190 research outputs found

    Artistic Reality in the Space of Digital Technologies: Towards the Problem of Art Criticism

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    The article is devoted to the comparison of two realities – the digital and the artistic. We demonstrate the principal difference in the mechanisms of their creation. Contemporary artistic practice and theory are undergoing changes to reflect cultural and technological transformations. Today, digital technologies are ubiquitous and widely used in documenting artworks, making them popular and widely available. Also, digital technologies that work with more subtle tools and materials become especially popular and open new horizons for art. However, the structure of digital technologies does not, and possibly never will, enable a living energy impulse of the artwork to become a part of the virtual world. The nature of digital reality is rooted not in the rhythmic but in algorithmic elements, thus putting limitations to what can be achieved through such methods. We discuss the role of a work of art as a biogeochemical factor and the role of digital technologies in deeper connection between viewers and artworks. Keywords: artistic reality, digital reality, ”living matter”, computer graphics, theory of art

    Education in a changing Russia

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    В содержании статьи анализируется то, что в последние годы педагогику часто и, следует признать, заслуженно упрекают в размытости ее категорий, несформированности на должном уровне понятийного аппарата, недостаточной четкости предметного поля педагогики, что затрудняет не только развитие самой науки, но и негативно сказывается на преподавании педагогических дисциплин.In the article it is analyzed that in recent years, pedagogy often and should be recognized, rightly criticized the fuzziness of its categories, nesformirovannost at the appropriate level of the conceptual apparatus, the lack of clarity of the subject field of pedagogy, which complicates not only the development of science itself, but also negatively affects the teaching of pedagogical disciplines

    The teaching of pedagogical disciplines using ICT

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    О повышении качества диссертационных исследований по педагогике: из опыта работы

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    В статье автор размышляет о требованиях к диссертационным исследованиям по педагогической науке, приводит результаты анализа собственного опыта работы с диссертациями кандидатского и докторского уровней, рассматривает возможности для повышения качества диссертационных исследований по педагогике.The paper considers the requirements to Doctoral Research on pedagogics, an analysis of the author's experience of working on the Ph.D. and doctoral theses given and ways to improve the quality of dissertation research on pedagogy offered

    Efficiency of the organization of personal choice in the development by the students of the methods of creative activity

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    The reasons for introducing opportunity of a choice in lesson structure as an intrinsic feature of teacher personality has been represented. And it demands relevant organization in the process of professional training. The correlation between the readiness of a teacher to act under conditions of uncertainty and the readiness of students to choose ways of creative activities has been substantiated. The basic aspects of organization of students' personal choice of ways of creative activities, for example, heuristic tasks, have been examined. The factors, which raise or lower the effectiveness of organization of that choice, have been highlighted

    Селекция перца на гетерозис с использованием линейного материала, полученного в процессе отдаленной гибридизации

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    Hybrids were originated by diallelic crossing of seven lines created by introgression selection. The features of inheritance of quantity locus traits were studied. The promising hybrids were distinguished from standard ones by a higher yield at early-term harvesting 0.1-0.5 kg. on square meter as well as for total harvesting 1.1 1.9 kg. on square meter.Изучены гетерозисные гибриды перца, полученные в результате диаллельных скрещиваний семи линий, созданных методом интрогрессивной селекции. Выявлены особенности наследования количественных полигенных признаков. Перспективные гибриды превосходили стандарт по ранней урожайности на 0,1 - 0,5 кг/м2, а по общей урожайности на 1,1 - 1,9 кг/м2


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    According to the data available in the literature, as high as 50% of women have benign breast tumors frequently accompanied by nip- ple discharge. Nipple discharge may be serous, bloody, purulent, and colostric. The most common causes are breast abscess, injury, drugs, prolactinoma, intraductal pappiloma, ductal ectasia, intraductal cancer (not more than 10%)


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    La sobrecarga de trabajo de los docentes puede ocasionar desafíos para los docentes que provoquen agotamiento a largo plazo si no se abordan. En consecuencia, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo examinar las fuentes de prevención del agotamiento desde las perspectivas de los supervisores EFL (inglés como lengua extranjera). Los participantes fueron 85 supervisores de EFL iraníes cuyo trabajo consistía en observar y dar retroalimentación a los maestros sobre su desempeño docente en varios niveles de dominio del idioma, desde los niveles de primaria hasta los avanzados. En este estudio se empleó un diseño secuencial de método mixto. Primero, la recopilación de datos cualitativos se realizó mediante entrevistas con 30 participantes para determinar las fuentes de prevención del agotamiento desde la perspectiva de los supervisores. A continuación, se diseñó un cuestionario de prevención de agotamiento utilizando los resultados de las entrevistas, después de lo cual se administró a los participantes restantes. Los datos recopilados fueron analizados por factores para identificar los componentes de la construcción de prevención de agotamiento. Los resultados del análisis de contenido de los datos de la entrevista indicaron que el apoyo de los maestros por parte de sus colegas, la situación menos estresante y la satisfacción laboral fueron las principales fuentes de prevención del agotamiento. El análisis factorial mostró las mismas fuentes de agotamiento que los componentes principales de la construcción de prevención de agotamiento. Los hallazgos de este estudio enfatizan la contribución del apoyo educativo y emocional de los maestros, proporcionando un lugar de trabajo constructivo y saludable, así como ingresos deseables como formas de prevención del agotamiento en los maestros de EFL.Teacher work overload can cause challenges for teachers leading to burnout in the long term if not addressed. Consequently, the present study aims at examining the sources of burnout prevention from EFL (English as a foreign Language) supervisors’ perspectives. The participants were 85 Iranian EFL supervisors whose job was observing and giving feedback to teachers about their teaching performance at various levels of language proficiencies from elementary to advanced levels. A sequential mixed method design was employed in this study. First, collection of qualitative data was performed using interviews with 30 participants in order to determine the sources of burnout prevention from supervisors’ perspectives. Next, a burnout prevention questionnaire was designed using the results of the interviews, after which it was administered to the remaining participants. The collected data were factor analyzed to identify the components of burnout prevention construct. Results of content analysis of the interview data indicated that teachers’ support from their colleagues, less stressful situation, and job satisfaction were the main sources of burnout prevention. Factor analysis showed the same sources of burnout as the main components of the burnout prevention construct. The findings of this study emphasize on the contribution of teachers’ educational and emotional support, providing constructive and healthy working place, as well as desirable income as ways for prevention of burnout in EFL teachers.A sobrecarga de trabalho do professor pode causar desafios para os professores, levando a esgotamento a longo prazo, se não forem abordados. Consequentemente, o presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar as fontes de prevenção de burnout das perspectivas dos supervisores de EFL (inglês como língua estrangeira). Os participantes foram 85 supervisores iranianos de EFL, cujo trabalho era observar e dar feedback aos professores sobre seu desempenho no ensino em vários níveis de proficiência linguística, do nível básico ao avançado. Um método misto sequencial foi empregado neste estudo. Primeiro, a coleta de dados qualitativos foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com 30 participantes, a fim de determinar as fontes de prevenção de burnout na perspectiva dos supervisores. Em seguida, foi elaborado um questionário de prevenção de burnout, utilizando os resultados das entrevistas, após o qual foi aplicado aos demais participantes. Os dados coletados foram analisados por fatores para identificar os componentes do construto de prevenção de burnout. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo dos dados da entrevista indicaram que o apoio dos professores de seus colegas, a situação menos estressante e a satisfação no trabalho foram as principais fontes de prevenção de burnout. A análise fatorial mostrou as mesmas fontes de burnout que os principais componentes do construto de prevenção de burnout. As conclusões deste estudo enfatizam a contribuição do apoio educacional e emocional dos professores, proporcionando um local de trabalho construtivo e saudável, bem como a renda desejável como formas de prevenção do esgotamento nos professores de EFL

    Synthesis in a gel and sorption properties of N-2-sulfoethyl chitosan

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    A new procedure was developed for preparation of chelate amino-containing polymer N-2-sulfoethyl chitosan by synthesis in a gel through the reaction between chitosan and sodium 2-bromoethanesulfonate, yielding a polymer with the degree of substitution of up to 0.5. The structure of the resulting polymers was confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The sorption characteristics with respect to transition and alkaline-earth metal ions were determined for the cross-linked polymers. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd