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    Gestion de l'eau en milieu aride : considérations physiques et sociales pour l'identification des territoires pertinents dans le Sud-Est tunisien

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    La situation actuelle des ressources en eau et de leurs usages dans le Sud-Est tunisien présente des enjeux qui sont communs à de nombreuses régions du bassin méditerranéen : des ressources limitées et déjà largement exploitées pour répondre à la croissance des besoins, le recours accru aux ressources dites non conventionnelles, une situation de concurrence entre usages sectoriels, une marchandisation croissante des ressources, et des conditions climatiques contraignantes qui viennent renforcer les tensions autour de l'eau. Dans le contexte des mutations en cours, face aux risques de déficits en eau et à la nécessité d'un développement économique et social équilibré, ces caractéristiques, parmi d'autres, font de la Jeffara tunisienne un cas d'étude exemplaire des difficultés que pose la gestion intégrée de l'eau. Celle-ci doit prendre en compte les différentes sources d'approvisionnement ainsi que les différents usages associés, et donc l'identification des territoires pertinents pour cette  gestion, compte tenu des relations amont-aval naturelles et artificielles d'une part, et des cohérences institutionnelles et sociales d'autre part.The current situation of the water resources and their uses in South-Eastern Tunisia presents stakes which are common to many areas of the Mediterranean basin : limited and already largely exploited resources to address the growth of the needs, the increasing use of so-called non conventional resources, a competition between sectoral uses of water, an increasing merchandising of the resources, and constraining climatic conditions which reinforce the tensions around water. In the context of the changes in progress, facing the hazard of water deficits and with the need for a balanced economic and social development, these characteristics, among others, make Tunisian Jeffara be an exemplary case of study of the difficulties raised by the integrated water resources management. This one should take into account various related sources of supply and uses, and thus the identification of the relevant territories for this management, accounting for both natural and man-made upstream-downstream relationships, and institutional and social consistencies

    Forests as Patrimonies? From Theory to Tangible Processes at Various Scales

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    Among theoretical fields addressing the conceptualization of interrelationships between nature and society, patrimonial approaches remain relatively unexplored. Stressing the multiplication of local dynamics where elements of nature are redefined as "patrimonies" (ranging from local patrimonies to world heritage) by various social groups, this conceptual field tries to qualify these dynamics and their determiners to understand how they allow us to better address contemporary environmental challenges. Through a multidisciplinary approach in social sciences, centered on rural forests, we analyze the multiplication of patrimonial processes in forest development at various scales. First, we elaborate on the concept of patrimony and on patrimonial processes and present the current construction and dynamics of forest patrimonies. A crucial question concerns the links that form between the many spatial-temporal levels where these processes develop. Moreover, these patrimonial processes can be quite divergent, not only across scales from local to global, but also between "endogenous" (or bottom-up) and "exogenous" (or top-down) processes. We present two detailed examples in Morocco and Sumatra, where patrimonial constructions are developing simultaneously at various scales and through various actors who treat the forest in very different ways. Drawing from these examples, we discuss how and why the simultaneous development of different, often overlapping, patrimonial constructions along these scales allows collaboration or, conversely, can lead their holders into conflict. Lastly, we discuss the contribution of patrimonial concepts to resilience thinking and social-ecological systems theory

    Les « patrimoines ruraux » au Maroc : Un nouveau produit des mobilités contemporaines ?

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    The concept of « patrimony » (heritage) is currently emerging and being developped in rural areas in Morocco where material and mental elements of agro-pastoral cultures are re-qualified ​​and considered as important assets to preserve for future generations. Revelation, redefinition, protection or development of these assets have emerged in relation to recent processes targeting the economic development and territorial qualification of local products (“terroir products”), landscapes and know-how. However, “mobility” also appears central in these patrimony development dynamics, with, on the one hand, the emergence of new actors on the rural scene such as "experts" in local products development, tourism operators and tourists, rural fairs promoters, and on the other hand the increased circulation of ideas, development models, capital and goods, This working paper aims to analyze patrimony development dynamics and processes in the light of these new dynamics linked to mobility, relocation and circulation that mark the rural contexts. We also analyze how far the increased movement of goods and people in the new dynamics of rural areas in Morocco generate anchoring/dis-anchoring (or associative/dissociative) dynamics, or impact on the relationships between rural and urban patrimonies.La notion de patrimoine est appliquée aujourd’hui au Maroc aux territoires ruraux : les éléments matériels et idéels des systèmes agraires et pastoraux sont investis de nouvelles valeurs et considérés comme des biens à conserver pour les générations futures. Les processus de révélation et de redéfinition de ces « patrimoines » sont souvent mis en relation avec les changements du rapport des sociétés au territoire induits par la valorisation et la qualification des produits, des paysages et des savoirs faire. Dans ces processus, la mobilité des hommes et la circulation des idées, des modèles de développement, des capitaux et des marchandises, jouent un rôle central. Cet article propose d’analyser ces processus à la lumière des nouvelles dynamiques mobilitaires qui marquent les contextes ruraux et où sont impliquées différentes catégories d’acteurs : « experts » actifs dans la valorisation des produits de terroir, entrepreneurs touristiques et touristes, promoteurs des foires à thème. Nous aborderons aussi les effets d’ancrage (ou de « désancrage ») territorial et identitaire, ainsi que les nouvelles relations entre patrimoines ruraux et patrimoines urbains, générés par la circulation accrue des produits et des hommes

    Prickly Pear or Argan Tree? Agrosilvopastoral Systems of a Mountain Valley in Ait Baamrane (Morocco) Face Changes

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    The Tazrout valley, embedded in the Ait Baamrane area (Moroccan Anti-Atlas), is characterized by agro-ecological conditions hardly favorable to agriculture (arid climate, rugged terrain, poor soils). For a long time, people tackled these environmental challenges through the combined and concerted management of agrosilvopastoral resources and of various spatial dynamics. However climatic disturbances during the 20th century have resulted in the structural transformation of agrarian systems and the destabilization of the social foundations underlying the territory's organization. The widespread planting of prickly pear (cactus) seems to go hand in hand with these changes. According to studies carried out in the region, the cactus has favoured the return of a relative ecological equilibrium; being a sign of resilience. But what about socio-economic benefits? Could the cactuses’ expansion not be a catalyst of the system’s transformation as well as an aggravating factor of social weaknesses? Based on a systemic and geo-historical approach to agrarian structures, this article seeks to understand how successive changes in (i) modes of spatial development and occupation and (ii) public policies have lead today to new vulnerabilities. In order to propose an extension to the trajectory of the territories vulnerability, an alternative scenario to the advancements, seemingly advocated by the State today, is studied

    Adaptation et hybridation des communs en territoire AĂŻt Oucheg, Haut Atlas, Maroc

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    Depuis les années 2000, le Maroc connaît une forte dynamique associative, tant au niveau des zones urbaines que rurales. Dans les territoires ruraux marginalisés (montagnes, oasis, steppes…), cet engouement pour le phénomène associatif entre en résonance avec deux faits majeurs : le désengagement partiel de l'État combiné à une tendance au délitement de l’action collective. C’est dans ce contexte a priori peu favorable à l’émergence de pratiques autour des communs (commoning) que nous présentons un exemple de mutation d’un commun traditionnel, ainsi qu’une forme innovante d’action collective à l’échelle d’un village de montagne situé dans les environs de Marrakech. Dans les deux cas, nous analysons les modalités de reproduction de la pratique du commun. Indépendamment de la nature des communs étudiés, des innovations tant opérationnelles qu’institutionnelles sont indispensables pour favoriser le maintien des communs territoriaux. Ces innovations aboutissent souvent à des formes hybrides de communs marquées par un pluralisme institutionnel et un renouvellement des acteurs impliqués, dans un contexte socio-économique et climatique changeant. Le fonctionnement de l’association locale de développement de Tizi n’Oucheg illustre parfaitement cette nécessité d’innover pour une réhabilitation des communs, qui passe ici par le déplacement des arènes de choix collectifs d’une institution coutumière vers une instance associative.Since the years 2000, Morocco has seen a strong associative dynamic, in both urban and rural areas. In marginalised rural territories (mountains, oases, steppe, etc.), this infatuation for the associative phenomenon is in phase with two major factors : the partial disengagement of the State and a tendency towards the breakdown of collective action. It is in this context a priori unfavourable for the emergence of practices related to commoning that we present an example of the mutation of a traditional commons, and an innovative form of collective action at the scale of a mountain village situated near Marrakesh. In both cases, we analyse the modes of reproduction of the practice of commoning. Irrespective of the nature of the commons studied, innovations at both the operational and institutional levels are essential in order to encourage the maintenance of the territorial commons. These innovations often result in hybrid forms of commons marked by institutional pluralism and changes of the actors involved, in a shifting socio-economic climatic context. The functioning of the local development association at Tizi n’Oucheg is a perfect illustration of this necessity to innovate for the rehabilitation of commons, which here involves the shifting of the arenas for collective choice from a customary institution towards an associative body

    Adaptation and Hybridisation of Commons in AĂŻt Oucheg Territory, High Atlas, Morocco

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    Since the years 2000, Morocco has seen a strong associative dynamic, in both urban and rural areas. In marginalised rural territories (mountains, oases, steppe, etc.), this infatuation for the associative phenomenon is in phase with two major factors : the partial disengagement of the State and a tendency towards the breakdown of collective action. It is in this context a priori unfavourable for the emergence of practices related to commoning that we present an example of the mutation of a traditional commons, and an innovative form of collective action at the scale of a mountain village situated near Marrakesh. In both cases, we analyse the modes of reproduction of the practice of commoning. Irrespective of the nature of the commons studied, innovations at both the operational and institutional levels are essential in order to encourage the maintenance of the territorial commons. These innovations often result in hybrid forms of commons marked by institutional pluralism and changes of the actors involved, in a shifting socio-economic climatic context. The functioning of the local development association at Tizi n’Oucheg is a perfect illustration of this necessity to innovate for the rehabilitation of commons, which here involves the shifting of the arenas for collective choice from a customary institution towards an associative body
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