745 research outputs found

    Black-Box Complexity of the Binary Value Function

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    The binary value function, or BinVal, has appeared in several studies in theory of evolutionary computation as one of the extreme examples of linear pseudo-Boolean functions. Its unbiased black-box complexity was previously shown to be at most log2n+2\lceil \log_2 n \rceil + 2, where nn is the problem size. We augment it with an upper bound of log2n+2.42141558o(1)\log_2 n + 2.42141558 - o(1), which is more precise for many values of nn. We also present a lower bound of log2n+1.1186406o(1)\log_2 n + 1.1186406 - o(1). Additionally, we prove that BinVal is an easiest function among all unimodal pseudo-Boolean functions at least for unbiased algorithms.Comment: 24 pages, one figure. An extended two-page abstract of this work will appear in proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO'1

    Time to take stock : external capital and subsequent performance of academic spin-offs – participants of FORNY program

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    Masteroppgave i bedriftsøkonomi - Universitetet i Nordland, 2012Creating new ventures lies in the foundations of entrepreneurship. However, young firms are known to face many constraints during their early stages of development and formation. “Financial gap”, or the lack of the financing resources, is considered to be the most important of them. These firms seek financing from different sources. It is believed that the choice between them can influence the subsequent performance of the organizations. I am exploring this issue by investigating the external financing attracted and the further performance of the 72 Norwegian academic spin-offs, participants of the FORNY program. The results clearly indicate that external equity financing increases the chance of survival while debt financing decreases it. These findings do not support the traditional pecking order theory of Myers and Majluf (1984) but rather the reverse pecking order of Garmaise (2001). The presence of venture capital (VC) as shareholders and on the board of directors significantly helps the organizations to grow sales-wise, something which is discussed in light of agency theory of Eisenhardt (1989). Limitations, implications and propositions for future research are highlighted

    Lakes of Amsterdam:revealing the potential of the lakes

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    Control Theoretic Approach To Sampling And Approximation Problems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2009We present applications of some methods of control theory to problems of signal processing and optimal quadrature problems. The following problems are considered: construction of sampling and interpolating sequences for multi-band signals; spectral estimation of signals modeled by a finite sum of exponentials modulated by polynomials; construction of optimal quadrature formulae for integrands determined by solutions of initial boundary value problems. A multi-band signal is a function whose Fourier transform is supported on a finite union of intervals. The approach used in Chapter I is based on connections between the sampling and interpolation problem and the problem of the controllability of a dynamical system. We prove that there exist infinitely many sampling and interpolating sequences for signals whose spectra are supported on a union of two disjoint intervals, and provide an algorithm for construction of such sequences. There exist numerous methods for solving the spectral estimation problem. In Chapter II we introduce a new approach to this problem based on the Boundary Control method, which uses the connection between inverse problems of mathematical physics and control theory for partial differential equations. Using samples of the signal at integer moments of time we construct a convolution operator regarded as an input-output map of a linear discrete dynamical system. This system can be identified, and the exponents and amplitudes of the signal can be found from the parameters of the system. We show that the coefficients of the signal can be recovered by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem as in the Matrix Pencil method. Our method allows to consider signals with polynomial amplitudes, and we obtain an exact formula for these amplitudes. In the third chapter we consider an optimal quadrature problem for solutions of initial boundary value problems. The problem of optimization of an error functional over the set of solutions and quadrature weights is a problem of optimal control of partial differential equations. We obtain estimates for the error in quadrature formulae and an optimality condition for quadrature weights

    Better Fixed-Arity Unbiased Black-Box Algorithms

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    In their GECCO'12 paper, Doerr and Doerr proved that the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of OneMax on nn bits is O(n/k)O(n/k) for 2kO(logn)2\le k\le O(\log n). We propose an alternative strategy for achieving this unbiased black-box complexity when 3klog2n3\le k\le\log_2 n. While it is based on the same idea of block-wise optimization, it uses kk-ary unbiased operators in a different way. For each block of size 2k112^{k-1}-1 we set up, in O(k)O(k) queries, a virtual coordinate system, which enables us to use an arbitrary unrestricted algorithm to optimize this block. This is possible because this coordinate system introduces a bijection between unrestricted queries and a subset of kk-ary unbiased operators. We note that this technique does not depend on OneMax being solved and can be used in more general contexts. This together constitutes an algorithm which is conceptually simpler than the one by Doerr and Doerr, and at the same time achieves better constant factors in the asymptotic notation. Our algorithm works in (2+o(1))n/(k1)(2+o(1))\cdot n/(k-1), where o(1)o(1) relates to kk. Our experimental evaluation of this algorithm shows its efficiency already for 3k63\le k\le6.Comment: An extended abstract will appear at GECCO'1

    Better Fixed-Arity Unbiased Black-Box Algorithms

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    In their GECCO'12 paper, Doerr and Doerr proved that the kk-ary unbiased black-box complexity of OneMax on nn bits is O(n/k)O(n/k) for 2kO(logn)2\le k\le O(\log n). We propose an alternative strategy for achieving this unbiased black-box complexity when 3klog2n3\le k\le\log_2 n. While it is based on the same idea of block-wise optimization, it uses kk-ary unbiased operators in a different way. For each block of size 2k112^{k-1}-1 we set up, in O(k)O(k) queries, a virtual coordinate system, which enables us to use an arbitrary unrestricted algorithm to optimize this block. This is possible because this coordinate system introduces a bijection between unrestricted queries and a subset of kk-ary unbiased operators. We note that this technique does not depend on OneMax being solved and can be used in more general contexts. This together constitutes an algorithm which is conceptually simpler than the one by Doerr and Doerr, and at the same time achieves better constant factors in the asymptotic notation. Our algorithm works in (2+o(1))n/(k1)(2+o(1))\cdot n/(k-1), where o(1)o(1) relates to kk. Our experimental evaluation of this algorithm shows its efficiency already for 3k63\le k\le6.Comment: An extended abstract will appear at GECCO'1

    ERAWATCH Country Reports 2012: Norway

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    This analytical country report is one of a series of annual ERAWATCH reports produced for EU Member States and Countries Associated to the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Union (FP7). The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. The Country Report 2012 builds on and updates the 2011 edition. The report identifies the structural challenges of the national research and innovation system and assesses the match between the national priorities and the structural challenges, highlighting the latest developments, their dynamics and impact in the overall national context. They further analyse and assess the ability of the policy mix in place to consistently and efficiently tackle these challenges. These reports were originally produced in December 2012, focusing on policy developments over the previous twelve months. The reports were produced by independent experts under direct contract with IPTS. The analytical framework and the structure of the reports have been developed by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of the Joint Research Centre (JRC-IPTS) and Directorate General for Research and Innovation with contributions from external experts.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Ethnic identity of saami teenagers – representatives of the indigenous peoples of the far north of Russia

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    This article addresses the problem of studying ethnic identity in Saami adolescents, representatives of indigenous peoples of the Russian Far North. The aim of the research is to study ethnic identity in adolescent Saami boys and girls. The article presents the results of an empirical research conducted using the “Types of ethnic identity” technique developed by G.U. Soldatova and S.V. Ryzhova. 39 Saami adolescents aged 12-13 years (18 boys and 21 girls) and 40 Saami adolescents aged 14-15 years (23 boys and 17 girls) participated in our empirical research as respondents. All the respondents live in the village of Lovozero in the Murmansk region. To identify specific features of ethnic identity development among Saami adolescents, we included ethnic Russian adolescent respondents: 59 people aged 12-13 years (31 boys and 28 girls), and 62 people aged 14-15 years (32 boys and 30 girls). Empirical data was collected in the period from April to May 2018. The analysis of the empirical research results allowed us to identify the dynamics in the development of ethno-nihilism, ethnic indifference, positive ethnic identity, ethno-egoism, ethno-isolationism and ethno-fanaticism in adolescent Saami boys and girls (12 to 15 years). The research revealed specific features of ethnic identity in Saami adolescents in comparison with their ethnic Russian agemates. The results of this research can be used to preserve and develop ethnic identity among indigenous adolescents in the Arctic territories of the European North of Russia. In future, this will allow to develop individual routes of training and education for indigenous adolescents in the Far North, to improve the system of psychological counselling and support. This will provide prospects for preservation of indigenous culture, traditions and ethnic identity, which will in its turn contribute to the development of the Northern territories, implementation of national interests, and achievement of the state strategic goals in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

    Criminological Characteristics of Migrant Crimes: Russian and Foreign Practices

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    Migrants and ever-rising incidences of immigrant crimes tend to be perceived as a serious threat provoking fear and apprehension throughout the world. The current study provides useful insights into immigrant criminality and the ways of its deterrence. However, despite all recent attempts to carry out the scientific assessment of criminological characteristics of the studied social and legal phenomenon there is a strong need for a comprehensive study of foreign scientific literature and practice