54 research outputs found

    A Small but Efficient Collaboration for the Spiral2 Control System Development

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/ICALEPCS2013/papers/tucobab01.pdfThe Spiral2 radioactive ion beam facility to be commissioned in 2014 at Ganil (Caen) is built within international collaborations. This also concerns the control system development shared by three laboratories: Ganil has to coordinate the control and automated systems work packages, CEA/IRFU is in charge of the "injector" (sources and low energy beam lines) and the LLRF, CNRS/IPHC provides the emittancemeters and a beam diagnostics platform. Besides the technology Epics based, this collaboration, although being handled with a few people, nevertheless requires an appropriate and tight organization to reach the objectives given by the project. This contribution describes how, started in 2006, the collaboration for controls has been managed both from the technological point of view and the organizational one, taking into account not only the previous experience, technical background or skill of each partner, but also their existing working practices and "cultural" approaches. A first feedback comes from successful beam tests carried out at Saclay and Grenoble; a next challenge is the migration to operation, Ganil having to run Spiral2 as the other members are moving to new projects

    Upgrade of the SPIRAL identification station for high-precision measurements of nuclear β decay

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    The low-energy identification station at SPIRAL (Système de Production d'Ions Radioactifs Accélérés en Ligne) has been upgraded for studying the β decays of short-lived radioactive isotopes and to perform high-precision half-life and branching-ratio measurements for superallowed Fermi and isospin T=1/2 mirror β decays. These new capabilities, combined with an existing Paul trap setup for measurements of β-ν angular-correlation coefficients, provide a powerful facility for investigating fundamental properties of the electroweak interaction through nuclear β decays. A detailed description of the design study, construction, and first results obtained from an in-beam commissioning experiment on the β+ decays 14 O and 17F is presented

    The Modified Rockwell Test: A New Probe for Mechanical Properties of Metals

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    In the present work a novel methodology is proposed, based on the combination of the Rockwell and the Vickers tests, to provide estimates of the mechanical properties of metal substrates. The analysis is based on some novel invariants obtained from the finite element solution of the Vickers indentation (the imprint diagonal relates to the maximum indentation depth and the residual indentation depth with the average pressure and the elastic modulus). Several other useful results are discussed and experiments are performed with a modified Rockwell apparatus on steel and aluminium alloys. The results are important for the interpretation of micro indentation tests. Inverting the indentation data, reasonably accurate results can be obtained for strain hardening properties for "power law" behaviour, whereas more complex strain hardening would require further investigation

    Creating 'Partners for Peace': The Palestinian Authority and the International Statebuilding Agenda

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    The Palestinian Authority (PA) offers an interesting case study of statebuilding in a conflict-country context. Created as an interim administration in the West Bank and Gaza in 1994, the PA has been hampered by the statebuilding framework enshrined in the Oslo Accords, its lack of sovereignty, the lack of final status negotiations, and the 'partners for peace' paradigm which is an attempt by donors and international organisations to support who they regard as the 'right' type of elite - that is, those willing to 'make peace' with Israel (as defined by Israel). This article explores the impacts of this paradigm and argues that it has paralysed the formal political process in Palestine and has securitised democracy