22 research outputs found

    Differential Informativeness of Accrual Measures to Analysts’ Forecast Accuracy

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    This paper evaluates whether analysts incorporate formal measures of earnings quality into their earnings forecasts. It examines whether the accrual ratio and abnormal accruals, measured with the Modified Jones (1991) Model of discretionary accruals, differentially inform analysts’ earnings forecasts. It uses the accuracy of analysts’ forecast as a context in which to evaluate how well analysts incorporate effects of the information contained in accrual ratio and abnormal accruals. The results indicate that the accrual ratio is negatively related to the absolute value of analysts’ forecast errors while the Modified Jones (1991) Model of discretionary accruals have virtually no economic effect on analysts’ forecast error. The insignificant effect of discretionary accruals on analysts’ forecast may be attributed to analysts having already incorporated the information therein in their earnings forecasts, effect of the accrual anomaly having been largely arbitraged away by market participants or both. This paper contributes to the research on analysts’ earnings forecast and earnings quality and helps bridge the gap between practice and theory by demonstrating the differential impact of discretionary accruals (favored by academics) and the accrual ratio (favored by analysts) on analysts’ forecast accuracy. This study informs researchers and policy makers interested in better understanding how analysts affects the financial markets including how they may have learned from previously documented market anomalies such as the accrual anomaly. This is important as ultimately, efficient economy-wide capital allocation decisions are based partly on outputs of analysts’ forecasting processes

    The Joint Effect Of Task Characteristics And Organizational Context On Job Performance: A Test Using SEM

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    Prior research document significant relationships between task characteristics and employee affective outcomes. However, there have been difficulties with implementing the findings of this task characteristics research in real life due to the absence of organizational context variables in these studies. The argument has been made that effective job design should emphasize task design (task characteristics) that is in congruence with surrounding organizational context and subsystems. The current study proposes an integrated task context model and then tests a subset of the model using organizational inflexibility and perceived environmental uncertainty to proxy for organizational context. The results of structural equation modeling confirm the existence of a joint effect of task characteristics and perceived environmental uncertainty on job performance among public accountants

    A Multidisciplinary Approach To Risk Management For Accounting Firms

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    This paper develops an integrated risk management decision framework that provides insights into the many factors that are involved in controlling and managing risk for accounting firms.  Borrowing from the areas of insurance economics, crime and punishment, accounting, and organization theory, factors are identified that affect the demand for risk reduction.  The interaction and application of three different components of risk reduction (market insurance, self-insurance, and self-protection) within the context of risk reduction decision-making are examined


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (i)menghasilkan serbuk karbon sub mikron (SMC) dengan metode Liquid Sonication Exfoliation (LSE) yang berasal dari karbon tempurung kelapa, bambu, dan jerami padi sebagai filter dalam penyaringan limbah cair, (ii)mengetahui karakteristik morfologi, fisis dan kimia dari serbuk SMC yang berasal dari sumber karbon berbahan tempurung kelapa, bambu, dan jerami padi serta (iii)mengetahui pengaruh variasi serbuk SMC terhadap hasil penyaringan bahan limbah ditinjau dari kadar logam besi (Fe). Penelitian ini dimulai dengan membuat serbuk karbon yang berasal dari arang tempurung kelapa, bambu dan jerami. Serbuk karbon dicampurkan dengan deterjen 2 ml dan aquades 100 ml. Kemudian larutan diultrasonikasi selama 4 jam untuk setiap jenis karbon. larutan yang sudah diultrasonikasi kemudian didiamkan selama 3 hari. Endapan dari larutan untuk setiap karbon kemudian dipanaskan agar menjadi serbuk karbon sub mikron. Serbuk SMC tersebut kemudian dilapiskan pada kertas penyaring dan digunakan dalam alat penyaring sederhana. Penyaringan dilakukan terhadap air limbah selokan mataram. Serbuk SMC dan air hasil penyaringan tersebut kemudian dikarakteristik. Proses karakteristik serbuk SMC dilakukan dengan pengujian spektrofotometer UV-Vis, pengujian x-ray diffraction (XRD) dan pengujian scanning electron microscope (SEM) sedangkan air hasil penyaringan dilakukan pengujian kadar besi menggunakan atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Hasil penelitian ini yaitu dihasilkan serbuk SMC yang berasal dari karbon tempurung kelapa, bambu dan jerami padi sebagai filter dalam penyaringan limbah cair. Serbuk SMC memiliki karakteristik morfologi seperti bulk dengan tepian tegas dan ukuran tidak homogen, karakteristik fisis bersifat amorf dengan kristalinitas yang berkurang, dan karakteristik kimia terdapat transisi π-π* dan n-π* (230 nm dan 300 nm). Penyaringan air menggunakan serbuk SMC ini menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada menggunakan karbon sebelum dilakukan metode LSE. Dari ketiga jenis bahan yang digunakan, bahan bambu paling baik menyerap logam besi dengan nilai 0,043 ppm dengan penurunan sebesar 95,24%. Kata Kunci : SMC, surfaktan, ultrasonikasi, selokan Matara

    The Effect of Micro-Sized Carbon Material Mass Variation from Coconut Shell Leftovers Reinforced with Filter Paper towards Fe Filtration of Mataram Canal Water

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of micro-sized carbon material mass variation from coconut shell leftovers or wastes reinforced with filter paper towards Fe filtration of Mataram canal water. Preparationand synthesis of the micro-sized carbon material is conducted via liquid sonication exfoliation (LSE) method using two main equipments, i.e.: a blender and a self-custom made piezoelectric-based ultrasonication apparatus, and then incorporated into a simple filtration apparatus. UV-Vis spectroscopy characterization is done on the micro-sized carbon material solution, while atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is done on samplesof Mataram canal water before and after Fe filtration with mass variation of the micro-sized carbon material. The UV-Vis results show that increasing the mass of the micro-sized carbon material increases the absorbancevalues at the same wavelength. The AAS results confirm that the greater the mass of the micro-sized carbon material the smaller the Fe content inside the water samples after filtration. The lowest Fe content of 0.016 ppm is obtained for 3 grams of the micro-sized carbon material

    The Accountant as a Strategic Business Partner

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    Transformator daya merupakan suatu peralatan yang sangat vital yang berfungi menyalurkan daya listrik dari tegangan tinggi ke tegangan rendah atau sebaliknya dan tidak pernah lepas dari gangguan. Adanya gangguan yang terjadi pada transformator dapat menghambat proses penyaluran energi listrik ke konsumen. Oleh karena itu, sistem proteksi yang handal sangat dibutuhkan untuk melindungi transformator dari gangguan. Relai arus lebih SPAJ 140C merupakan salah satu relai proteksi cadangan yang digunakan oleh pihak PLN untuk menjaga transformator 150/20 kV (30 MVA) yang ada di gardu induk Batu Besar dari gangguan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja relai SPAJ 140C sebagai relai cadangan dalam melindungi transformator. Penelitian ini memberikan hasil bahwa dengan besar gangguan beban lebih 30.5 MW dan arus lebih yang mengalir pada transformator sebesar 130.593 A, relai SPAJ 140C dapat bekerja dalam waktu 195.566 detik. Nilai arus gangguan yang mengalir pada transformator tersebut merupakan nilai yang sangat kecil, maka relai SPAJ 140C pun bekerja dalam waktu yang lama. Kata kunci : Sistem Proteksi, Beban Lebih, Arus Lebih, Relai Arus Lebi

    Tuning functionality of photocatalytic materials: an infrared study on hydrocarbon oxidation

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    The focus of the research described in this thesis was on the engineering and design of effective photocatalysts able to catalyze the oxidative conversion of hydrocarbons. The prepared catalysts were synthesized by using different procedures involving sol gel precursors, and impregnation or photo-deposition of metallic nanoparticles. The prepared materials were characterized by several techniques in order to identify the obtained composition and morphology. The photocatalytic performance of the prepared materials was investigated in different oxidative photocatalytic conversions such as methylcyclohexane (MCH) oxidation, ethanol oxidation, or simultaneous oxidation of mixtures of hydrocarbons. To evaluate performance of the synthesized materials, several techniques have been used such as ATR-FTIR, DRIFT, a multi reactor set-up, and a top illuminated batch reactor setup. \ud In chapter 1, an introduction is given about the basic principles of photocatalysis. Furthermore, an introduction to the photocatalysts is given, as well as background on some general aspects of the mechanism of plasmonic enhancement of photocatalytic activity. \ud In chapter 2, an overview of the experimental procedures is presented. An introduction is given to IR spectroscopy applying two different reaction cells, one for liquid (ATR), and another for gas phase analysis (DRIFT). Also a photocatalytic reactor system equipped with a gas chromatograph is described, as well as the use of a setup containing multiple reactors.\ud Chapters 3, 4 and 5 are focused on oxidation of MCH as a model reaction for selective, photocatalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase. In chapter 6, another model reaction was investigated, i.e. the conversion of ethanol, when present in the gas phase. Photocatalytic ethanol conversion is relevant for air purification. Pt/WO3 prepared by an impregnation method was found to be very effective in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde and CO2, even in dark conditions. \ud \ud Finally, in chapter 7, two modifications of silica supported Ti catalysts were prepared to enhance performance in photocatalytic conversion of CO2. Adding ZnO nanoparticles, which were anticipated to increase the sorption of CO2, led to a smaller apparent rate in hydrocarbon production. Addition of visible light absorption functionality by CrOx, was even more detrimental to the observed production of hydrocarbons

    JĂĽdisches Gemeindeblatt zu Gleiwitz.

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    The JĂĽdisches Gemeindeblatt zu Gleiwitz (Jewish community newsletter of Gliwice, Poland) was founded in 1936 by Herbert Buky, a Jewish journalist. Its first print run was for 700 issues but it increased 1800 issues by 1938 as the newsletter expanded to include all of Upper Silesia. The head of the synagogue community in Gleiwitz wrote in the first issue that the need for a local Jewish newsletter became dire the late 1930s because Jewish announcements were no longer being published in local papers. This newsletter contains a wealth of information about Jewish life in Gleiwitz at that time, including information about local events, birth, death and marriage announcements, and important times for community buildings such as the library and synagogue. Many pages contain advertisements for Jewish-owned businesses, which housewives were encouraged to shop from (Nummer 5, p. 10). There are many articles that present the increasingly desperate situation of Jewish communities, including news about immigration or the ban of Jewish children from German schools. Herbert Buky, the editor, was interned in Buchenwald in 1939 and later immigrated to Shanghai and then the US. The Leo Baeck Institute holds his archival collection