40 research outputs found


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    Background of this research is tsunami happened in Tasikmalaya on July 17th 2006 which given impact for physics and psychologist. Purpose of this research is to examine effectivity of cognitive-behavior therapy in reducing tsunami traumatic syndrome. Approach use in this research is quantitative-qualitative, mixed method of design sequence procedure and pra experiment pre-test and post-test design. To collect data is use tsunami traumatic instrument. The result of research in pretest shows (1) all most of counselee still in high level of traumatic (2) in behavior, cognitive and emotion aspect still in high category, but social and physic aspects is in low category. The result of posttest showed, (1) most of counselee (70%) in middle category of traumatic syndrome, and the others is in high category. Condition of tsunami traumatic syndrome of counselee is reduced well. (2) The highest reduction is in emotion, behavior and cognitive aspect, however social and physic aspect is in low category. (3) CBT proved effective to reduce tsunami traumatic syndrome, especially for cognitive, behavior and emotion aspects

    Gambaran Umum Kesejahteraan Psikologis Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to determine the condition of psychological well-being for college studentsin the accounting education study program at Indonesia University of Education. The instrument usedin this research is the scale of psychological well-being. The subjects in this research is 79 collegestudents in the 2018/2019 accounting education study program. The results showed that 38% of collegestudents had low psychological well-being, 46% of college students had medium psychological wellbeing and 16% of the college students had hidgh psychological well-being. The results of this researchcan be used by counselors to improve psychological well-being with guidance or counseling technique


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    Salah satu hal yang menyebabkan kegagalan pada elemen sebuah mesin adalah kekuatan material. Kekuatan merupakan sifat yang dimiliki oleh setiap material. Kekuatan pada material dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan mulur. Bagaimanakah sifat kekuatan ini diketahui? Apakah ada cara untuk mengetahuinya? Kekuatan material bisa diperoleh dari sebuah pengujian yang dikenal dengan nama uji tarik. Dari pengujian itu selain diperoleh benda kerja yang putus karena proses penarikan, juga dihasilkan sebuah kurva uji tarik. Kurva ini merupakan gambaran dari proses pembebanan pada benda kerja mulai dari awal penarikan hingga benda kerja itu putus. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan bagaimana mengolah besarnya pembebanan dan perubahan panjang yang terjadi pada benda kerja. Pembebanan dan perubahan panjang benda kerja inilah yang nantinya akan dikonversi ke dalam kurva uji tarik. Pada mesin uji tarik ini besarnya pembebanan (kekuatan tarik) maksimal yang direncanakan adalah sebesar 5 ton. Benda kerja ditentukan menurut standar ASTM dengan perbandingan = 4,5 pelat dan 4 untuk silinder.Kata Kunci: Mesin Uji Tarik, Spesimen Aluminiu

    Modul pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah atas terintegrasi penguatan pendidikan karakter kelompok kompetensi B profesional kerangka teoretik dan praksis bimbingan dan konseling

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    Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Jasmani dan Bimbingan Konseling (PPPPTK Penjas dan BK) sebagai salah satu Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) dibawah Koordinasi Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Ditjen GTK), tahun 2017 ini berupaya menyiapkan Program PKB untuk Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan dan Guru Bimbingan Konseling. Salah satu perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan pada program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) moda tatap muka, moda dalam jaringan (daring), dan moda kombinasi (tatap muka dan daring) untuk semua mata pelajaran dan kelompok kompetensi adalah modul pembelajaran. Dengan modul ini diharapkan program PKB dapat memberikan sumbangan yang sangat besar dalam peningkatan kualitas kompetensi guru

    Kompetensi pedagogik guru di era disrupsi pendidikan dalam pandangan Islam

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    Teachers at this time are expected to be figures who can manage learning programs using appropriate methods, and according to the needs of students. This article aims to describe the importance of reviewing the curriculum of prospective educators in LPTKs, especially related to the issue of educational philosophy, and suggesting regulatory support to be able to support the realization of professional-pedagogical competencies. The pedagogical competence of teachers still needs to be improved not only from the aspect of teacher competence but also from the philosophical foundation of education itself. In the future, educators are expected to be able to adapt and even be creative in making disruptive innovations to improve the quality of education. As a solution, this article also proposes a more targeted curriculum review and state support. AbstrakGuru pada masa ini diharapkan menjadi figur yang mampu mengelola program pembelajaran menggunakan metode yang tepat, dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pentingnya peninjauan kembali kurikulum calon pendidik di LPTK terutama terkait masalah filsafat pendidikan dan menyarankan ada dukungan regulasi untuk bisa menunjang terwujudnya kompetensi pedagogik yang profesional. Kompetensi pedagogik guru masih perlu ditingkatkan bukan hanya dari aspek kompetensi guru, tetapi juga landasan filosofis dari pendidikan itu sendiri. Ke depannya, pendidik diharapkan mampu beradaptasi bahkan sudah seharusnya turut berkreasi melakukan inovasi disrupsi untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Sebagai solusi artikel ini juga mengusulkan adanya penelaahan kurikulum serta dukungan negara yang lebih tepat sasaran.

    Modul guru pembelajar bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah pertama/madrasah tsanawiyah (SMP/MTs) kelompok kompetensi B profesional: kerangka teoritik dan praksis BK

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    Guru bimbingan dan konseling/konselor yang berdasarkan hasil uji kompetendi memiliki kekurangan kompetensi pada kelompok kompetensi 2 melalui pembelajaran pada modul ini minimal mampu (1) memahami konsep dasar bimbingan dan konseling, meliputi pengertian, tujuan, fungsi ,asas, prinsip, bidang, komponen/layanan, serta strategi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; (2) memahami pengelolaan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling, meliputi penyusunan program, pelaksanaan tindak lanjut pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; (3) memahami arah perkembangan profesi bimbingan dan konseling di Indonesia terutama yang terkait dengan arah perkembangan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; dan (4) memahami dan memiliki kesadaran dan komitmen terhadap etika profesional bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah

    The Effectiveness of Group Counseling with Role Play Techniques to Improve Student Emotional Intelligence

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    Many people believe that the success of one's life is largely determined by the intelligence of reason. Though the success of one's life is influenced by various factors, one of which is emotional intelligence. Group guidance service is an excellent service to provide awareness to individuals about various healthy behaviors and problematic behavior. Role play is a technique of providing guidance to a group of individuals as a solution to solving individual psychological and social problems through dramatization activities. Where each individual is required to be able to play a certain role in the situation planned by the supervisor adjusted to the purpose of providing guidance to be achieved. Emotional intelligence is formed through five skills namely recognizing one's emotions, managing emotions, motivating yourself, recognizing the emotions of others and building relationships. These five skills are used as benchmarks for understanding one's emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is very important in our lives, both inward nature and in relation to other people or situations because it will affect our behavior. With the guidance of the group is expected to provide a good impact on emotions so that it will bring positive behaviour


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    The mindset of peace culture based on the values of the Al Quran for teachers and students is the essential foundation for the realization of a peaceful school that is coveted by various parties.However, efforts to realize a peaceful school currently still have many obstacles so serious efforts are needed to make it happen. This study aims to explore the mindset of the peace culture of teachers and students of Madrasah Aliyah as a study towards developing the mindset of the school's peaceful culture. The research was conducted through a survey of 44 grade VIII students and 20 Madrasah Aliyah teachers in West Bandung Regency in 2021. The instrument used was a tool for measuring the mindset of peace culture based on the values of the Al Quran of teachers and students whose validity and reliability had been tested. The results showed that (1) both the development of mindset of peace culture based on the values of the Al Quran of teachers and students were in the moderate category and (2) there was no significant similarity between the mind set of peace culture based on the values of the Al Quran of teachers and students. The development of learning models that can facilitate the development of mindset of peace culture based on the values of the Al Quran for teachers and students is highly recommended

    Etika Komunikasi Konselor dalam Konseling Online Berbasis Teks

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    ABSTRAKDisamping berbagai kelebihan dari konseling online berbasis teks, terdapat beberapa faktor yang dapat menghambat pelaksanaannya. Beberapa faktor tersebut diantaranya adalah adanya kesalahan penulisan tanda baca dan emoji; penulisan kata atau penggunaan font yang kurang tepat; keterlambatan dalam membalas pesan; serta tidak menggunakan bahasa yang baik, sopan, dan jelas. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji terkait bagaimana etika komunikasi konselor dalam melaksanakan layanan konseling online berbasis teks. Penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Belum ada pedoman/kode etik yang secara khusus membahas mengenai konseling online berbasis teks. Oleh karena itu, ketika melaksanakan konseling online berbasis teks masing-masing konselor memiliki strategi tersendiri, sesuai dengan pengalaman, keompetensi, dan keterampilan yang dimilki. Seorang konselor dalam memberikan layanan konseling secara online harus memiliki dasar kompetensi terkait teknologi dan kompetensi terkait konseling berbasis teks itu sendiri. Adapun keterampilan-keterampilan yang harus dimiliki dalam melaksanakn konseling online berbasis teks yaitu typing skills, typing style, dan bagaimana sikap dalam menulis.ABSTRACTIn addition to the various advantages of text-based online counseling, there are several factors that can hinder its implementation. Some of these factors include punctuation and emoji errors; Inappropriate wording or font use; delays in replying to messages; and not using good, polite, and clear language. This article aims to examine how counselor communication ethics in implementing text-based online counseling services. The research in this article uses a literature review method with a qualitative descriptive approach. There is no guideline/code of ethics that specifically addresses text-based online counseling. Therefore, when carrying out text-based online counseling, each counselor has their own strategy, according to their experience, competence, and skills. A counselor in providing online counseling services must have a foundation of technology-related competencies and competencies related to text-based counseling itself. The skills that must be possessed in conducting text-based online counseling are typing skills, typing style, and how to attitude in writing

    Rancangan Draft Instrumen Pengkajian Cageur Stroke Skor dalam Mempersiapkan Keluarga Sebagai Caregiver Pasien

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    This research aims to explore families' experiences as caregivers regarding how to care for stroke patients at home and to design a concept assessment model for caregivers in caring for patients at home. The method used is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The results of the study on the experiences of 16 family members as caregivers were summarized into four research themes, namely: control of risk factors that cause stroke by caregivers, changes in behavior and emotions of stroke patients and caregiver responses, strategies to improve self-care for stroke patients at home by caregivers, and strategies to increase muscle strength. The patient is at home with a caregiver. The draft instrument for the Cageur Stroke Score assessment is still a draft concept that needs to be developed in subsequent research. The images are risk factors for stroke, control of risk factors for stroke, amok, caregiver response, personal hygiene, skin integrity, and muscle strength. In conclusion, the family's experience as caregivers regarding how to care for stroke patients at home is the result of observing what nurses do while the patient is in hospital, and they are not ready to continue post-stroke care at home. The conceptual design of the assessment model for caregivers in caring for patients at home will be developed from research concept themes. Keywords: Cageur Stroke Score, Family Caregiver, Stroke Car