7,102 research outputs found

    Sampling design may obscure species–area relationships in landscape-scale field studies

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    We investigated 1) the role of area per se in explaining anuran species richness on reservoir forest islands, after controlling for several confounding factors. We also assessed 2) how sampling design affects the inferential power of island species–area relationships (ISARs) aiming to 3) provide guidelines to yield reliable estimates of area-induced species losses in patchy systems. We surveyed anurans with autonomous recording units at 151 plots located on 74 islands and four continuous forest sites at the Balbina Hydroelectric Reservoir landscape, central Brazilian Amazonia. We applied semi-log ISAR models to assess the effect of sampling design on the fit and slope of species–area curves. To do so, we subsampled our surveyed islands following both a 1) stratified and 2) non-stratified random selection of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 islands covering 1) the full range in island size (0.45–1699 ha) and 2) only islands smaller than 100 ha, respectively. We also compiled 25 datasets from the literature to assess the generality of our findings. Island size explained ca half of the variation in species richness. The fit and slope of species–area curves were affected mainly by the range in island size considered, and to a very small extent by the number of islands surveyed. In our literature review, all datasets covering a range of patch sizes larger than 300 ha yielded a positive ISAR, whereas the number of patches alone did not affect the detection of ISARs. We conclude that 1) area per se plays a major role in explaining anuran species richness on forest islands within an Amazonian anthropogenic archipelago; 2) the inferential power of island species–area relationships is severely degraded by sub-optimal sampling designs; 3) at least 10 habitat patches spanning three orders of magnitude in size should be surveyed to yield reliable species–area estimates in patchy systems

    Microarray gene expression profiling of neural tissues in bovine spastic paresis

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    Abstract: Background: Bovine Spastic Paresis (BSP) is a neuromuscular disorder which affects both male and female cattle. BSP is characterized by spastic contraction and overextension of the gastrocnemious muscle of one or both limbs and is associated with a scarce increase in body weight. This disease seems to be caused by an autosomal and recessive gene, with incomplete penetration, although no genes clearly involved with its onset have been so far identified. We employed cDNA microarrays to identify metabolic pathways affected by BSP in Romagnola cattle breed. Investigation of those pathways at the genome level can help to understand this disease. Results: Microarray analysis of control and affected individuals resulted in 268 differentially expressed genes. These genes were subjected to KEGG pathway functional clustering analysis, revealing that they are predominantly involved in Cell Communication, Signalling Molecules and Interaction and Signal Transduction, Diseases and Nervous System classes. Significantly enriched KEGG pathway's classes for the differentially expressed genes were calculated; interestingly, all those significantly under-expressed in the affected samples are included in Neurodegenerative Diseases. To identify genome locations possibly harbouring gene(s) involved in the disease, the chromosome distribution of the differentially expressed genes was also investigated. Conclusions: The cDNA microarray we used in this study contains a brain library and, even if carrying an incomplete transcriptome representation, it has proven to be a valuable tool allowing us to add useful and new information to a poorly studied disease. By using this tool, we examined nearly 15000 transcripts and analysed gene pathways affected by the disease. Particularly, our data suggest also a defective glycinergic synaptic transmission in the development of the disease and an alteration of calcium signalling proteins. We provide data to acquire knowledge of a genetic disease for which literature still presents poor results and that could be further and specifically analysed in the next future. Moreover this study, performed in livestock, may also harbour molecular information useful for understanding human diseases


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    O mero, Epinephelus itajara, ou senhor das pedras como é conhecido popularmente. Pertence ao grupo das grandes garoupas e é classificado pela IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) como uma espécie criticamente em perigo de extinção e possivelmente já extinta em alguns lugares do mundo, antes mesmo que tenhamos informações sobre sua biologia e ecologia. Devido à sua lenta taxa de crescimento, maturação tardia (cerca de cinco anos), alta longevidade (até quarenta anos), formação de agregados reprodutivos (>100 ind.) em áreas rasas (<50m) e a alta fidelidade ao hábitat fazem com que esta espécie torne-se altamente suscetível à sobrepesca. É um dos maiores peixes ósseos encontrados no oceano Atlântico podendo alcançar mais de 2,3 metros de comprimento e pesar até 400 quilos, grande predador de topo de cadeia apresenta papel ecológico importante modelando as comunidades onde vivem exercendo efeito positivo na abundancia e biodiversidade de peixes recifais destas áreas. A presente tese de doutorado foi elaborada a partir de dados do Projeto Meros do Brasil - Pesquisa e Conservação. Projeto esse que visa aumentar e divulgar o conhecimento sobre esta espécie de peixe na costa do Brasil. Os dados utilizados para este trabalho são provenientes da região sul do Brasil compreendendo o estado do Paraná e Santa Catarina, sendo os ambientes estudados áreas recifais naturais e artificias localizadas em mar aberto. Para obtenção dos dados foram utilizadas quatro diferentes metodologias: censos visuais subaquáticos empregando o método de busca intensiva, captura (anzol e linha de mão) de exemplares devolvidos vivos, marcação (tags externos) e amostragens de exemplares encontrados mortos. Com uma série amostral de 7 anos (2007 a 2014), totalizando 192 horas de mergulhos, 246 amostras (censo visual), 15 exemplares capturados e 67 exemplares marcados com tags. Neste trabalho de forma inédita descrevemos a dinâmica espaço temporal das agregações reprodutivas de meros na região sul do Brasil. A tese esta dividida em quatro capítulos um introdutório e três outros compostos de manuscritos em formato de artigos científicos. O capitulo 1 traz uma introdução geral sobre o mero e agregações reprodutivas. No capitulo 2, é demostrada a época e locais de reprodução do mero na região de estudo além da descrição de tamanho e idade dos meros presentes nas agregações reprodutivas da região. O capitulo 3 trás a tona o uso dos recifes artificias pela espécie e o desaparecimento de agregações reprodutivas relatadas no passado além de dados sobre a movimentação de meros adultos. Já no capitulo 4 temos a descrição de anormalidades ósseas encontradas em meros presentes em agregações reprodutivas no Brasil e na Florida

    First test of a high voltage feedthrough for liquid Argon TPCs connected to a 300 kV power supply

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    Voltages above a hundred kilo-volt will be required to generate the drift field of future very large liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers. The most delicate component is the feedthrough whose role is to safely deliver the very high voltage to the cathode through the thick insulating walls of the cryostat without compromising the purity of the argon inside. This requires a feedthrough that is typically meters long and carefully designed to be vacuum tight and have small heat input. Furthermore, all materials should be carefully chosen to allow operation in cryogenic conditions. In addition, electric fields in liquid argon should be kept below a threshold to reduce risks of discharges. The combination of all above requirements represents significant challenges from the design and manufacturing perspective. In this paper, we report on the successful operation of a feedthrough satisfying all the above requirements. The details of the feedthrough design and its manufacturing steps are provided. Very high voltages up to unprecedented voltages of -300 kV could be applied during long periods repeatedly. A source of instability was observed, which was specific to the setup configuration which was used for the test and not due to the feedthrough itself.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Biological characteristics and parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) on eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae).

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    ABSTRACT. Biological characteristics and parasitism capacity of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) on eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). This study aimed at evaluating the biological characteristics and the capacity of parasitism of a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1869 (Hymenoptera, trichogrammatidae) strain (T. pretiosum RV) collected in Rio Verde County, State of Goiás, Brazil. The study was carried out on eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and conducted under controlled environmental conditions at different constant temperatures. The biological parameters determined were: developmental time (egg-adult; days); emergence (%); sex ratio; number of progeny/egg; number of generation/year; thermal constant (K); temperature threshold (Tb); daily number of parasitized eggs; cumulative parasitism (%); total number of eggs parasitized by T. pretiosum; and female longevity. To study the T. pretiosum parasitism capacity, 20 S. frugiperda eggs (? 24 h old) were placed into 8.0 cm x 2.0 cm glass vials containing one female (? 24 h old) each. Trials were carried out in a completely randomized experimental design, with 20 replications at each temperature. The environmental chambers (BOD type) were set at 18ºC, 20o C, 22o C, 25o C, 28o C and 32o C ± 1o C, 70 ±10% relative humidity, and 14/10 h (L:D) photoperiod. The eggs of S. frugiperda were replaced daily until parasitoid death. Results have shown an inverse correlation between developmental time and temperature, with statistically significant differences among means, except at 25ºC and 28ºC (10 days). Parasitoid emergence (%) was also influenced by temperature. The lowest percent emergence was observed at 32ºC, and the highest ones at 18ºC and 20ºC temperatures. The temperature did not affect T. pretiosum sex ratio and number of parasitoids per egg, thus allowing changes in the temperature to control insect mass production in the laboratory to meet the needs for field releases. RESUMO: Características biológicas e capacidade de parasitismo de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidóptera, Noctuidae). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características biológicas e a capacidade de parasitismo de uma linhagem de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1869 (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae), coletada em Rio Verde, Goiás, Brasil (T. pretiosum RV). O estudo foi feito com ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidóptera, Noctuidae) e conduzido sob condições ambientais controladas e em diferentes temperaturas constantes. Os parâmetros biológicos determinados foram: período de desenvolvimento (ovo-adulto; dias); emergência (%); razão sexual; número de progênie/ovo; número de gerações/ano; constante térmica (K); temperatura base (Tb); número de ovos parasitados diariamente; parasitismo acumulado (%); número total de ovos parasitados por fêmea de T. pretiosum; e longevidade das fêmeas. Para estudar a capacidade de parasitismo de T. pretiosum, 20 ovos de S. frugiperda (? 24 h de idade) foram colocados em tubos de vidro (8,0 x 2,0 cm) contendo uma fêmea (? 24 h de idade) cada. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 20 repetições por temperatura. As BODs foram reguladas para temperaturas constantes de 18ºC, 20oC, 22oC, 25oC, 28oC e 32oC, umidade relativa de 70 ±10% e fotoperíodo de 14/10 h (L:E). Os ovos de S. frugiperda foram substituídos diariamente até a morte do parasitóide. Os resultados mostraram uma relação inversa entre o tempo de desenvolvimento e a temperatura, com médias apresentado diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre si, com exceção das temperaturas de 25ºC e 28oC (10 dias). A emergência do parasitóide (%) também foi influenciada pela temperatura. A menor porcentagem de emergência foi observada a 32oC e a maior nas temperaturas de 18ºC e 20oC. A temperatura não alterou a razão sexual nem o número de parasitóides por ovo, permitindo mudanças na temperatura para controlar a produção de insetos em laboratório, com o fim de atender às necessidades das liberações no campo

    The Height of Chromospheric Loops in an Emerging Flux Region

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    Context. The chromospheric layer observable with the He I 10830 {\AA} triplet is strongly warped. The analysis of the magnetic morphology of this layer therefore requires a reliable technique to determine the height at which the He I absorption takes place. Aims. The He I absorption signature connecting two pores of opposite polarity in an emerging flux region is investigated. This signature is suggestive of a loop system connecting the two pores. We aim to show that limits can be set on the height of this chromospheric loop system. Methods. The increasing anisotropy in the illumination of a thin, magnetic structure intensifies the linear polarization signal observed in the He I triplet with height. This signal is altered by the Hanle effect. We apply an inversion technique incorporating the joint action of the Hanle and Zeeman effects, with the absorption layer height being one of the free parameters. Results. The observed linear polarization signal can be explained only if the loop apex is higher than \approx5 Mm. Best agreement with the observations is achieved for a height of 6.3 Mm. Conclusions. The strength of the linear polarization signal in the loop apex is inconsistent with the assumption of a He I absorption layer at a constant height level. The determined height supports the earlier conclusion that dark He 10830 {\AA} filaments in emerging flux regions trace emerging loops.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Avaliação da utilização de Nim Indiano em associação com silício e potássio no manejo da Mosca Branca na cultura da soja.

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    RESUMO: Avaliou-se o uso do produto comercial Organic Neem® e sua associação com o fertilizante à base de silício e potássio Sili-k®, no manejo de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), em casa de vegetação. Realizou-se a aplicação dos tratamentos nas plantas de soja, cultivadas em vasos plásticos, antes e após a infestação artificial pelos adultos da mosca-branca. Os tratamentos foram: Organic Neem® 1L ha-1, Sili-k® 1L ha-1, Organic Neem® 1L ha-1 + Sili-k® 1L ha-1 e testemunha (água). Os resultados mostraram que nenhum dos tratamentos tem ação satisfatória na redução da população da mosca-branca na cultura da soja. ABSTRACT: In this work, the use of the commercial product Organic Neem® and its association with the fertilizer Sili-k® containing silicon and potassium was evaluated in the management of the withefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) under greenhouse conditions. The application of the treatments in soybean plants grown in plastic vases was performed before and after artificial infestation of whitefly adults. The treatments were: Organic Neem® 1L ha-1, Sili-k® 1L ha-1, Organic Neem® 1L ha-1 + Sili-k® 1L ha-1 and control (water). The results showed that none of the tested treatments had satisfactory action in reducing the withefly population in soybean