49 research outputs found

    The exploits of the Red army soldiers in the battles for the liberation of the Luninets area

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    The article reveals the details of the defense of the Luninets region from the Nazi invaders in the summer of 1941 and its liberation in 1944.В статье раскрываются подробности обороны Лунинецкого района от нацистских захватчиков летом 1941 года и его освобождения в 1944 году

    A heuristic two-dimensional presentation of microsatellite-based data applied to dogs and wolves

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    Methods based on genetic distance matrices usually lose information during the process of tree-building by converting a multi-dimensional matrix into a phylogenetic tree. We applied a heuristic method of two-dimensional presentation to achieve a better resolution of the relationship between breeds and individuals investigated. Four hundred and nine individuals from nine German dog breed populations and one free-living wolf population were analysed with a marker set of 23 microsatellites. The result of the two-dimensional presentation was partly comparable with and complemented a model-based analysis that uses genotype patterns. The assignment test and the neighbour-joining tree based on allele sharing estimate allocated 99% and 97% of the individuals according to their breed, respectively. The application of the two-dimensional presentation to distances on the basis of the proportion of shared alleles resulted in comparable and further complementary insight into inferred population structure by multilocus genotype data. We expect that the inference of population structure in domesticated species with complex breeding histories can be strongly supported by the two-dimensional presentation based on the described heuristic method


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    One of the important factors for improving the economic situation in the Russian Federation is the optimization of the mechanism of currency regulation. Its role as the main means of implementing monetary policy is of particular importance in countries where the national currency has limited convertibility, since it is not in stable demand in the global financial markets. The purpose of this article is to summarize existing theoretical approaches to the problem of formation and regulation of the exchange rate based on the study of the evolution of relevant theories and concepts, as well as the definition of their scope of application and the conditions of validity. The article systematizes the theoretical aspects of the formation and regulation of the exchange rate. The paper highlights the instruments that affect the exchange rate. The authors study the main approaches to the relationship between the balance of payments and the exchange rate. The obtained theoretical results can be used in the formation and adjustment of monetary policy

    Green finance in the United States of America, United Kingdom and Russian Federation: practice analysis

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    Now, when the world economy is gradually transforming into a low-carbon one, the criterion of sustainable development of the green economy is becoming an increasingly decisive factor in the competitiveness of the state. Another aspect of relevance is the fact that aggressive business development, especially in terms of lending and investment, often opposes environmental protection issues. The purpose of this article is to study the practice of green finance in developed countries and identify development prospects in the Russian Federation. The methods of system and critical analysis, as well as graphical method were used in the work. It is revealed that foreign developed countries are actively improving legislation and introducing mechanisms of green financing. These processes do not always occur smoothly, it takes time to adapt and develop them, but there are more and more green financial instruments, the global financial system is gradually changing. It has been established that the processes of green energy transfer should have a steady but smooth character, otherwise there is always a risk of getting a completely unexpected negative result. It has been revealed that Russia has all the necessary resources to build a new, more environmentally friendly economy through green financing. But the transition to sustainable development, improvement of infrastructure and environmentally friendly industries is impossible without the active intervention of the state and changes in the self-consciousness of Russians

    Contemporary genetic structure, phylogeography and past demographic processes of wild boar <i>Sus scrofa</i> population in central and eastern Europe

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    The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is one of the most widely distributed mammals in Europe. Its demography was affected by various events in the past and today populations are increasing throughout Europe. We examined genetic diversity, structure and population dynamics of wild boar in Central and Eastern Europe. MtDNA control region (664 bp) was sequenced in 254 wild boar from six countries (Poland, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and the European part of Russia). We detected 16 haplotypes, all known from previous studies in Europe; 14 of them belonged to European 1 (E1) clade, including 13 haplotypes from E1-C and one from E1-A lineages. Two haplotypes belonged respectively to the East Asian and the Near Eastern clade. Both haplotypes were found in Russia and most probably originated from the documented translocations of wild boar. The studied populations showed moderate haplotype (0.714 &#177;0.023) and low nucleotide diversity (0.003 &#177;0.002). SAMOVA grouped the genetic structuring of Central and Eastern European wild boar into three subpopulations, comprising of: (1) north-eastern Belarus and the European part of Russia, (2) Poland, Ukraine, Moldova and most of Belarus, and (3) Hungary. The multimodal mismatch distribution, Fu's Fs index, Bayesian skyline plot and the high occurrence of shared haplotypes among populations did not suggest strong demographic fluctuations in wild boar numbers in the Holocene and pre-Holocene times. This study showed relatively weak genetic diversity and structure in Central and Eastern European wild boar populations and underlined gaps in our knowledge on the role of southern refugia and demographic processes shaping genetic diversity of wild boar in this part of Europe

    Applying Aniline for P-doping of PEDOT:PSS Films to Improve Their Conductivity and Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Poly(3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) is responsible for hole extraction efficiency and hole transport in the perovskite solar cell structure. The inclusion of PSS reduces the conductivity of the PEDOT films, which inhibits hole transport and results in a low photo current of the perovskite solar cell. In this work, an aniline solution was used as an additive in the PEDOT: PSS thin film to increase electrical conductivity. Two different methods were used to incorporate the additive: surface and volume treatment. The results show that the surface treatment with aniline solution can significantly increase the conductivity of PEDOT: PSS film. Moreover, the photoconversion efficiency of the perovskite solar cell with such a PEDOT: PSS layer is increased 1.5 times compared to the untreated one

    Новый популизм в новой Европе: венгерский и польский примеры в научном дискурсе

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    The article analyzes the phenomenon of new populism in Central and Eastern Europe, taking as an example such countries as Hungary and Poland. The object of research is scientific discourse, and the subject is its segment, directly or indirectly related to populism in CEE. The main problems, aspects and positions that exist in the scientific community on the topic of populism are identified. This article explores the questions of whether populists in CEE countries are bearers of the potential for alternativeism.The piece also raises the problem of the model of the world order and the possibility of projecting an Eastern European alternative development-Most attention is paid to the answers to these research questions. In addition, the article outlines possible prospects for the development of the scientific discourse of populism, including in a comparative political key.В статье рассматривается феномен нового популизма в Центральной и Восточной Европе (ЦВЕ) на примере таких стран-членов Вишеградской группы как Венгрия и Польша. В качестве объекта исследования выступает научный дискурс, а предметом является его сегмент, прямо или косвенно связанный с популизмом в ЦВЕ. Выявляются основные проблемы, аспекты и позиции, существующие в научном сообществе по тематике популизма. В статье исследуются вопросы, относительно того, являются ли популисты стран ЦВЕ носителями потенциала альтернативности. Также в материале поднимается проблема о модели миропорядка и возможности проектирования восточноевропейской альтернативы развития. Ответам на эти исследовательские вопросы уделяется наибольшее внимание. Кроме того, в статье намечаются возможные перспективы развития научного дискурса популизма, в том числе в сравнительно-политическом ключе

    Pan‐European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analyzed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included into the analyses additional 1541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined toward Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern, and Western) composed of several haplogroups, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the haplogroups in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts and in two northern refugia.202