8 research outputs found

    Design of Solar Thermal Collector Tool with Thermosifon System

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    Limited availability of fossil energy requires us to find for alternative energy to meet our needs. Solar thermal collector with thermosifon system is one of environmentally friendly alternative energy. The thermosifon system is a natural pump which work based on density difference between cool water and hot water, so that no electric pump is needed. The purpose of this research was to create a mean of collecting solar thermal energy with thermosifon system. The research steps consist of designing, manufacturing, and testing. Thermal collector was made with dimension of 1,5 m long, 1,0 m wide and 1,0 m high, with storage tank capacity of 20 lt. Collector testing was conducted by putting the equipment at an open space from a clock 08:00 – 16:00. It was found that the highest efficiency of solar collector (11,2 %) occurred on July 11, 2012 with an average solar intensity of 756 W/m2, where as the lowest efficiency (8,8 %) occurred on July 7, 2012, with the average solar intensity 479 W/m2. The highest average temperature of the storage tank was 44,7 ÂșC on July 13, 2012 while the lowest average temperature was 35,3 ÂșC on July 12, 2012

    Selecting Content Analysis Approach in Social Networking Sites: What’s the Best for Cyberbullying Studies?

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    Insight into students’ behaviour and interaction is essential when it comes to improving the development and implementation of educational policies. Content analysis is a staple method to study online communication. However, there seems to be no clear reference for researchers to decide which approach is suitable to address a particular purpose. So, this study aims to recommend the most suitable content analysis approach for SNS research. This study extracted relevant studies from open-access databases and analysed the full-texts with NVivo 12. From a raw data collection of 120 texts, this study identified 19 approaches. This study recommends four approaches which are ideal to study cyberbullying among students in the higher education context, specifically on the types, styles, motives, and solutions of cyberbullying. First is Neuendorf’s descriptive content analysis approach to study about the types. Second is Hijmans’ rhetorical content analysis to study the styles. Third is Hsieh and Shannon’s directed content analysis approach to study the motives. Fourth is Miles and Huberman’s collaborative social content analysis to study the solutions. These four approaches have different focuses that seem to be the perfect match to study different aspects of online interaction on SNS, particularly in the context of cyberbullying

    University Students’ Perspective on English Speaking Challenges: A Descriptive Study

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    Speaking English can be something very challenging, including for students. This research aims to reveal the challenges experienced by students regarding English speaking activities. This research involved three participants from Abdul Chalim University. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and research data is collected through interviews and observation. The results of this research show that there are three main challenges in speaking English for students. The first is Lack of English-Speaking Environment. The second is Uncertainty in Pronunciation and Grammar. The third is Lack of Confidence. This research holds significance in understanding the challenges of English speaking among university students and contributes to the development of more effective educational solutions. However, this research has limitations in the number and variety of research participants. Therefore, it is recommended for future research to conduct similar research by increasing the number and variety of research participants

    Construct Loss Accounting Practices By Pangsit Traders Based On Faith In God

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    This study aims to construct loss accounting practices based on non-material values. This study uses an Islamic paradigm with an Islamic ethnomethodological approach. There are five data analysis stages: charity, knowledge, faith, revelation information, and courtesy. The study results show that dumpling traders apply a strategy by not changing the selling price, raising the selling price when the price of essential commodities rises, looking for a crowded place to trade, and implementing a flexible selling price. This practice of accounting for losses requires the values of patience, gratitude, and compassion. This value lives based on faith that God is in control of sustenance. The implication of this finding is to present a holistic concept of accounting for losses, which does not only consist of material but also emotional and spiritual values

    Aspect Based Sentimen Analysis Opini Publik Pada Instagram dengan Convolutional Neural Network

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    Internet sebagai sarana informasi dan komunikasi sudah sangat dikenal di kalangan masyarakat dalam menawarkan kemudahan dan fleksibilitas yang cukup memadai ketika menjadi media. Oleh karena itu opini publik terhadap Operator Telekomunikasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk dijadikan patokan. Namun, untuk mengevaluasi umpan balik online itu, bukan masalah sederhana. Kadang-kadang ketika menganalisis ulasan online yang berkembang pesat ini, menjadi sulit untuk mengkategorikan apakah opini pelanggan puas atau tidak puas terhadap produk dan layanan. Selain itu, sebagai bagian dari peningkatan kualitas mereka, organisasi seperti jasa ini perlu mengklasifikasikan aspek produk dan layanan yang paling disukai pelanggan. Deep Learning adalah area baru dalam penelitian Machine Learning, yang telah diperkenalkan dengan tujuan menggerakkan Machine Learning lebih dekat dengan salah satu tujuan aslinya yaitu Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning adalah tentang belajar beberapa tingkat representasi dan abstraksi yang membantu untuk memahami data seperti gambar, suara, dan teks. Convolutional Neural Network adalah salah satu contoh metode Deep Learning. Metode Convolutional Neural Network diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam pengimplementasian opini publik untuk keperluan data training yang dikumpulkan dari beragam data yang dianotasikan kelas sentimennya secara otomatis. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan dari 4 aspek dan 3 sentimen maka didapatkan nilai rata-rata precision, recall, dan f1-score adalah precision  97.6%, recall 84%, f1-score 90.3%. Bisa disimpulkan score representation ini dapat digunakan untuk klasifikasi sentimen

    Analisis Strategi Bisnis Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus Pada BMT Mandiri Abadi Syariah)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi bisnis yang dilakukan BMT Mandiri Abadi Syariah. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan merupakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengolahan data wawancara bersama Pak Totok Darsono, Kepala Kantor BMT Mandiri Abadi Syariah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Baitul Māl wat at-Tamwil (BMT) merupakan lembaga ekonomi atau lembaga keuangan syariah nonperbankan yang sifatnya informal. BMT termasuk pelaku ekonomi mikro. Peran BMT dalam memberikan kontribusi pada gerak roda ekonomi kecil sangat nyata, karena BMT langsung turun dan masuk kepada pengusaha kecil. Dalam menjalankan roda bisnisnya, BMT Mandiri Abadi Syariah menggunakan prinsip sifat Rosul yaitu siddiq (jujur), amanah (dipercaya), tabligh (berkomunikasi/ membentuk jaringan yang luas) dan sifat fatanah (peran dan tanggungjawab dalam mengelola bisnis dengan baik)


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    Cyberbullying during English teaching involving Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an exciting topic to study. Seeing how new language learners share their thoughts and feelings through blogs as alternative learning media and how they engage in cyberbullying in their online interactions may reveal the motives beyond cyberbullying acts. This present study used the mixed method approach to understand the motives to tailor the anti-cyberbullying recommended solutions. The data is extended from a 3-month preliminary study to an 18-month investigation of 711 cyberbullying comments archived in 251 blogs owned and actively used by EFL university students at English Department of Universitas Lancang Kuning (Unilak). The analysis revealed the major students’ motive is just to have fun (70%), followed far behind by the motive to fight back (8%), to express upset feelings (7%), and other motives (12%). 16 students with the highest track record of cyberbullying in their blogging activities were interviewed to discuss their motives for cyberbullying other students whom they have known for at least more than 18 months. Results indicate cyberbullying among language learners seems to be an act of playing with language or linguistics wordplay. Cyberbullying seems to be a sort of language exaggeration for EFL students who possess limited competence in English when they interact in the online network. Based on the results, a new definition of cyberbullying was offered to accommodate the linguistic nature of cyberbullying. Using the primary health care framework by the World Health Organization (WHO), this present study designed a practical list of ready-made classroom activities to combat cyberbullying in four different steps, i.e. promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative