3,061 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Characterization of Lunar Dust Simulants

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    Lunar dust can jeopardize exploration activities due to its ability to cling to most surfaces. In this paper, we report on our measurements of the electrostatic properties of the lunar soil simulants. Methods have been developed to measure the volume resistivity, dielectric constant, chargeability, and charge decay of lunar soil. While the first two parameters have been measured in the past [Olhoeft 1974], the last two have never been measured directly on the lunar regolith or on any of the Apollo samples. Measurements of the electrical properties of the lunar samples are being performed in an attempt to answer important problems that must be solved for the development of an effective dust mitigation technology, namely, how much charge can accumulate on the dust and how long does the charge remain on surfaces. The measurements will help develop coatings that are compatible with the intrinsic electrostatic properties of the lunar regolith

    Current State of the Electrodynamic Dust Shield for Mitigation

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    The Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS) has been developed as a means to lift, transport and remove dust from surfaces for over 18 years in the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at NASA Kennedy Space Center. Resent advances in the technology have allowed large-scale EDSs to be fabricated using roll-to-roll techniques for quick efficient processing. The aim of the current research is to demonstrate the 3-dimensional (3-D) version of the EDS and its applicability to various surfaces of interest throughout the Artemis program that require dust mitigation. The conventional two dimensional (2-D) EDS has been comprised of interdigitated electrodes across a surface of alternating polarity to setup non-uniform electric fields in the location of interest for which the particles need to be removed. The 2-D system can be designed to accommodate various phases. For example, the two phase EDS is comprised of two electrodes 180 out of phase, while the 3-phase EDS is 120 out of phase with the adjacent leg. 4-phase EDS configurations are also possible but for each square wave a high voltage signal is applied to each leg

    Use of Atmospheric Glow Discharge Plasma to Modify Spaceport Materials

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    Numerous materials used in spaceport operations require stringent evaluation before they can be utilized. It is critical for insulative polymeric materials that any surface charge be dissipated as rapidly as possible to avoid Electrostatic Discharges (ESD) that could present a danger. All materials must pass the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) standard electrostatic test [1]; however several materials that are considered favorable for Space Shuttle and International Space Station use have failed. Moreover, to minimize contamination of Mars spacecraft, spacecraft are assembled under cleanroom conditions and specific cleaning and sterilizing procedures are required for all materials. However, surface characteristics of these materials may allow microbes to survive by protecting them from sterilization and cleaning techniques. In this study, an Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Plasma (APGD) [2] was used to modify the surface of several materials. This allowed the materials surface to be modified in terms of hydrophilicity, roughness, and conductivity without affecting the bulk properties. The objectives of this study were to alter the surface properties of polymers for improved electrostatic dissipation characteristics, and to determine whether the consequent surface modification on spaceport materials enhanced or diminished microbial survival

    Throughput-optimal systolic arrays from recurrence equations

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    Many compute-bound software kernels have seen order-of-magnitude speedups on special-purpose accelerators built on specialized architectures such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These architectures are particularly good at implementing dynamic programming algorithms that can be expressed as systems of recurrence equations, which in turn can be realized as systolic array designs. To efficiently find good realizations of an algorithm for a given hardware platform, we pursue software tools that can search the space of possible parallel array designs to optimize various design criteria. Most existing design tools in this area produce a design that is latency-space optimal. However, we instead wish to target applications that operate on a large collection of small inputs, e.g. a database of biological sequences. For such applications, overall throughput rather than latency per input is the most important measure of performance. In this work, we introduce a new procedure to optimize throughput of a systolic array subject to resource constraints, in this case the area and bandwidth constraints of an FPGA device. We show that the throughput of an array is dependent on the maximum number of lattice points executed by any processor in the array, which to a close approximation is determined solely by the array’s projection vector. We describe a bounded search process to find throughput-optimal projection vectors and a tool to perform automated design space exploration, discovering a range of array designs that are optimal for inputs of different sizes. We apply our techniques to the Nussinov RNA folding algorithm to generate multiple mappings of this algorithm into systolic arrays. By combining our library of designs with run-time reconfiguration of an FPGA device to dynamically switch among them, we predict significant speedup over a single, latency-space optimal array

    Particle Removal by Electrostatic and Dielectrophoretic Forces for Dust Control During Lunar Exploration Missions

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    Particle removal during lunar exploration activities is of prime importance for the success of robotic and human exploration of the moon. We report on our efforts to use electrostatic and dielectrophoretic forces to develop a dust removal technology that prevents the accumulation of dust on solar panels and removes dust adhering to those surfaces. Testing of several prototypes showed solar shield output above 90% of the initial potentials after dust clearing

    Paper Session I-A - Non-Ohmic Discharge Characteristics of the JSC MARS-1 Martian Regolith Simulant

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    Studies of the voltage (charge) decay behavior of the JSC Mars-1 Martian Regolith simulant are presented for both moist and dry conditions in a simulated Earth/Mars environment. The results indicate that moisture content is the main driving force behind the form of the decay curve as well as temperature while atmospheric content and pressure play a little role. Dry simulant conditions act as well-behaved ohmic insulators with an expected exponential decay, while moist simulant possesses non-ohmic behavior decaying as 1/time. The decay relationships are derived from the experimental measurements of the current-voltage relationships. Some possible explanations of this behavior are discussed
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