10 research outputs found

    Respon Produksi Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) Akibat Penggunaan Pupuk NPK dan Pupuk Mikroba

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    The production of peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.) has declined over the past five years. This has been influenced by the use of land regardless of soil fertility. This research aims to know the effect of using NPK and microbial fertilizer to peanut (Arachis hypogeae L.) production. The treatments consists of B1= microbial fertilizer, B2= NPK Fertilizer and B3= without fertilizer. These treatments were applied to Sima variety, Singa variety and Flores local cultivar. The result shows that the production of flowers and pods mostly produced by Sima variety through the use of microbial fertilizer. Besides, Flores local cultivar shows response which is not markedly different from the treatment using microbial fertilizer

    Molecular Interaction of Chili Compounds (Capsicum annum L) as a COX-2 Inhibitor

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    Curly red chili (Capsicum annum L.) is a vegetable that has health benefits. Besides being used as an addictive substance in traditional medicine, Capsicum annum L. is also used for cough treatment, antiseptic, anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory. This research study aims to analyze the physico-chemical and its molecular interactions with COX-2. Capsaicin (CID: 1548943), dihydrocapsaicin (CID: 107982) and homocapsaicin (CID: 6442566) compounds were downloaded from pubchem. While the COX protein (ID: 6cox) from the Protein Data Bank. Molecular interaction and analized by HEX. 8.0.0 and Discovery Studio. The three compounds contained in curly red chilies have unique physico-chemical characteristics. The results of the interaction show that the curly mera chili has a physiological function by inhibiting the performance of COX-


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    Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum Annum L) merupakan tanaman holtikultura yang dibudidayakan dalam skala kecilnamun memiliki manfaat kesehatan. Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum Annum L.) juga digunakan untuk pengobatan sakit gigi, bisul, anti parasit, anti inflamasi, antitusif dan juga digunakan sebagai antiseptik, nafsu makan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis potensi senyawa nonivamide dan nordihydrocapsaicin sebagai anti-inflamasi. Kajian penelitian metode in silico. Senyawa Nonivamide (CID :2998) dan Nordihydrocapsaicin (CID: 168836) diperoleh dari PubChem sedangkan COX-2 (6cox) dari Protein Data Bank. Analisis menggunakan HEX 8.0.0 dan ditampilkan Discovery studio client 4.1. Interaksi yang terjadi antara senyawa Nonivamide dan COX-2 membentuk ikatan hidrogen dengan tipe ikatan hidrogen konvensional (CYS47) dan ikatan hidrofobik (LEU152). Selain ikatan hidrogen, juga terdapat sembilan belas residu asam amino menunjukkan adanya gaya Van Der Waals membentuk energi -339.48 cal/mol. Ikatan Nordihydrocapsaicin dengan COX-2 membentuk ikatan pada residu asam amino TRP139 bersifat Pi-Alkyl dan ikatan hidrogen sebagai donor dengan Residu asam amino SER143 energi ikatan sebesar -248.47 cal/mol

    Effect of Cow Dung as Organic Manure on the Productivity of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp (Pigeon pea)

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    Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp is a local plant which not fully utilized by people in Sikka. This plant has a high nutrient content besides a potential of traditional medicine. This research is aimed to examine the effect of organic fertilizer on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp productivity. This research was carried out in Geliting village of Sikka District from May to December 2019. Cow dung and agricultural by-product were used as organic fertilizers. Before applied to the plant, these ingredients were mixed and anaerobically fermented in 30 days. The fertilizer dosage are as follows, 0 kg/m2 (control), 0,5 kg/m2, 1 kg/m2, 1,5 kg/m2, 2 kg/m2, and 2,5 kg/m2. Randomized Block Design was used and examined variables were the flowering time, number of pods, and wet weight of seed. The result showed that there was no effect of organic fertilizer on Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp productivity

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) Materi Ekosistem Taman Nasional Kelimutu (TNK) SMA Kelas X

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan modul yang valid dan efektif dalam pembelajaran biologi melalui Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) materi ekosistem Taman Nasional kelimutu (TNK) untuk siswa kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4-D. Ada 4 tahap dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tahap pendefenisian (define), perancangan (design), pengembangan (develop) dan penyebaran (desseminate). Tempat pengambilan data untuk pengembangan modul di Taman Nasional Kelimutu di Kabupaten Ende. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa/i kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Nita yang berjumlah 34 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara, angket, observasi dan dokumentasi. Produk hasil pengembangan (modul) divalidasi oleh para ahli media, ahli materi dan ahli bahasa yang selanjutnya diujicobakan pada skala kecil dan skala besar yakni 3 orang guru dan 34 peserta didik. Hasilnya menunjukan baik dari ahli maupun uji skala kecil. Uji skala besar mengkategorikan modul dalam kondisi valid. Kefektifan produk yang dikembangkan diperoleh dari tes hasil belajar peserta didik. Berdasarkan hasil dari validator, guru dan peserta didik disimpulkan bahwa modul yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dan setelah diuji coba keefektifan modul memenuhi kategoriĀ  cukup efektif.Keywords: 4D, Ekosistem, Jelajah alam Sekitar, Modul pembelajaran, TN


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    Pengembangan energi substitusi terbarukan dan ramah lingkungan harus dilakukan untuk menggantikan peran energi fosil. Salah satu teknologi untuk menghasilkan energi ini adalah microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Teknologi ini memanfaatkan mikroorganisme untuk menghasilkan listrik secara langsung melalui perombakan molekul organik dalam proses respirasi seluler. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi substrat dan mikroorganisme yang berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam teknologi MFCs. Tipe reaktor MFCs yang digunakan adalah membraneless, single chamber air-cathode. Substrat yang diinokulasi ke dalam reaktor diambil dari tiga sumber yang berbeda, yaitu endapan lumpur bakau, tanah berlumpur dari kebun dan endapan saluran pembuangan rumah tangga. Material elektroda yang digunakan adalah kombinasi stainless steel mesh dan karbon aktif. MFCs dioperasikan selama 3 siklus (1 siklus = 7 hari), dan di akhir siklus, reaktor MFCs dibersihkan dan diganti dengan substrat yang baru. Hasil pengoperasian MFCs selama 3 siklus menunjukkan bahwa substrat dari endapan lumpur bakau menghasilkan tegangan listrik sebesar 101,54 mV. Sedangkan, substrat tanah berlumpur dan endapan saluran pembuangan rumah tangga menghasikan tegangan sebesar 15,8 mV dan 13,06 mV. Dengan penelitian yang lebih mendalam, substrat endapan lumpur bakau berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam teknologi MFCs. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan teknologi MFCs kepada masyarakat, agar dapat dikembangkan untuk mengelola limbah dan menghasilkan energi terbarukan

    Performance of Gallus gallus domesticus Induced by Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Powder before Puberty

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    The lack of use of turmeric powder by farmers to increase the production of native chicken eggs such as increasing egg weight. The purpose of the research was to determine the effect of turmeric powder supplement (Curcuma longa L.) on the weight of native chicken eggs (Gallus gallus domesticus) that had been induced on standard feed before entering the pebertas period. The design of this study is to use a complete randomized design with a total of 3 treatments. Treatment consists of the first; chicken that is not given turmeric powder supplement (P0). Second; native chickens are given turmeric powder supplements at a dose of 216 mg/ chicken /day (P1). Third; is a native chicken given turmeric powder supplement with a dose of 324 mg/ chicken /day. Egg weight data is obtained from the results of measurements made every day when all chickens have laid eggs. One month's measurement data is taken from 28 days of measurement. All measurement data is analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). If the data is influential, it is then tested with a Duncan test with a trust of 95 % (Ī±>0.05).  Supplementation of turmeric powder mixed in daily standard feed before entering puberty can have an effect on increasing the weight of free-range chicken eggs (Gallus gallus domesticus). There was a significant difference in free-range chickens that were given turmeric powder supplements at a dose of 324 mg/ chicken /day (483.6 mg) compared to chickens that did not receive turmeric powder supplements (405.4 mg)

    Implementasi Biology Club I di SMA Karitas Watuneso, Kecamatan Lio Timur, Kabupaten Ende

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    Biology learning is defined as material that is difficult to experience biological concepts. The biology learning offered must have a role as something easy to implement. The collaboration of games and biology is one of the concepts to introduce biology that plays a game. Therefore, my Biology Club Team took the initiative to provide experiences and emphasize the deep character of biology to motivate students. This research aims to integrate biology material and games at Karitas Watuneso High School in Biology Club I activities. We collaborated direct instruction, demonstration, and discussion methods. The implementation of Biology Club I at Karitas Watuneso High School received a positive response with the highest level of satisfaction starting from the Zoology Games, Botany Games, and Microbiology Games. The level of significance of Biology Club I received the highest score, followed by material understanding and activity satisfaction. Pembelajaran biologi diartikan sebagai materi yang sulit. Pembelajaran biologi memiliki peran untuk menyederhanakanmateri yang dipelajari. Kolaborasi permainan dan biologi merupakan salah satu konsep untuk mengenalkan biologi dalam permainan. Oleh karena itu, kelompok Biologi berinisiatif untuk memberikan pengalaman dan mengedepankan karakter biologi yang dalam sehingga dapat memotivasi siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengintegrasikan materi dan permainan biologi di SMA Karitas Watuneso dalam kegiatan Biology Club I. Metode ini hasil kolaborasi instruksi langsung, demonstrasi, dan metode diskusi. Penyelenggaraan kelompok Biologi I di SMA Karitas Watuneso mendapat respon positif dengan tingkat kepuasan tertinggi masing-masing mulai dari Zoology Games, Botany Games dan Microbiology Games. Tingkat kebermaknaan kelompok Biologi I memperoleh skor tertinggi, diikuti oleh pemahaman materi dan kepuasan kegiatan

    Effect of the Type of Organic Waste and Retention Time on Biogas Production from Cow Dung

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    Nowadays, the demand on fossil energy is increasing in number whereas its availability is decrease. People are still reckoned on it, despite of its rareness. Fossil energy utilized must be banned due to its negative effect. It is time for us to use renewable and eco-friendly energy (biofuel). Biogas is one of biofuel produced from anaerobic decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms. Organic waste as a by-product of our daily activities can be used as raw material to produce biogas. To use waste, means to decrease the environmental pollution problem. This research is aim to study the type of organic waste as a raw material to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion and its retention time. Organic wastes that were used in this research are domestic waste (food waste), agriculture waste (corn leaves) and industrial waste (solid and liquid waste of tofu). All of these wastes were mixed with cow dung as the starter/inoculum. As a control, the starter was used without organic waste addition. The testable retention times were 1st week until 9th week. The experimental design was Factorial Complete Randomized Design with confidence level 95%. The result showed that all the type of organic waste can be used to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. Statistically, the average volume of biogas produced from industrial waste per week, 5794,3 ml was significantly different from any other organic waste (P=0,000). The best retention time was found on 8th week with the average volume of biogas was 3675,6 ml (P=0,006). There was no interaction between these two factors (P=0,1). This research is expected to open the peopleā€™s awareness about the management of useable organic waste as a raw material to produce biogas


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    This study aimed to analyze the perception of the social competence for biology teacher candidates. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Research subjects were determined by using purpose sampling technique. Data were collected through interviews, filling out questionnaires, and document studies. The validity of the data was determined using source triangulation and technical triangulation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by means of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The results showed that the perception on the social competence of biology teacher candidates was in the good category. This research can be used as a basis for conducting research related to teacher competence in the future