305 research outputs found

    How is the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of foraminiferal tests influenced by methane seepage?

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    The focus of this thesis is how methane seepage influences foraminifera l tests. Specifically, How how carbon and oxygen isotopes in planktic foraminifera tests are influenced by methane seepage. The study area is Vestnesa Ridge were four gravity cores were collected during a CAGE cruise in 2013. The cores were taken both from the southern side, where flares has have been recorded, and from the northern side, where there are no active seepage areas. The cores were worked on in the lab, samples were taken and sieved. After this were planktic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma s/d) and benthic (Cassidulina neoteretis) foraminifera were picked. Isotope analyses were done on From the planktic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma s/d) foraminifera were an isotope analysis done, providing the carbon (ÎŽ13C) and oxygen (ÎŽ18O) isotope measurements. These values were used to identify if methane seepage had affected the cores. Two of the four cores indicted methane seepage (HH-13-197 and HH-13-215) indicated methane seepage. Both the distinctly negative ÎŽ13C and the magnetic susceptibility data indicated methane seepage for these two cores. The isotope signals were used to identify past SMTZ, while the present SMTZ were found in core HH-13-197 from pore water data showing sulphate measurements

    Memories of a Contested Homeland: Nostalgia, Postmemories, and Exile in Mornings in Jenin, Here I Am, and A Map of Home

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    Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg hvordan identitet, hjem og hjemland er fremstilt gjennom ulike former av minner i moderne litteratur som, direkte eller indirekte, omhandler konflikten i Israel/Palestina. Selv om denne spesifikke konflikten fungerer som et bakteppe for diskusjonen om et omstridt hjemland, vil oppgaven ikke gĂ„ nĂŠrmere inn pĂ„ selve konflikten, da det er litteraturens rolle som stĂ„r i sentrum. De utvalgte bĂžkene – Mornings in Jenin (Abulhawa 2011), Here I Am (Foer 2016) og A Map of Home (Jarrar 2008) – er skrevet av forfattere med ulike perspektiver og tilknytning til konflikten, noe som resulterer i et mangfold av ulike vinklinger der flere sider av situasjonen belyses. SĂ„ledes utgjĂžr denne masteroppgaven et viktig bidrag i et litterĂŠrt felt som har vist tendenser til Ă„ hovedsakelig fremstille Ă©n side som det dominerende perspektivet av en kompleks situasjon der to ulike folkeslag ser pĂ„ det samme omrĂ„det som sitt hjem.Engelsk mastergradsoppgaveENG35

    Motivasjonsperspektiver hos unge voksne utenfor arbeid og utdanning i Norden

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    Sammendrag Denne studien er en kvalitativ systematisk litteraturstudie som har som formÄl Ä gi en dypere forstÄelse av motivasjon hos unge voksne som stÄr utenfor arbeid og utdanning. Problemstillingen er «Hvilke perspektiver pÄ motivasjon er i spill i inklusjonsprosesser hos unge voksne utenfor arbeid og utdanning i Norden?». Av studien utleder jeg tre motivasjonsperspektiver: individorientert motivasjonsperspektiv, fremtidsorientert motivasjonsperspektiv og relasjonelt motivasjonsperspektiv. Perspektivene belyser hvordan profesjonelle forstÄr motivasjon hos de unge og hvordan de unge opplever sin egen motivasjon. Studien har et sosialkonstruktivistisk perspektiv. Gjennom Ä bruke litteraturstudie som metode er det gjennomfÞrt en sÞkeprosess som fÞrte til 9 inkluderte artikler fra nordiske land. Artiklene som datasett er analysert gjennom tematisk analyse. Analysen er gjennomfÞrt ved Ä lage koder og temaer som fÞrer til motivasjonsperspektivene. Studien viser at det individorienterte motivasjonsperspektivet er tydeligst til stede hos profesjonelle. Profesjonelle forstÄr motivasjon hos unge som en personlig indre egenskap, noe man har eller ikke har. En videre forstÄelse av perspektivet viser at profesjonelle kan styrke de unges motivasjon, hvis de vurderes som mottakelige for dette. Relasjonelle motivasjonsperspektivet er sterkest hos de unge voksne selv og viser at de blir motivert gjennom ytre relasjonelle faktorer. Fremtidsorienterte motivasjonsperspektivet er til stede hos begge to parter, og peker pÄ at unge har mer langsiktige mÄl for sin fremtid, mens de profesjonelle fokuserer pÄ kortsiktige mÄl som skal aktivere de unge raskt ut i inklusjon. Studien finner at disse motivasjonsperspektivene pÄvirker inklusjonsprosessen. NÄr interaksjonen mellom profesjonelle og unge ikke inkluderer dialog for Ä lage en felles forstÄelse av motivasjon viser studien min at dette kan fÞre til en demotivasjon hos de unge voksne.

    Private Placements: Is it really a Norwegian Phenomenon? An empirical study of private placements on Euronext Oslo and Nasdaq Stockholm’s main list during the period 2017 to 2022

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    This thesis is split into two main sections. The first part investigates seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) on Euronext Oslo and Nasdaq Stockholm’s main list during the period 2017 to 2022, as well as characteristics of and differences between the two equity markets. The second part examines the short-term market reaction to private placements in Norway and Sweden in the same period. Our findings show that private placements are the dominant follow-on offering in both Norway and Sweden, accounting for 86% and 58% of all equity capital raised on the two respective exchanges. With a sample of 336 private placements, our results unveil a statistically significant negative share price reaction to private placement announcements in Norway and an insignificant and less negative share price reaction in Sweden. This is contrary to previous studies and prevailing private placement hypotheses such as the monitoring and certification hypothesis. These two hypotheses argue that private placements directed to active and informed investors decrease agency costs and provide a value certification, respectively, hence the market should react positively. Our results can be better explained by economic intuition and the mechanical share price depreciation that follows private placements issued at a discount. This thesis contributes to existing literature in three ways. First, it investigates a more recent period. Second, it examines whether the announcement returns in both markets align with the implied share price depreciation. Third, we investigate whether the informational effects from private placements differ in the two markets. We find that for every 1% increase in the implied share price depreciation, the Norwegian and Swedish issuers experience a reduction in announcement returns of 0.62%, on average. The Norwegian and Swedish market react less than expected, meaning that the private placements signal positive information, countering the mechanical share price reduction that stems from the dilution and discount. This finding implies that firms experience lower indirect flotation costs than expected. Lastly, we find that the informational effect from private placements is more positive in Sweden compared to Norway, showing that nonparticipating shareholders in Sweden experience a less adverse effect on their shareholder returns compared to Norway. One plausible explanation for this finding is that a larger share of active and strategic investors participating in the Swedish private placements reduce agency costs, provide value certification, and might add value to the firms.nhhma

    Living with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

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    Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Background: The increasing number of cancer survivors means that many people are living with long-term effects after cancer treatment. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy is a long-term effect that can impact on the life quality of those affected. Objective: The aim of the study was to gain greater insight into what it is like to live with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Method: The study has a qualitative design. We conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight participants who all had symptoms of peripheral neuropathy more than a year after concluding chemotherapy treatment. The transcribed interviews were analysed using systematic text condensation. The findings of the study are discussed in the light of Antonovsky’s concept of ‘sense of coherence’. Results: The analysis led to the overall theme of ‘A changed life’. Two main categories emerged: ‘Bodily changes’ and ‘Learning to live with it’. The subcategories showed different aspects of these. Bodily changes affected activities of daily living and life-giving activities. The factors that had a bearing on how they learned to live with the changes included adaptations of various kinds to a new normal, their attitude towards the challenges they faced and an acceptance of side effects as the price they had to pay for surviving cancer. However, they also had expectations that life would be the same as before their cancer treatment. This made it more difficult to accept that their lives had changed. Conclusion: It is important that health personnel know about how long-term chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy can impact on the daily lives of those who are affected. In order to help patients cope better with a changed way of life as a result of cancer treatment, health personnel should prepare them for the fact that life might not be the same as before.publishedVersio

    Autonomy conquers all: a thematic analysis of nurses’ professional judgement encountering resistance to care from home-dwelling persons with dementia

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    This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativeco mmons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: Adequate care support from home health care nurses is needed to meet the needs of an increasing number of home-dwelling persons with dementia and those who resist care. The decisions nurses make in home health care when encountering resistance from persons with dementia have an extensive impact on the quality of care and access to care. There is little research on what infuences nurse’s encounters with resistance to care from home-dwelling persons with dementia. Research aim: To get insight into how nurses experience resistance to care from home-dwelling persons with dementia. Methods: A qualitative research design using a thematic analysis was conducted following the six steps by Braun and Clarke. Data was gathered from three focus group and three individual interviews, and a total of 18 nurses from home health care participated. The interviews took place over a period of 5 months, from December 2020 to April 2021. Ethical considerations: Approved by the Norwegian Centre for Research, reference number 515138 and by the research advisers and home care managers in each section of the municipality. Results: Two main themes were identifed: 1) Challenged by complex and inadequate care structures and 2) Adapting care according to circumstances. There were three subthemes within the frst main theme: lack of systematic collaboration and understanding, insufcient fexibility to care, and the challenge of privacy. In the second main theme, there were three subthemes: avoid forced treatment and care to protect autonomy, gray-areas of coercive care and reduced care. The two main themes seemed to be interdependent, as challenges and changes in organizational structures infuenced how nurses could conduct their care practices. Conclusion: Our fndings indicate that nurses’ responsibility to decide how to conduct care is downplayed when facing resistance. Further, judgement is infuenced by contextual factors and characterized by a strong commitment to avoid forced treatment and care.A continuous challenge is to safeguard shared decision-making at the same time as it is balanced against risks of severe health damage in home-dwelling persons with dementia. A fundamental question to ask is whether autonomy does conquer all, even when severe health damage is at stake.publishedVersio

    Family carers' experiences of attending a multicomponent psychosocial intervention program for carers and persons with dementia

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    Background: Psychosocial interventions for persons with dementia and their primary family carers are promising approaches to reducing the challenges associated with care, but, obtaining significant outcomes may be difficult. Even though carers in general are satisfied with such interventions, few studies have evaluated the interventions by means of qualitative methods. Aim: The objective of the study reported here was to investigate family carers’ experiences of a multicomponent psychosocial intervention program, and also to offer advice on how to develop the intervention program. Methods: Content analyses were taken from individual qualitative interviews conducted in 2012 with 20 carers (aged 50–82 years) who participated in a psychosocial intervention program that included education, individual and family counseling, and parallel group sessions for carers and persons with dementia. Results: Two main categories emerged: 1) benefits of the intervention program, which sets out the informants’ experiences for the benefits of participation, described in the subcategories “importance of content and group organization” and “importance of social support”; and 2) missing content in the intervention program, which details the informants’ suggestions for future interventions, contained in the subcategories “need for extended content” and “need for new group organization”. Conclusion: The carers found the interventions useful. The importance of even earlier and more flexible interventions for the family carers, the extended family, and the persons with dementia was underscored.publishedVersio

    Dyrene i Afrika og deres bidrag til utvikling : Safariturisme som utviklingsstrategi i Botswana

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    Oppgaven handler om turisme som utviklingsstrategi i Botswana. Botswana har pÄ grunn av store diamantforekomster hatt en god Þkonomisk utvikling etter frigjÞringen. Man Þnsker nÄ Ä fÄ til en differensiering av Þkonomien, og safariturisme er et av omrÄdene man har valgt Ä satse pÄ. Botswana har lenge hatt en bevisst turismepolitikk og man har satset pÄ luksusturisme for Ä fÄ hÞye inntekter samtidig som man fÄr en lavere pÄvirkning pÄ miljÞet. Denne oppgaven identifiserer muligheter og barrierer for bÊrekraftig turismeutvikling i Botswana. Oppgaven baserer seg i all hovedsak pÄ intervjuer med safarioperatÞrer i byene Maun og Kasane. Muligheter og barrierer blir diskutert i tillegg til mulige lÞsninger for Ä bryte ned barrierene slik at turismen i stÞrre grad blir bÊrekraftig og bidrar til lokal utvikling i Botswana
