41 research outputs found

    ITIL v3 and Van Grembergen Framework for System Transition Process

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    Recently, PT XYZ replaced their old ERP system into the Microsoft Dynamics AX 365. PT XYZ has twenty branch offices. The system transition process uses direct conversion and pilot conversion models. This study reports on how ITIL v3 and Van Grembergen Framework can work together in developing guidelines for system transition processes. This study was conducted by mapping the organizational structure, processes, and relational mechanisms in accordance with the Van Grembergen framework. The results obtained from this mapping will be used as material for consideration for the preparation of governance using the ITIL v3 framework. This research will only use the Service Transition domain on ITIL. The questionnaire was taken in part from the template issued by UCISA. As a result of the study, we present that ITIL v3 and Van Grembergen are able to be used to rebuild structures, processes, and relational mechanisms after the system transition process is done. And also to improve how to do the next transition process in another branch offices. Organizations must adapt and adapt to changes that means, Organizations cannot only carry out practices that have been done and hoped for get success like what happened in the past, because the practices in the past that have been done may not be valid now because the environment has changed. Therefore, in this case if organizations wants to achieve and gain a competitive advantage, it must focus and make changes to the goal strategic, having a far-sighted futur

    Prediction of Biochemical Oxygen Demand Using Radial Basis Function Network

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    Biochemical oxygen demand shows the amount of oxygen needed by microorganisms to decompose dissolved organic substances suspended in water. This variable determines water quality. The higher value indicates lower water quality. Obtaining this value requires a lengthy procedure of five days in typical laboratories. This paper proposes to predict biochemical oxygen demand using a radial basis function network with improvement relational fuzzy c-means clustering to set centroid by using 11 parameters that come from water quality records. The dataset used in testing consisting of weekly parameters between 2014-2019. Testing results show performance measurement of mean absolute error, mean square error, root mean square error, mean absolute percentage error, and accuracy using centroid with improvement relational fuzzy c-means 0.15016, 0.3677, 0.19082, 21.64490 and 78.35510 comparing with centroid from fuzzy c-means 0.16002, 0.04021, 0.19963, 22.83184, and 77.16816


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    Bank Syari’ah X sebagai salah satu institusi keuangan yang bergerak dalam usaha pelayanan bidang keuangan dengan berbasis syariah Islam memiliki salah satu produk berupa pembiayaan. Calon debitur yang akan mengajukan harus melalui seleksi kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Seleksi ini memakan waktu yang relatif lama karena hasil seleksi harus memiliki akurasi dan mencerminkan kondisi calon debitur sesungguhnya. Sementara manajemen Bank Syari’ah X berusaha memberikan pelayanan pembiayaan tersebut secara cepat, tepat dan akurat, agar proses penyaluran pembiayaan tepat dan tidak mengalami kemacetan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan rancangan dan aplikasi menggunakan XpertRule yang dapat melakukan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk menghasilkan informasi kondisi calon debitur. Informasi tersebut dapat digunakan oleh manajer pembiayaan sebagai pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan pemberian pembiayaan kepada calon debitur. Aplikasi ini menggunakan prinsip sistem berbasis pengetahuan dalam menganalisis calon debitur secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif pada aspek teknis dan non-teknis. Analisa kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pohon keputusan yang setiap cabang keputusan memiliki bobot resiko tertentu. Analisis aspek kualitatif yang tidak terukur secara langsung ditangani oleh pohon keputusan yang cabang keputusannya memiliki berdasarkan nilai logika.Dari hasil ujicoba dan perbandingan dengan analisis manual, hasil analisis aplikasi menunjukkan hasil yang lebih spesifik serta disertai saran dan proyeksi kondisi masa depan. Selain itu karena dilakukan oleh komputer, kerja aplikasi lebih cepat dari pada analisis manual.Kata kunci: Bank Syari’ah, pembiayaan, sistem pakar, XpertRule

    Development of Augmented Reality Media Based On Cybernetic Learning Theory to Stimulate Spatial Abilities

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    Hearing impairment students have limited vocabulary and have difficulty understanding abstract terms, which affects learning the concept of a plane solid figure that they know at school. Deaf students tend to have difficulty perceiving objects from a certain point of view and understanding the relationship between these objects in a particular space. These difficulties affect students' spatial abilities and require special handling in the form of learning-oriented to the learning process, not learning outcomes. The learning process itself can be determined by information systems such as the basis of cybernetic theory and supported by information technology-based interactive learning media. Therefore, this study aims to develop augmented reality media based on cybernetic learning theory to stimulate valid and practical spatial abilities of deaf students. The research and development model carried out in this study is the Borg and Gall model, which has systematic and descriptive steps for practical problems in teaching through applied research. Researchers collected data through validation questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively and quantitatively. The augmented reality media developed here can be said to meet the criteria of validity and practicality based on the results of the product feasibility test. This media has also proven to be a solution in helping teachers to stimulate the spatial abilities of deaf students through a meaningful learning process determined by a technology-assisted information syste

    Implementasi Particle Swarm Optimization pada K-Means untuk Clustering Data Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast

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    Investigasi kecelakaan penerbangan di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 sampai 2016 sebesar 212 investigasi. Hal tersebut dapat dihindari apabila ada sistem penerbangan yang dapat memastikan penerbangan berjalan aman, seperti sistem lalu lintas udara yang dapat mendeteksi apabila pesawat bergerak menuju ke arah yang salah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan rute penerbangan pada data Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast menggunakan metode clustering untuk mendapatkan similaritas rute penerbangan. Penulis mengusulkan metode particle swarm optimization untuk mengoptimalkan metode k-means, yang berguna untuk menentukan titik centroid awal dengan silhouette coefficient sebagai fitness function. Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilkan zona terbang berdasarkan kebiasaan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan penerbangan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan nilai Davies-Bouldin index dengan metode k-means, k-medoids dan fuzzy c-means. Pada uji coba yang dilakukan, metode yang diusulkan menjadi kelompok metode terbaik pada lima dari enam segmen yang ada serta menghasilkan nilai Davies-Bouldin index lebih baik pada satu segmen sebesar 0,779


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    While sutfing the internet, it's common to browse a page which has not been visited before. {[the user finds the page interesting, probably the links within the page will be visited too, in order to find more relevant iriformation. Following links of an unknown websites takes more time and may lead to irrelevant iriformation. On the other side, there might be some users with the same interest, have been visited the same page and have found out which links are useful and which are nOI. This application records useful links selected by users and will be shown to other users with the same community of interest. Aglet is used to connect client application to a database for its autonomy, its responsive ability towards its execution environments, and its ability to communicate with each other. This experiment has been conducted in an intranet environment. The result showed that a user could get some recommendation by other users on a web addresses and they could also participate in giving recommendation. Keywords: Browsing, Software Agent, Recommendation, Interest, Community, Aglet

    Text Based Approach For Similar Traffic Incident Detection from Twitter

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    Microblog has been used as an information source to detect real-world event. Several related studies retrieved road traffic event based on textual content. Not only detect traffic incident, we found that it is necessary to recognize statuses with similar traffic incident content. Better representation of traffic information will help the handling of traffic incident by related parties. This study proposes text-based approach for identification of similar traffic incident from twitter posts. The proposed approach performs traffic incident information extraction and calculates information’s weight based on textual similarity upon traffic incident information gained. We evaluate the proposed method by using a traffic incident information retrieval system. We used Indonesian language corpus contains traffic incident tweets data. Best average f-measure 70% was achieved by retrieval system that tested using Jaccard coefficient. Therefore text matching such as Jaccard coefficient is more suitable to be implemented in very short text document such as extracted tweet document. The experiment result gives the conclusion that the proposed approach can be implemented for identification of similar traffic incident information from Twitter


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    Sistem peringatan dini (Early Warning System) adalah sistem yang berfungsi memberikan peringatan lebih awal kepada pengguna dengan mengenali tanda atau gejala yang mendahului suatu peristiwa. Saat ini di Universitas ‘X’ mahasiswa yang bermasalah di bidang akademik ditangani oleh dosen pembimbing akademik, namun pada waktu konsultasi dilakukan, mahasiswa-mahasiswa bermasalah ini terlambat ditemukan. Sistem peringatan dini yang dibuat meliputi empat proses utama, yaitu proses prediksi nilai mata kuliah (dengan Regresi Linier Berganda), proses prediksi sisa masa studi (dengan Dynamic Programming), proses penentuan kategori warning, dan proses pelaporan hasil prediksi. Ujicoba dilakukan menggunakan data riil dari seratus orang mahasiswa yang tersebar di berbagai angkatan dan ipk. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba prediksi nilai, diperoleh hasil prediksi nilai untuk tingkat kesalahan +/- 0.5 sebesar 63.95%, sedangkan ujicoba prediksi masa studi menghasilkan prosentase hasil prediksi untuk tingkat kesalahan +/- 1 semester sebesar 76.03%

    Internet Connection Control based on Idle Time Using User Behavior Pattern Analysis

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    The increase of smartphone ability is rapidly increasing the power consumption. Many methods have been proposed to reduce smartphone power consumption. Most of these methods use the internet connection control based on the availability of the battery power level regardless of when and where a waste of energy occurs. This paper proposes a new approach to control the internet connection based on idle time using user behavior pattern analysis. User behavior patterns are used to predict idle time duration. Internet connection control performed during idle time. During idle time internet connection periodically switched on and off by a certain time interval. This method effectively reduces a waste of energy. Control of the internet connection does not interfere the user because it is implemented on idle time.Keywords: Smartphone, User Behavior, Pattern Recognition, Idle Time, Internet Connection Contro


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    Tiling is a process to create a repetitive - larger size - image. However if the picture on the left side of the original image is not continuous to the picture on its right side, the tiling image will have a virtual vertical line called seam. Meanwhile the virtual horizontal line will appear if the picture on the top side of the original image is not continuous to the picture on its bottom side. The research performed here tries to generate a seamless tiling image by finding the closest match of the fractional source image to the partially build resulted image. From the experiment, it can be shown that the quality of the resulted image are affected by the number of similar elements in the source image, the number of fractional images created from the source image, and the width of the overlap area. Source image with a lot of similar element, high number of fractional images, and wider size of the overlap area have been proven to yield a seamless tiling image