232 research outputs found

    How neighborhood inequality leads to higher crime rates

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    Increasing inequality has been linked to rising violent crime rates, but what about property crime? In new research which examines property crime by Census block groups in three US cities, Neil Metz and Mariya Burdina find that the wider the median income gap from the poorest neighboring block group, the greater the level of property crime in the richer block groups. They write that policies aimed at reducing localized income inequality may help to reduce the incentive for property crime

    Materials of the population registration as a source of the study of the Russian Urban family of the second half of XIX - Beginning of XX century

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    The article analyzes the record keeping documents of population registration of municipal Dumas and government in the second half of XIX century, as well as the questionnaire of the census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897, which are valuable sources for the study of large complex historical-demographic characteristics of the urban family in Russia of the second half of XIX - beginning of XX century. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group

    Developing research competencies in secondary school teachers within the context of contemporary educational content

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados iniciais da primeira fase de um estudo destinado a promover competências de pesquisa em professores do ensino médio, implementando um modelo sob medida no contexto dos conteúdos educacionais contemporâneos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é avaliar a eficácia do modelo desenvolvido em cultivar competências de pesquisa entre educadores do ensino médio no processo educacional. Uma descrição abrangente das competências de pesquisa dos professores é fornecida, juntamente com uma exposição de seus componentes de conteúdo. Realizamos uma análise das competências pedagógicas chave, profissionais e especializadas, que informaram a identificação de competências essenciais de pesquisa para professores no que diz respeito à modernização do conteúdo educacional. Posteriormente, desenvolvemos um modelo de promoção de competências de investigação em professores neste contexto. Nossa análise dos resultados experimentais preliminares sugere a necessidade de modificações e refinamentos do modelo, empregando o método da fenomenologia hermenêutica durante as interações educacionais e profissionais entre os participantes do processo educacional. As abordagens e o modelo proposto discutidos neste artigo podem ser utilizados no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de habilidades de pesquisa pedagógica, bem como no desenvolvimento profissional contínuo. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo podem ser aplicados na organização de um sistema de certificação para o corpo docente, embora esse não seja o foco principal desta pesquisa.This article presents the initial findings from the first phase of a study aimed at fostering research competencies in secondary school teachers by implementing a tailored model within the context of contemporary educational content. The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of the devised model in cultivating research competencies among secondary school educators within the educational process. A comprehensive description of the teachers’ research competencies is provided, along with an exposition of their content components. We conducted an analysis of key, professional, and specialized pedagogical competencies, which informed the identification of essential research competencies for teachers as they pertain to the modernization of educational content. Subsequently, we developed a model for fostering research competencies in teachers within this context. Our analysis of preliminary experimental results suggests the need for modifications and refinements to the model, employing the hermeneutical phenomenology method during educational and professional interactions among participants in the educational process. The approaches and proposed model discussed in this article can be utilized in the development and enhancement of pedagogical research skills, as well as in continued professional development. Moreover, the findings of this study may be applicable in organizing a certification system for teaching staff, although that is not the primary focus of this research

    Family conflicts of provincial towns' dwellers in the Russian Empire during the second half of XIX century and the early XX century

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    The article reveals peculiarities of intrafamilial conflicts in the circumstances of Russian provincial towns during the second half of XIX century and the early XX century. Based on the materials of regional towns of the Vyatka Governorate, various types of intrafamilial conflicts of the town dwellers are studied. The main causes of conflict situations in families are revealed. The influence of the history epoch and crisis phenomena in the society on the intensity of proneness to conflicts in a family is determined. © IDOSI Publications, 2014

    The Perceptions And Attitudes Of Oklahoma College Students About Free Markets And Government Regulations

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    This study explores the potential impact that gender and family behaviors may have on student attitudes toward the role of free markets and government regulation in economic growth and the well-being of our society.  The findings suggest that students from our sample are somewhat similar to students in other states in their overall views of economic principles. We also find that differences in attitudes about economic issues were related to gender, college major, discussions with parents, and timing of students’ first job.  Other factors, such as receiving an allowance, were not associated with any significant differences in perceptions of the selected economic issues.&nbsp

    Developing psychologist attributes in higher educational institutions: case of Kazakhstan

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    This study’s purpose is to identify the most necessary attributes of a modern psychologist through a survey of practical psychologists, teachers, and students from the Faculty of Psychology, Toraigyrov University. The survey allowed us to develop an effective training program for psychologists. The study involved 115 respondents from Kazakhstan, 60 of them were future psychologists. The respondents took the survey to determine the key attributes of a modern psychologist. The research was also based on literature analysis and generalization, questionaries, and ranking. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was utilized to assess the reliability of the authors’ questionnaire items. SPSS Statistics program was applied for statistical data processing. According to the results, 80% of practical psychologists wanted to improve the curriculum for their students. At the same time, 72% of students believe that the program should primarily be practice-oriented. The students unanimously noted the key quality of the psychologist–empathy. The vast majority (94.1%) mentioned moral principles, and 85.7% indicated authenticity. However, teachers and psychologists did not emphasize the above criteria. The current study aims to develop a basis for an effective training program for future psychologists studying at the universities of Kazakhstan according to their modern needs


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    Novel derivatives of 1H-benzimidazole which combine into a single molecule two pharmacophores – the benzimidazole and piperazine rings possessing antihelmintic activity have been synthesized. Their structures were confirmed by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis techniques.The compounds exhibited remarkable effect on the viability of isolated Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae in in vitro model at a dose of 100 μg/ml after 24 h. The results obtained by the hepatotoxicity test showed that compound 4 had the lowest hepatotoxity.Novel derivatives of 1H-benzimidazole which combine into a single molecule two pharmacophores – the benzimidazole and piperazine rings possessing antihelmintic activity have been synthesized. Their structures were confirmed by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis techniques.The compounds exhibited remarkable effect on the viability of isolated Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae in in vitro model at a dose of 100 μg/ml after 24 h. The results obtained by the hepatotoxicity test showed that compound 4 had the lowest hepatotoxity

    Виправлення і ресоціалізація неповнолітніх ув’язнених як критерій ефективності застосовуваних до них заходів заохочення і стягнення

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу поширеного у доктрині кримінально-виконавчого права розуміння сутності виправлення і ресоціалізації засуджених, а також з`ясуванню впливу застосовуваних до неповнолітніх ув`язнених заходів заохочення і стягнення на їхнє виправлення і ресоціалізацію, а відтак, обґрунтуванню значення виправлення і ресоціалізацію як критерію ефективності таких заходів. Авторкою висвітлено положення низки нормативно-правових актів у сфері кримінально-виконавчого права загалом та ювенальної юстиції зокрема, котрі наголошують, що метою виконання покарань повинно бути виправлення та ресоціалізація засуджених. А крім того, виявлено, що міжнародно-правові стандарти виконання покарання у виді позбавлення волі у питанні виправлення і ресоціалізації засуджених орієнтовані передусім на розвиток соціально корисних професійних навичок та особистих здібностей ув`язнених; та встановлено, що український законодавець теж передбачив формування життєвих навичок у неповнолітніх ув`язнених. У статті зроблено висновок про iснування ступенiв виправлення та досліджено визначення їх у низці Методичних рекомендацій Державного департаменту України з питань виконання покарань, а також розкрито критерії, показники оцінки ступеня виправлення засудженого у дисциплінарній практиці установ виконання покарань. Притому авторкою стверджено, що основними засобами виправлення і ресоціалізації є, зокрема, режим, а система заходів заохочення і стягнення є одним з його основних елементів, одним із засобів його забезпечення, а отже і одним із основних засобів виправлення і ресоціалізації неповнолітніх ув`язнених, безпосередньо слугуючим меті їхнього виправлення і ресоціалізації. А відтак, доведено, що ступінь виправлення засудженого засвідчує ефективність застосовуваних до нього заходів дисциплінарного впливу. Причому як критерій ефективності застосовуваних до неповнолітнього ув`язненого заходів заохочення і стягнення авторка розглядає його юридичне виправлення, а не психологічне, а також пенітенціарну ресоціалізацію, котра є продовженням процесу його виправлення у контексті внутрiшнiх психологічних, а не соціальних чинників, на противагу пенітенціарній ресоціалізації


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    The article touches upon the most significant Anna Akhmatova’s work “The Poem without a Hero” that appeared to follow “Requiem” in poetic interpretation of evangelic theme of Crucifixion in the light of tragic destiny of the generation. To show the reflection of the Apocalyptic myth the author of the article researches the biblical cues of the poem, which is penetrated with gospel images, allusions, reminiscences from Genesis. They all, refracted through the prism of apocalyptic eschatology, reconstruct the Time – the prethunderstorm atmosphere of 1913, mirror the sensation of impendent Retribution. Special attention is paid to the key images of the poem – the image of Chalice. Being a poetical reflection of the biblical symbol of Crucifixion, the image of Chalice in Akhmatova’s poetic space is urged to explicit the idea of the generation’s destiny, propitiatory sacrifice