92 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Dual Language Development: A Case Study of Somali Immigrants in the United States.

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    Abstract Thousands of Somalis call Minnesota home and it is near and dear to their hearts since their country was destroyed by a civil war in 1991, but they definitely have some language and other challenges here too. The primary aim of this study is to find out the factors that affect dual language development among young Somali immigrants. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample size of 8 Somali parents to take part in the study. The participants comprised of Somali parents who have continually resided in the United States for a period of more than10 years and this helped in obtaining reliable information. Ethnographic interviews were used to collect data from these participants where notes were taken down to record the responses with the help of a tape-recorder that was used to capture the responses that note-writing may have missed out. The data collected was transcribed and analyzed thematically where a total of ten themes were drawn from the study. The in-depth analysis of the data indicated that Somali parents value bilingualism and put efforts to ensure that their children learn both their native language and the English language. The study also identified challenges such as the school system which hinder these parents from ensuring that their children master their native language. From the findings, recommendations were drawn for the different education stakeholders comprising of parents and educators

    Raskaana olevan keskeisimpiä ravintoainepuutoksia Afrikassa, Saharan etelänpuoleisissa kehitysmaissa : kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Opinnäytetyömme on osa DeCliTu-hanketta, jonka yhteistyökumppaneina ovat Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Malawi, Malawi College of Health Sciences ja Lusaka School of Nursing.Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli tuottaa tekstikokonaisuus raskaana olevien ravitsemuksesta Afrikan Kehitysmaissa. Opinnäytetyön tavoite oli tuottaa laadukasta ja ajantasaista tietoa DeCliTu-hankkeelle. Toteutimme opinnäytetyössämme systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen periaatteita. Aineisto kerättiin lääke- ja hoitotieteellisistä tietokannoista ja analysoitiin induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Keskeisin tulos oli ravintoaineiden puutokset, sekä niiden tärkeys raskauden aikana. Energian saanti odottavilla naisilla oli parhaimmillaan 7,5MJ eli 1800kcal, joka on huomattavan matala raskasta työtä tekevälle raskaana olevalle. Käytetyimpiä ruoka-aineita olivat maissi ja kasvikset. Tutkimuksissa sinkin ja raudan saannilla oli yhteys malariaan ja anemiaan. Päättelimme, että matala koulutustaso ja vähäinen ehkäisytietous osaltaan lisäävät raskauksia nuorilla naisilla, jotka ovat vielä kasvuiässä. Lisäksi lapsuudesta asti jatkunut yksipuolinen ruokavalio ja ravintoaineiden puutokset ovat voineet aiheuttaa epämuodostumia. Kehittämistarpeita Afrikan kehitysmaissa ovat naisten koulutuksen mahdollistaminen, terveyden- ja äitiyshuollon kehittäminen sekä erhesuunnittelun mahdollistaminen. Näin saavutettaisiin parempi ravitsemus ja raskauden aikainen hyvinvointi.The final project is part of the DeCliTu project, which is a cooperation project of Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, North Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, University of Malawi, Malawi, Malawi College of Health Sciences, Malawi and Lusaka School of Nursing, Zambia. The purpose was to produce current and high quality information on the nutrition of pregnant women in the developing countries of Africa for the DeCliTu project. Our method was a literature review. It was based on data collected from medical databases and was analysed by the methods of inductive analysis. The main result was deficiency of nutrient and its importancy during pregnancy. Energy intake in pregnant woman was at its best 7.5MJ, which is significantly low among pregnant women working physically hard. The most used food were maize and vegetables. In the analysed studies, zinc and iron had a connection to malaria and anemia. We conclude that low education and lack of contraception increase pregnancies among young women who are still in formative age. Also, continual unvaried nutrition and lack of nutrient may induce malformations. There are some development needs such women education, development of health and maternal care and empowerment of family planning. This way it is possible to improve nutrition and maternal well-being in the developing world

    Identity and Oppression: Differential Responses to an In-Between Status

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    Oppression operates at various levels, with varying degrees of negativity, and groups respond in markedly different ways. In this paper, the in-between status of the colored South African group is used to illustrate issues of identity and oppression under the Apartheid system—and differing ways in which oppression was experienced and used. The colored group had many social advantages over Blacks, but were also used to oppress that group. Habituation, accommodation, and relative advantage were identified as dynamics within the broader context of power and privilege that contributed to cultural and psychological marginality and status ambivalence of the coloreds. These processes must be understood within the historical, social, and political context of the community. What is evident from the data is that groups and individuals can take up various positions along a continuum of oppressor—oppressed, depending upon the contexts, time, and social and legal relationships involved in their interactions

    An echo cardiographic evaluation of pulmonary pressures in hemodialysis patients at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

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    Background. A high prevalence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has been noted. In these patients, PH increases morbidity and mortality and worsens prognosis post-renal transplant. Its aetiopathogenesis may be multifactorial, involving the process of hemodialysis itself.Objective. To determine the prevalence of PH among patients with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), using Doppler echocardiography.Design. 117 patients were consecutively recruited into this cross-sectional study. Medical history was used to exclude patients with possible PH of known aetiology. Patients were examined for features of fluid overload. Each patient then underwent hemodialysis followed by echocardiography within two hours. Hemoglobin was measured.Setting. The Renal Unit, KNH, a tertiary hospital in NairobiSubjects. Patients undergoing regular hemodialysis within the renal unit, thirteen years and above, who gave written informed consent or assent.Results. 63.2% of the participants were male. Mean age was 44 years. Prevalence of PH among ESRD patients was 32.5%, with a median PASP of 47.3mmHg and a range of 36.1–79 mmHg. A strong association between PH and EF of less than 50%, as a marker of LV dysfunction, was demonstrated.Conclusion. The prevalence of PH among end-stage renal disease patients was high. This suggests an indication for routinely screening hemodialysis patients for PH

    Disrupting the dynamics of oppression in intercultural research and practice

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    In this special issue we focus on exploring the tensions, challenges and possibilities for working in contexts where relationships between groups are characterized by dominance and resistance. Some of the impetus lies in our own struggles and frustrations with models, guidelines and ‘recipes’ that have been developed to guide sensitive, competent and empowering research and practice across boundaries of ‘race’, ethnicity and culture. These models and guidelines are often framed as tools that will enable culturally competent transactions across these boundaries

    Problematising the discourses of the dominant: whiteness and reconciliation

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    This article investigates how underlying forms of power can affect the political actions of those in the dominant group, in this case white Australians. To do this we identify connections between the discourses used by white Australians involved in Reconciliation, the power and privilege of whiteness in Australia, and participants’ understandings and actions towards Reconciliation. Using Parker’s (1992) approach to discourse analysis, four discourses were identified from interviews and focus groups with white Australians involved in Reconciliation. These were labelled ‘indigenous project’, ‘institutional change’, ‘challenging racism’, and ‘bringing them together’. We argue that understanding the power relations that underlie the political actions of those in dominant positions is critical to ensuring the goals of anti-racism are achieved. Discourse analysis may allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the power and the potential impacts that may flow from particular positions and how power may be made more visible to the dominant group

    Characterizing Toll Receptors in the Mediterranean Cricket

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