25 research outputs found

    Parentesco y localidad. Un grupo gitano transnacional

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    La caída del comunismo en la Europa central y oriental y la emergencia de dos estados independientes —la República Checa y la República Eslovaca— llevó consigo una variedad de cambios en la percepción de la identidad de los habitantes de ambos estados. Con la división de la antigua Checoslovaquia, se formaron nuevas fronteras que no influyeron de manera intensa en la percepción de la identidad del grupo de algunos grupos roma/gitanos en los países en cuestión. El proceso de integración de la Unión Europea durante los últimos años llevó consigo nuevas oportunidades: el movimiento de población, las oportunidades laborales y una movilidad laboral más intensa. En el texto vamos a discutir el problema de la identidad en un grupo roma/gitano y el efecto aparecido durante los últimos veinte años relativo a su propia percepción sobre quiénes son. En este texto abordamos los principales temas de nuestra investigación sobre la identidad: la identidad local, la identidad relativa al Estado, la identidad europea y la identidad roma transnacional. Discutiremos sobre la relación mutua entre diversos estratos de las identidades y la medida en que estas relaciones se muestran influidas por el proceso contemporáneo de la integración de la Unión Europea

    Metamorfosis de los patrones de matrimonio de las osadas gitanas eslovacas en las áreas urbanas de Chequia

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    This article is based on the analysis of the transformation of marital patterns among Gypsies after their post-WW II emigration from their settlements in Eastern Slovakia to Czech urban localities. First we analyse marital patterns observed in several Gypsy settlements in Eastern Slovakia across different generations and then we follow the lives of Gypsy migrants in the Czech Republic. We are trying to identify patterns and transformations related to the decisionsmade by these groups regarding the choice of the marital partner. Our goal is to document modes of interaction between kinship patterns, local economic and political situation and migration movements between the localities under investigation.En este artículo analizamos algunas transformaciones de los patrones de elección de matrimonio entre los Roma/Gitanos que se desplazaron de las osadas en el Este de Eslovaquiaa localidades urbanas de Chequia después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Empezamos con un análisis de los patrones de matrimonio observados en varias osadas Roma/Gitanos en el Este de Eslovaquia, que abarca varias generaciones para posteriormente seguir las historias de vida de los migrantes provenientes de dichas osadas, que se desplazaron después de 1945 desde Eslovaquia a Chequia. Intentaremos identificar algunos patrones y transformaciones de los mismos en las decisiones que esa población ha estado haciendo en lo relativo a la elección de su pareja de matrimonio. Intentamos hacer notar las formas de interacción entre patronesde parentesco, el marco político-económico local y los movimientos migratorios translocales

    Family, marriage and kinship in Roma/Gypsy groups (literature, theorethical perspectives, main issues)

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    The article deals with the topic of family, marriage and kinship in “Roma/Gypsy” groups in Europe and North America and offers an overall overview of the scholarly literature on this topic.The basic themes, theoretical concepts and perspectives in anthropological and sociological literature on “Roma/Gypsy” kinship, marriage and family are discussed in the text. The distinction is made between the Czech and Slovak academic writings (with the focus on individual sholars and topics developed in their texts) and the foreign literature (here the overview is mostly confined to works and texts published in English). The aim of the text is to provide to students the basic facts and summary of the texts published in this field and the most important topics (domestic units, character of kinship, marriage alliances, endogamy, brideprice, etc.) that have been discussed in the last several decades. Special attention is paid to the modern approaches discussing kinship and family in their connection to the concepts of locality, identity, ethnicity and gender.The article deals with the topic of family, marriage and kinship in “Roma/Gypsy” groups in Europe and North America and offers an overall overview of the scholarly literature on this topic.The basic themes, theoretical concepts and perspectives in anthropological and sociological literature on “Roma/Gypsy” kinship, marriage and family are discussed in the text. The distinction is made between the Czech and Slovak academic writings (with the focus on individual sholars and topics developed in their texts) and the foreign literature (here the overview is mostly confined to works and texts published in English). The aim of the text is to provide to students the basic facts and summary of the texts published in this field and the most important topics (domestic units, character of kinship, marriage alliances, endogamy, brideprice, etc.) that have been discussed in the last several decades. Special attention is paid to the modern approaches discussing kinship and family in their connection to the concepts of locality, identity, ethnicity and gender

    The Origins, Meaning and Use of Nicknames in Czech Villages in Bulgaria

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    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou jmen a strategiemi pojmenovávání u bulharských Čechů, evangelíků, kteří žili v první polovině 20. století ve dvou bulharských obcích, Vojvodovo a Belinci. Vychází přitom z dat získaných během terénních šetření v několika obcích na Valticku a Mikulovsku, kde dnes žijí přesídlenci z Bulharska a jejich potomci. V textu jsou vedle rodných jmen a příjmení analyzovány zejména přezdívky bulharských Čechů vzhledem k jejich původu, významu a způsobu užívání. Přezdívky, které se zde vyvinuly jako třetí klasifikační systém (vedle rodných jmen a příjmení), jsou klasifikovány do několika kategorií a je sledován jejich význam pro dané společenství. Text se zabývá také strategiemi dávání, užívání či zamlčování přezdívek v různých kontextech, a sleduje danou problematiku ve vztahu k systému pojmenovávání v rámci sociálního prostředí, které dané společenství obklopovalo (bulharské pravoslavné obyvatelstvo). Poukazuje pak také na skutečnost, že v rámci Vojvodova byly používány dva odlišné soubory přezdívek pro stejné osoby, což odráží existenci dvou různých morálních společenství v rámci jedné obce.The article deals with naming practices among Czechs who lived in the first half of 20th century in two Bulgarian villages – Vojvodovo and Belinci, and who left Bulgaria after WWII. The text analyzes the origins, the use and the meaning of nicknames in the studied population in 1900–1950. It draws on fieldwork carried out among the people who migrated from Bulgaria and settled in several towns and villages in South Moravia (region of Mikulov and Valtice) and their descendants. Naming practices of Bulgarian Czechs are analyzed in relation to naming strategies of Bulgarians. Nicknames are classified into several groups: patronymic nicknames, occupational nicknames and unique personal nicknames. The system of nicknames, which evolved as a third classificatory element to help organize the local social world, is studied in respect to strategies of giving, using and concealing nicknames in different contexts. Two sets of nicknames, used by the Czech and Bulgarian inhabitants of the village, respectively, are studied as an expression of the existence of two distinctive moral communities

    Strukturální analýza romské religiozity na příkladu rituální praktiky "přísahy u kříže"

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    The following text is based on the outcomes of a long-term field research carried out in eastern Slovakia, and it focuses on the character and specifics of religiosity of the Romany settlements inhabitants. One of the characteristic features of this religiosity is the fact that its core is still based on magical practices while Christianity only covers it on the surface. We will attempt to document this feature by examining a particular example of a chosen institution, this institution being the ritual procedure of the oath at the cross. Even though this practice is commonly known and frequently mentioned in literature, we are of the opinion that most references have so far been of the character of a mere record without an attempt to comprehend its inner nature. Thus, our objective is to explore the intrinsic logic of this institution, which may moreover be helpful in terms of illuminating the whole of the religious system of the Romany settlements inhabitants because in many aspects it may be treated as a model example of a magical procedure concealed under the garb of Christianity. Consequently, this concrete consideration may be generally valid on the structural level

    Studium příbuzenství a sociální antropologie

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    The article is about the study of kinship and the social anthropology. Till the 60`s of 20th century was study of kinship the main part of social anthropology, at the beginning of 90`s came a revival of this studies. The article contains about the main theories of that part of social anthropology

    Rodina, manželství a příbuzenství u cikánských skupin v ČR a v zahraničí

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    The article deals with the topic of family, marriage and kinship in “Roma/Gypsy” groups in Europe and North America and offers an overall overview of the scholarly literature on this topic.The basic themes, theoretical concepts and perspectives in anthropological and sociological literature on “Roma/Gypsy” kinship, marriage and family are discussed in the text. The distinction is made between the Czech and Slovak academic writings (with the focus on individual sholars and topics developed in their texts) and the foreign literature (here the overview is mostly confined to works and texts published in English). The aim of the text is to provide to students the basic facts and summary of the texts published in this field and the most important topics (domestic units, character of kinship, marriage alliances, endogamy, brideprice, etc.) that have been discussed in the last several decades. Special attention is paid to the modern approaches discussing kinship and family in their connection to the concepts of locality, identity, ethnicity and gender

    Family, marriage and kinship in Roma/Gypsy groups (literature, theorethical perspectives, main issues)

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    The article deals with the topic of family, marriage and kinship in “Roma/Gypsy” groups in Europe and North America and offers an overall overview of the scholarly literature on this topic.The basic themes, theoretical concepts and perspectives in anthropological and sociological literature on “Roma/Gypsy” kinship, marriage and family are discussed in the text. The distinction is made between the Czech and Slovak academic writings (with the focus on individual sholars and topics developed in their texts) and the foreign literature (here the overview is mostly confined to works and texts published in English). The aim of the text is to provide to students the basic facts and summary of the texts published in this field and the most important topics (domestic units, character of kinship, marriage alliances, endogamy, brideprice, etc.) that have been discussed in the last several decades. Special attention is paid to the modern approaches discussing kinship and family in their connection to the concepts of locality, identity, ethnicity and gender

    Anthropological Fieldwork in the Balkans, 1900–1950

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    Text se zaměřuje na antropologické výzkumy na Balkáně od počátku 20. století do roku 1945. Shrnuje zájem anglosaské sociální a kulturní antropologie o tuto část Evropy a zasazuje jej do kontextu antropologie Evropy a komplexních společností. Zároveň poukazuje na sociální a politický kontext těchto terénních výzkumů. Zaměřuje se na témata, oblasti a perspektivy antropologů realizujících výzkumy na Balkáně. Pozornost je věnována také vzájemné spolupráci mezi anglosaskými antropology a představiteli lokálních badatelských tradic (etnologie, etnografie, folkloristika), stejně jako rozdílům mezi těmito vědeckými tradicemi.This texts focuses on anthropological ieldwork in the Balkans in 1900–1950. It explores the position of ieldwork in the Balkans and Eastern Europe within the wider framework of anthropology of Europe and anthropological interest in complex societies. Wider social and political context of ieldwork in the Balkans in the irst half of the 20th century is analysed. The text also discusses topics, themes and perspectives taken by Anglo-American anthropologists who had carried out their ieldwork in the Balkans. Attention is paid to forms of cooperation between the local scholarly traditions (ethnology, ethnography, and folkloristics) and social and cultural anthropology, but also to differences between these traditions

    Strukturální analýza romské religiozity na příkladu rituální praktiky „přísahy u kříže“

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    The following text is based on the outcomes of a long-term field research carried out in eastern Slovakia, and it focuses on the character and specifics of religiosity of the Romany settlements inhabitants. One of the characteristic features of this religiosity is the fact that its core is still based on magical practices while Christianity only covers it on the surface. We will attempt to document this feature by examining a particular example of a chosen institution, this institution being the ritual procedure of the oath at the cross. Even though this practice is commonly known and frequently mentioned in literature, we are of the opinion that most references have so far been of the character of a mere record without an attempt to comprehend its inner nature. Thus, our objective is to explore the intrinsic logic of this institution, which may moreover be helpful in terms of illuminating the whole of the religious system of the Romany settlements inhabitants because in many aspects it may be treated as a model example of a magical procedure concealed under the garb of Christianity. Consequently, this concrete consideration may be generally valid on the structural level