1,902 research outputs found

    The Transmutation of Objects When Terminally Ill

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    Cold Fish, or on My Inability to Love

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    Cold Fish, or on My Inability to Love

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    The Transmutation of Objects When Terminally Ill

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    The moments of a random vector based on the definition of the power of a vector, proposed by J. Tatar, are scalar and vector characteristics of a multivariate distribution. Analogously to the univariate case, we distinguish the uncorrected and the central moments of a random vector. Other characteristics of a multivariate distribution, i.e. an index of skewness and kurtosis, have been introduced by using the central moments of a random vector. For the application of the mentioned quantities for the analysis of multivariate empirical data, it appears desirable to construct their respective estimators. This paper presents the consistent estimators of the central moments of a random vector, for which essential characteristics have been found, such as a mean vector and a mean squared error. In these formulas, the relevant orders of approximation have been taken into account


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    Public schools have increasingly transformed throughout the years, and the growth in suburban areas has brought many diversified schools that sometimes mirror schools in an urban setting (Kneebone and Berube,2013). Building principals, particularly those in charge of Title I schools, face numerous challenges each day within their buildings (Kahlenberg, 2001). Not only have the demands of high-stakes testing increased over the years, other external factors also present challenges within the school setting. While the school stakeholders play an integral role in how the school is shaped, the building principal’s behaviors ultimately serve as the overarching guide in shaping how the school is run (Stone-Johnson, 2013). Existing research is abundant in identifying leadership variables that can potentially influence student achievement, from leadership behaviors (Daresh & Lynch, 2010) to school culture (Deal & Peterson, 2009); from teachers’ feelings of self-efficacy (Collie, Shapka, & Perry, 2012) to teacher effectiveness (Meyers & Pianta, 2008); from teacher-student relationships (Hamre & Pianta, 2006) to student attitudes (Hopson & Lee, 2011). However, there is a dearth of research that examines the possible relationships between several interacting components; especially, in terms of stakeholders’ perceptions. This case study aims to begin filling this gap. What is also unique about this study, aside from the setting in a specific Title I suburban school, is its use of appreciative inquiry that aims to tease out the most positive attributions, rather than focusing on the negative

    Czy postęp cywilizacyjny jest dla nas zdrowy? Analiza wydatków na ochronę zdrowia i aspektów epidemiologicznych wybranych chorób cywilizacyjnych

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    Problematyka rozwoju regionalnego jest jednym z ważniejszych kierunków badań we współczesnych naukach ekonomicznych. Niniejsza publikacja wpisuje się w szeroko rozumiany nurt badań regionalnych, lokalnych i przestrzenno-czasowych. W szczególności poruszane są w niej zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju, gospodarek opartych na wiedzy, funkcjonowania samorządów regionalnych. Prezentowane analizy zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych narzędzi, takich jak: metody i modele ekonometrii przestrzennej, eksploracyjna analiza danych przestrzennych, metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, hurtowni danych (Data Warehouse) i narzędzi Business Intelligence. Książka jest adresowana do praktyków gospodarczych, analityków, naukowców, studentów i do wszystkich zajmujących się problematyką empirycznych badań regionalnych

    Grenzen der Verfahren zur Bewertung des Sommerlichen Wärmeschutzes nach DIN 4108-2:2013

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    Die Methodik der DIN 4108-2 zur Bewertung der Überhitzungswahrscheinlichkeit eines kritischen Raumes entspricht nicht mehr den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Standards. Die Kritik in der Fachliteratur hat zugenommen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die Hintergründe der DIN 4108-2 erläutert und bekannte Anwendungsgrenzen und Unzulänglichkeiten aus der Literatur zusammengefasst. Diese betreffen sowohl angenommene Randbedingungen als auch die Abbildung der relevanten physikalischen Effekte und Bewertungsgrößen. Darüber hinaus wird dargelegt, dass Gebäudenutzung, Raumeigenschaften und Klima als relevante Kategorien in der Betrachtung des Überhitzungsrisikos differenzierter abgebildet werden müssen. Anhand von fünf Praxisbeispielen werden Widersprüche zwischen Ergebnissen des vereinfachten Sonneneintragskennwerte-Verfahrens, Simulationen mit Randbedingungen gemäß DIN 4108-2 und Simulationen mit gebäudespezifischen Randbedingungen aufgezeigt. Anhand eines Vergleiches von Mess- und Simulationsergebnissen für einen dieser Beispielräume werden auch Grenzen der Simulationsrechnungen angesprochen. Ziel der Darstellung ist es, zwischen der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion, die von stark idealisierten Fällen getragen ist, und den planerischen Herausforderungen der Praxis, in welcher die Anwendbarkeit dieser Nachweisansätze oft unklar ist, zu vermitteln


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    Retinoblastoma is a tumor originating from the nuclear layer of the primary retinal photoreceptor cells, genetically determined. It develops due to a mutation in chromosome 13 in the q14 band. It is the most common, originally malignant intraocular change in childhood and accounts for 10-15% of cancer cases occurring in the first year of life [1]. Usually this cancer manifests itself as a leukocoria in a child under two years of age. In a congenital form, it can be multifocal, on both sides, and the risk of secondary cancers should also be taken into account. Diagnosis of retinoblastoma requires indirect ophthalmoscopy and research using imaging diagnostics techniques: ultrasonography (USG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). If left untreated, it leads to metastasis and death of the child. With the advancement of medicine, survival with modern treatment methods is> 95%. More and more often it is possible to save the mutant eye enucleation surgery. Immediate referral to an ophthalmologist's oncologist and proper management by an interdisciplinary team are necessary to optimize the visual effect and survival [2]