1,440 research outputs found

    Is there any evidence that ionised outflows quench star formation in type 1 quasars at z<1?

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    The aim of this paper is to test the basic model of negative AGN feedback. According to this model, once the central black hole accretes at the Eddington limit and reaches a certain critical mass, AGN driven outflows blow out gas, suppressing star formation in the host galaxy and self-regulating black hole growth. We consider a sample of 224 quasars selected from the SDSS at z<1 observed in the infrared band by Herschel. We evaluate the star formation rate in relation to several outflow signatures traced by the [OIII]4959,5007 and [OII]3726,3729 emission lines in about half of the sample with high quality spectra. Most of the quasars show asymmetric and broad wings in [OIII], which we interpret as outflow signatures. We separate the quasars in two groups, ``weakly'' and ``strongly'' outflowing, using three different criteria. When we compare the mean star formation rate in five redshift bins in the two groups, we find that the SFRs are comparable or slightly larger in the strongly outflowing quasars. We estimate the stellar mass from SED fitting and the quasars are distributed along the star formation main sequence, although with a large scatter. The scatter from this relation is uncorrelated with respect to the kinematic properties of the outflow. Moreover, for quasars dominated in the infrared by starburst or by AGN emission, we do not find any correlation between the star formation rate and the velocity of the outflow, a trend previously reported in the literature for pure starburst galaxies. We conclude that the basic AGN negative feedback scenario seems not to agree with our results. Although we use a large sample of quasars, we did not find any evidence that the star formation rate is suppressed in the presence of AGN driven outflows on large scale. A possibility is that feedback is effective over much longer timescales than those of single episodes of quasar activity.Comment: 18 pages, new version that implements the suggestions of the referee and matches the AA published versio

    Finding counterparts for All-sky X-ray surveys with Nway: a Bayesian algorithm for cross-matching multiple catalogues

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    We release the AllWISE counterparts and Gaia matches to 106,573 and 17,665 X-ray sources detected in the ROSAT 2RXS and XMMSL2 surveys with |b|>15. These are the brightest X-ray sources in the sky, but their position uncertainties and the sparse multi-wavelength coverage until now rendered the identification of their counterparts a demanding task with uncertain results. New all-sky multi-wavelength surveys of sufficient depth, like AllWISE and Gaia, and a new Bayesian statistics based algorithm, NWAY, allow us, for the first time, to provide reliable counterpart associations. NWAY extends previous distance and sky density based association methods and, using one or more priors (e.g., colors, magnitudes), weights the probability that sources from two or more catalogues are simultaneously associated on the basis of their observable characteristics. Here, counterparts have been determined using a WISE color-magnitude prior. A reference sample of 4524 XMM/Chandra and Swift X-ray sources demonstrates a reliability of ~ 94.7% (2RXS) and 97.4% (XMMSL2). Combining our results with Chandra-COSMOS data, we propose a new separation between stars and AGN in the X-ray/WISE flux-magnitude plane, valid over six orders of magnitude. We also release the NWAY code and its user manual. NWAY was extensively tested with XMM-COSMOS data. Using two different sets of priors, we find an agreement of 96% and 99% with published Likelihood Ratio methods. Our results were achieved faster and without any follow-up visual inspection. With the advent of deep and wide area surveys in X-rays (e.g. SRG/eROSITA, Athena/WFI) and radio (ASKAP/EMU, LOFAR, APERTIF, etc.) NWAY will provide a powerful and reliable counterpart identification tool.Comment: MNRAS, Paper accepted for publication. Updated catalogs are available at www.mpe.mpg.de/XraySurveys/2RXS_XMMSL2 . NWAY available at https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/nwa

    The primordial environment of super massive black holes: large scale galaxy overdensities around z6z\sim6 QSOs with LBT

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    We investigated the presence of galaxy overdensities around four z6z\sim6 QSOs, namely SDSS J1030+0524 (z = 6.28), SDSS J1148+5251 (z = 6.41), SDSS J1048+4637 (z = 6.20) and SDSS J1411+1217 (z = 5.95), through deep rr-, ii- and zz- band imaging obtained with the wide-field (23×25\sim23'\times25') Large Binocular Camera (LBC) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). We adopted color-color selections within the izi-z vs rzr-z plane to identify samples of ii-band dropouts at the QSO redshift and measure their relative abundance and spatial distribution in the four LBC fields, each covering 8×8\sim8\times8 physical Mpc at z6z\sim6. The same selection criteria were then applied to zz-band selected sources in the \sim1 deg2^2 Subaru-XMM Newton Deep Survey to derive the expected number of dropouts over a blank LBC-sized field (\sim0.14 deg2^2). The four observed QSO fields host a number of candidates larger than what is expected in a blank field. By defining as ii-band dropouts objects with zAB1.4z_{AB}1.4 and undetected in the rr-band, we found 16, 10, 9, 12 dropouts in SDSS J1030+0524, SDSS J1148+5251, SDSS J1048+4637, and SDSS J1411+1217, respectively, whereas only 4.3 such objects are expected over a 0.14 deg2^2 blank field. This corresponds to overdensity significances of 3.3, 1.9, 1.7, 2.5σ\sigma, respectively. By considering the total number of dropouts in the four LBC fields and comparing it with what is expected in four blank fields of 0.14 deg2^2 each, we find that high-z QSOs reside in overdense environments at the 3.7σ3.7\sigma level. This is the first direct and unambiguous measurement of the large scale structures around z6z\sim6 QSOs. [shortened]Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Magellan Spectroscopy of AGN Candidates in the COSMOS Field

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    We present spectroscopic redshifts for the first 466 X-ray and radio-selected AGN targets in the 2 deg^2 COSMOS field. Spectra were obtained with the IMACS instrument on the Magellan (Baade) telescope, using the nod-and-shuffle technique. We identify a variety of Type 1 and Type 2 AGN, as well as red galaxies with no emission lines. Our redshift yield is 72% down to i_AB=24, although the yield is >90% for i_AB<22. We expect the completeness to increase as the survey continues. When our survey is complete and additional redshifts from the zCOSMOS project are included, we anticipate ~1100 AGN with redshifts over the entire COSMOS field. Our redshift survey is consistent with an obscured AGN population that peaks at z~0.7, although further work is necessary to disentangle the selection effects.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to ApJS special COSMOS issue. The full electronic version of Table 2 can be found at http://shaihulud.as.arizona.edu/~jtrump/tab2.tx

    A New Family of Multistep Methods with Improved Phase Lag Characteristics for the Integration of Orbital Problems

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    In this work we introduce a new family of ten-step linear multistep methods for the integration of orbital problems. The new methods are constructed by adopting a new methodology which improves the phase lag characteristics by vanishing both the phase lag function and its first derivatives at a specific frequency. The efficiency of the new family of methods is proved via error analysis and numerical applications.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Noncoding RNAs in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies: role in pathogenesis and future prognostic and therapeutic perspectives

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    Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as miRNAs and long noncoding RNAs, are key regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level and represent promising therapeutic targets and biomarkers for several human diseases, including Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies (DMD/BMD). A role for ncRNAs in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophies has been suggested, even if it is still incompletely understood. Here, we discuss current progress leading towards the clinical utility of ncRNAs for DMD/BMD. Long and short noncoding RNAs are differentially expressed in DMD/BMD and have a mechanism of action via targeting mRNAs. A subset of muscle-enriched miRNAs, the so-called myomiRs (miR-1, miR-133, and miR-206), are increased in the serum of patients with DMD and in dystrophin-defective animal models. Interestingly, myomiRs might be used as biomarkers, given that their levels can be corrected after dystrophin restoration in dystrophic mice. Remarkably, further evidence demonstrates that ncRNAs also play a role in dystrophin expression; thus, their modulations might represent a potential therapeutic strategy with the aim of upregulating the dystrophin protein in combination with other oligonucleotides/gene therapy approaches

    Prediction of Tail-Off Pressure Peak Anomaly on Small-Scale Rocket Motors

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    Numerical studies intended to predict solid rocket motors anomalies are the major contributors when developing strategies to both limit expensive fire tests and to investigate and understand the physical phenomena from which anomalies can arise. This paper aims to present a mathematical–physical method to evaluate the pressure peak, namely Friedman Curl, occurring at the tail-off phase of small-scale rocket motors. Such phenomenon is linked to the grain solid particles arrangement (i.e., packing effect); indeed, those particles show a tendency to accumulate at a certain distance from the metallic case, implying a local burn rate increment and a combustion chamber pressure rise close to the tail-off phase. Comparisons between experimental and simulated combustion chamber pressure profiles are outlined to prove the effectiveness of the mathematical–physical approach. Simulations were carried out with an internal ballistic simulation tool developed by the authors of this work