10 research outputs found

    The Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society Affairs and provincial governors' plenipotentiaries for civil society

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    Społeczeństwo obywatelskie stanowi w dzisiejszych czasach instrument wpływu obywateli na otaczającą ich rzeczywistość społeczną oraz organy państwowe, jak i samorządowe. Jakość tego społeczeństwa determinują (m. in.) dwa elementy podmiotowe: po pierwsze sami obywatele, zrzeszeni (bądź nie) w stowarzyszeniach, a wychodzący z inicjatywami oddolnymi oraz przedstawiciele administracji publicznej, do których kompetencji należy organizowanie rozwoju społeczeństwa partycypacyjnego. Aby zadania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego były realizowane w adekwatnych warunkach, potrzebna jest współpraca obu wymienionych podmiotów. W tym celu powołano Pełnomocnika Rządu do spraw Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego oraz pełnomocników wojewodów do spraw społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Niniejsza praca dyplomowa skupia się na przedstawieniu działalności tych pełnomocników, bazując na aktach prawnych, sprawozdaniach, wystąpieniach pokontrolnych i wieloletnich programów z organizacjami pozarządowymi i innymi podmiotami prowadzącymi działalność pożytku publicznego (w przypadku opisywanego w pracy Pełnomocnika Wojewody Małopolskiego do spraw społeczeństwa obywatelskiego) oraz na dokonaniu oceny podejmowanych przez nich aktywności.Nowadays, civil society is an instrument of citizens' influence on the social reality around them, as well as state and local government bodies. The quality of this society is determined (among other things) by two subjective elements: firstly, the citizens themselves, associated (or not) in associations, and coming out with grass-roots initiatives, and representatives of public administration, whose competence is to organize the development of participatory society. In order for the tasks of civil society to be carried out in adequate conditions, cooperation between the two entities mentioned is needed. For this purpose, the Government Plenipotentiary for Civil Society Affairs and provincial governors' plenipotentiaries for civil society were established. This thesis focuses on presenting the activities of these plenipotentiaries, based on legal acts, reports, post-control speeches and long-term programs with non-governmental organizations and other entities conducting public benefit activities (in the case of the Plenipotentiary of the Governor of Małopolska for Civil Society Affairs described in the thesis), and on evaluating the activities they undertake

    The Condition of Elementary Education in Poland in the Period of Partitions

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    Edukacja towarzyszy człowiekowi od zarania dziejów. Już w starożytnej Grecji korzystano z wiedzy i doświadczenia nauczycieli podczas procesu kształcenia dzieci. Wraz z biegiem historii rozwijały się różnorodne formy oświaty, aż do wyłonienia się pierwszych placówek edukacyjnych w wiekach średnich. Szkoły parafialne i przyklasztorne, zakładane przez hierarchów kościelnych z czasem ewoluowały by w jedenastym stuleciu po Chrystusie stać się podwaliną klasycznych uniwersytetów. Jednakże dopiero od XVIII stulecia poziom i funkcjonowanie wyżej wymienionych placówek edukacyjnych najniższego szczebla stały się przedmiotem dyskusji w państwach ościennych. Na terenie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów także swoją działalność prowadziły takowe szkoły, reprezentując wyższy bądź niższy poziom. Na stan edukacji rudymentarnej w Polsce pod zaborami złożyło się wiele różnorodnych uwarunkowań społecznych, politycznych czy ekonomicznych z poprzednich wieków oraz ówczesnych dziejów państwa. Relewantną kwestią stało się w niniejszej pracy dyplomowej dokonanie deskrypcji oświaty na poziomie elementarnym tak, aby ukazana została procesualność zmian, jakim ona podlegała w zależności od biegu wydarzeń. Konsekutywnym celem stało się także podkreślenie istotności wiedzy z zakresu dziejów oświaty, aby poszerzać świadomość przyszłej kadry pedagogicznej dotyczącej uwarunkowań oddziałujących na kształt dzisiejszego systemu szkolnictwa. Dzięki holistycznemu przyglądnięciu się procesom oraz zjawiskom w sferze oświaty elementarnej możliwa stała się ekstrapolacja konsekwencji teoretycznych na działania praktyczne w aktualnych realiach edukacyjnych.Education has accompanied man since the dawn of time. Already in ancient Greece, the knowledge and experience of teachers were used in the process of educating children. Over the course of history, various forms of education have developed, until the emergence of the first educational institutions in the Middle Ages. Parish and monastery schools, founded by church hierarchs, evolved over time to become the foundation of classical universities in the eleventh century after Christ. However, it was not until the eighteenth century that the level and functioning of the above-mentioned educational institutions of the lowest level became the subject of discussion in neighbouring countries. On the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, such schools were also active, representing a higher or lower level. The state of the rudimentary education in Poland under the Partitions of Poland consisted of many different social, political and economic conditions from the previous centuries and the then history of the state. It became a real issue in this diploma paper to describe education at the elementary level so as to show the processuality of changes to which it was subject depending on the course of events. Consecutive goal was also to emphasize the importance of knowledge about the history of education, to broaden the awareness of future educational staff concerning the conditions affecting the shape of today's education system. Thanks to the holistic observation of processes and phenomena in the sphere of elementary education, it became possible to extrapolate theoretical consequences of practical actions in the current educational realities

    Insect Oil as An Alternative to Palm Oil and Poultry Fat in Broiler Chicken Nutrition

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Tenebrio molitor (TM) oil as a total replacement for palm oil and poultry fat in broiler chicken diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, pancreatic enzyme activity, selected blood parameters and the lipid fatty acid compositions of liver and breast muscle tissues. A total of 72 seven-day-old female Ross 308 broiler chickens were used. The birds were randomly distributed into three groups with 12 replicates each, using two birds per replicate for 30 days in metabolic cages. The basal diet was supplemented with 5% palm oil, poultry fat or TM oil. There was no effect (p > 0.05) caused by the dietary oil replacement on the birds’ performance and apparent nutrient digestibility. Liver size (p = 0.033), the concentration of hepatic triglycerides (p = 0.049) and total cholesterol (p = 0.048) were reduced by TM oil supplementation. Furthermore, TM oil supplementation increased n-3 and n-6 fatty acids (p = 0.006; p < 0.001, respectively) in breast muscle tissue. In conclusion, the use of TM oil in broiler chickens’ diets did not show any adverse effects on performance, nutrient digestibility and blood biochemical parameters. Moreover, TM oil supplementation improved the fatty acid profiles of liver and breast muscle tissues

    Can the foregut nematode Haemonchus contortus and medicinal plants influence the fecal microbial community of the experimentally infected lambs?

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    The abomasal parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus can influence the abomasal microbiome of the host. On the other hand, no information occurs on the influence of the parasite on the hindgut microbiome of the host. We evaluated the impact of Haemonchus contortus on the fecal microbial community of the experimentally infected lambs treated with a mixture of medicinal herbs to ameliorate the haemonchosis. Twenty-four female lambs were divided into four groups: infected animals (Inf), infected animals supplemented with a blend of medicinal herbs (Inf+Herb), uninfected control animals (Control), and uninfected animals supplemented with medicinal herbs (C+Herb). Inf and Inf+Herb lambs were infected orally with approximately 5000 L3 larvae of a strain of H. contortus susceptible to anthelmintics (MHco1). Herb blend (Herbmix) consisted of dry medicinal plants of Althaea officinalis, Petasites hybridus, Inula helenium, Malva sylvestris, Chamomilla recutita, Plantago lanceolata, Rosmarinus officinalis, Solidago virgaurea, Fumaria officinalis, Hyssopus officinalis, Melisa officinalis, Foeniculum vulgare, and Artemisia absinthium. Each animal was fed meadow hay and a commercial concentrate (600 + 350 g DM/d). Inf+Herb and C+Herb lambs were fed Herbmix (100 g DM/d and animal). Treatment lasted for 50 days. The fecal microbial fermentation parameters (short-chain fatty acids, ammonia, and pH) were evaluated at intervals of 0, 20, 32, and 50 days. The fecal eubacterial populations were evaluated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) at day 32 when H. contortus infection was the highest. No substantial effects of the H. contortus infection and the herbal treatment on fecal microbial fermentation parameters and fecal eubacterial populations were observed. Evaluation of DGGE patterns by Principal component analysis pointed to the tendency to branch the C+Herb group from the other experimental groups on Day 32. The results indicate that hindgut microbial activity was not disturbed by H. contortus infection and herbal treatment

    Effects of herbal nutraceuticals and/or zinc against Haemonchus contortus in lambs experimentally infected

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    Abstract Background The gastrointestinal parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus is a pathogenic organism resistant to several anthelmintics. This study assessed the efficacy of a medicinal herbal mixture (Herbmix) and organic zinc, as an essential trace element for the proper functioning of both unspecific and specific immune defensive mechanisms, against experimental infections with H. contortus in lambs. All lambs were infected orally with approximately 5000 third-stage larvae of a strain of H. contortus susceptible to anthelmintics (MHco1). Twenty-four female lambs 3–4 months of age were divided into four groups: unsupplemented animals (control), animals supplemented with Herbmix (Hmix), animals supplemented with organic zinc (Zn) and animals supplemented with Herbmix and organic zinc (Hmix+Zn). Eggs per gram (EPG) of faeces were quantified 20, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 62 and 70 d post-infection and mean abomasal worm counts were assessed 70 d post-infection. Samples of blood were collected from each animal 7, 35, 49 and 70 d post-infection. Results Quantitative analyses of the bioactive compounds in Herbmix identified three main groups: flavonoids (9964.7 μg/g), diterpenes (4886.1 μg/g) and phenolic acids (3549.2 μg/g). Egg counts in the lambs treated with Hmix, Zn and Hmix+Zn decreased after 49 d. The EPGs in the Zn and Hmix+Zn groups were significantly lower on day 56 (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively), and the EPGs and mean worm counts were significantly lower on day 70 in all supplemented groups (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01). Hemograms of complete red blood cells of each animal identified clinical signs of haemonchosis after day 35. Serum calprotectin concentrations and IgA levels were significantly affected by treatment. The treatment influenced serum malondialdehyde concentrations (P < 0.05) and sulfhydryl groups (P < 0.01) of antioxidant status. The mineral status was unaltered in all lambs. Conclusion A direct anthelmintic impact on the viability of nematodes was not fully demonstrated, but the treatments with herbal nutraceuticals and zinc likely indirectly contributed to the increase in the resistance of the lambs to nematode infection