169 research outputs found

    Direct measurement of the HCl dimer tunneling rate and Cl isotope dependence by far-infrared laser sideband spectroscopy of planar supersonic jets

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    The large amplitude tunneling motion of the HCl dimer has been directly studied with a tunable far‐infrared laser sideband/two-dimensional free jet expansion spectrometer at hyperfine resolution. Rotationless tunneling rates for the three common chlorine isotopic forms are v(35–35)=463 979.2(1) MHz, v(35–37)=463 357.7(1) MHz, and v(37–37)=462 733.7(3) MHz. Both the rotational constants and hyperfine parameters indicate that the vibrationally averaged structure shows little variation within a given tunneling state, with both HCl bond angles giving an average projection on the a-axis of 47° in all states with resolved hyperfine patterns

    Tunable far-infrared laser spectroscopy of deuterated isotopomers of Ar–H2O

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    Several far-infrared vibration-rotation-tunneling transitions have been measured in deuterated isotopomers of Ar–H2O for the first time. These experimental results will enable the generation of improved intermolecular potential energy surfaces for the Ar–H2O system when combined with existing microwave, far-infrared, and infrared data

    On the persistence of supplementary resources in biomedical publications

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    BACKGROUND: Providing for long-term and consistent public access to scientific data is a growing concern in biomedical research. One aspect of this problem can be demonstrated by evaluating the persistence of supplementary data associated with published biomedical papers. METHODS: We manually evaluated 655 supplementary data links extracted from PubMed abstracts published 1998–2005 (Method 1) as well as a further focused subset of 162 full-text manuscripts published within three representative high-impact biomedical journals between September and December 2004 (Method 2). RESULTS: For Method 1 we found that since 2001, only 71 – 92% of supplementary data were still accessible via the links provided, with 93% of these inaccessible links occurring where supplementary data was not stored with the publishing journal. Of the manuscripts evaluated in Method 2, we found that only 83% of these links were available approximately a year after publication, with 55% of these inaccessible links were at locations outside the journal of publication. CONCLUSION: We conclude that if supplemental data is required to support the publication, journals policies must take-on the responsibility to accept and store such data or require that it be maintained with a credible independent institution or under the terms of a strategic data storage plan specified by the authors. We further recommend that publishers provide automated systems to ensure that supplementary links remain persistent, and that granting bodies such as the NIH develop policies and funding mechanisms to maintain long-term persistent access to these data

    Evolutionary and biomedical insights from the rhesus macaque genome

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    The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is an abundant primate species that diverged from the ancestors of Homo sapiens about 25 million years ago. Because they are genetically and physiologically similar to humans, rhesus monkeys are the most widely used nonhuman primate in basic and applied biomedical research. We determined the genome sequence of an Indian-origin Macaca mulatta female and compared the data with chimpanzees and humans to reveal the structure of ancestral primate genomes and to identify evidence for positive selection and lineage-specific expansions and contractions of gene families. A comparison of sequences from individual animals was used to investigate their underlying genetic diversity. The complete description of the macaque genome blueprint enhances the utility of this animal model for biomedical research and improves our understanding of the basic biology of the species

    Standardising Clinical Caremaps: Model, Method and Graphical Notation for Caremap Specification

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    Standardising care can improve patient safety and outcomes, and reduce the cost of providing healthcare services. Caremaps were developed to standardise care, but contemporary caremaps are not standardised. Confusion persists in terms of terminology, structure, content and development process. Unlike existing methods in the literature, the approach, model and notation presented in this chapter pays special attention to incorporation of clinical decision points as first-class citizens within the modelling process. The resulting caremap with decision points is evaluated through creation of a caremap for women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The proposed method was found to be an effective way for comprehensively specifying all features of caremaps in a standardised way that can be easily understood by clinicians. This chapter contributes a new standardised method, model and notation for caremap content, structure and development

    Precision measurement of the speed of propagation of neutrinos using the MINOS detectors

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    We report a two-detector measurement of the propagation speed of neutrinos over a baseline of 734 km. The measurement was made with the NuMI beam at Fermilab between the near and far MINOS detectors. The fractional difference between the neutrino speed and the speed of light is determined to be (v/c-1) = (1.0±1.1) × 10^−6, consistent with relativistic neutrinos