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    This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award for Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology 097377/Z/11/Z. We are grateful to microbiology colleagues throughout Scotland for clinical isolates collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Unsupervised discovery and comparison of structural families across multiple samples in untargeted metabolomics

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    In untargeted metabolomics approaches, the inability to structurally annotate relevant features and map them to biochemical pathways is hampering the full exploitation of many metabolomics experiments. Furthermore, variable metabolic content across samples result in sparse feature matrices that are statistically hard to handle. Here, we introduce MS2LDA+ that tackles both above-mentioned problems. Previously, we presented MS2LDA, which extracts biochemically relevant molecular substructures (“Mass2Motifs”) from a collection of fragmentation spectra as sets of co-occurring molecular fragments and neutral losses, thereby recognizing building blocks of metabolomics. Here, we extend MS2LDA to handle multiple metabolomics experiments in one analysis, resulting in MS2LDA+. By linking Mass2Motifs across samples, we expose the variability in prevalence of structurally related metabolite families. We validate the differential prevalence of substructures between two distinct samples groups and apply it to fecal samples. Subsequently, within one sample group of urines, we rank the Mass2Motifs based on their variance to assess whether xenobiotic-derived substructures are among the most-variant Mass2Motifs. Indeed, we could ascribe 22 out of the 30 most-variant Mass2Motifs to xenobiotic-derived substructures including paracetamol/acetaminophen mercapturate and dimethylpyrogallol. In total, we structurally characterized 101 Mass2Motifs with biochemically or chemically relevant substructures. Finally, we combined the discovered metabolite families with full scan feature intensity information to obtain insight into core metabolites present in most samples and rare metabolites present in small subsets now linked through their common substructures. We conclude that by biochemical grouping of metabolites across samples MS2LDA+ aids in structural annotation of metabolites and guides prioritization of analysis by using Mass2Motif prevalence

    A novel targeted/untargeted GC-Orbitrap metabolomics methodology applied to Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus biofilms

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    Introduction: Combined infections from Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus are a leading cause of death in the developed world. Evidence suggests that Candida enhances the virulence of Staphylococcus—hyphae penetrate through tissue barriers, while S. aureus tightly associates with the hyphae to obtain entry to the host organism. Indeed, in a biofilm state, C. albicans enhances the antimicrobial resistance characteristics of S. aureus. The association of these microorganisms is also associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality. Due to this tight association we hypothesised that metabolic effects were also in evidence. Objectives: To explore the interaction, we used a novel GC-Orbitrap-based mass spectrometer, the Q Exactive GC, which combines the high peak capacity and chromatographic resolution of gas chromatography with the sub-ppm mass accuracy of an Orbitrap system. This allows the capability to leverage the widely available electron ionisation libraries for untargeted applications, along with expanding accurate mass libraries and targeted matches based around authentic standards. Methods: Optimised C. albicans and S. aureus mono- and co-cultured biofilms were analysed using the new instrument in addition to the fresh and spent bacterial growth media. Results: The targeted analysis experiment was based around 36 sugars and sugar phosphates, 22 amino acids and five organic acids. Untargeted analysis resulted in the detection of 465 features from fresh and spent medium and 405 from biofilm samples. Three significantly changing compounds that matched to high scoring library fragment patterns were chosen for validation. Conclusion: Evaluation of the results demonstrates that the Q Exactive GC is suitable for metabolomics analysis using a targeted/untargeted methodology. Many of the results were as expected: e.g. rapid consumption of glucose and fructose from the medium regardless of the cell type. Modulation of sugar-phosphate levels also suggest that the pentose phosphate pathway could be enhanced in the cells from co-cultured biofilms. Untargeted metabolomics results suggested significant production of cell-wall biosynthesis components and the consumption of non-proteinaceous amino-acids

    Nanotopography influences host–pathogen quorum sensing and facilitates selection of bioactive metabolites in mesenchymal stromal cells and pseudomonas aeruginosa co-cultures

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    Orthopedic implant-related bacterial infections and resultant antibiotic-resistant biofilms hinder implant-tissue integration and failure. Biofilm quorum sensing (QS) communication determines the pathogen colonization success. However, it remains unclear how implant modifications and host cells are influenced by, or influence, QS. High aspect ratio nanotopographies have shown to reduce biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a sepsis causing pathogen with well-defined QS molecules. Producing such nanotopographies in relevant orthopedic materials (i.e., titanium) allows for probing QS using mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. However, nanotopographies can reduce host cell adhesion and regeneration. Therefore, we developed a polymer (poly(ethyl acrylate), PEA) coating that organizes extracellular matrix proteins, promoting bioactivity to host cells such as human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs), maintaining biofilm reduction. This allowed us to investigate how hMSCs, after winning the race for the surface against pathogenic cells, interact with the biofilm. Our approach revealed that nanotopographies reduced major virulence pathways, such as LasR. The enhanced hMSCs support provided by the coated nanotopographies was shown to suppress virulence pathways and biofilm formation. Finally, we selected bioactive metabolites and demonstrated that these could be used as adjuncts to the nanostructured surfaces to reduce biofilm formation and enhance hMSC activity. These surfaces make excellent models to study hMSC-pathogen interactions and could be envisaged for use in novel orthopedic implants.</p

    Nanotopography controls cell cycle changes involved with skeletal stem cell self-renewal and multipotency

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    In culture isolated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (more precisely termed skeletal stem cells, SSCs) spontaneously differentiate into fibroblasts, preventing the growth of large numbers of multipotent SSCs for use in regenerative medicine. However, the mechanisms that regulate the expansion of SSCs, while maintaining multipotency and preventing fibroblastic differentiation are poorly understood. Major hurdles to understanding how the maintenance of SSCs is regulated are (a) SSCs isolated from bone marrow are heterogeneous populations with different proliferative characteristics and (b) a lack of tools to investigate SSC number expansion and multipotency. Here, a nanotopographical surface is used as a tool that permits SSC proliferation while maintaining multipotency. It is demonstrated that retention of SSC phenotype in culture requires adjustments to the cell cycle that are linked to changes in the activation of the mitogen activated protein kinases. This demonstrates that biomaterials can offer cross-SSC culture tools and that the biological processes that determine whether SSCs retain multipotency or differentiate into fibroblasts are subtle, in terms of biochemical control, but are profound in terms of determining cell fat

    Gallium and silver-doped titanium surfaces provide enhanced osteogenesis, reduce bone resorption and prevent bacterial infection in co-culture

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    Bacterial infection remains a significant problem associated with orthopaedic surgeries leading to surgical site infection (SSI). This unmet medical need can become an even greater complication when surgery is due to malignant bone tumor. In the present study, we evaluated in vitro titanium (Ti) implants subjected to gallium (Ga) and silver (Ag)-doped thermochemical treatment as strategy to prevent SSI and improve osteointegration in bone defects caused by diseases such as osteoporosis, bone tumor, or bone metastasis. Firstly, as Ga has been reported to be an osteoinductive and anti-resorptive agent, its performance in the mixture was proved by studying human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) and pre-osteoclasts (RAW264.7) behaviour. Then, the antibacterial potential provided by Ag was assessed by resembling "The Race for the Surface" between hMSC and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in two co-culture methods. Moreover, the presence of quorum sensing molecules in the co-culture was evaluated. The results highlighted the suitability of the mixture to induce osteodifferentiation and reduce osteoclastogenesis in vitro. Furthermore, the GaAg surface promoted strong survival rate and retained osteoinduction potential of hMSCs even after bacterial inoculation. Therefore, GaAg-modified titanium may be an ideal candidate to repair bone defects caused by excessive bone resorption, in addition to preventing SSI. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This article provides important insights into titanium for fractures caused by osteoporosis or bone metastases with high incidence in surgical site infection (SSI) because in this situation bacterial infection can become a major disaster. In order to solve this unmet medical need, we propose a titanium implant modified with gallium and silver to improve osteointegration, reduce bone resorption and avoid bacterial infection. For that aim, we study osteoblast and osteoclast behavior with the main novelty focused on the antibacterial evaluation. In this work, we recreate "the race for the surface" in long-term experiments and study bacterial virulence factors (quorum sensing). Therefore, we believe that our article could be of great interest, providing a great impact on future orthopedic applications

    Instances and connectors : issues for a second generation process language

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    This work is supported by UK EPSRC grants GR/L34433 and GR/L32699Over the past decade a variety of process languages have been defined, used and evaluated. It is now possible to consider second generation languages based on this experience. Rather than develop a second generation wish list this position paper explores two issues: instances and connectors. Instances relate to the relationship between a process model as a description and the, possibly multiple, enacting instances which are created from it. Connectors refers to the issue of concurrency control and achieving a higher level of abstraction in how parts of a model interact. We believe that these issues are key to developing systems which can effectively support business processes, and that they have not received sufficient attention within the process modelling community. Through exploring these issues we also illustrate our approach to designing a second generation process language.Postprin