33 research outputs found

    The marks of the public choice theory in the modern classical writingsKamu tercihi teorisinin modern klasiklerdeki izleri

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    Public choice, emerged as an economic theory with regard its methodology but focused on political decision making processes and political institutions, has increased its influence on political science in the last twenty years. It is claimed that public choice is a radical disengagement from conventional political studies due to its neo-classical tools applied to politics. But it could also be claimed that public choice has done nothing new but just revived the old topics with a new theoretical tool set, considering the subjects that were examined by the classical political theorists. In this paper, the roots of the subjects examined by public choice theory in the classical writings of the political philosophers are analysed,concerning the problem of social coordination role of the state. These classical thinkers are specified as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Hume.  ÖzetYöntem bakımından ekonomi disiplininden çıkmış olmakla birlikte, konusu itibariyle politik karar süreçlerini ve politik kurumları inceleyen kamu tercihi teorisi, özellikle son yirmi yıldır politika bilimindeki etkinliğini artırmıştır. Kamu tercihinin, neo-klasik iktisadın pek çok aracını politikaya uyarladığı gerekçesi ile geleneksel politika araştırmalarından radikal bir kopuşu temsil ettiği ileri sürülür. Ancak modern politik teorinin bazı klasik filozoflarının ele aldıkları temel konular incelendiğinde, kamu tercihi teorisinin, bu geleneksel sorunsalları yeni teorik kavram setleri ile yeniden canlandırmaktan öte bir iş yapmadıkları da iddia edilebilir. Bu çalışmada devletin ortaya çıkışı ve devletin sosyal işbirliğini sağlamada oynadığı rol üzerinden kamu tercihinin ele aldığı konuların klasik politika yazarlarındaki kökleri incelenmektedir. Bu klasik yazarlar, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke ve Hume olarak belirlenmiştir.

    Factors Effecting Morbidity And Mortality in Obstructing Colorectal Cancers

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    Aim:The aim of this study is sharing the morbidity and mortality rates and risc factors efecting the morbidity and mortality rates of patients underwent emergency operation in our clinic.Materials and Methods:Between January 2008 - July 2012 eighteen patients, 10 men and 8 women, who operated because of obstructive colorectal cancer, were reviewed. Patients were examined fora ge, sex, complication, operation type, morbidity and mortality. The effects of age, sex and tumor location on morbidity and mortality were examined.Results:Mean age of patients was 66 ± 8,6. Ten patients were elder than 70 (% 56,6). Complet obstruction was seen in 16 patients (% 88,8). In one patient perforation was seen wtih obstrucion (% 5,6). Hartmann’s procedure was performed for 12 patients (% 66,7), loop colostomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), right hemicolectomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6), right hemicolectomy with end ileostomy was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6). Morbidity was seen in 5 patients (% 27,8). Mortality was seen in two patients (% 11,2). Both patients with mortality were elder than 70 (p=0.21). There weren’t any significant difference for sex and tumor’s location.Conclusion:Morbidity and mortality rates increases in patients whom underwent emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer. Being elder patient is one of the reasons. And also accompanied complications like perforation searously increase mortality and morbidity

    Factors Effecting Morbidity And Mortality in Obstructing Colorectal Cancers

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı obstrüksiyon yapmış kolorektal kanserler nedeniyle kliniğimizde acil şartlarda ameliyat edilen hastalardaki morbidite ve mortalite oranlarını ve bunlara etki eden faktörleri sunmaktır. Materyal ve Metod Ocak 2008 - Temmuz 2012 yılları arasında mekanik bağırsak tıkanıklığına neden olmuş kolorektal kanser nedeniyle ameliyat edilen 10 erkek ve 8 kadın olmak üzere 18 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalar yaş, cinsiyet, komplikasyon, yapılan ameliyat, morbidite, mortalite açısından incelendi. Yaşın, cinsiyetin ve tümör yerleşiminin morbidite üzerine olan etkileri incelendi. Bulgular Hastaların yaş ortalaması 66 ± 8,6 idi. 70 yaş üzerinde 10 (% 56,6) vardı. Hastaların 16’sında komplet bir obstrüksiyon izlendi (% 88,8). Bir hastada obstrüksiyonla beraber perforasyon mevcuttu (% 5,6). On iki hastaya Hartmann prosedürü (% 66,7) uygulanırken, 2 hastaya loop kolostomi (% 11,2), 2 hastaya sağ hemikolektomi (% 11,2), 1 hastaya total kolektomi ileorektal anastomoz (% 5,6), 1 hastaya sağ hemikolektomi uç ileostomi (% 5,6) uygulandı. Beş hastada morbidite izlendi (% 27,8). İki hastada mortalite izlendi (% 11,2). Morbidite görülen tüm hastalar 70 yaş üzerindeydi (p=0.21). Cinsiyete göre ve tümörün yerleşim yerine göre ise morbidite oranları açısından anlamlı fark yoktu. Sonuç Obstrüktif kolorektal kanser nedeniyle acil operasyona alınan hastalarda mortalite ve morbidite izlenme olasılığı artmaktadır. Bunun nedenlerinden birisi hastaların daha çok ileri yaşlarda olmalarıdır. Ayrıca hastalarda perforasyon gibi eşlik eden bir komplikasyon varlığı mortalite ve morbiditeyi ciddi ölçüde arttırmaktadır.Aim The aim of this study is sharing the morbidity and mortality rates and risc factors efecting the morbidity and mortality rates of patients underwent emergency operation in our clinic. Materials and Methods Between January 2008 - July 2012 eighteen patients, 10 men and 8 women, who operated because of obstructive colorectal cancer, were reviewed. Patients were examined fora ge, sex, complication, operation type, morbidity and mortality. The effects of age, sex and tumor location on morbidity and mortality were examined. Results Mean age of patients was 66 ± 8,6. Ten patients were elder than 70 (% 56,6). Complet obstruction was seen in 16 patients (% 88,8). In one patient perforation was seen wtih obstrucion (% 5,6). Hartmann’s procedure was performed for 12 patients (% 66,7), loop colostomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), right hemicolectomy was performed for two patients (% 11,2), total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6), right hemicolectomy with end ileostomy was performed for 1 patient (% 5,6). Morbidity was seen in 5 patients (% 27,8). Mortality was seen in two patients (% 11,2). Both patients with mortality were elder than 70 (p=0.21). There weren’t any significant difference for sex and tumor’s location. Conclusion Morbidity and mortality rates increases in patients whom underwent emergency surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer. Being elder patient is one of the reasons. And also accompanied complications like perforation searously increase mortality and morbidity

    Gender as Symbolic Capital and Violence: The Case of Corporate Elites in Turkey

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    Based on a Bourdieusian approach, drawing on qualitative analyses of 63 life interviews, our study demonstrates that gender is performed as both symbolic capital and violence by corporate elites within the dominant ideologies of patriarchy and family in Turkey. Our analysis reveals that, in the male-dominated context of Turkey, female elites appear to favour male alliances as a tactical move in order to acquire and maintain status in their organizations, whereas male elites appear to remain blind to the privileges and constraints of their own gendered experience of symbolic capital and violence. Our study also illustrates that gender order is still preserved, despite beliefs to the contrary that equality in education, skills, experience and job performance may liberate women and men from gender-based outcomes at work.GSU Research Fun

    Yinelemeli vektör oylama ve koşullu rastgele alan kullanarak sinir sahipliği bilgisinin elde edilmesi

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    Border ownership is the information that signifies which side of a border owns the border. Estimating this information has recently become very popular for perceptual organization as it allows rectification of ambigious visual information. It is applied on many computer vision problems such as object detection, depth perception and optical flow. In this thesis, two different approaches are followed to solve the border ownership problem. For the supervised approach, conditional random fields are used as it is the most appropriate method for modelling con- textual relations between semantic classes. Tensor voting is the inspire of our second algorithm called Iterative Vector Voting, as it allows modelling different information sources and their interactions. It is an unsupervised voting frame- work, which is proper for the use of Gestalt visual cues. Experiments show that both two models show significant contribution to the border ownership problem with respect to the successful results gathered on our own large-scale dataset.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Yüksek duyarlıklı C-reaktif protein düzeyleri ve safen ven greft hastalığı arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada safen ven greft hastalığı (SVGH) ile yüksek duyarlıklı C-reaktif protein (hs-CRP) seviyeleri arasındaki ilişki değerlendirildi. Çalışma planı: Çalışmaya koroner arter baypas greft ameliyatı öyküsü olan, önceden belirlenen objektif kriterlere göre koroner anjiyografi yapılan toplam 78 hasta (54 erkek, 24 kadın; ort. yaş 60.4±9.4 yıl; dağılım 37-78 yıl) dahil edildi. Ateroskleroza neden olan risk faktörleri sorgulandı ve tüm hastaların biyokimyasal testleri çalışıldı. Safen ven greftlerden herhangi birinde %50 ve daha fazla darlık olması SVGH olarak tanımlandı. Hastalar SVGH olan (grup 1) ve SVGH olmayanlar (grup 2) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Bulgular: Her iki grubun demografik özellikleri ve laboratuvar değerleri karşılaştırıldığında, grup 1’de vücut kütle indeksi (VKİ), total kolesterol/yüksek yoğunluklu lipoprotein (HDL) kolesterol, ürik asit (ÜA) ve hs-CRP düzeyleri anlamlı oranda yüksek olup, HDL kolesterol düzeyi anlamlı oranda düşüktü. Yapılan çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizinde VKİ, ÜA ve hs-CRP düzeylerinin SVGH’yi öngörmede bağımsız belirteçler olduğu tespit edildi (hs-CRP OR: 1.522, p<0.01, ÜA OR: 1.48, p=0.01, VKİ OR: 1.31, p=0.04). Yapılan ROC analizinde hs-CRP düzeyi 0.8 mg/dL ‘‘kesim değeri’’ olarak alındığında %80 duyarlılık ve %85 özgüllük oranı ile SVGH’yi belirlediği bulundu. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda SVGH’yi öngördüren en güçlü belirtecin hs-CRP olduğu saptandı. Yüksek duyarlıklı C-reaktif protein, SVGH varlığını öngörme ve izleminde noninvaziv, güvenilir ve yararlı bir belirteçtir.Background: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between the levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and saphenous venous graft disease (SVGD). Methods: A total of 78 patients (54 males, 24 females; mean age 60.4&plusmn;9.4 years; range 37 to 78 years) with previous history of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery who underwent coronary angiography based on predetermined objective clinical criteria were included. Risk factors leading to atherosclerosis were questioned and biochemical tests were studied in all patients. A 50% or more stenosis in at least one of the saphenous vein grafts was defined as SVGD. The patients were divided in two groups according to the presence of SVGD (group 1), and the absence of SVGD (group 2). Results: When we compared the demographic characteristics and laboratory findings of both groups, body mass index (BMI), total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio, uric acid (UA) and hs-CRP levels were significantly higher, while HDL cholesterol level was significantly lower in group 1. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that BMI, UA and hs-CRP levels were independent predictors of SVGD (hs-CRP OR: 1.522, p&lt;0.01, UA OR: 1.48, p=0.01, BMI OR: 1.31, p=0.04). The ROC analysis demonstrated that a 0.8 mg/dL hs-CRP cut-off value indicated SVGH with a 80% sensitivity and 85% specificity rate. Conclusion: In our study, hs-CRP was found to be the most powerful predictor of SVGD. High-sensitivity-C-reactive protein is a noninvasive, reliable and useful parameter in the prediction and monitoring of SVGD

    Clinical management of a challenging malignancy, osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma: a report of four cases and a review of the literature

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    Osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma, a rare form of osteosarcoma, is a malignant lesion associated with risks of both local recurrence and distant metastasis. The differential diagnosis of osteoblastoma-like osteosarcoma from osteoblastoma and aggressive osteoblastoma remains controversial and challenging. Previous studies suggest that these three types of tumor are distinct entities. However, working out a precise diagnosis may not always be possible immediately on the basis of initial clinical, radiological, and histopathological features. On the other hand, the importance of a correct diagnosis cannot be overemphasized since the treatment strategies change dramatically according to the nature of the lesion. In all of our cases, initial Tru-Cut biopsies revealed osteoblastic features with minimal atypia, but further biopsies confirmed malignancy. A high index of suspicion and considerable experience are prerequisites for accurate diagnosis in case of clinicopathological and radiological discordance