35 research outputs found

    Estudio de viabilidad de una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia

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    [Resumen] En este proyecto se lleva a cabo un estudio de viabilidad económica de la instalación de variadores de frecuencia, en los ventiladores, y un autómata programable en una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primer lugar, se analiza el contexto de las aletas de tiburón y su procesado,centrándose en proceso de secado, ya que es donde se centrará el estudio de viabilidad por la implantación de los dispositivos considerados, en este proceso. A continuación, se realiza un estudio de las instalaciones y el caso concreto de la planta objeto de estudio en este proyecto. En base a ello, se definen las distintas alternativas de estudio que se considerarán. Una vez definidas las alternativas, se elabora un presupuesto para cada una de ellas, que determinará la inversión inicial necesaria. Se calculará el ahorro de energía y de coste, de la implantación de las distintas instalaciones considerada en cada alternativa, teniendo en cuenta las consideraciones oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, se lleva a cabo el análisis económico de las alternativas mediante el cálculo del Valor Actual Neto (VAN), la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y el periodo de recuperación, y se realizará un estudio de sensibilidad para determinar cuáles son los aspectos del proyecto que más influyen sobre el resultado final.[Resumo] Neste proxecto lévase a cabo un estudo de viabilidade económica da instalación de variadores de frecuencia, nos ventiladores, e un autómata programable nunha planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primeiro lugar, analízase o contexto das aletas de tiburón e o seu procesado, centrándose no proceso de secado, xa que é onde se centrará o estudo de viabilidade pola implantación dos dispositivos considerados, neste proceso. A continuación, realízase un estudo das instlacións e o caso concreto da planta obxecto de estudio neste proxecto. En base a iso, defínense as distintas alternativas de estudo que se considerarán. Unha vez definidas as alternativas, elabórase un presuposto para cada unha delas, que determinará o investimento inicial necesario. Calcularase o aforro de enerxía e de coste, da implantación das distintas instlacións consideradas en cada alternativa, tendo en conta as consideracións oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, lévase a cabo o análise económico das alternativas mediante o cálculo do Valor Actual Neto (VAN), a TASA Interna de Retorno (TIR) e o periodo de recuperación, se realizaráse un estudo de sensibilidade para determinar cales son os aspectos do proxecto que máis inflúen sobre o resultado final.[Abstract]: In this project an economic feasibility study of the installation of frequency inverters, in the fans, and a programmable automaton in a shark fin processing plant in Galicia is carried out. First, the context of shark fins and their processing is analyzed, focusing on the drying process, since this is where the feasibility study will focus on the implementation of the considered devices, in this process. Next, a study of the facilities and the specific case of the plant object of study in this project is carried out. Based on this, the different study alternatives that will be considered are defined. Once the alternatives have been defined, a budget is drawn up for each of them, which will determine the initial investment required. The energy and cost savings of the implementation of the different facilities considered in each alternative will be calculated, taking into account the appropriate considerations in each specific case. Finally, the economic analysis of the aforementioned alternatives is carried out by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the payback period, and a sensitivity analysis is made to determine which aspects of the project have a greater influence on the final result.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría en tecnoloxías industriais. Curso 2018/201

    Presurgical language mapping in children with epilepsy: Clinical usefulness of functional magnetic resonance imaging for the planning of cortical stimulation

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    Purpose: Presurgical language mapping in dominant hemisphere epilepsy to evaluate the risk of postoperative deficit is particularly difficult in children. Extraoperative invasive cortical stimulation can show some areas critical to language, but not all of them, due to scarce sampling, poor cooperation, cortical immaturity, or network reorganization, whereas functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) displays entire networks involved in, but not necessarily critical to, language. In a homogeneous series of children with epilepsy, we compared the contributions of language fMRI and depth electrode stimulations to optimize language mapping. Methods: Eight children (7.5-15.5 years) with left frontal or temporal epilepsy underwent language fMRI and language stimulation with depth electrodes as part of their comprehensive presurgical workup. fMRI data collected during sentence generation were analyzed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM2) (false discovery rate [FDR] p \u3c 0.05). Bipolar stimulations were performed during language production tasks. By coregistering fMRI and postimplantation computed tomography (CT) images, we were able to directly compare the cortical areas identified by both investigations. Key Findings: fMRI during sentence generation robustly showed activation in the whole perisylvian regions with little reorganization (left hemisphere dominant in 7). Of the 184 electrode contacts tested for language, only 8 were positive (language disruption) in three of the seven patients with periictal language impairment and left language dominance. All of the positive contacts colocalized with an fMRI activated cluster, that is, fMRI did not miss any region critical to language (sensitivity = 100%). However, 54 of the 176 negative contacts were within activated clusters (low specificity). Significance: In children with epilepsy, the sensitivity of fMRI during sentence generation allows for the detection of all critical regions displayed by cortical stimulation within the large perisylvian language network, but with a low specificity. It is, therefore, useful to optimize the placement of intracranial electrodes when language mapping is necessary. Systematic planning of the electrode placement according to language fMRI maps should increase the yield of extraoperative cortical stimulation, which appears rather low in children when compared to adults. © 2011 International League Against Epilepsy

    Not surgical technique, but etiology, contralateral MRI, prior surgery, and side of surgery determine seizure outcome after pediatric hemispherotomy

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy in a contemporary cohort. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the seizure outcomes of 457 children who underwent hemispheric surgery in five European epilepsy centers between 2000 and 2016. We identified variables related to seizure outcome through multivariable regression modeling with missing data imputation and optimal group matching, and we further investigated the role of surgical technique by Bayes factor (BF) analysis. RESULTS: One hundred seventy seven children (39%) underwent vertical and 280 children (61%) underwent lateral hemispherotomy. Three hundred forty-four children (75%) achieved seizure freedom at a mean follow-up of 5.1 years (range 1 to 17.1). We identified acquired etiology other than stroke (odds ratio [OR] 4.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-18.0), hemimegalencephaly (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.1-7.3), contralateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (OR 5.5, 95% CI 2.7-11.1), prior resective surgery (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.8-14.0), and left hemispherotomy (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.3-3.9) as significant determinants of seizure recurrence. We found no evidence of an impact of the hemispherotomy technique on seizure outcome (the BF for a model including the hemispherotomy technique over the null model was 1.1), with comparable overall major complication rates for different approaches. SIGNIFICANCE: Knowledge about the independent determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy will improve the counseling of patients and families. In contrast to previous reports, we found no statistically relevant difference in seizure-freedom rates between the vertical and horizontal hemispherotomy techniques when accounting for different clinical features between groups

    Not surgical technique, but etiology, contralateral MRI, prior surgery, and side of surgery determine seizure outcome after pediatric hemispherotomy

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    Objective: We aimed to assess determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy in a contemporary cohort. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the seizure outcomes of 457 children who underwent hemispheric surgery in five European epilepsy centers between 2000 and 2016. We identified variables related to seizure outcome through multivariable regression modeling with missing data imputation and optimal group matching, and we further investigated the role of surgical technique by Bayes factor (BF) analysis. Results: One hundred seventy seven children (39%) underwent vertical and 280 children (61%) underwent lateral hemispherotomy. Three hundred forty-four children (75%) achieved seizure freedom at a mean follow-up of 5.1 years (range 1 to 17.1). We identified acquired etiology other than stroke (odds ratio [OR] 4.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1–18.0), hemimegalencephaly (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.1–7.3), contralateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings (OR 5.5, 95% CI 2.7–11.1), prior resective surgery (OR 5.0, 95% CI 1.8–14.0), and left hemispherotomy (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.3–3.9) as significant determinants of seizure recurrence. We found no evidence of an impact of the hemispherotomy technique on seizure outcome (the BF for a model including the hemispherotomy technique over the null model was 1.1), with comparable overall major complication rates for different approaches. Significance: Knowledge about the independent determinants of seizure outcome following pediatric hemispherotomy will improve the counseling of patients and families. In contrast to previous reports, we found no statistically relevant difference in seizure-freedom rates between the vertical and horizontal hemispherotomy techniques when accounting for different clinical features between groups

    Epilepsy surgery for hemispheric syndromes in infants: hemimegalencepahly and hemispheric cortical dysplasia

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Hemimegalencepahly (HME) and Hemispheric Cortical Dysplasia (HCD) are rare congenital diseases that occur with intractable epilepsy. They manifest by early epilepsy, mental retardation, hemianopsia and contralateral hemiplegia. Hemispheric disconnection (mainly anatomical hemispherectomy, peri-insular hemispherotomy, modified lateral hemispherotomy and vertical parasagittal hemispherotomy) have been reported to be efficient on seizures and also to prevent additional cognitive injury and developmental delay. METHOD: We reviewed literature about clinical presentation, predictors of outcome and expectation about epileptic seizures and cognitive outcome. RESULTS: Clinical presentation and seizures outcome have been described in almost 600 children for the last thirty years. Epilepsy improved in most cases depending on the series and the follow-up duration. Percentage of seizure-free patients with HME or HCD was lower than in other groups (Rasmussen Encephalitis, Vascular Sequellae). Post-operative complications decreased with the hemispherotomy surgical procedures. EEG abnormalities on the "save" hemisphere did not negatively influence postsurgical outcome. Seizure free outcome did not seem to depend on the surgical procedure but the presence of residual insular cortex seemed to be associated with persistent postoperative seizures. Contralateral MRI abnormalities seemed to be associated with poorer prognosis for seizure free outcome and lack of cognitive improvement. CONCLUSION: Hemispheric disconnection remains the best treatment in order to control epileptic seizures. Hemispheric surgical procedures are safe and can be performed from the first month of life. Prospective studies of cognition are needed to emphasize benefits on long term outcome

    Topological Analysis of Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives Interacting with Aluminum Cations or with an Al(111) Surface

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    International audienceThe reactivity of hydroxyquinoline derivatives (native molecules (Hq) and modified species (HqX, X = Br, SO3H, or SO3–)) is investigated either (i) with aluminum cations for the formation of chelates or (ii) with aluminum surfaces for their adsorption properties, in the framework of the dispersion-corrected Density Functional Theory (DFT-D). It is shown that the substituent X has no influence on the complexation to the aluminum cation of the deprotonated active form, i.e., the one exhibiting a phenolate moiety and referred to as q– for the native Hq and qXn– (n = 1 or 2) for its derivatives. The formation energies of the Alq3 and Al(qX)3 complexes, taking values of −60.87 ± 3.10 eV in vacuum and −24.30 ± 0.29 eV in water, are indicative of a strong chelating affinity of the q– and qXn– (n = 1 or 2) anions for the aluminum cations. ELF and QTAIM topological analyses on these complexes evidence that the bonding of the deprotonated species with the Al3+ ion is ionic with a very weak covalence degree. The para or ortho substituent X of the phenolate moiety of the qXn– (n = 1 or 2) derivatives modifies the electronic structure only locally and thus does not influence their O- or N-coordinating properties. The adsorption properties of the latter on an Al(111) surface have also been studied within periodic DFT-D calculations. The adsorbed species are strongly interacting with the Al(111) surface, as shown by the value of the adsorption energy of −3.69 ± 0.21 eV for the most stable geometries. Various adsorption modes of the q– and qXn– (n = 1 or 2) derivatives are characterized on the Al surface, depending on stabilizing or destabilizing interactions with the substituents X. On the basis of QTAIM descriptors, the bonding of the hydroxyquinoline species on the aluminum surface is characterized as ionic with a weak covalent character

    Déconnexion hémisphérique et plasticité cognitive développementale (Étude neuropsychologique et par IRM fonctionelle de langage d'une population d'enfants traités par hémisphérotomie)

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    Chez les enfants présentant une épilepsie sévère associée à des lésions étendues à tout un hémisphère, la déconnexion hémisphérique s'avère le traitement chirurgical le plus efficace. Le sujet de cette thèse concerne la plasticité cognitive développementale, en partictdier dans le domaine du langage, à partir de cette situation privilégiée pour aborder la question de l'asymétrie hémisphérique au cours du développement. Pour la première fois, nous rapportons l'évolution- neuropsychologique post-opératoire dans une large population de patients opérés durant l'enfance, parfois dès les premiers mois de la vie. Une première étude sur le devenir à long terme de 83 patients a mis en -évidence- un pronostic neurocognitif plus sombre chez les enfants ayant débuté leur épilepsie en bas âge. Trente enfants ont participé à une évaluation neuropsychologique approfondie qui a montré des difficultés linguistiques plus importantes après ablation fonctionnelle de l'hémisphère gauche en faveur de son rôle spécifique dans le développement du langage. Nous rapportons également de faibles capacités de mémoire de travail chez ces patients qui se caractérisent par ailleurs par d'étonnantes capacités d'apprentissage verbal en situation de rappel d'une liste de mots. Chez treize enfants, la réalisation d'une IRM fonctionnelle de langage a permis d'explorer les zones cérébrales impliquées dans le langage en post-opératoire de l'hémisphère droit ou gauche. Des régions homologues est été mises en évidence en faveur d'une réorganisation controlatérale des réseaux de langage avec, chez les sujets opérés sur leur hémisphère dominant, une implication supplémentaire du cortex frontal dorso-ïatéral.Children with catastrophic epilepsy associated with extensive lesions of one hemisphere are the best candidates for hemispheric disconnection in order to cure epilepsy. The topic of this research is based on developmental cognitive plasticity, peculiarly in the field ef toguage &om the amazing siteation e£ living with one hemisphere in order to analyse hemispheric dominance according to the brain development. Post-operative neuropsychological evaluation was done for the first time in a large population of childr-ea who underwent surgery during infancy, sometimes during the month of the life. We firstly demonstrated a bad neuropsychological outcome in 2, population of 83 children when epilepsy onset early in life. Thirty children participated to a detailed neuropsychological assessment which pointed out more difficulties in linguistic abilities when patients underwent left hemispheric disconnexion; this results ace ia favour of a left hemispheric specialisation for language. We also found impairment in short term memory although normal verbal long term memory in situation of learning and recalling a list of words was normal. Functional MRI of language was finally performed in thirteen children in order to analyse cerebral map implicated in language on the right or left hemisphere in the post-operative course. Homologous cerebral regions were exhibited suggesting controlateral reorganisation of language networks; moreover, activations were found in the dorso-lateral frontal cortex when children were operated on their dominant hemisphere and have to reorganize their language on the controlateral hemisphere.BOULOGNE-BU Psych. Henri Pieron (920125201) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cognitive Network Organization in Healthy Individuals and Handedness Effect: Insights Beyond Cognitive Performance

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    The evaluation of cognitive functions interactions has become increasingly implemented in the cognition exploration. In the present project, we propose to examine the organization of the cognitive network in healthy participants through the analysis of behavioral performances in several cognitive domains. Specifically, we aim to explore cognitive interactions profiles, in terms of cognitive network, as well as a function of participants’ handedness. To this end, we proposed several behavioral tasks evaluating language, memory, executive functions, and social cognition performances in 175 young healthy right-handed and left-handed participants and we analyzed cognitive scores, from a network perspective, using graph theory. Our results highlight the existence of intricate interactions between cognitive functions both within and beyond the same cognitive domain. Language functions are interrelated with executive functions and memory in healthy cognitive functioning and assume a central role in the cognitive network. Interestingly, for similar high performance, our findings unveiled differential organizations within the cognitive network between right-handed and left-handed participants, with variations observed both at a global and nodal level. This original integrative network approach to the study of cognition, or ‘cognitomic’ framework, provides new insights on cognitive interactions and modulations. It allows finally a more global understanding and consideration of cognitive functioning, from which complex behaviors emerge