220 research outputs found

    Fire and rescue service community safety initiatives: measuring impact

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to discuss methods of capturing the impact of fire and rescue service (FRS) community safety work which directly aims to reduce the occurrence of specific incidents. Design/methodology/approach - The impact assessment method described focuses on addressing one of the major problems with regards to attributing outcomes to FRS community safety work; the influence of external factors. This paper looked to assess the incident trends within a case study UK FRS within the context of the following external data sets: first, incident trends within other UK FRSs; second, demographic trends; and third, incident data from other public services. Findings - There were instances, either across the whole region served by the case study FRS, or within specific districts, where evidence suggested a strong likelihood of the community safety work of the case study FRS contributing towards an observed reduction in incidents. These findings were established through filtering the impact of widespread external factors, which could impact upon incident figures. Research limitations/implications - The utility of this impact assessment relies upon FRS consistently recording the specific aims and focus of individual community safety activity, so that any positive outcomes can be attributed to a particular group of community safety initiatives. Originality/value - This paper discusses how an evaluation process, to deter mine the likelihood of community safety impacting upon incident numbers, can be practically applied to a FRS

    Resilience Management: A Framework for Assessing and Improving the Resilience of Organisations

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    Resilient Organisations Research Report 2007/01Organisations today are increasingly aware of the need to prepare for the unexpected. High profile international events of the last decade, such as the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the emerging threat of a pandemic all serve to remind organisations that the unimaginable can and does happen. Stories emerge from these events of organisations that survived or failed; at first glance there does not appear to be a particular pattern. Some survivors had excellent disaster response plans in place; others had none, surviving purely on the merits of strong leadership and the commitment and determination of staff. Many organisations that are devastated simply never reopen again; others evolve so radically that they are hard to recognise from their pre-crisis form. This research project seeks to explore what it is that makes some organisations more able to survive a major crisis than others, and suggests a framework for both evaluating and improving the resilience of individual organisations

    Ultraviolet Detection of the Binary Companion to the Type IIb SN 2001ig

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    We present HST/WFC3 ultraviolet imaging in the F275W and F336W bands of the Type IIb SN 2001ig at an age of more than 14 years. A clear point source is detected at the site of the explosion having mF275W=25.39±0.10m_{\rm F275W}=25.39 \pm 0.10 and mF336W=25.88±0.13m_{\rm F336W}=25.88 \pm 0.13 mag. Despite weak constraints on both the distance to the host galaxy NGC 7424 and the line-of-sight reddening to the supernova, this source matches the characteristics of an early B-type main sequence star having 19,000<Teff<22,00019,000 < T_{\rm eff} < 22,000 K and log⁥(Lbol/L⊙)=3.92±0.14\log (L_{\rm bol}/L_{\odot})=3.92 \pm 0.14. A BPASS v2.1 binary evolution model, with primary and secondary masses of 13 M⊙_{\odot} and 9 M⊙_{\odot} respectively, is found to resemble simultaneously in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram both the observed location of this surviving companion, and the primary star evolutionary endpoints for other Type IIb supernovae. This same model exhibits highly variable late-stage mass loss, as expected from the behavior of the radio light curves. A Gemini/GMOS optical spectrum at an age of 6 years reveals a narrow He II emission line, indicative of continuing interaction with a dense circumstellar medium at large radii from the progenitor. We review our findings on SN 2001ig in the context of binary evolution channels for stripped-envelope supernovae. Owing to the uncrowded nature of its environment in the ultraviolet, this study of SN 2001ig represents one of the cleanest detections to date of a surviving binary companion to a Type IIb supernova.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Resubmitted to ApJ after minor changes requested by refere

    The emergence of topographic steady state in a perpetually dynamic self-organized critical landscape

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    We conducted a series of four physical modeling experiments of mountain growth at differing rates of uplift and three distinct climates ranging from relatively wet to relatively dry. The spatial and temporal pattern of landscape behavior is characterized by ∌f−1 scaling in sediment discharge and power law scaling in the magnitude and frequency of ridge movement in all four experiments. We find that internally generated self-organized critical (SOC) processes generate dynamically stable catchment geometries after ∌1 relief depths of erosion: these regularly spaced catchments have an average outlet-spacing ratio of 2.16, well within the range of values reported in field studies. Once formed, large catchment bounding ridges oscillate about a critically balanced mean location, with occasional large-scale changes in catchment size. Ridge movement appears to be driven by the competition for discharge as landslides push ridges back and forth. These dynamics lead to the emergence of a complex twofold scaling in catchment dynamics that is fully established by 1.8 relief depths of erosion; at this stage, a clear threshold has emerged separating two distinct scaling regimes, where large ridge mobility is insensitive to relief and small ridge mobility is relief dependent. Overall, we demonstrate that the development of dynamically stable large-scale landforms is related to the emergence of a complex-system hierarchy in topographic dynamics. Once formed, these landscapes do not evolve; statistical properties such as average topography and discharge become stationary while topography remains highly dynamic at smaller length scales

    The classification of frequencies in the {\gamma} Doradus / {\delta} Scuti hybrid star HD 49434

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    Hybrid stars of the {\gamma} Doradus and {\delta} Scuti pulsation types have great potential for asteroseismic analysis to explore their interior structure. To achieve this, mode identi- fications of pulsational frequencies observed in the stars must be made, a task which is far from simple. In this work we begin the analysis by scrutinizing the frequencies found in the CoRoT photometric satellite measurements and ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy of the hybrid star HD 49434. The results show almost no consistency between the frequencies found using the two techniques and no characteristic period spacings or couplings were identified in either dataset. The spectroscopic data additionally show no evidence for any long term (5 year) variation in the dominant frequency. The 31 spectroscopic frequencies identified have standard deviation profiles suggesting multiple modes sharing (l, m) in the {\delta} Scuti frequency region and several skewed modes sharing the same (l, m) in the {\gamma} Doradus frequency region. In addition, there is a clear frequency in the {\gamma} Doradus frequency region that appears to be unrelated to the others. We conclude HD 49434 remains a {\delta} Scuti/ {\gamma} Doradus candidate hybrid star but more sophisticated models dealing with rotation are sought to obtain a clear picture of the pulsational behaviour of this star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS December 201

    Frequency and mode identification of gamma Doradus from photometric and spectroscopic observations

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    The prototype star for the gamma Doradus class of pulsating variables was studied employing photometric and spectroscopic observations to determine the frequencies and modes of pulsation. The four frequencies found are self-consistent between the observation types and almost identical to those found in previous studies (1.3641 d(-1), 1.8783 d(-1), 1.4742 d(-1), and 1.3209 d(-1)). Three of the frequencies are classified as l, m = (1, 1) pulsations and the other is ambiguous between l, m = (2, 0) and (2, -2) modes. Two frequencies are shown to be stable over 20 yr since their first identification. The agreement in ground-based work makes this star an excellent calibrator between high-precision photometry and spectroscopy with the upcoming TESS observations and a potential standard for continued asteroseismic modelling

    Spectroscopic Pulsational Frequency Identification and Mode Determination of Gamma Doradus Star HD135825

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    We present the mode identification of frequencies found in spectroscopic observations of the Gamma Doradus star HD135825. Four frequencies were successfully identified: 1.3150 +/- 0.0003 1/d; 0.2902 +/- 0.0004 1/d; 1.4045 +/- 0.0005 1/d; and 1.8829 +/- 0.0005 1/d. These correspond to (l, m) modes of (1,1), (2,-2), (4,0) and (1,1) respectively. Additional frequencies were found but they were below the signal-to-noise limit of the Fourier spectrum and not suitable for mode identification. The rotational axis inclination and vsini of the star were determined to be 87 degrees (nearly edge-on) and 39.7 km/s (moderate for Gamma Doradus stars) respectively. A simultaneous fit of these four modes to the line profile variations in the data gives a reduced chi square of 12.7. We confirm, based on the frequencies found, that HD135825 is a bona fide Gamma Doradus star.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS 2012 March

    Extrinsic primary afferent signalling in the gut

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    Visceral sensory neurons activate reflex pathways that control gut function and also give rise to important sensations, such as fullness, bloating, nausea, discomfort, urgency and pain. Sensory neurons are organised into three distinct anatomical pathways to the central nervous system (vagal, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral). Although remarkable progress has been made in characterizing the roles of many ion channels, receptors and second messengers in visceral sensory neurons, the basic aim of understanding how many classes there are, and how they differ, has proven difficult to achieve. We suggest that just five structurally distinct types of sensory endings are present in the gut wall that account for essentially all of the primary afferent neurons in the three pathways. Each of these five major structural types of endings seems to show distinctive combinations of physiological responses. These types are: 'intraganglionic laminar' endings in myenteric ganglia; 'mucosal' endings located in the subepithelial layer; 'muscular–mucosal' afferents, with mechanosensitive endings close to the muscularis mucosae; 'intramuscular' endings, with endings within the smooth muscle layers; and 'vascular' afferents, with sensitive endings primarily on blood vessels. 'Silent' afferents might be a subset of inexcitable 'vascular' afferents, which can be switched on by inflammatory mediators. Extrinsic sensory neurons comprise an attractive focus for targeted therapeutic intervention in a range of gastrointestinal disorders.Australian National Health and Medical Research Counci
