11 research outputs found

    The effect of green product and green promotion on increased consumer loyalty at starbucks coffee

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    Increasing public awareness of the environment has made companies implement green product and green promotion strategies to increase consumer loyalty. So, the purpose of this study was to determine the influence between green product and green promotion on consumer loyalty at Starbucks Coffee. This study used a sample of 203 respondents who were processed by multiple linear regression. The results showed that the green product and green promotion partially had a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty. Green products have the biggest influence on consumer loyalty. This shows that green products have an important role in increasing consumer loyalty at Starbucks Coffee. Also the green promotion can increase the consumer loyalty too


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the career choice decisions of Ciputra University Hotel and Tourism Business students. This type of research used quantitative research. The population applied is the alumni of Ciputra University students class 2011-2015. The sample taken was only student alumni of the 2013-2015 class, because the three generations were included in the Generation Z class. The total sample was 65 respondents with the type of work as an intrapreneur. The data were collected using a questionnaire measured by a Likert scale. This study used confirmatory factor analysis with the help of SPSS 26 and processed 16 existing variables. The data test used is validity test, reliability test, and factor analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that there are 4 factors that influence the career choice decisions of Hotel and Tourism Business students, namely factors of working conditions and environment, prospects and duration of work, intrinsic value and work contribution, conditions and flexibility of working time. For further research using the same theme, it is recommended to reconsider other influencing factors such as adding other variables so that the research will be better.Keywords: Career Selection Decisions, Generation Z, Factor Analysi

    Identifikasi Kualifikasi Tenaga Pengelola Gedung Terstandar Dalam Peningkatan Nilai Gedung Tinggi di Jawa Timur

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    The growth of high-rise buildings in East Java is increasing rapidly. High-rise building which has stood for a long time have to compete with the new high-rise building in improving occupancy and resale value of the asset. Maintenance and facility management are important key factors in improving occupancy and the sale value of the asset. The diversity of the success rate of high-rise building in the competition is determined by the ability of the property manager or general manager in planning and effective implementation of his or her maintenance programs, and financial, technical, resources management, and leadership to the team. The sharpness intuition which property manager or general manager have in seeing opportunities and market direction of high-rise buildings become a supporting but important factor, where the mindset of entrepreneurship is taking the part in.This is justified by the recognition of practitioners and experts are now actively working in the field of building management in the interview (descriptive) and recorded in a questionnaire that can be measured by a percentage (quantitative), as result entirely agree that standardization competence, educational background and the lack of entrepreneurship mindset the only cause and needs to be invested to improve the competitiveness of a building practitioners, especially now we are facing the Asean Economic Community (AEC). Key words: entrepreneurship, standardization, competency, building, highris

    Effects of Financial Literacy and Financial Management Teaching on Financial Behavior (Student Study of Hotel & Tourism Business Study Program)

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    Financial literacy is an important factor in improving people's economic welfare. When a person's financial literacy is high, it is certain that the quality of life and welfare will also increase. This can happen because of the higher one's financial literacy, the better one's financial behavior. Students are the driving force of the nation's economy because students have the largest population, character, and literacy level. However, students are also faced with various very complex financial problems because some students still do not have their own source of income while the level of student needs is high. For this reason, students need to gain more knowledge about financial literacy through financial management learning models in their courses. This was done by the Hotel & Tourism Business study program at Ciputra University, Surabaya batch 2019 and 2020. However, in the process, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of whether teaching changes the financial behavior of students. We used linear regression analysis to process the data in this study. Based on the description above, this study aims to find the effect of financial literacy on financial behavior with financial management teaching as a moderation. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in perceptions related to financial behavior between someone who has high and low financial literacy, while the teaching of financial management has a positive effect in moderating the relationship between financial literacy and financial behavior but is not significant

    Millennial Experience Traveling to Ecotourism

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    Ecotourism has become an attraction that is increasingly in demand after the Covid-19 pandemic. The current millennial generation has various options for channelling their desire to travel. Ecotourism is one option. It is realized that this non-mainstream tourism genre is much liked by today's young generation who tend to want to go on an adventure looking for new experiences. Millennials are the generation born in 1980-2000, have the power to change trends and lifestyles, are connected to the internet, are all digital, and have a very high appeal to nature. Travel based on flora and fauna conservation, protecting endangered cultures, and education to support the sustainability of the universe, is the choice among millennials. The Turtle Conserva-tion and Education Center (TCEC) has a strategic role as the preferred ecotourism destination for millennial tourists. The research question are (1) what values grow from the experience of traveling to ecotourism desti-nations? (2) how is the internalization of deep memories through the experience of traveling to ecotourism destinations? The purpose of this study was to determine the value that grows from the experience of travel-ing to ecotourism destinations. This study used qualitative method, data collected through observations and interviews. The result of this study is that traveling to TCEC raises awareness of the environment among mil-lennials that nature must be treated with full respect, as well as showing respect for residents encountered on trips and enjoying interactions with residents while on tour. A deep impression of tourists is obtained through the experience of interacting with natural elements

    The Development Ideas for Travel Applications Featuring Three Tourism Objects in Indonesia

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    In recent years, digital transformation has changed the way an organization operates.  In the tourism industry, such transformation becomes the necessity as technology keeps developing. Travel can be made easier in some ways, one of which is through the development of travel applications. It is crucial to identify the tourists’ needs and the expectations regarding the user-friendly travel applications. There are in fact a number of applications sprung up in the tourism sector, however, only some of them fulfil the criteria. This study is conducted to develop applications that are considered users-friendly and meet both the needs and the expectations of the tourists. It further investigates what tourists need and expect concerning the related applications.  The novelty of this research lies in identifying the expectations and needs of travel apps among millennial by raising case studies in three tourist destinations, namely Borobudur and Dieng, both are in Central Java, and Bayan Village in Lombok. This is a research with a qualitative method. The primary data were obtained through focus group discussions (FGD) and online interviews, whereas the secondary data were generated through literature study. The results indicated that the tourists’ expectations and needs for travel applications are categorized into two groups, the first is the technical aspect and the second is the application content. It was found  that tourists require applications with attractive look, supported by clear and updated information.  In addition, the applications should be easy to use, help build the enthusiasm to visit, make travel more convenient

    Effects of Career Planning and University Environment Support on Property Management at Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya

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    The increase of high-rise buildings in Indonesia is not accompanied by an increase in the professional staff who manage them. This research was conducted because of the high demand for professional staff to manage high-rise buildings. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires by purposive sampling to 92 students in semesters 3 and 5 from two majors, namely Hotel and Tourism Business Major and Interior Architecture major. Quantitative descriptive method was usedwith multiple regression analysis which tested three hypotheses with two independent variables; Career Planning (X1) and University Environment Support (X2) and one dependent variable; Career Preparation (Y). The research results prove that career planning and university environment support have a role in career preparation independently or simultaneously. Thus, it can be concluded that students state the importance of specializing in property management in order to meet professional needs as property managers

    Enhancing Student Learning in Tourism Program through a Technology-Based Constructive Learning Model: The Case of Universitas Ciputra

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    Indonesia’s age demographic bonus increases in 2021, it indicates a positive signal towards the higher proportion of productive age which has implications for increasing competitiveness and bargaining power of the Indonesian people. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, technology has been widely used in the teaching and learning process. As an effort to improve the learning process, support from several aspects is needed, one of the important things is the learning model itself. The virtual face-to-face learning model (Online) adopted in this study includes 4 stages (4P) namely Pembukaan (opening), Pendalaman (deepening), Penerapan (application), and Perenungan (reflection), supported by the use of technology in teaching and learning activities. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the learning process using the 4P learning model, and the use of technology in improving knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the student learning process. The research method was implemented through limited trials on 2 subjects: Risk Management and Sustainable Tourism Management, by adapting the classroom action research model. While the data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis. From the research, it was found that there was an increase in students' pre-test and post-test scores for two courses, this concluded that the 4P learning model succeeded in increasing student competence and could be applied in various courses at different times

    Training of Trainer Mahasiswa Universitas Ciputra pada siswa SMA Happy Family School dan Santa Maria dengan Tools Business Model Canvas

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    ABSTRAK Data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2023 menyebutkan bahwa 12% pengangguran di Indonesia saat ini sebagian besar didominasi oleh lulusan sarjana dan diploma sebanyak 958.800 orang. Menghadapi fenomena ini, peran dari perguruan tinggi sangat penting untuk menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang terampil dan sesuai dengan bidang peminatan masing-masing jurusan. Universitas Ciputra sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan yang bekerja sama dengan SMA Happy Family School dan SMA Santa Maria Surabaya mendukung adanya penerapan pembelajaran Training of Trainer di lingkungan sekolah. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan pada pelatihan literasi keuangan ini adalah pendampingan yang menitikberatkan pada proses training yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa untuk kemudian diaplikasikan dalam bentuk pengajaran kepada siswa. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui uji coba terbatas dengan mengadaptasi model penelitian tindakan kelas. Sementara data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif. Pengambilan data peningkatan kemampuan mahasiswa diukur melalui before dan after test dalam 3 indikator dengan 16 items. Pengolahan data dengan software SPSS untuk mengetahui Uji Hipotesis Komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat peningkatan kemampuan dalam mahasiswa dengan hasil nilai before diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 3.98, sedangkan nilai after diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 3.93. Penurunan hasil menjelaskan bahwa faktor-faktor ketidakberhasilan training of trainer adalah pemahaman materi trainer yang kurang memadai dan penyampaian materi tidak dilakukan secara langsung. Kata Kunci: Keuangan, Business, Model, Canvas, Training of Trainer  ABSTRACT Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2023 states that 12% of unemployment in Indonesia is currently dominated by undergraduate and diploma graduates, totalling 958,800 people. Facing this phenomenon, the role of higher education is very important to prepare a skilled workforce and in accordance with the specialisation of each department. Ciputra University as one of the educational institutions that collaborates with Happy Family School and Santa Maria Surabaya High School supports the implementation of Training of Trainer learning in the school environment. The learning method used in this financial literacy training is mentoring which focuses on the training process carried out by students and then applied in the form of teaching to students. The research method was conducted through a limited trial by adapting the classroom action research model. While the data used is quantitative data. Data collection on the improvement of student abilities is measured through before and after tests in 3 indicators and 16 items. Data processing with SPSS software to determine the Comparative Hypothesis test. The results showed that there was no improvement in the ability of students with the results of the Before value obtained an average of 3.98, while the After value obtained an average of 3.93. The decrease in results explains that the factors of the unsuccessful training of trainers are the inadequate understanding of the trainer's material and the delivery of the material is not done directly. Keywords: Finance, Business, Model, Canvas, Training of Traine

    Millennials’ predisposition toward ecotourism: the influence of universalism value, horizontal collectivism and user generated content

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    This research effort empirically tests three factors hypothesized to affect Indonesian millennials’ predisposition to engage in ecotourism experiences, namely universalism value, horizontal collectivism and user generated content (UGC). Indonesia is generally considered a collectivist (as opposed to individualistic) society, yet there is variance in both universalism value and horizontal collectivism. Two studies were conducted, one at ‘soft’, and another at ‘hard’ ecotourism sites. Findings showed that universalism value is positively related to ecotourism predisposition. UGC has a marginal moderating effect on the universalism → ecotourism predisposition. Horizontal collectivism also has a marginal moderating effect on the universalism → ecotourism predisposition in soft ecotourism but has significant effect in hard ecotourism. Both have direct effects on ecotourism predispositions. Managers must recognize that millennials can be segmented based on both universalism value and horizontal collectivism; and that to appeal to those with higher levels on these value dimensions UGC should be encouraged