105 research outputs found

    PARTISIPASI STAKEHOLDER DALAM PERWAKAFAN (Studi Kasus di Rumah Sakit Roemani, Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung, dan Masjid Agung Semarang)

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    Waqf is one of Islamic philanthropy institutions which is supposed to be well managed in order to optimize its profits. One of the ways is providing an opportunity for thestakeholders to participate. In reality, nevertheless, the stakeholders’ participation in waqf is still considered low. This is due to the unawareness of the manager (nāẓir) in supporting the stakeholders to take part. Another cause is the stakeholders’ lack of knowledge about their rights in the management of waqf. This is the result of research that describes the forms and reasoning of stakeholder’s participation in waqf in Semarang, especially at Roemani Hospital, Foundation of Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung and Masjid Agung Semarang. This research is conducted with good governance approach that includes management dynamic, professionalism and agency representation.Lembaga wakaf seharusnya menerapkan tata kelola yang baik agar hasilnya optimal. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memberikan kesempatan stakeholder untuk berpartisipasi. Tetapi dalam realitasnya partisipasi stakeholder masih rendah. Hal ini karena belum terbangun kesadaran pihak pengelola (nazhir) dan ketidaktahuan stakeholder akan hak yang dimilikinya. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian yangmendeskripsikan bentuk dan alasan partisipasi stakeholder dalam perwakafan di Kota Semarang, khususnya yang terdiri dari Rumah Sakit Roemani, Yayasan Badan Wakaf Sultan Agung dan Masjid Agung Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan good governance yang mencakup dinamika pengelolaan, profesionalitas serta keterwakilan lembaga


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    This qualitative research aimed to criticize the form of legal invention by the Supreme Court (MA) and its relevance to the development of Islamic law on Indonesia. This study also aims to find a model of the development of Islamic law through the dicovery made by the judge when adjudicating the case. The samples of this study were selected verdicts of MA based on the presence or absence of legal invention parameters in it. The result of this study is that the two verdits of MA, precisely describe the form of the legal invention by showing courage and creativity at the same time in deciding the case. The legal invention of MA has significant contribution to the development of Islamic law in Indonesia. Because of the standing points of MA as the top judiciary, it’s verdits would be as jurisprudence for the other judges, especially at the lower level court

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai melalui Disiplin Kerja

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar, dengan jumlah pegawai yang diteliti sebanyak 51 orang yang terdiri dari pegawai ASN dan Honorer, sehingga sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampel jenuh. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 2) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 3) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 4) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 5) Disiplin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 6) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja melalui Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 7) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja melalui Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Kompetensi, Disiplin, Kinerja Pegawai. ABSTRACT This research will conducted at the Takalar District Education Office, with a total of 51 employees being examined, consisting of ASN and Honorary employees, so that the sample used is saturated samples. Data collection tools using questionnaires were analyzed by testing validity and reliability. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using path analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 2) Competence has a positive and significant effect on Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 3) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 4) Competency has a positive but not significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 5) Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 6) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 7) Competence has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. Keywords: Motivation, Competence, Discipline, Employee Performanc

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai melalui Disiplin Kerja

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar, dengan jumlah pegawai yang diteliti sebanyak 51 orang yang terdiri dari pegawai ASN dan Honorer, sehingga sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampel jenuh. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang dianalisis dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 2) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 3) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 4) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 5) Disiplin berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 6) Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja melalui Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. 7) Kompetensi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja melalui Disiplin Kerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Takalar. Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Kompetensi, Disiplin, Kinerja Pegawai. ABSTRACT This research will conducted at the Takalar District Education Office, with a total of 51 employees being examined, consisting of ASN and Honorary employees, so that the sample used is saturated samples. Data collection tools using questionnaires were analyzed by testing validity and reliability. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using path analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 2) Competence has a positive and significant effect on Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 3) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 4) Competency has a positive but not significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 5) Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Takalar District Education Office. 6) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. 7) Competence has a positive and significant effect on Performance through Employee Work Discipline at the Takalar District Education Office. Keywords: Motivation, Competence, Discipline, Employee Performanc

    Restructuring Strategy of State Owned Municipal Solid Waste Company at PD. Kebersihan Bandung Indonesia 2012

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    PD. Kebersihan is Bandung Government owned company that responsible for managing municipal solid waste in Bandung. The purposes of PD.Kebersihan as a state owned company is expected to do municipal solid waste management service and can support the local government revenue. The identification analysis has found that the problems in PD.Kebersihan are from financial, operational, and organizational activity. This identification has also shown that the company is not surviving recently, but the material support and non-material support such as guarantee and financial subsidized that given by the local government has save this company. The company’s problems can be solved by using the turnaround strategy, which mean that the restructuring would be imposed through the operational, organizational, and financial changes by using several methods such as management review, activity based costing, and TOWS matrix. The restructuring process will take one-year program. The process are consists of changes in retribution tariff and billing system, cutting ineffective employees, rescheduling in international loan debt, adding new technology, adding new sources of income, changing the subsidized income to become the public service income, creating the business process and business model mapping and creating the value proposition to enhance employees performance, motivation, and discipline. Cost of restructuring will take Rp. 43,355,200,000, - and will be projected in three scenarios such as worse scenario, most likely scenario, and optimistic scenario. The returned value is calculated based on several methods such as NPV, IRR, and MIRR. This methods are planning to have a value return in projection at sequences (Rp. 20,866,154,012 - Rp. 112,689,078,895), (24% - 91%) and (23% - 71%). The payback period will be planned at 1.6-2.7 years. The restructuring results will also be planned to raise revenue for 17% CAGR, lowering operational cost for 2% CAGR and raising employee’s prosperity for 32% in 5 years projection. The value of risk in restructuring program is calculated by comparing the sum of money that government should to pay in case of subsidized or public service payment in 5 years (2012-2016). The risk has been analyzed in case the program is not running well. The cost of risk for this program is 9.89% of the 5 years government subsidized projection. If the restructuring program applied and become success then the government of Bandung will gain benefit for reducing the public service payment for 44.3% of the 5 years government subsidized projection. Company valuation is based on the 5 years projection (2012-2016). The future value in 2016 is predicted to be Rp.438,497,803,914, and the present value in 2012 is predicted to be Rp.244,252,233,875. Company valuation is aimed for gaining more capital from public if the government decided to make this company go public.   Keyword: Municipal Solid Waste Management, Public Service, financial, operational, organizational, government, cleanliness, restructuring, retribution, subsidized, scenario, risk

    Optimasi Penempatan Elektroda Batang Pada Jalan Ringroad Kota Tarakan

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    Sistem pentanahan (Earthing System) yang kurang baik dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas tenaga listrik. Dengan demikian fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung pada Jalan RingRoad Kota Tarakan seperti tiang listrik, lampu PJU, transformator stepdown maupun bangunan memiliki resiko besar mengalami kerusakan. Untuk melindungi dan mengurangi dampak kerusakan akibat gangguan secara mekanik maupun gangguan alam seperti sambaran petir maka dipasang sistem pengaman. Sistem pengaman itu salah satunya adalah sistem pentanahan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan menganalisa penempatan elektroda batang pada Jalan RingRoad Kota Tarakan. Dengan melalukan pengukuran di 5 titik, masing-masing titik berjarak kurang lebih 100 meter. Langkah pertama mengukur resistansi pentanahan menggunakan alat Digital Earth Tester dengan simulasi kedalaman tanah 1, 2, dan 3 meter. Dan mengetahui kadar air tanah, dengan melaukakan penelitian di Laboratorium. Kemudian langkah berikutnya adalah menghitung nilai tahanan jenis tanah berdasarkan hasil pengukuran nilai resistansi pentanahan.Hasil penelitian optimasi penempatan elektroda batang pada Jalan Ringroad Kota Tarakan  di 5 titik pengujian dengan menggunakan batang elektroda sepanjang 4 meter dengan diamater 0,015 meter (1,5 cm) semuanya memiliki nilai Resistansi pentanahan dibawah 5 Ω, sesuai dengan Persyaratan Umum Instalasi Listirk (PUIL 2000:68)

    Analisa Perbandingan Tahanan Pembumian Peralatan Elektroda Pasak pada Gedung Laboratorium Teknik Universitas Borneo Tarakan

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    Earthing systems are less well able to cause damage to electrical equipment. The risks are more current can not be optimally channeled back to earth. The smaller the resistance value, The better the earthing system. In certain soil conditions, grounding resistance value is also influenced by the depth of planting electrodes. The measurement results one ground rod resistance value with each length of 1.5 m and 2 m, diameter 0.045 m, respectively depth of 3 m and 3.25 m in Building Engineering Laboratory of the University of Borneo Tarakan successively obtained values of R (earthing) amounted to 12.76 Ω and 12 Ω while the calculation, the value of R (earthing) of 12.85 and 12.10 Ω Ω with the average value of muddy clay resistivity (ρ) of 38.58 Ω-m and 38.84 Ω-m. The installation of a ground rod 1,5m  of minimum 3 pieces in parallel has an R (earthing) value of 4.28 Ω complied with General Term Electrical Installation (PUIL 2000) ≤ 5 Ω and minimum installation distance between electrodes of 2 (two) times in length.Keywords : single rod electrodes, resistivity, earthing resistance.Abstrak - Sistem pembumian yang kurang baik dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada peralatan listrik. Resiko yang ditimbulkan adalah arus lebih tidak dapat disalurkan secara maksimal kembali ke bumi. Semakin kecil nilai tahanan pembumian maka semakin baik sistem pembumiannya. Pada kondisi tanah tertentu, nilai tahanan pembumian juga dipengaruhi oleh kedalaman penanaman elektroda.  Hasil pengukuran nilai tahanan pembumian elektroda pasak tunggal dengan panjang masing-masing 1,5 m dan 2 m, diameter 0,045 m, masing-masing kedalaman 3 m dan 3,25 m pada Gedung Laboratorium Teknik Universitas Borneo Tarakan berturut-turut diperoleh nilai R(pembumian) sebesar 12,76 Ω dan 12 Ω sedangkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai R(pembumian) sebesar 12,85 Ω dan 12,10 Ω dengan nilai rata-rata tahanan jenis tanah liat berlumpur


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    Abstract - The use of distributed generation (DG) at Feeder I Tarakan Distribution System 20 kV aims to meet the needs of consumer electricity, but it is expected to reduce the loss of power on the network. Therefore, optimization is needed in determining the location and output of DG’s active power. The standard genetic algorithm method is used in the determination of the location and output of active power for 3 units of each 250 kW capacity in Feeder I Tarakan Distribution System 20 kV. The optimized results were achieved for optimal locations on 22,28, 47 buses with each 196, 192, 200 kW active power output and 37.73 % or 17,000 Watt network loss. Keywords: standard genetic algorithm, electrical distribution system, distributed generation  Intisari - Pemanfaatan pembangkit kecil tersebar (PKT) pada Penyulang I Sistem Distribusi Listrik Tarakan 20 kV bertujuan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik konsumen dan diharapkan dapat meminimalkan rugi daya pada jaringan. Untuk itu diperlukan optimasi dalam menentukan lokasi dan keluaran daya aktif PKT. Metode algoritma genetika standar digunakan dalam penentuan lokasi dan keluaran daya aktif untuk 3 Unit PKT kapasitas masing-masing 250 kW pada Penyulang I Sistem Distribusi 20  KV Tarakan. Hasil optimasi yang dicapai untuk lokasi optimal pada bus 22, 28, 47 dengan masing-masing keluaran daya aktif 196, 192, 200 kW dan penurunan rugi daya jaringan sebesar 37,73 % atau 17.000 Watt. Kata Kunci : algoritma genetika standar, sistem distribusi listrik, pembangkit kecil terseba