2,383 research outputs found

    UK devolution and the European Union: a tale of cooperative asymmetry?

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    The post 1999 devolution project has resulted in a major recalibration of the pre-existing arrangements for making European Union policy within the UK. The devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales (but not the English regions) have gained in electoral legitimacy and legislative powers, and thereby a greater claim to consultation with UK central government. Four key characteristics of EU policy making in a devolved UK are identified. The legal contingency of the 'devolveds'' status has not yet impeded traditional cooperative relations between government tiers, but the stability of the new arrangements remains in question. The UK case is compared to EU regionalisation in other member states and a distinction is drawn between a cooperative regionalist approach (the devolveds) and a consultative one (the English regions)

    Decolonising public service television in Aotearoa New Zealand: telling better stories about Indigenous rurality

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    (c) The Author/s 2022AM accepted for publication in "Media, culture and society" first published online 25 October 2022.In settler-colonial countries like Aotearoa New Zealand, television programmes about rurality are fundamentally entwined with the nation’s colonial history, but how this context impacts on locally made, public service television content and production is seldom examined. Utilising data collected from interviews with programme makers and a novel bi-cultural friendship pair methodology, we examine how a high-rating mainstream programme, Country Calendar, conceptualises and delivers stories about Indigenous Māori and consider the extent to which these stories represent a decolonising of television narratives about rurality. The findings highlight the importance of incorporating Indigenous voices and values, the impact of structural limitations and staffing constraints on public service television’s decolonising aspirations, and challenges reconciling settler-colonialism with the show’s well-established ‘rosy glow’. While rural media are often overlooked by communication scholars, our study demonstrates the contributions they might make to the larger task of decolonising storytelling about national identity.fals

    DPIA in Context: Applying DPIA to Assess Privacy Risks of Cyber Physical Systems

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    Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) seamlessly integrate physical objects with technology, thereby blurring the boundaries between the physical and virtual environments. While this brings many opportunities for progress, it also adds a new layer of complexity to the risk assessment process when attempting to ascertain what privacy risks this might impose on an organisation. In addition, privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), mandate assessment of privacy risks, including making Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) compulsory. We present the DPIA Data Wheel, a holistic privacy risk assessment framework based on Contextual Integrity (CI), that practitioners can use to inform decision making around the privacy risks of CPS. This framework facilitates comprehensive contextual inquiry into privacy risk, that accounts for both the elicitation of privacy risks, and the identification of appropriate mitigation strategies. Further, by using this DPIA framework we also provide organisations with a means of assessing privacy from both the perspective of the organisation and the individual, thereby facilitating GDPR compliance. We empirically evaluate this framework in three different real-world settings. In doing so, we demonstrate how CI can be incorporated into the privacy risk decision-making process in a usable, practical manner that will aid decision makers in making informed privacy decisions

    Male warriors and worried women? Understanding gender and perceptions of security threats

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    Differences between women and men in perceptions of security threats are firmly established in public opinion research, with the “male warrior” and the “worried woman” two well documented stereotypes. Yet, we argue in this paper, the differences are not as well understood as such labels, or the search for explanations, imply. One reason for this is the lack of dialogue between public opinion research and feminist security studies. In bringing the two fields into conversation in analyzing mixed methods research data gathered in Britain, we suggest that while the extent of the gender gap in opinions of security is overstated, the gaps that do exist are more complex than previously allowed: men and women define “security” in slightly different ways; women tend to identify more security threats than men not necessarily because they feel more threatened but due to a greater capacity to consider security from perspectives beyond their own; women are more confident about government’s ability to deal with security threats in the future but not simply because of greater faith in government than men. This complexity implies a need to revisit assumptions, methods and analytical approaches in order to develop the field of gender and security further

    What Have We Learned from Policy Transfer Research? Dolowitz and Marsh Revisited

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    Over the last decade, policy transfer has emerged as an important concept within public policy analysis, guiding both theoretical and empirical research spanning many venues and issue areas. Using Dolowitz and Marsh's 1996 stocktake as its starting point, this article reviews what has been learned by whom and for what purpose. It finds that the literature has evolved from its rather narrow, state-centred roots to cover many more actors and venues. While policy transfer still represents a niche topic for some researchers, an increasing number have successfully assimilated it into wider debates on topics such as globalisation, Europeanisation and policy innovation. This article assesses the concept's position in the overall ‘tool-kit’ of policy analysis, examines some possible future directions and reflects on their associated risks and opportunities

    Detector-Agnostic Phase-Space Distributions

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    The representation of quantum states via phase-space functions constitutes an intuitive technique to characterize light. However, the reconstruction of such distributions is challenging as it demands specific types of detectors and detailed models thereof to account for their particular properties and imperfections. To overcome these obstacles, we derive and implement a measurement scheme that enables a reconstruction of phase-space distributions for arbitrary states whose functionality does not depend on the knowledge of the detectors, thus defining the notion of detector-agnostic phase-space distributions. Our theory presents a generalization of well-known phase-space quasiprobability distributions, such as the Wigner function. We implement our measurement protocol, using state-of-the-art transition-edge sensors without performing a detector characterization. Based on our approach, we reveal the characteristic features of heralded single- and two-photon states in phase space and certify their nonclassicality with high statistical significance

    Threshold detection statistics of bosonic states

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    In quantum photonics, threshold detectors, distinguishing between vacuum and one or more photons, such as superconducting nanowires and avalanche photodiodes, are routinely used to measure Fock and Gaussian states of light. Despite being the standard measurement scheme, there is no general closed form expression for measurement probabilities with threshold detectors, unless accepting coarse approximations or combinatorially scaling summations. Here, we present new matrix functions to fill this gap. We develop the Bristolian and the loop Torontonian functions for threshold detection of Fock and displaced Gaussian states, respectively, and connect them to each other and to existing matrix functions. By providing a unified picture of bosonic statistics for most quantum states of light, we provide novel tools for the design and analysis of photonic quantum technologies.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Resilience learning for water sector culture change

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the European Water Association via the link in this recor

    The statistical mechanics of a polygenic characterunder stabilizing selection, mutation and drift

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    By exploiting an analogy between population genetics and statistical mechanics, we study the evolution of a polygenic trait under stabilizing selection, mutation, and genetic drift. This requires us to track only four macroscopic variables, instead of the distribution of all the allele frequencies that influence the trait. These macroscopic variables are the expectations of: the trait mean and its square, the genetic variance, and of a measure of heterozygosity, and are derived from a generating function that is in turn derived by maximizing an entropy measure. These four macroscopics are enough to accurately describe the dynamics of the trait mean and of its genetic variance (and in principle of any other quantity). Unlike previous approaches that were based on an infinite series of moments or cumulants, which had to be truncated arbitrarily, our calculations provide a well-defined approximation procedure. We apply the framework to abrupt and gradual changes in the optimum, as well as to changes in the strength of stabilizing selection. Our approximations are surprisingly accurate, even for systems with as few as 5 loci. We find that when the effects of drift are included, the expected genetic variance is hardly altered by directional selection, even though it fluctuates in any particular instance. We also find hysteresis, showing that even after averaging over the microscopic variables, the macroscopic trajectories retain a memory of the underlying genetic states.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Scalloped margin domes: What are the processes responsible and how do they operate?

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    Studies of scalloped margin domes (SMD) indicate the scallops are the result of slope failure. SMD's have similar but smaller average diameters (26.5 km) to unmodified domes (29.8 km), and the majority plot at altitudes ranging from 0.5-4.7 km, relative to the mean planetary diameter. A range of morphological types exist from those least modified to those that show heavy modification. Of the 200 SMD's examined, 33 have clearly discernible debris aprons. Examination and comparison of debris aprons with mass movement features on the Moon, Mars, and in sub-aerial and submarine environments on Earth using H/L against area (km(sup 2)), suggests there are three main types of failure; debris avalanche, slumps, and debris flow. The five examples representing the morphological range within the SMD's, show the different modified forms and the different types of slope failures that have occurred
