1,340 research outputs found

    Resolution of SU(2) monopole singularities by oxidation

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    We show how "colored" SU(2) BPS monopoles (that is: SU(2) monopoles satisfying the Bogomol'nyi equation whose Higgs field and magnetic charge vanish at infinity and which are singular at the origin) can be obtained from the BPST instanton by a singular dimensional reduction, explaining the origin of the singularity and implying that the singularity can be cured by the oxidation of the solution. We study the oxidation of other monopole solutions in this scheme.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    La nacionalización de YPF y las condiciones para una política energética autonómica en la Argentina

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    En el presente artículo proponemos una mirada relativa a la decisión por parte del gobierno argentino de nacionalizar las acciones pertenecientes a la empresa de capitales españoles, Repsol, sobre la principal empresa de hidrocarburos nacional, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF). El caso es estudiado a partir de la teoría de la autonomía de Juan Carlos Puig. Comprendemos que la construcción de una política energética autonómica en el Siglo XXI estaría compuesta por tres elementos, a saber: el control sobre los denominados recursos naturales, así como diversificación y descarbonización de la matriz energética. En tal sentido, la nacionalización constituye una práctica autonómica limitada, por cuanto basa su anclaje en uno de tres elementos señalados. Asimismo, el enroque dado por el acuerdo signado con la empresa Chevrón con una reputación internacional desdeñable como producto de sus acciones en términos de daño ambiental, demuestra que la utilización del discurso ambiental fue una herramienta de primera hora que fue funcional al primer intento por expropiar las acciones de Repsol, morigerando el costo de la indemnización. En la medida que esta postura incrementó el aislamiento argentino en términos de acceso a inversiones, así como profundizaba la crisis energética, por cuanto no contaba con el capital necesario para explotar el Yacimiento de Vaca Muerta, el discurso ambiental fue dejado de lado, conjuntamente con el cierre de dos acuerdos dudosos: con Chevrón y con Repsol.Fil: Bueno, Maria del Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Alonso, Jose Marcelino. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Past and Future Prospects of Orthoptic Liver Transplantation

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    The hopes for liver transplantation have been increased by experience with the new immunosuppresive drug cyclosporin A. Optimal therapy with cyclosporin A has required steroid therapy, but the amounts of prednisone used have been a small fraction of those used in the past. © 1981, American Medical Association. All rights reserved

    De cómo la intermedialidad influye en la composición poética del texto: una aproximación didáctica

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    The degree program for new grades in the European Space of Higher Education means important changes and the possibility of adapting and adopting another work´s methodologies in the Literature teaching area, like the ones proposed by the Russian Text Stylistics, that allows to reach an ideal level of comprehension of a creative text. The author and the reader are the main actors, specifically the last one who, through a careful reading of the text - undisputable protagonist - reach the subtext of the author. The composition turns into the space that sets up the relation between author and reader who becomes interlocutor, the necessary collaborator to understand a creative work in its depth.Los planes de estudio de los nuevos grados en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior suponen unos cambios importantes y la posibilidad de adaptar y adoptar otras metodologías de trabajo en el ámbito de la enseñanza de la literatura, como las que se proponen desde la Estilística del texto rusa, que permitan alcanzar un nivel óptimo de comprensión de un texto creativo. El autor y el lector son los principales actores y éste último es quien, a través de una lectura atenta del texto —protagonista indiscutible — llegará al subtexto del autor. La composición se convierte en el espacio que pone en relación al autor con el lector que se convierte en interlocutor, colaborador necesario para entender en su profundidad una obra creativa

    Oxygen and SO2 Consumption Rates in White and Rosé Wines: Relationship with and Effects on Wine Chemical Composition

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    This Article addresses the study of O2 and SO2 consumption rates of white and rosé wines, their relationship to the initial chemical composition, and their effects on the chemical changes experienced by wine during oxidation. Eight wines were subjected to five consecutive air-saturation cycles. O2 was monitored periodically; SO2, color, and antioxidant indexes were determined after each cycle, and the initial and final compositions of the wines were thoroughly determined. Wines consumed oxygen at progressively decreasing rates. In the last cycles, after a strong decrease, consistent increases of oxygen levels were seen. Oxygen consumption rates were satisfactorily modeled, being proportional to wine copper, quercetin, and kaempherol contents and negatively proportional to cinnamic acids. SO2 consumption rates were highly diverse between wines and were positively related to free SO2, Mn, and pH, among others. In the last saturations, SO2 consumption took place regardless of O2 consumption, implying that SO2 should reduce chemical species oxidized in previous saturations. Some volatile phenols seem to be the end point of radical-mediated oxidation of polyphenols taking place preferably in the first saturation

    Importancia del recurso humano en las MiPyMEs Industriales en Culiacán, Sinaloa: Importância dos recursos humanos nos MiPyMEs Industrial em Culiacán, Sinaloa

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    La complejidad del entorno impacta de manera negativa a las micros, pequeñas y medianas empresas de la localidad, según investigación empírica y entrevistas a personal de empresas, cámaras empresariales, y asesores externos las causas de sus problemas varian desde el mal uso de recursos, incapacidad de sus líderes, resistencia al cambio, el nivel de escolaridad del empresario, la falta de visión, la no política de reinversión, así como por deficientes proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal para la introducción de personal en las organizaciones, etc. Por lo anterior, en este trabajo se presentan resultados de investigacion que da respuesta a la pregunta ¿Cómo son los procesos de reclutamiento y selección del personal en las micros, pequeñas y medianas empresas industriales de Culiacán y cuáles son los aspectos que valora el empresario al momento de la selección del personal, así como los comportamientos, actitudes y valores que distinguen al personal eficiente en la organización? En la actualidad cada vez son más los empresarios que están concientes de la importancia de contar con un trabajador comprometido y satisfecho para mejorar la productividad de su organización. La importancia de contar con un equipo de trabajo calificado y competente puede ser la clave del éxito empresarial, ya que la mayoria de las actividades las realizan el trabajadores de la empresa

    Comparison of knowledge, attitudes and hand hygiene behavioral intention in medical and nursing students.

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    Introduction: Hand hygiene is crucial to prevent cross infection. Healthcare students are in a prime position to learn hand hygiene skills. The aim of this study was to analyze hand hygiene behavioral intentions of healthcare students before and after contact with the patient and to compare the knowledge of and attitude towards hand hygiene between medical and nursing students. Methods: In a descriptive survey research design, convenience selection of a sample of medical students (n=657) and nursing students (n=303) was done from modules taught by the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health in both Medicine and Nursing undergraduate degrees in four Spanish universities. The hand hygiene Questionnaire, a validated instrument to evaluate behavior, knowledge, and attitudes, was used. Results: A significantly lower percentage of students reported always or almost always carrying out hand hygiene before contact with the patient or invasive procedures in comparison to the percentage complying after contact with secretions or with the patient. Although hand hygiene knowledge appears acceptable, its importance is not sufficiently valued.Conclusions: There are deficiencies in behavioral intention, knowledge, and attitudes related to hand hygiene in medical and nursing students. Better results are observed among nursing students, especially those who have received specific training

    Assessing the effectiveness of marine nature‐based solutions with climate risk assessments

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    Abstract Prospective risks from climate change impacts in ocean and coastal systems are urging the implementation of nature‐based solutions (NBS). These are climate‐resilient strategies to maintain biodiversity and the delivery of ecosystem services, contributing to the adaptation of social‐ecological systems and the mitigation of climate‐related impacts. However, the effectiveness of measures like marine restoration or conservation is not exempt from the impacts of climate change, and the degree to which they can sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services remains unknown. Such uncertainty, together with the slow pace of implementation, causes decision‐makers and societies to demand a better understanding of NBS effects. To address this gap, in this study, we use the risk mitigation capacity of marine NBS as a proxy for their effectiveness while providing a toolset for the implementation of the method. The method considers environmental data and relies on expert elicitation, allowing us to go beyond current practice to evaluate the effectiveness of NBS in reducing habitat or species risks under different future socio‐political and climate‐change scenarios. As a result, we present a ready‐to‐use tool, and supporting materials, for the implementation of the Climate Risk Assessment method and an illustrative example considering the application of the NBS “nature‐inclusive harvesting” in two shellfisheries. The method works as a rapid assessment that guarantees comparability across sites and species due to its low data or resource demand, so it can be widely incorporated to adaptation policies across the marine realm.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-127092OB-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Experiments in context-sensitive analysis of modular programs

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    Several models for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs have been proposed, each with different characteristics and representing different trade-offs. The advantage of these context-sensitive analyses is that they provide information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analyses. Such information can then be applied to validating/debugging the program and/or to specializing the program in order to obtain important performance improvements. Some very preliminary experimental results have also been reported for some of these models which provided initial evidence on their potential. However, further experimentation, which is needed in order to understand the many issues left open and to show that the proposed modes scale and are usable in the context of large, real-life modular programs, was left as future work. The aim of this paper is two-fold. On one hand we provide an empirical comparison of the different models proposed in previous work, as well as experimental data on the different choices left open in those designs. On the other hand we explore the scalability of these models by using larger modular programs as benchmarks. The results have been obtained from a realistic implementation of the models, integrated in a production-quality compiler (CiaoPP/Ciao). Our experimental results shed light on the practical implications of the different design choices and of the models themselves. We also show that contextsensitive analysis of modular programs is indeed feasible in practice, and that in certain critical cases it provides better performance results than those achievable by analyzing the whole program at once, specially in terms of memory consumption and when reanalyzing after making changes to a program, as is often the case during program development