229 research outputs found

    Aproximación a las "estrategias creativas" en "así que pasen cinco años" : tiempo absoluto y subconsciente

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    En este artículo la autora examina la obra de Federico García Lorca Así que pasen cinco años, desde unos presupuestos metodológicos basados en las estrategias creativas “tiempo absoluto” y “subconsciente” en relación con las ciencias imperantes en la época: la Teoría de la relatividad y el psicoanálisis.In this article the author examines Federico García Lorca’s work Así que pasen cinco años from a methodological approach based on creative strategies “absolute time” and “subconscious” in connection with the prevailing sciences in that time: Theory of Relativity and Psychoanalysis


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    Side effects of kaolin on natural enemies found on olive crops.

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    Protected barriers of kaolin, a natural clay mineral, were tested against olive pests in the last few years with good results on Bactrocera oleae, the most serious pest of olive groves. Good control of the carpophagous generation of Prays oleae, as well as a minor presence of Saissetia oleae, were also reported. Adults of Psyttalia concolor (parasitoid of B. oleae), Chrysoperla carnea (oophagous predator of P. oleae), Chilocorus nigritus (predator of diaspidid scales) used in this work as representative of Chilocorus bipustulatus and Anthocoris nemoralis (predator of Euphyllura olivina and Liothrips oleae) were selected to be exposed to an inert surface treated with kaolin at the maximum field rate used against B. oleae. Dimethoate was used as reference compound. Mortality was recorded at 24, 48 and 72 h. Sublethal effects, as life span in C. nigritus and reproductive parameters (fecundity and fertility in case of C. carnea and A. nemoralis, beneficial capacity in P. concolor) were also assessed. Kaolin was classified as harmless (1) to adults of C. nigritus. There were no effects on mortality on C. carnea and P. concolor, although C. carnea fecundity and P. concolor progeny were slightly reduced (2). A. nemoralis was the most sensitive of the four insect tested, with 44% mortality and 66.6% reduction of eggs production. Dimethoate was very toxic with 100% mortality for each test species after only 24h of exposure. Compared to classical insecticide commonly used in olive crops as dimethoate, Kaolin seems to be a promising compound because of its selectivity. However, because of its uncommon mode of action, other modes of exposure than contact with a treated surface need to be tested to confirm or infirm the apparent harmlessness of this produc


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    This research aimed to improve the tenth grade students’ literal comprehension at MAN Mansalean by using scanning technique through folklore text. The population was 54 students of the tenth grade students of MAN Mansalean in the Academic Year 2013/2014. The sample was selected by using a cluster sampling technique and the selected class was X1 with 18 students. The instrument for collecting data was test. The test was given twice as pre-test and post-test. The data collected was analyzed statistically. It is found that the result of t-counted value was 16,56. Consulted with the t-table value by applying the degree of freedom (df) 18(18-1=17) and significance 0,05, the value acquired in the t-table was 2,110. It can be seen that the t-counted value was higher than the t-table value which means the research hypothesis was accepted. In conclusion, the use of folklore text by using scanning technique is effective in improving the tenth grade students’ literal comprehension at MAN Mansalean.Keywords: Literal comprehension; Scanning Technique; Folklore Text

    The Use of Scanning Technique in Improving the Tenth Grade Students\u27 Literal Comprehension Through Folklore Text

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    This research aimed to improve the tenth grade students\u27 literal comprehension at MAN Mansalean by using scanning technique through folklore text. The population was 54 students of the tenth grade students of MAN Mansalean in the Academic Year 2013/2014. The sample was selected by using a cluster sampling technique and the selected class was X1 with 18 students. The instrument for collecting data was test. The test was given twice as pre-test and post-test. The data collected was analyzed statistically. It is found that the result of t-counted value was 16,56. Consulted with the t-table value by applying the degree of freedom (df) 18(18-1=17) and significance 0,05, the value acquired in the t-table was 2,110. It can be seen that the t-counted value was higher than the t-table value which means the research hypothesis was accepted. In conclusion, the use of folklore text by using scanning technique is effective in improving the tenth grade students\u27 literal comprehension at MAN Mansalean


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    This article discusses the ‘alasan khawatir’ [reason for concern] as a ground for the marriage dispensation files in Batusangkar Religious Court. This research had begun prior to the revision of the marriage dispensation regulation (Act 16/2019 and Supreme Court Regulation 5/2019). This is juridical-normative research accompanied by interviews. The data was gathered by investigating the marriage dispensation decisions (2017-2018) in Batusangkar Religious Court. Data was also obtained through interviews with judges, litigants, and figures who were capable to explain marriage dispensation in the Batusangkar community. This study finds that marriage dispensations in Batusangkar Religious Court are frequently justified by 'parental concerns'. The cases that are granted under these pretexts often do not reflect actual facts that led to marriage. Judges believe that decisions produced during that time are relevant to the information provided by the litigants, even if the judges did not hear the facts (clearly). In addition, this study indicates that, following the implementation of the new regulation, judges appear to be more motivated to prioritize the child's best interests as a principle to consider. As a result, granted applications become more stringent in emergency situations and according to the child's best interests.Artikel ini mendiskusikan ‘alasan khawatir’ sebagai landasan yang sering digunakan dalam permohonan dispensasi kawin. Penelitian ini awalnya dilakukan sebelum revisi peraturan dispensasi kawin tahun 2019 (UU 16/2019 dan Perma 5/2019). Secara metodologis, penelitian ini termasuk penelitian yuridis-normatif yang disertai dengan wawancara. Data dikumpulkan dengan menginvestigasi penetapan-penetapan dispensasi kawin yang diputuskan oleh Pengadilan Agama Batusangkar tahun 2017-2018. Data juga diperoleh dengan mewawancarai para hakim, litigan, dan beberapa tokoh yang dikira mampu menjelaskan fenomena dispensasi kawin di kehidupan masyarakat Batusangkar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perkara-perkara permohonan dispensasi kawin tahun 2017-2018 di PA Batusangkar berisi alasan ‘khawatiran orang tua’ sebagai dasar permohonan. Perkara-perkara yang dikabulkan dengan dalih tersebut sering tidak merepresentasikan kejadian atau peristiwa yang mendesak untuk menikah. Hakim PA Batusangkar meyakini bahwa setiap penetapan hukum yang dihasilkan pada saat itu relevan dengan keterangan yang diberikan oleh para pemohon, meskipun hakim tidak dengan jelas mendengar fakta-fakta yang mendorong para litigant tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa setelah keberadaan aturan yang baru, para hakim PA Batusangkar tampaknya terdorong lebih memperhatikan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak sebagai poin pertimbangan. Ini berkonsekuensi pada permohonan-permohonan yang dikabulkan jadi lebih mengetat pada kasus-kasus yang dianggap mendesak kemudian dihakimi sesuai dengan kepentingan terbaik bagi anak.

    Short communication. Toxicity of emamectin benzoate to adults of Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter, Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) and Diglyphus isaea Walker on tomato plants. Semi-field studies.

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    Whiteflies, the tomato borer and leafminers are among the major pests of greenhouse tomatoes in Spain. Macrolophus pygmaeus (Heteroptera, Miridae) and Nesidiocoris tenuis are polyphagous predators of whiteflies, the tomato borer and other pests. Diglyphus isaea (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is an ectoparasite of leafminers. These three natural enemies are commonly released in the commercial horticultural greenhouses of south-eastern Spain. Emamectin benzoate is a new semi-synthetic derivative of the avermectin B1 developed for Lepidoptera pest control in vegetable crops, with requested inclusion in annex I of the EU directive 91/414/EEC. As for any new insecticide that is being introduced for its use in protected tomato, it is critical to understand the level of compatibility of emamectin in front of those major biological control agents. Potted tomato plants kept in a greenhouse were sprayed with the highest recommended field rate of emamectin benzoate (14.25 mg L –1 ), and the toxicity of fresh and 7-day-old residues to adults of the three biological control agents were studied to ascertain their compatibility. The results demonstrated the compatibility of both fresh and 7-day-old residues with the three species of natural enemies

    Loss of maternal-fetal well-being associated with late prenatal care

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    48 p.Introducción: El inicio del control gestacional de forma tardía, superado el primer trimestre, puede poner en peligro tanto a la madre como al feto. Objetivo: caracterizar la población que acude más tarde de la semana 13+6 de embarazo a la consulta de obstetricia del Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla y su desenlace. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, obteniendo los datos a partir de los sistemas Balmis y Horus. Se analizaron 592 historias clínicas de mujeres que realizaron una primera visita a las consultas de obstetricia durante el año 2021. Se cuantificó el porcentaje de pacientes que se realizaron la ecografía morfológica de la semana 20 y se analizó la posible relación con los resultados perinatales. Resultado: De 592 pacientes, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión 43 mujeres (7,3% del total). Se determinó que la población incluida era joven (28,26 ± 6,5 años) y extranjera (90,7%). Un 39,5% presentaban normopeso, y un 16,3% tuvieron una ganancia ponderal excesiva. A un 27,9% se les detectó alguna ITS durante el embarazo. Un 32,6% de las pacientes no se realizaron la ecografía morfológica de la semana 20, y se buscaron posibles consecuencias de este hecho. Un 30,2% de los embarazos finalizó en cesárea. Un 2,3% (n=1) de las gestaciones concluyó con una muerte fetal intraútero. Conclusión: El inicio del control gestacional tardío conlleva, en ocasiones, desenlaces materno-fetales adversos y problemas intercurrentes que podrían prevenirse o tratarse acudiendo a tiempo a una primera visita con el obstetra. Palabras clave: Control gestacional; Embarazo; Primera consulta tardía; Riesgo materno-fetal; Ecografía morfológica.Introduction: Late presentation to prenatal care, beyond the first trimester, may endanger both mother and fetus. Objective: The aim was to characterize the population that attends the obstetrics consults of the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla after the 13 +6 week of pregnancy and its outcome. [6] Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, obtaining data from the Balmis and Horus systems. We analyzed 592 medical records of women who made a first visit to the obstetrics consult during the year 2021. We quantified the percentage of patients who attended to the 20-week ultrasound and we analyzed the possible relationship with perinatal outcomes Results: Of 592 patients, 43 women (7.3%) met the inclusion criteria. It was determined that the included population was young (28.26 ± 6.5 years) and foreign (90.7%). The 39.5% were normal weight, and 16.3% had excessive weight gain. A total of 27.9% were found to have an STI during pregnancy. A 32.6% of the patients did not go to the morphologic ultrasound at week 20, and possible consequences of this fact were sought. 30.2% of the pregnancies ended in cesarean section. 2.3% (n=1) of the pregnancies ended in intrauterine fetal death. Conclusion: Late presentation to prenatal care sometimes leads to adverse materno-fetal outcomes and intercurrent problems that could be prevented or treated if set a first consult on time with the obstetrician. Key words: Prenatal care; Pregnancy; Late first consult; Materno-fetal risk; Second trimestre ultrasound.Grado en Medicin

    Aplikasi I-NAYA untuk Mengenalkan Budaya yang Ada di Indonesia Berbasis Desktop

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki banyak budaya didalamnya. Meskipun banyak budaya, warga negara Indonesia masih banyak yang menganggap tidak penting untuk mempelajari budayanya sendiri karena pengaruh budaya barat yang sangat kuat dan tidak adanya penyaring bagi budaya asing yang masuk ke Indonesia sehingga budaya barat diterima begitu saja oleh masyarakat Indonesia,selain itu juga media-media informasi yang menyiarkan budaya asing secara berlebihan .Hal itulah yang membuat budaya Indonesia sedikit demi sedikit terlupakan.Aplikasi yang membahas lebih dalam budaya Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Jika ada, aplikasi kebanyakan tidak mempunyai daya tarik khusus yang mengajak warga Indonesia untuk memakai dan mempelajari budaya Indonesia.Berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut, dibangun I-NAYA, sebuah aplikasi yang membahas budaya Indonesia yang terdiri dari deskripsi umum, tarian, pakaian, serta rumah adat dari 33 provinsi di Indonesia. Didalam aplikasi tersebut, pengguna dapat dengan mudah mempelajari dan mencari tahu tentang budaya dan ciri khas apa saja yang ada di Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu, aplikasi I-NAYA juga mempunyai fitur permainan diantaranya I-Matching, I-Puzzle serta I-Quiz untuk menambah daya tarik agar pengguna tidak bosan dalam mempelajari budaya Indonesia. Permainan I-Matching merupakan permainan mencocokkan rumah adat, permainan I-Puzzle merupakan permainan mengurutkan gambar yang tadinya acak menjadi gambar yang sesuai, sedangkan permainan I-Quiz adalah permainan untuk menguji sejauh mana pengetahuan budaya Indonesia pengguna. ensiklopedia, budaya, aplikasi permaina