34 research outputs found

    Cavitation in a hydraulic system: The influence of the distributor geometry on cavitation inception and study of the interactions between bubbles

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    Hydraulic systems are often subjected to pressure drops, which may lead to cavitation. In systems such as power steering, hoist loads, or ventricular assist devices, distributors are generally used. Significant pressure losses can happen in a distributor due to gap and overlap, which may lead to cavitation development. However, this issue is almost never included in the conception of the distributors. In this study, the multibubble model of the modified Rayleigh–Plesset equation is applied to the rotary distributor of an oil hydraulic system. The influence of the overlap length, the gap, the rotation speed, and distributor inlet pressure on the cavitation and particularly the interactions between bubbles at cavitation inception are studied. The study highlights a critical length of the overlap; over this value, the overlap length influences significantly the cavitation duration and the void fraction. More generally, some geometrical details have a strong influence on cavitation. Optimization of these details in engine parts, taking account the occurrence of cavitation, would be an appropriate solution to reduce its effects. The study also demonstrates that the growth of small bubbles may be delayed by the interactions with the nearby bigger ones, even if the ambient pressure is lower than their theoretical critical pressure. They eventually collapse at the first moments of the cavitation development. However, if the ambient pressure drops further, that is, beyond a critical pressure, a small bubble gains enough inertial energy to overcome these interaction phenomena and thus to grow. The growth of small bubbles increases the interactions between bubbles and slows down the growth of nearby bigger ones. The results show that the interactions between bubbles are of primary importance in the first moments of the cavitation development, which suggests that they should be taken into account in the definition of the critical pressure

    A new cavitation model based on bubble-bubble interactions

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    In this paper, a new model based on bubble-bubble interactions is proposed for cavitation. Unlike the well-known existing models (Rayleigh-Plesset, Gilmore), which are derived from the local balance equations in the vicinity of a single cavitation bubble, the present approach is based on the mutual interaction between two spherical bubbles of different sizes. The mass and momentum conservation equations, coupled with the local flowdivergence, lead to two equations for the evolution of the bubble radii and one equation for the local pressure. The bubble size variations predicted by the model are found in close agreement with the previous experimental data reported by Ohl [“Cavitation inception following shock wave passage,” Phys. Fluids 14(10), 3512–3521 (2002)]. The distinct radii of bubbles located close to each other, as well as the premature collapse of small bubbles during the initial stage of cavitation inception, are correctly reproduced by the model. The results generally show that bubble/bubble interactions play a primary role in the physics of cavitation inception, which is a preponderant phenomenon in cavitation-induced noise and erosion. The influence of the size of the nuclei on these interactions is discussed. During the expansion phases, the variations in the local flow divergence only slightly affect the growth of the big nuclei, which is mainly governed by their interaction with the neighboring bubbles, while it triggers the expansion of the small nuclei. Conversely, in the compression phase, the behavior of the bubbles is not influenced anymore by the initial size of the nuclei. It is also shown that large amplitude pressure variations resulting from the multiple collapses of small bubbles should be taken into account, in addition to the ambient pressure evolution, to calculate the instantaneous local pressure in the liquid and eventually evaluate the flow aggressiveness and the resulting erosion

    The treatment of guarantees in the case of a judicial sale

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    La cession est une solution incontournable du droit des entreprises en difficulté.Déterminer les droits des créanciers dans le cadre d’un plan de cession s’avère pourtant une tâche délicate.Le droit des entreprises en difficulté a fait l’objet de réformes importantes (loi du 26 juillet 2005, ordonnance du 18 décembre 2008 et ordonnance du 12 mars 2014 dans une moindre mesure).Dans le même temps, le droit des sûretés subissait des évolutions nombreuses (ordonnance du 23 mars 2006, loi du 19 février 2007, loi du 04 août 2008, ordonnance du 30 janvier 2009) mais parcellaires, preuve du manque de cohérence du législateur en la matière.Les réformes du droit des entreprises en difficulté et du droit des sûretés ont révélé l’absence de ligne directrice claire en ce qui concerne l’articulation de ces deux droits. Les réformes du droit des entreprises en difficulté et du droit des sûretés aboutissent à un enchevêtrement des textes, rendant leur application particulièrement complexe.Les nombreuses interrogations tant théoriques que pratiques créent une insécurité juridique.Dès lors, en me basant notamment sur les difficultés rencontrées dans le cadre de mon activité professionnelle ou sur celles pointées du doigt par la doctrine et les commentateurs de textes, consécutives aux évolutions législatives récentes, l’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de procéder à des recommandations à l’endroit des professionnels ainsi que de réaliser des propositions visant à un meilleur équilibre des intérêts en présence.The sale of a business is one of the most important insolvency solutions.However it’s a hard task to determinate creditor’s rights under these circumstances.Insolvency law has deeply changed consequently to main reforms (Act of July 26, 2005 called the “Safeguard Act”, Order of December 18, 2008 and to a lesser extent Order of March 12, 2014).At the same time, guarantee law has been modified by lots of reforms too (Order of March 23, 2006, Act of February 19, 2007, Act of August 4, 2008, Order of January 30, 2009).These reforms were fragmented. Furthermore they have been built without guideline. As a result, the articulation between insolvency law and guarantee law is very difficult.The theoretical and practical questions generate a real legal insecurity.The goal of this research work is to make insolvency practitioners propositions based on, amongst others, doctrine’s comments and criticism. The objective of these propositions is to establish a better balance between the pluralities of interests involved

    The Behavior of 1, n

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    Contesting race on sundays : making meaning out of the rise in the number of black quarterbacks

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    Etude sur le processus de formation raciale à travers le discours médiatique sur l'augmentation des quarts arrières noirs en ligue nationale de football. Les différentes interprétations montrent que le sport est un ''terrain racial contesté''. Elles sont discutées en utilisant la théorie culturelle de Gramsci

    La prévention

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    National audienc

    Functional Interaction between HEXIM and Hedgehog Signaling during Drosophila Wing Development

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    International audienceStudying the dynamic of gene regulatory networks is essential in order to understand the specific signals and factors that govern cell proliferation and differentiation during development. This also has direct implication in human health and cancer biology. The general transcrip-tional elongation regulator P-TEFb regulates the transcriptional status of many developmental genes. Its biological activity is controlled by an inhibitory complex composed of HEXIM and the 7SK snRNA. Here, we examine the function of HEXIM during Drosophila development. Our key finding is that HEXIM affects the Hedgehog signaling pathway. HEXIM knockdown flies display strong phenotypes and organ failures. In the wing imaginal disc, HEXIM knock-down initially induces ectopic expression of Hedgehog (Hh) and its transcriptional effector Cubitus interuptus (Ci). In turn, deregulated Hedgehog signaling provokes apoptosis, which is continuously compensated by apoptosis-induced cell proliferation. Thus, the HEXIM knock-down mutant phenotype does not result from the apoptotic ablation of imaginal disc; but rather from the failure of dividing cells to commit to a proper developmental program due to Hedgehog signaling defects. Furthermore, we show that ci is a genetic suppressor of hexim. Thus, HEXIM ensures the integrity of Hedgehog signaling in wing imaginal disc, by a yet unknown mechanism. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the physiological function of HEXIM has been addressed in such details in vivo

    Hyperuniform versus Poisson Distributions in Random Metasurfaces at Infrared Wavelengths

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    oralInternational audienceIn this communication, we compare the relevance of two kinds of random distributions of Metal Isolant Metal (MIM) resonators describing a metasurface for extinction of animpinging incident signal at infrared wavelengths. The patterns are generated by home-made codes prior to numerical simulations by means of commercial finite element software. Experimental characterizations are conducted by means of reflection dark-field pump-probe spectroscopy

    Selective and efficient platinum(0)-carbene complexes as hydrosilylation catalysts.

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    The hydrosilylation reaction enables the production of silicon polymers. Platinum-carbene complexes are reported that catalyze the hydrosilylation reaction of alkenes with remarkable efficiency and exquisite selectivity and avoid the formation of platinum colloids. By-products, typically encountered with previous catalytic systems, are suppressed with these platinum derivatives