1,984 research outputs found

    Clustered bottlenecks in mRNA translation and protein synthesis

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    We construct an algorithm that generates large, band-diagonal transition matrices for a totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) with local hopping rate inhomogeneities. The matrices are diagonalized numerically to find steady-state currents of TASEPs with local variations in hopping rate. The results are then used to investigate clustering of slow codons along mRNA. Ribosome density profiles near neighboring clusters of slow codons interact, enhancing suppression of ribosome throughput when such bottlenecks are closely spaced. Increasing the slow codon cluster size, beyond 34\approx 3-4, does not significantly reduce ribosome current. Our results are verified by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations and provide a biologically-motivated explanation for the experimentally-observed clustering of low-usage codons

    Fluctuations of the Lyapunov exponent in 2D disordered systems

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    We report a numerical investigation of the fluctuations of the Lyapunov exponent of a two dimensional non-interacting disordered system. While the ratio of the mean to the variance of the Lyapunov exponent is not constant, as it is in one dimension, its variation is consistent with the single parameter scaling hypothesis

    Scalloped margin domes: What are the processes responsible and how do they operate?

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    Studies of scalloped margin domes (SMD) indicate the scallops are the result of slope failure. SMD's have similar but smaller average diameters (26.5 km) to unmodified domes (29.8 km), and the majority plot at altitudes ranging from 0.5-4.7 km, relative to the mean planetary diameter. A range of morphological types exist from those least modified to those that show heavy modification. Of the 200 SMD's examined, 33 have clearly discernible debris aprons. Examination and comparison of debris aprons with mass movement features on the Moon, Mars, and in sub-aerial and submarine environments on Earth using H/L against area (km(sup 2)), suggests there are three main types of failure; debris avalanche, slumps, and debris flow. The five examples representing the morphological range within the SMD's, show the different modified forms and the different types of slope failures that have occurred

    Detector-Agnostic Phase-Space Distributions

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    The representation of quantum states via phase-space functions constitutes an intuitive technique to characterize light. However, the reconstruction of such distributions is challenging as it demands specific types of detectors and detailed models thereof to account for their particular properties and imperfections. To overcome these obstacles, we derive and implement a measurement scheme that enables a reconstruction of phase-space distributions for arbitrary states whose functionality does not depend on the knowledge of the detectors, thus defining the notion of detector-agnostic phase-space distributions. Our theory presents a generalization of well-known phase-space quasiprobability distributions, such as the Wigner function. We implement our measurement protocol, using state-of-the-art transition-edge sensors without performing a detector characterization. Based on our approach, we reveal the characteristic features of heralded single- and two-photon states in phase space and certify their nonclassicality with high statistical significance

    Extreme magneto-transport of bulk carbon nanotubes in sorted electronic concentrations and aligned high performance fiber

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    We explored high-field (60T) magneto-resistance (MR) with two carbon nanotube (CNT) material classes: (1) unaligned single-wall CNTs (SWCNT) films with controlled metallic SWCNT concentrations and doping degree and (2) CNT fiber with aligned, long-length microstructure. All unaligned SWCNT films showed localized hopping transport where high-field MR saturation definitively supports spin polarization instead of a more prevalent wave function shrinking mechanism. Nitric acid exposure induced an insulator to metal transition and reduced the positive MR component. Aligned CNT fiber, already on the metal side of the insulator to metal transition, had positive MR without saturation and was assigned to classical MR involving electronic mobility. Subtracting high-field fits from the aligned fiber's MR yielded an unconfounded negative MR, which was assigned to weak localization. It is concluded that fluctuation induced tunnelling, an extrinsic transport model accounting for most of the aligned fiber's room temperature resistance, appears to lack MR field dependence

    Extended haplodiploidy hypothesis

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    Evolution of altruistic behavior was a hurdle for the logic of Darwinian evolution. Soon after Hamilton formalized the concept of inclusive fitness, which explains how altruism can evolve, he suggested that the high sororal relatedness brought by haplodiploidy could be why Hymenopterans have a high prevalence in eusocial species, and why helpers in Hymenoptera are always female. Later it was noted that in order to capitalize on the high sororal relatedness, helpers would need to direct help toward sisters, and this would bias the population sex ratio. Under a 1:3 males:females sex ratio, the inclusive fitness valuation a female places on her sister, brother, and an own offspring are equalapparently removing the benefit of helping over independent reproduction. Based on this argumentation, haplodiploidy hypothesis has been considered a red herring. However, here we show that when population sex ratio, cost of altruism, and population growth rate are considered together, haplodiploidy does promote female helping even with female-biased sex ratio, due the lowered cost of altruism in such populations. Our analysis highlights the need to re-evaluate the role of haplodiploidy in the evolution of helping, and the importance of fully exploring the model assumptions when comparing interactions of population sex ratios and social behaviors.Peer reviewe

    Stretchable Device for Simultaneous Measurements of Contractility and Electrophysiology of Neuromuscular Tissue in the Gastrointestinal Tract.

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    Devices interfacing with biological tissues can provide valuable insights into function, disease, and metabolism through electrical and mechanical signals. However, certain neuromuscular tissues, like those in the gastrointestinal tract, undergo significant strains of up to 40%. Conventional inextensible devices cannot capture the dynamic responses in these tissues. This study introduces electrodes made from poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) that enable simultaneous monitoring of electrical and mechanical responses of gut tissue. The soft PDMS layers conform to tissue surfaces during gastrointestinal movement. Dopants, including Capstone FS-30 and polyethylene glycol, are explored to enhance the conductivity, electrical sensitivity to strain, and stability of the PEDOT:PSS. The devices are fabricated using shadow masks and solution-processing techniques, providing a faster and simpler process than traditional clean-room-based lithography. Tested on ex vivo mouse colon and human stomach, the device recorded voltage changes of up to 300 µV during contraction and distension consistent with muscle activity, while simultaneously recording resistance changes of up to 150% due to mechanical strain. These devices detect and respond to chemical stimulants and blockers, and can induce contractions through electrical stimulation. They hold great potential for studying and treating complex disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and gastroparesis

    How organizational cognitive neuroscience can deepen understanding of managerial decision-making:a review of the recent literature and future directions

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    There is growing interest in exploring the potential links between human biology and management and organization studies, which is bringing greater attention to bear on the place of mental processes in explaining human behaviour and effectiveness. The authors define this new field as organizational cognitive neuroscience (OCN), which is in the exploratory phase of its emergence and diffusion. It is clear that there are methodological debates and issues associated with OCN research, and the aim of this paper is to illuminate these concerns, and provide a roadmap for rigorous and relevant future work in the area. To this end, the current reach of OCN is investigated by the systematic review methodology, revealing three clusters of activity, covering the fields of economics, marketing and organizational behaviour. Among these clusters, organizational behaviour seems to be an outlier, owing to its far greater variety of empirical work, which the authors argue is largely a result of the plurality of research methods that have taken root within this field. Nevertheless, all three clusters contribute to a greater understanding of the biological mechanisms that mediate choice and decision-making. The paper concludes that OCN research has already provided important insights regarding the boundaries surrounding human freedom to act in various domains and, in turn, self-determination to influence the workplace. However, there is much to be done, and emerging research of significant interest is highlighted

    The statistical mechanics of a polygenic characterunder stabilizing selection, mutation and drift

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    By exploiting an analogy between population genetics and statistical mechanics, we study the evolution of a polygenic trait under stabilizing selection, mutation, and genetic drift. This requires us to track only four macroscopic variables, instead of the distribution of all the allele frequencies that influence the trait. These macroscopic variables are the expectations of: the trait mean and its square, the genetic variance, and of a measure of heterozygosity, and are derived from a generating function that is in turn derived by maximizing an entropy measure. These four macroscopics are enough to accurately describe the dynamics of the trait mean and of its genetic variance (and in principle of any other quantity). Unlike previous approaches that were based on an infinite series of moments or cumulants, which had to be truncated arbitrarily, our calculations provide a well-defined approximation procedure. We apply the framework to abrupt and gradual changes in the optimum, as well as to changes in the strength of stabilizing selection. Our approximations are surprisingly accurate, even for systems with as few as 5 loci. We find that when the effects of drift are included, the expected genetic variance is hardly altered by directional selection, even though it fluctuates in any particular instance. We also find hysteresis, showing that even after averaging over the microscopic variables, the macroscopic trajectories retain a memory of the underlying genetic states.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure