2,347 research outputs found

    Evidence of validity for the online version of the assessment of adherence to antiretroviral therapy questionnaire

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    A Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) measure titled Cuestionario para la Evaluación de la Adhesión al Tratamiento Antiretroviral (acronym CEAT-VIH) is currently available in paper-and-pencil and digital (online assessment) formats. Due to the advantages of online assessment, the main objective of this work was to evaluate psychometric properties of the online version, in an international sample, to accumulate evidence of its validity and provide score norms for the questionnaire. A psychometric study was performed with an international sample of 1,470 participants, from 30 countries, to accumulate evidence of CEAT-VIH validity regarding internal structure and related external criterion (e.g., viral load, number of pills, and AIDSrelated symptoms). Descriptive statistics and normative data for scores are also presented. The majority of participants were men (72.4%), aged 15 to 78 years old (M = 39.3, SD = 12.6). A unidimensional model with five facets occurred as the observed variables converged, which presented a good model fit (comparative fit index [CFI] = 1.000; Tucker–Lewis index [TLI] = 0.999; standardized root mean square residual [SRMR] = 0.027; and root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] [90% confidence interval, CI] = 0.009 [0.000, 0.038], p = .995). There was a weak invariance for the CEAT-VIH structure for language versions and countries. Cronbach’s alpha values for the instrument (17 items) were acceptable across language versions (.88-.96). Evidence of validity related to external criteria was achieved by associations (e.g., Spearman and Mann–Whitney) between CEAT-VIH scores and relevant clinical (e.g., CD4+ cells, viral load, number of pills, and AIDSrelated symptoms) and sociodemographic (e.g., gender, age, employment status, education level, place of residence, and participation at local AIDS association) variables. In conclusion, the overall data on the evaluated psychometric properties allow recommendation of the use of this instrument in research and applied settings


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    O presente artigo objetiva discorrer sobre as mudanças sociais relacionadas à família, verificando o surgimento do conflito na ausência de diálogo na família. Examinar a importância da mediação na melhoria do diálogo no fim do relacionamento conjugal, já que a ruptura na relação familiar ocasiona o sofrimento em todos os envolvidos no litígio. Contextualizar o aumento da demanda judicial com o problema do acesso à justiça. Apresentar a experiência pioneira das oficinas de parentalidade, que utilizam técnicas da mediação de conflitos, para auxiliar no diálogo em divórcios conturbados, baseando o estudo em pesquisa de campo, bibliografia e dados governamentais

    The In Vivo Granulopoietic Response to Dexamethasone Injection Is Abolished in Perforin-Deficient Mutant Mice and Corrected by Lymphocyte Transfer from Nonsensitized Wild-Type Donors

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    Exogenously administered glucocorticoids enhance eosinophil and neutrophil granulocyte production from murine bone-marrow. A hematological response dependent on endogenous glucocorticoids underlies bone-marrow eosinophilia induced by trauma or allergic sensitization/challenge. We detected a defect in granulopoiesis in nonsensitized, perforin-deficient mice. In steady-state conditions, perforin- (Pfp-) deficient mice showed significantly decreased bone-marrow and blood eosinophil and neutrophil counts, and colony formation in response to GM-CSF, relative to wild-type controls of comparable age and/or weight. By contrast, peripheral blood or spleen total cell and lymphocyte numbers were not affected by perforin deficiency. Dexamethasone enhanced colony formation by GM-CSF-stimulated progenitors from wild-type controls, but not Pfp mice. Dexamethasone injection increased bone-marrow eosinophil and neutrophil counts in wild-type controls, but not Pfp mice. Because perforin is expressed in effector lymphocytes, we examined whether this defect would be corrected by transferring wild-type lymphocytes into perforin-deficient recipients. Short-term reconstitution of the response to dexamethasone was separately achieved for eosinophils and neutrophils by transfer of distinct populations of splenic lymphocytes from nonsensitized wild-type donors. Transfer of the same amount of splenic lymphocytes from perforin-deficient donors was ineffective. This demonstrates that the perforin-dependent, granulopoietic response to dexamethasone can be restored by transfer of innate lymphocyte subpopulations


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    A vida em sociedade implica a existência de conflitos pelos mais diversos motivos. A mediação é vista comumente como ferramenta processual, mas se trata de instituto mais amplo, constituindo artifício para acesso à justiça. Através da valorização da autonomia das partes, ela busca reorganizar e reformular a comunicação entre os envolvidos. Por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, o trabalho apresenta as teorias de justiça e como estas se relacionam com uma visão ampliada da mediação e do acesso à justiça. Ao final, conclui-se que as teorias de justiça fornecem amplo aporte para a mediação, sendo reafirmadas, revisitadas ou criticadas

    Identification of Lower Central Incisors

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    Unlike the other teeth, the permanent lower central incisors have great symmetry between the proximal surfaces, being difficult to distinguish them. It was intended to facilitate the study of the anatomy of the lower central incisor for dentistry students, that this study searched for a better way to differentiate the third quadrant element (31) from the fourth quadrant element (41). The purpose of this chapter was to evaluate 100 permanent lower central incisors of the didactic collection of the Discipline of Anatomy of the Department of Morphology of the School of Dentistry of Araraquara - UNESP and to verify the presence of correlation between the some anatomical features. Besides, it was evaluated if there was difference between 31 and 41. It was verified that the systematic methodology used for the evaluation of the incisors in this study facilitated the identification of the teeth. There was no statistically significant difference between the measurements of 31 and 41. Distinguishing the right from the left central incisor is difficult, even for experienced practitioners. We could observe that the measurements do not facilitate the identification of teeth of different quadrants. Therefore, the anatomical features are relevant for the study of the dental anatomy in the identification of the lower central incisors

    Autonomia privada e educação dos filhos: lacunas e dúvidas sobre a educação domiciliar no Brasil

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    This essay proposes to investigate the possibility of recognizing the right to opt for home education in Brazil. Although family education is a pedagogical methodology practiced by several families in Brazil and in the world, it lacks foresight in the legal order of the country. Anomie contrasts the dynamics of the postmodern world and the need for revision or semantic opening of legal archetypes to adapt them to the new possibilities of education and training. In theoretical terms, the research gravitates around the balance between private autonomy, paternalism, and the ideal measure of state interference in social relations. It concludes by guaranteeing the right of parents to choose the model of education they consider most appropriate for their children, provided that certain mandatory guidelines that ensure freedom are respected, without neglecting the maximum protection of the child and the adolescent. For the research, the bibliographic resource was basically used, through the analysis of books, articles published in collections and journals, national and international norms, official pages and news that illustrate the importance of the theme in the Brazilian context, mainly due to the imminent judgment of the matter by the Federal Supreme Court.Este ensaio se propõe a investigar a possibilidade de reconhecimento do direito à opção pela educação domiciliar no Brasil. Não obstante a educação familiar seja uma metodologia pedagógica praticada por diversas famílias no Brasil e no mundo, ela carece de previsão no ordenamento jurídico pátrio. À anomia contrapõem-se a dinâmica do mundo pós-moderno e a necessidade de revisão ou abertura semântica dos arquétipos legais para adequá-los às novas possibilidades de educação e formação. Em termos teóricos, a pesquisa gravita em torno da ponderação entre a autonomia privada, o paternalismo e a medida ideal de interferência do Estado nas relações sociais. Conclui-se pela garantia do direito de os pais escolherem o modelo de ensino que considerarem mais adequado para os filhos, desde que cumpridas determinadas diretrizes obrigatórias que assegurem a liberdade, sem descuidar da proteção máxima da criança e do adolescente. Para a pesquisa, utilizou-se basicamente o recurso bibliográfico, por meio da análise de livros, artigos publicados em coletâneas e periódicos, normas nacionais e internacionais, páginas oficiais e notícias que ilustram a importância da temática no contexto brasileiro, sobretudo em razão do julgamento iminente da questão pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal


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    A reforma da previdência provocou um retrocesso frente as mudanças normativas do direito previdenciário provocadas pela Emenda Constitucional n° 103/2019. O objetivo é analisar o princípio da reserva do possível, que age como uma limitação aos direitos sociais, levando em consideração os recursos disponíveis pelo Estado. A metodologia foi o dedutivo de cunho bibliográfico, com materiais teóricos, bem como documentos normativos. Concluímos que a atual reforma conduziu a redução dos direitos já positivados o que torna claro o desrespeito ao princípio da vedação ao retrocesso


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    Carrot is a vegetable with an important socio-economic role, both due to the employment of labor and high commercialization. To optimize the establishment of this crop in fields, seeds with rapid and uniform germination are essential. Therefore, various seed treatment techniques have been used to enable and enhance the germination percentage and optimize the vigor of the seeds. In continuation with this, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of thiamethoxam on the physiological performance of carrot seeds during germination and initial development of seedlings. The experimental design was a completely randomized design in a 5 × 4 factorial scheme, with five carrot cultivars and four doses of thiamethoxam (0, 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mL). Parameters such as germination, first germination count, seedling length, and dry mass were evaluated. In addition, biochemical analyses of total sugars, total amino acids, and proline content were performed. In general, the treatment of carrot seeds with thiamethoxam positively influenced the germination of the seeds of the cultivars studied. However, thiamethoxam doses of 0.4 and 0.8 mL had no positive effect on the seedling development of the Tropical cultivar. The thiamethoxam dose of 1.2 mL was beneficial to the development of seedlings and accumulation of metabolites in the Alvorada cultivar.A cenoura é uma hortaliça com papel socioeconômico importante, tanto pelo elevado emprego de mão-de-obra, quanto por sua alta comercialização. Para otimizar o estabelecimento dessa cultura em campo se torna imprescindível sementes com germinação rápida e uniforme. Por isso, tem-se utilizado o tratamento de sementes como técnica para viabilizar o desempenho germinativo e expressão de vigor. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do tiametoxam no desempenho fisiológico de sementes de cenoura durante a germinação e desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 5 x 4, sendo cinco cultivares de cenoura e quatro dosagens de tiametoxam (0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,2 mL). Avaliaram-se a germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, comprimento e massa seca de plântula, além de análises bioquímicas do conteúdo de açúcares totais, aminoácidos totais e prolina. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise de variância (p ≤ 0,05) seguido do teste de Tukey e análise de regressão. O tratamento de sementes de cenoura com tiametoxam, no geral, influenciou positivamente a germinação das sementes das cultivares estudadas. No entanto, as dosagens de 0,4 e 0,8 mL de tiametoxam para cultivar Tropical não houve influência positivamente o desenvolvimento de plântulas. A dose de 1,2 mL do bioativador, para a cultivar Alvorada, foi benéfico ao desenvolvimento de plântulas e acúmulo de metabólitos