60 research outputs found

    Kristallstrukturbestimmung organischer Pigmente aus Röntgen-Pulverdaten und Kristallstrukturmodellierung niedrig-dimensionaler Festkörper mit Kraftfeld-Methoden

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    In dieser Arbeit geht es um Kristallstrukturbestimmung und -modellierung ausgewĂ€hlter organischer Pigmente sowie metallorganischer Polymere. Der feste – und insbesondere kristalline – Zustand der Materie ist von (im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes) tragender und weitreichender Bedeutung fĂŒr die moderne Wissenschaft, Technologie, den Alltag ĂŒberhaupt. Die Kenntnis ĂŒber den inneren (mikroskopischen)Aufbau des Festkörpers ermöglicht es zunĂ€chst, seine (makroskopischen) Eigenschaften zu verstehen. Genannt seien z. B. nicht-lineare optische Eigenschaften, die in der typischen anisotropen Struktur des kristallinen Festkörpers begrĂŒndet liegen, mechanische StabilitĂ€t von Werkstoffen wie Metallen oder Legierungen, aber auch die Eigenschaften von Pigmenten: Was macht eine Substanz zu einem Pigment? Wann ist ein Pigment ein gutes, wann ein weniger gutes Pigment? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen finden sich u. a. in der Kristallstruktur: Packungsdichte, (Schwer-)löslichkeit, etc. Die Eigenschaften von Substanzen mit sichtbaren Low-Spin–High-Spin-ÜbergĂ€ngen lassen sich auch nur verstehen, wenn der innere Aufbau, die Kristallstruktur, bekannt ist. Was geht im Inneren vor, wenn solche Substanzen einem Ă€ußeren Einfluss wie beispielsweise TemperaturĂ€nderung ausgesetzt werden? Ist es nicht so, dass z. B. ein High-Spin-Fe2+-Ion einen grĂ¶ĂŸeren effektiven Radius als ein Low-Spin-Fe2+-Ion hat? Dehnt sich die Kristallstruktur aus, „atmet“ sie? Die Kenntnis der Kristallstruktur ermöglicht es nicht nur, die Eigenschaften zu verstehen. Umgekehrt ist es auch möglich, diese Eigenschaften gezielt zu manipulieren: Verbesserung der Pigmenteigenschaften durch Herabsetzen der Löslichkeit, VerĂ€nderung der elektronischen und magnetischen Kopplungen in niedrig-dimensionalen Polymerketten, um nur zwei zu nennen. Zum Leidwesen des Chemikers, des Physikers und des Kristallographen besteht in den Eigenschaften, die z. B. Pigmente als „gut“ auszeichnen, das grĂ¶ĂŸte Problem: die mangelnde Löslichkeit der Verbindung. Es ist genau diese Eigenschaft, die dafĂŒr sorgt, meist keine Einkristalle zĂŒchten zu können, massive Schwierigkeiten beim Umkristallisieren zu haben und letztendlich – wenn keine Einkristalle vorliegen – bei der Strukturbestimmung aus Pulverdaten breite, ĂŒberlappende Reflexe separieren zu mĂŒssen. Dennoch gibt es nĂŒtzliche und bewĂ€hrte Methoden, auch aus (sogar nur mĂ€ĂŸigen) Pulverdaten eine Kristallstruktur zu lösen. Genannt seien hier quantenchemische Rechnungen, die unter UmstĂ€nden sehr rechen- und zeitintensiv sein können, oder Kraftfeld-Methoden, die zwar nicht sehr exakte, aber immerhin doch brauchbare Ergebnisse mit vertretbarem Zeit- und Rechenaufwand liefern. Diese Methoden sind insbesondere dann zur Vorhersage von Kristallstrukturen geeignet, wenn das Pulverdiagramm nicht indizierbar ist. Wenn die Struktur erst gelöst ist, ist die bewĂ€hrte Methode der Strukturverfeinerung die Rietveld-Methode. Obwohl oder gerade weil die Methode mittlerweile zu einer „Black- Box“-Methode geworden ist, ist die genaue Analyse und Interpretation der Ergebnisse unabdingbar. Es gibt genĂŒgend Beispiele, in denen vermeintlich gute Ergebnisse (struktur-)chemisch sinnlos sind. Themenstellung Pigmente spielen in der Industrie eine wesentliche Rolle. Im Gegensatz zu Farbstoffen sind Pigmente im Anwendungsmedium unlöslich, sie werden feinkristallin dispergiert, um z. B. in Autolacken oder Kunststoffen eingesetzt zu werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Kristallstrukturen von 13 Pigmenten bestimmt. Zu den genannten Kristallstrukturbestimmungen kommt ein Kapitel mit einer grundsĂ€tzlichen Fragestellung: Wo sind die Grenzen der Strukturbestimmung aus Pulverdaten? Wann ist eine Kristallstruktur „richtig“ oder „falsch“? Ein letztes Pigment verknĂŒpft die beiden vorangehenden Punkte. Das letzte Kapitel behandelt die Erstellung von 5 Modellstrukturen aus zwei Substanzklassen fĂŒr niedrig-dimensionale metall-organische Festkörper. Beide Substanzklassen wurden im Rahmen der Forschergruppe 412 („Spin- und LadungstrĂ€gerkorrelationen in niedrigdimensionalenmetallorganischen Festkörpern“)der DFG hinsichtlich elektronischer und magnetischer Eigenschaften untersucht

    Cu-based metalorganic systems: an ab initio study of the electronic structure

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    Within a first principles framework, we study the electronic structure of the recently synthesized polymeric coordination compound Cu(II)-2,5-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)-1,4-dihydroxybenzene (CuCCP), which has been suggested to be a good realization of a Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain with antiferromagnetic coupling. By using a combination of classical with ab initio quantum mechanical methods, we design on the computer reliable modified structures of CuCCP aimed at studying effects of Cu-Cu coupling strength variations on this spin-1/2 system. For this purpose, we performed two types of modifications on CuCCP. In one case, we replaced H in the linker by i) an electron donating group (NH2) and ii) an electron withdrawing group (CN), while the other modification consisted in adding H2O and NH3 molecules in the structure which change the local coordination of the Cu(II) ions. With the NMTO-downfolding method we provide a quantitative analysis of the modified electronic structure and the nature of the Cu-Cu interaction paths in these new structures and discuss its implications for the underlying microscopic model.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, final versio

    Structural Encoding of Static Single Assignment Form

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    AbstractStatic Single Assignment (SSA) form is often used as an intermediate representation during code optimization in Java Virtual Machines. Recently, SSA has successfully been used for bytecode verification. However, constructing SSA at the code consumer is costly. SSA-based mobile code transport formats have been shown to eliminate this cost by shifting SSA creation to the code producer. These new formats, however, are not backward compatible with the established Java class-file format. We propose a novel approach to transport SSA information implicitly through structural code properties of standard Java bytecode. While the resulting bytecode sequence can still be directly executed by traditional Virtual Machines, our novel VM can infer SSA form and confirm its safety with virtually no overhead

    D2/D3 dopamine receptor binding with [F-18]fallypride correlates of executive function in medication-naĂŻve patients with schizophrenia

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    Converging evidence indicates that the prefrontal cortex is critically involved in executive control and that executive dysfunction is implicated in schizophrenia. Reduced dopamine D2/D3 receptor binding potential has been reported in schizophrenia, and the correlations with neuropsychological test scores have been positive and negative for different tasks. The aim of this study was to examine the relation between dopamine D2/D3 receptor levels with frontal and temporal neurocognitive performance in schizophrenia. Resting-state 18F-fallypride positron emission tomography was performed on 20 medication-naĂŻve and 5 previously medicated for brief earlier periods patients with schizophrenia and 19 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Striatal and extra-striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptor levels were quantified as binding potential using fallypride imaging. Magnetic resonance images in standard Talairach position and segmented into gray and white matter were co-registered to the fallypride images, and the AFNI stereotaxic atlas was applied. Two neuropsychological tasks known to activate frontal and temporal lobe function were chosen, specifically the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). Images of the correlation coefficient between fallypride binding and WCST and CVLT performance showed a negative correlation in contrast to positive correlations in healthy volunteers. The results of this study demonstrate that lower fallypride binding potential in patients with schizophrenia may be associated with better performance. Our findings are consistent with previous studies that failed to find cognitive improvements with typical dopamine-blocking medications

    Classical and ab initio preparation of reliable structures for polymeric coordination compounds

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    The detailed investigation of electronic and magnetic properties of polymeric coordination materials with accurate ab initio quantum mechanical methods is often computationally extremely demanding because of the large number of atoms in the unit cell. Moreover, usually the available structural data are insufficient or poorly determined, especially when the structure contains hydrogen atoms. In order to be able to perform controlled ab initio calculations on reliable structures, we use a two-step approach to systematically prepare model structures for polymeric coordination compound systems and to relax them to their equilibrium configuration. First, a structure is constructed on the basis of a crystallographic database and optimized by force field methods; in the second step, the structure is relaxed by ab initio quantum mechanical molecular dynamics. With this structure, we perform accurate electronic structure calculations. We will apply this procedure to a Fe(II) triazole compound and to a coordination polymer of Cu(II) ions with 2,5-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)-1,4-dihydroxybenzene.Comment: 7 pages, 5 eps figures; proceedings of the symposium on "Spin- and charge-correlations in molecule-based materials", October 2005, Koenigstein (Taunus), Germany, final versio

    The Effect of Opioid Receptor Blockade on the Neural Processing of Thermal Stimuli

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    The endogenous opioid system represents one of the principal systems in the modulation of pain. This has been demonstrated in studies of placebo analgesia and stress-induced analgesia, where anti-nociceptive activity triggered by pain itself or by cognitive states is blocked by opioid antagonists. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of opioid receptor blockade on the physiological processing of painful thermal stimulation in the absence of cognitive manipulation. We therefore measured BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal responses and intensity ratings to non-painful and painful thermal stimuli in a double-blind, cross-over design using the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone. On the behavioral level, we observed an increase in intensity ratings under naloxone due mainly to a difference in the non-painful stimuli. On the neural level, painful thermal stimulation was associated with a negative BOLD signal within the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex, and this deactivation was abolished by naloxone

    Deformation-Based Morphometry and Its Relation to Conventional Volumetry of Brain Lateral Ventricles in MRI

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    Deformation-based morphometry (DBM) is a useful technique to detect morphological differences over the entire brain since it analyses positional differences between every voxel and a standard brain. In this report we compare DBM to semimanual tracing of brain ventricles in a population of 39 patients with schizophrenia. High-resolution T 1-weighted magnetic resonance images were obtained and processed with DBM and interactive tracing software. We evaluate the validity of the DBM in two different approaches. First, we divide subjects into two groups based on the mean ventricular/brain ratios and compute statistical maps of displacement vectors and their spatial derivatives. This analysis demonstrates a striking consistency of the DBM and visual tracing results. We show that restricting the information about the deformation fields by computing the local Jacobian determinant (as a measure of volume change) provides evidence of the shape of ventricular deformation which is unavailable from ventricular volume measures alone. Second, we compute a mean measure of the Jacobian values over the entire ventricles and observe a correlation of r ïżœ 0.962 with visual tracing based ventricular/brain ratios. The results support the usefulness and validity of DBM for the local and global examination of brain morphology
