48 research outputs found

    Análise morfoanatômica de partes vegetativas aéreas de espécies de Baccharis L. (Asteraceae) do Sul do Brasil

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Márcia do Rocio DuarteCo-orientadores : Drª Marilis Dallarmi Miguel, Dr. Celso Garcia AuerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/11/2009Bibliografia: f. 128-155Área de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: Baccharis L. é um dos maiores gêneros de Asteraceae e compreende cerca de 400 espécies. Levantamentos etnobotânicos realizados em diversas comunidades sulamericanas relatam que o uso de representantes de Baccharis tem sido frequente na medicina tradicional, principalmente como analgésico, diurético, espasmolítico, antidiabético, anti-infeccioso e estomáquico. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a morfologia externa e a anatomia de partes vegetativas aéreas de Baccharis anomala DC., B. caprariifolia DC., B. coridifolia DC., B. megapotamica Spreng., B. microcephala Baker, B. ochracea Spreng., B. singularis (Vell.) G.M. Barroso, B. spicata (Lam.) Baill., B. stenocephala Baker, B. trimera (Less.) DC., B. uncinella DC. e B. usterii Heering. O material vegetal foi analisado, utilizando-se métodos habituais de microscopia fotônica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Com relação aos caracteres diferenciais, dentre as espécies não aladas, B. anomala mostra folha de contorno oval, base levemente reentrante, margem denteada mucronulada, células epidérmicas de contorno sinuoso e tricomas tectores cônicos. Baccharis caprariifolia apresenta folha de contorno oblongo, margem denteada mucronada na porção média superior e tricomas tectores flageliformes simples unisseriados com células isodiamétricas na base. Baccharis coridifolia possui folha de ápice agudo mucronulado, margem ciliada e tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados unisseriados com células da base que se alargam. Em B. megapotamica notam-se tricomas glandulares não capitados unisseriados que se dobram. Baccharis ochracea evidencia caule de contorno irregular com sete projeções. Baccharis singularis apresenta folha peninérvea e de contorno elíptico. Baccharis spicata mostra filotaxia oposta, folha de contorno lanceolado e margem denteada. Baccharis uncinella possui folha de ápice obtuso mucronulado e tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados com células isodiamétricas na base. Dentre as espécies aladas, B. microcephala revela alas estreitas e B. stenocephala mostra ramos secundários bialados e ramos principais trialados. Baccharis trimera possui tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados unisseriados em forma de T. Em B. usterii, é verificada a presença de folhas e de tricomas glandulares não capitados unisseriados. As características observadas nas espécies estudadas contribuem para o controle da qualidade do material vegetal de Baccharis spp. e fornecem subsídios taxonômicos ao gênero e à família Asteraceae.Abstract: Baccharis L. is one of the major genera of Asteraceae and comprises about 400 species. Ethnobotanical data from several South American communities report that Baccharis taxa have been used in traditional medicine, mainly as analgesic, diuretic, spasmolytic, antidiabetic, antiseptic and stomachic. This work aimed at studying the morpho-anatomy of the aerial vegetative organs from Baccharis anomala DC., B. caprariifolia DC., B. coridifolia DC., B. megapotamica Spreng., B. microcephala Baker, B. ochracea Spreng., B. singularis (Vell.) G.M. Barroso, B. spicata (Lam.) Baill., B. stenocephala Baker, B. trimera (Less.) DC., B. uncinella DC. and B. usterii Heering. The botanical material was investigated according to standard methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Considering differential characters, among non-alate species, B. anomala shows oval blade, slightly re-entrant base, mucronulated-dentate margin, epidermal cells with sinuous contour and conical nonglandular trichomes. Baccharis caprariifolia leaves present oblong contour, mucronated-dentate margin from middle to upper region and simple uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with isodiametric cells at the base. Baccharis coridifolia leaves have mucronulated-acute apex, ciliated margin and branched uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with cells that extend from the base. In B. megapotamica the non-capitate uniseriate glandular trichomes that are bent. Baccharis ochracea reveals stems of irregular shape with seven projections. Baccharis singularis presents pinnate leaves with elliptical shape. Baccharis spicata leaves show opposite arrangement and are spear-shaped with dentate margin. Baccharis uncinella leaves have mucronulated-obtuse apex and branched flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with isodiametric cells at the base. Among the alate species, B. microcephala demonstrates narrow winged vegetative branches. Baccharis stenocephala shows 2-alate side branches and 3-alate main branches. Baccharis trimera has branched uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with T-shape. In B. usterii, the presence of leaves and non-capitate uniseriate glandular trichomes is verified. These observed features can contribute as quality approach for raw materials from Baccharis spp. and can provide some further taxonomic data for the genus and Asteraceae

    Estudo farmacognóstico de espécies de carqueja : Baccharis dracunculifolia DC., B. articulata (Lam.) Pers., B cylindrica (Less.) DC. e B. gaudichaudiana DC., Asteraceae

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    Orientador : Márcia do Rocio DuarteCo-orientadora : Cid Aimbiré M. SantosDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias da SaúdeResumo: Diferentes espécies de Asteraceae são conhecidas popularmente como carqueja e são empregadas indistintamente na medicina tradicional como estomáquico e diurético. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a morfologia externa e a anatomia de Baccharís dracunculifolia DC., B. articulata (Lam.) Pers., B. cyiindríca (Less.) DC. e B. gaudichaudiana DC., bem como realizar métodos de análise desses fármacos, a fim de contribuir na diagnose, validação e aplicação na indústria de fitoterápicos. De um modo geral, as espécies mostraram caracteres morfo-anatômicos semelhantes, distinguindo-se apenas pelo fato de B. dracunculifolia apresentar caule e folha, tricomas tectores e cristais octaédricos; B. articulata possuir cladódio bialado e cristais estilóides; B. cyiindríca apresentar cladódio trialado, tricomas tectores e cristais estilóides; e B. gaudichaudiana constituir-se de cladódio com três alas e possuir cristais prismáticos. Quanto aos métodos de análise farmacognóstica, B. dracunculifolia apresentou o maior teor de umidade e perda por dessecação; enquanto que B. articulata evidenciou os maiores índices afrosimétrico e de amargor e teores de extrato seco a frio e a quente e de cinzas totais. A análise do óleo essencial por CG/EM mostrou a presença de componentes em comum nas quatro espécies com algumas variações na quantidade destes.Abstract: Different species of Asteraceae are commonly known as "carqueja" and are employed in the tradicional medicine as stomachic and diuretic. This research aimed to study morpho-anatomical aspects of B. dracunculifolia DC., B. articulata (Lam.) Pers., B. cylindrica (Less.) DC. and B. gaudichaudiana DC., as well as to carry out methods of drug analysis, in order to contribute to the diagnosis and the valued information to the industry of phytotherapy. In general, these species have shown similar morphoanatomical characters, except for the fact that B. dracunculifolia has got stem and leaf, non-glandular trichomes and octaedric crystals; B. articulata reveals a two-winged cladode and styloids; B. cylindrica shows a three-winged cladode, non-glandular trichomes and styloids; and B. gaudichaudiana has got a three-winged cladode and prismatic crystals. Regarding the pharmacognostic methods, B. dracunculifolia has got the highest results of water content and loss on drying, while B. articulata has shown the highest foam and bitter index, ash 'and water soluble extractive results. The essential oil analysis by GC/MS revealed that these species have got a few constituents in common, whose concentration has varied

    Análise morfoanatômica comparativa de duas espécies de carqueja: Baccharis microcephala DC. e B. trimera (Less.) DC., Asteraceae

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    The identification of Baccharis spp. which have cladodes, defined as winged stems, brings difficulties even for taxonomists. Baccharis microcephala and B. trimera belong to the Trimera group and are known as carquejas. In folk medicine, it is common the use of winged species for the same therapeutic indication, such as diuretic, hepatoprotective and digestive. The monograph of B. trimera is included in the F. Bras. IV and this species shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bacteriostatic, bactericidal and antidiabetic activities. The species B. trimera and B. microcephala are alike and used by the population for the same therapeutic purposes. This work has aimed to study the external morphology and anatomy of the cladodes of these species, in order to contribute to the quality control of phytotherapic agents, as well as supply information for the taxonomic group. The botanical material was prepared for light and scanning electron microtechniques. Both species are three-winged, although the stem wings are narrow and nearly continuous in B. microcephala while in B. trimera they are wider and interrupted. The morphological characters and mainly the non-glandular trichomes allow these species to be distinguished.A identificação de espécies de Baccharis que são constituídas de cladódios, ou seja, caules alados, apresenta dificuldades até mesmo para especialistas em taxonomia vegetal. Baccharis microcephala e B. trimera pertencem ao grupo Trimera e são conhecidas vulgarmente como carquejas. Na medicina popular, é comum o uso de espécies aladas para a aplicação terapêutica como diurético, hepatoprotetor e digestivo. Baccharis trimera consta na F. Bras. IV e possui atividades antiinflamatória, analgésica, bacteriostática, bactericida e antidiabética. As espécies B. trimera e B. microcephala são freqüentemente confundidas e utilizadas pela população para as mesmas finalidades terapêuticas. Objetivou-se estudar a morfologia externa e a anatomia dos cladódios dessas espécies, com a finalidade de se obterem dados que auxiliem na diferenciação e conseqüentemente na identificação das mesmas, contribuindo para o controle de qualidade de fitoterápicos, além de auxiliar na caracterização do grupo taxonômico. O material botânico foi submetido às microtécnicas fotônica e eletrônica de varredura usuais. As duas espécies são trialadas, sendo que em B. microcephala as alas são estreitas, praticamente contínuas em toda a extensão caulinar, enquanto que em B. trimera as alas são mais largas e interrompidas. As características morfológicas permitem a diferenciação dessas duas espécies, principalmente os tricomas tectores


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    Dentre os gêneros de Asteraceae, destaca-se Baccharis L., que inclui mais de 400 espécies, sendo 178 encontradas no Brasil. Baccharis cultrata Baker, popularmente conhecida como “vassoura”, é uma espécie pouco estudada, não havendo estudos farmacobotânicos de caracterização. Objetivou-se neste trabalho analisar as características morfoanatômicas a fim de obter dados farmacobotânicos de identificação e diferenciação das demais Baccharis. Folhas e caules foram submetidos às técnicas usuais em microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. A folha possui ápice truncado com três dentes, contorno obovado, base atenuada, margem foliar inteira e filotaxia oposta. As folhas são anfiestomáticas e os estômatos presentes são do tipo actinocítico, anomocítico e tetracítico. A epiderme da folha apresenta cutícula delgada e estriada e são observados tricomas flageliformes simples unisseriados e glandulares capitados bisseriados. O mesofilo é isobilateral. A nervura central é levemente convexa na face adaxial e plana na face abaxial. O caule apresenta formato praticamente circular com 5 costelas. O córtex apresenta colênquima angular e ocorrem fibras perivasculares apostas ao sistema floemático. Os caracteres farmacobotânicos indicados auxiliam na identificação Baccharis cultrata e na diferenciação das demais Baccharis

    Stem morpho-anatomy of Baccharis cylindrica (Less.) DC. (Asteraceae)

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    Baccharis cylindrica (Less.) DC. (Asteraceae) is a three-winged stem species, which belongs to the Trimera group and is commonly named as carqueja, as well as several other species of Baccharis. It is employed in the traditional medicine as stomachic and diuretic. This work has carried out the stem morpho-anatomical analysis of the medicinal plant, in order to contribute to its identification and to the knowledge for the Trimera group. Stem fragments were collected, fixed and prepared according to usual optical and scanning electron microtechniques. The epidermis is uniseriate, coated by striated cuticle and has anomocytic stomata, pluricellular glandular and non-glandular trichomes. In the wings, chlorenchyma, composed of palisade parenchyma beneath both epidermal faces and spongy parenchyma in the middle, and collateral vascular bundles are seen. In the stem axis, angular collenchyma alternating with chlorenchyma, included phloem, secretory ducts and calcium oxalate styloids are also observed.Baccharis cylindrica (Less.) DC. (Asteraceae) é uma espécie com caule trialado, pertencente ao grupo Trimera e denominada popularmente de carqueja, do mesmo modo que outras espécies de Baccharis. É empregada na medicina tradicional como estomáquico e diurético. Este trabalho analisou a morfo-anatomia caulinar da planta medicinal, a fim de contribuir com a identificação e com informações para o grupo Trimera. Fragmentos do caule foram coletados, fixados e preparados de acordo com técnicas usuais de microscopia fotônica e eletrônica de varredura. A epiderme é unisseriada, revestida por cutícula estriada, e apresenta estômatos anomocíticos, tricomas glandulares e tectores pluricelulares. Nas alas, encontra-se o clorênquima, consistindo de parênquima paliçádico adjacente a ambas faces epidérmicas e parênquima esponjoso no meio, sendo percorrido por feixes vasculares colaterais. No eixo caulinar, colênquima angular em alternância com clorênquima, floema incluso, dutos secretores e cristais estilóides de oxalato de cálcio são também observados

    Pharmacobotanical study of Baccharis singularis (Vell.) G.M. Barroso, Asteraceae

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    Baccharis is an important genus of Asteraceae and it comprehends approximately 400 species, many of which are frequently used in folk medicine as analgesic, diuretic, spasmolytic, antidiabetic, antiseptic and stomachic. Baccharis singularis belongs to the Singularis group and is popularly known as cambará-de-praia and cambará-da-serra. It is a shrub which occurs in Brazil, from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul. The present study has aimed to investigate the morpho-anatomy of the aerial vegetative parts of this species for pharmacognostic purposes. The plant material was processed according to standard methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Non-glandular trichomes, flagelliform, simple and uniseriate, secretory ducts located near the phloem, calcium oxalate crystals in the perimedullary region of the stem and in the ground parenchyma of the petiole are valued characters which contribute to the species identification.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Contribution to the identification of the species Myrcia hatschbachii D. Legrand (Myrtaceae): anatomical and histochemical analyses

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    The genus Myrcia is used in folk medicine to treat diabetes. The plants used in folk medicine require morphological and anatomical references to attest to its authenticity. This is the first report of the microscopic study of Myrcia hatschbachii. In this sense, the aim of the present study was to describe the anatomical characteristics, in order to contribute to the species' identification. For anatomical and surface analyses free-hand sections were prepared and observed using optical microscopy, simultaneously some materials were processed and observed under scanning electron microscopy. In addition, histochemical tests were performed. The anatomical features described here correspond with previously reported features found in other species of the genus Myrcia. Furthermore, the following anatomical markers were observed in Myrcia hatschbachii: druses in the spongy parenchyma, concave-convex midrib, heart-shaped petiole, oval-shaped stem, C-shaped vascular bundle in the midrib and open arc shape with invaginated ends in the petiole; phenolic compounds in the phloem and lignified cells in the pith. The results of anatomical and histochemical analyses provide micromorphological and microchemical features that can help in the taxonomy and proper identification of the species

    Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil from bark of Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Ness

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    Ocotea puberula (Rich.) Nees, known as canela-guaicá and canela-sebo, is a native woody species from Brazil. O. puberula has been used by indigenous communities to treat skin diseases and tumours. The aim of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from barks of O. puberula. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis showed spathulenol, β-pinene, bicyclogermacrene, germacrene D and α-pinene as the major volatile components. In the antibacterial activity, a very low response was demonstratedColegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Comparative morpho-anatomical study of Baccharis curitybensis Heering ex Malme and Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill.

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    The genus Baccharis L. belongs to Asteraceae and comprises several medicinal species. Both Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill. and Baccharis curitybensis Heering ex Malme are traditionally known as "vassoura" (broom) in Brazil. The species B. spicata has antibacterial, antioxidant and trypanocidal activities. Despite of B. curitybensis shows an external morphology quite similar to B. spicata, no chemical and pharmacological study is available about B. curitybensis. Therefore some confusion and/or problems can occur during popular use. In order to differentiate these taxa, the morpho-anatomy of their leaves and stems were investigated according to the usual light and scanning electron microtechniques. The species B. curitybensis reveals smooth and revolute margin, alternate leaf arrangement and non-capitate uniseriate glandular trichomes. Otherwise, dentate and flat margin, opposite leaf arrangement and uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes are observed in B. spicata. Morphological and anatomical data can be useful for differentiating B. curitybensis and B. spicata.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Co-loaded curcumin and methotrexate nanocapsules enhance cytotoxicity against non-small-cell lung cancer cells

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Background: As part of the efforts to find natural alternatives for cancer treatment and to overcome the barriers of cellular resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, polymeric nanocapsules containing curcumin and/or methotrexate were prepared by an interfacial deposition of preformed polymer method. Methods: Physicochemical properties, drug release experiments and in vitro cytotoxicity of these nanocapsules were performed against the Calu-3 lung cancer cell line. Results: The colloidal suspensions of nanocapsules showed suitable size (287 to 325 nm), negative charge (−33 to −41 mV) and high encapsulation efficiency (82.4 to 99.4%). Spherical particles at nanoscale dimensions were observed by scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that nanocapsules exhibited a non-crystalline pattern with a remarkable decrease of crystalline peaks of the raw materials. Fourier-transform infrared spectra demonstrated no chemical bond between the drug(s) and polymers. Drug release experiments evidenced a controlled release pattern with no burst effect for nanocapsules containing curcumin and/or methotrexate. The nanoformulation containing curcumin and methotrexate (NCUR/MTX-2) statistically decreased the cell viability of Calu-3. The fluorescence and morphological analyses presented a predominance of early apoptosis and late apoptosis as the main death mechanisms for Calu-3. Conclusions: Curcumin and methotrexate co-loaded nanocapsules can be further used as a novel therapeutic strategy for treating non-small-cell lung cancer