90 research outputs found

    Optimization of Topical Therapy for Leishmania major Localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Using a Reliable C57BL/6 Model

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    When initiating the cutaneous disease named cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), Leishmania parasites develop within the parasitophorous vacuoles of phagocytes residing in and/or recruited to the dermis, a process leading to more or less chronic dermis and epidermis-damaging inflammatory processes. Topical treatment of CL could be a mainstay in its management. Any improvements of topicals, such as new vehicles and shorter optimal contact regimes, could facilitate their use as an ambulatory treatment. Recently, WR279396, a third-generation aminoglycoside ointment, was designed with the aim to provide stability and optimal bioavailability for the molecules expected to target intracellular Leishmania. Two endpoints were expected to be reached: i) accelerated clearance of the maximal number of parasites, and ii) accelerated and stable repair processes without scars. A mouse model of CL was designed: it relies on the intradermal inoculation of luciferase-expressing Leishmania, allowing for in vivo bioluminescence imaging of the parasite load fluctuation, which can then be quantified simultaneously with the onset and resolution of clinical signs. These quantitative readout assays, deployed in real time, provide robust methods to rapidly assess efficacy of drugs/compounds i) to screen treatment modalities and ii) allow standardized comparison of different therapeutic agents

    Miltefosine in the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil: A Randomized and Controlled Trial

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is characterized by skin ulcerations and occurs in rural poor areas of developing countries. It is treated with daily injections of antimony for 20 days, which is associated with irregular use and increasingly lower cure rates. Miltefosine is an oral medication with activity against the agent of CL (Leishmania). We have studied the efficacy and safety of miltefosine compared with antimony in patients with CL caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Bahia, Brazil. A total of 90 patients participated; 60 received miltefosine and 30 were treated with antimony. Six months after treatment, 75% of patients treated with miltefosine were cured, compared with 53% of the patients in the antimony group, a difference considered significant (p = 0.04). We also found that miltefosine was more effective than antimony in adults than in children. The incidence of side effects was similar with both drugs (76.7% vs. 78.3%), but all patients were able to finish the treatments. Our study shows that miltefosine is more effective than antimony for the treatment of CL in Bahia, Brazil and can contribute to the control of this disease due to its activity and easier administration

    WR279,396, a Third Generation Aminoglycoside Ointment for the Treatment of Leishmania major Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis is due to a small parasite (Leishmania) that creates disfiguring sores, and affects more than one million persons (mainly children) each year. Treating lesions with a cream—instead of with injections as currently done—would greatly improve the well-being of affected patients. No cream formulation that would be efficient and would not create important skin irritation has been identified yet. Here, we tested a new cream formulation (WR279,396) containing paromomycin and gentamicin, two members of a well-known family of antibacterial antibiotics (aminoglycosides). Injectable paromomycin is efficient in other forms of the disease (visceral leishmaniasis). This was a carefully monitored study (phase 2) involving mainly children in Tunisia and France. The cream was applied twice a day for 20 days. The proportion of patients treated with the paromomycin-containing cream (active formulation) that cured (94%) was higher than that observed (71%) in patients treated with a cream that did not contain the active product (placebo formulation). Local irritation affected less than one-third of the patients and was usually mild. This new cream formulation was safe and effective in treating cutaneous leishmaniasis, thereby providing a new, simple, easily applicable, and inexpensive treatment for this neglected disease

    Retention of uninfected red blood cells causing congestive splenomegaly is the major mechanism of anemia in malaria

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    Splenomegaly frequently occurs in patients with Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) or P. vivax (Pv) malarial anemia, but mechanisms underlying this co-occurrence are unclear. In malaria-endemic Papua, Indonesia, we prospectively analyzed red blood cell (RBC) concentrations in the spleen and spleen-mimetic retention in 37 subjects splenectomized for trauma or hyperreactive splenomegaly, most of whom were infected with Plasmodium. Splenomegaly (median 357 g [range: 80-1918 g]) was correlated positively with the proportion of red-pulp on histological sections (median 88.1% [range: 74%-99.4%]; r = .59, p = .0003) and correlated negatively with the proportion of white-pulp (median 8.3% [range: 0.4%-22.9%]; r = -.50, p = .002). The number of RBC per microscopic field (>95% uninfected) was correlated positively with spleen weight in both Pf-infected (r = .73; p = .017) and Pv-infected spleens (r = .94; p = .006). The median estimated proportion of total-body RBCs retained in Pf-infected spleens was 8.2% (range: 1.0%-33.6%), significantly higher than in Pv-infected (2.6% [range: 0.6%-23.8%]; p = .015) and PCR-negative subjects (2.5% [range: 1.0%-3.3%]; p = .006). Retained RBCs accounted for over half of circulating RBC loss seen in Pf infections. The proportion of total-body RBC retained in Pf- and Pv-infected spleens correlated negatively with hemoglobin concentrations (r = -.56, p = .0003), hematocrit (r = -.58, p = .0002), and circulating RBC counts (r = -.56, p = .0003). Splenic CD71-positive reticulocyte concentrations correlated with spleen weight in Pf (r = 1.0; p = .003). Retention rates of peripheral and splenic RBCs were correlated negatively with circulating RBC counts (r = -.69, p = .07 and r = -.83, p = .008, respectively). In conclusion, retention of mostly uninfected RBC in the spleen, leading to marked congestion of the red-pulp, was associated with splenomegaly and is the major mechanism of anemia in subjects infected with Plasmodium, particularly Pf

    Plasmodium falciparum Clearance Is Rapid and Pitting Independent in Immune Malian Children Treated With Artesunate for Malaria

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    Background. In Plasmodium falciparum-infected patients treated with artemisinins, parasitemia declines through so-called pitting, an innate splenic process that transforms infected red blood cells (iRBCs) into onceinfected RBCs (O-iRBCs). Methods. We measured pitting in 83 French travelers and 42 Malian children treated for malaria with artesunate. Results. In travelers, O-iRBCs peaked at 107.7% initial parasitemia. In Malian children aged 1.5-4 years, OiRBCs peaked at higher concentrations than in children aged 9-13 years (91.60% vs 31.95%; P = .0097). The parasite clearance time in older children was shorter than in younger children (P = .0001), and the decline in parasitemia in children aged 1.5-4 years often started 6 hours after treatment initiation, a lag phase generally absent in infants and older children. A 6-hour lag phase in artificial pitting of artesunate-exposed iRBCs was also observed in vitro. The proportion of iRBCs recognized by autologous immunoglobulin G (IgG) correlated with the parasite clearance time (r = −0.501; P = .0006) and peak O-iRBC concentration (r = −0.420; P = .0033). Conclusions. Antimalarial immunity correlates with fast artemisinin-induced parasite clearance and low pitting rates. In nonimmune populations, artemisinin-induced P. falciparum clearance is related to pitting and starts after a 6-hour lag phase. In immune populations, passively and naturally acquired immune mechanisms operating faster than pitting may exist. This mechanism may mitigate the emergence of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum in Africa

    Antileishmanial High-Throughput Drug Screening Reveals Drug Candidates with New Scaffolds

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    Drugs currently available for leishmaniasis treatment often show parasite resistance, highly toxic side effects and prohibitive costs commonly incompatible with patients from the tropical endemic countries. In this sense, there is an urgent need for new drugs as a treatment solution for this neglected disease. Here we show the development and implementation of an automated high-throughput viability screening assay for the discovery of new drugs against Leishmania. Assay validation was done with Leishmania promastigote forms, including the screening of 4,000 compounds with known pharmacological properties. In an attempt to find new compounds with leishmanicidal properties, 26,500 structurally diverse chemical compounds were screened. A cut-off of 70% growth inhibition in the primary screening led to the identification of 567 active compounds. Cellular toxicity and selectivity were responsible for the exclusion of 78% of the pre-selected compounds. The activity of the remaining 124 compounds was confirmed against the intramacrophagic amastigote form of the parasite. In vitro microsomal stability and cytochrome P450 (CYP) inhibition of the two most active compounds from this screening effort were assessed to obtain preliminary information on their metabolism in the host. The HTS approach employed here resulted in the discovery of two new antileishmanial compounds, bringing promising candidates to the leishmaniasis drug discovery pipeline
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