225 research outputs found

    Ökonomische Folgen der Ausbreitung von Neobiota : Forschungsbericht 20186211

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    The European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species T-PWS(2002) 8 mandates intensified research by member nations on invasive species. This research will not be restricted solely to the biology and remediation of invasive species, but will also evaluate their adverse health effects and economic impact. Previous studies of these issues have only been carried out in the Unites States of America, or in a limited, regional manner. Consequently, 20 plant and animal species from various problem areas (species which pose a threat to public health; losses to agriculture, fisheries, and forestry; damage to public roads and waterways; costs associated with the protection of native species threatened by non-native species as mandated by Recommendation 77 of the Bern Convention were assessed in Germany nation-wide. The accruing costs were sorted into 3 categories: a) direct economic losses, such as those caused by destructive pest species; b) ecological costs, in the form of extra care and protection of native taxa, biotopes, or ecosystems threatened by invasive species; c) costs of measures to combat invasive species. Because of the nature of available data, as well as the different biology and ecology of the invasive species, each had to be treated individually, and the associated costs vary greatly from species to species. Moreover, not all of the species investigated cause economic losses. Accordingly, a nuanced approach to alien species is essential. Cost assessment of losses deriving from ecological damage was only possible in a few cases. Ongoing, multi-year studies incorporating cost/benefit analysis will be necessary to resolve remaining issues.In dem Entwurf einer European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species T-PVS (2002) 8 werden verstĂ€rkte ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten der Mitgliedstaaten angeregt, die nicht nur auf den biologischen Bereich oder BekĂ€mpfung invasiver Arten beschrĂ€nkt bleiben, sondern auch die Bewertung der Auswirkungen auf Gesundheitswesen und Volkswirtschaft untersuchen sollen. Derartige Studien wurden bisher nur fĂŒr die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder mit eher regionalen Charakter durchgefĂŒhrt. Aus diesem Grunde wurden 20 Tiere und Pflanzen aus verschiedenen Problemgebieten (GesundheitsgefĂ€hrdende Arten, SchĂ€den in Forst-, Land-, und Fischereiwirtschaft, im kommunalen Bereich, an aquatischen und terrestrischen Verkehrswegen sowie Kosten von Arten, die einheimische Spezies gefĂ€hrden oder in der Empfehlung 77 der Berner Konvention aufgefĂŒhrt sind) ausgewĂ€hlt und beispielhaft fĂŒr das Gebiet Deutschlands bearbeitet. Die entstehenden Kosten wurden in drei Kategorien aufgeschlĂŒsselt: a) direkte ökonomische SchĂ€den, beispielsweise durch VorratsschĂ€dlinge, b) ökologische SchĂ€den, verursacht durch Pflege und Schutz gefĂ€hrdeter heimischer Arten, Biozönosen oder Ökosysteme und c) Kosten fĂŒr Maßnahmen zur BekĂ€mpfung invasiver Arten. Es zeigte sich, dass auf Grund der Datenlage sowie der unterschiedlichen Biologie und Ökologie der invasiven Arten jeweils individuelle AnsĂ€tze notwendig waren. Die hier ermittelten Kosten unterscheiden sich stark von Art zu Art. Nicht alle untersuchten Arten verursachen ökonomische SchĂ€den. Eine differenzierte Betrachtung von Neobiota ist nach dem Prinzip der Einzelfallbewertung erforderlich. Die Monetisierung von ökologischen SchĂ€den gelang hierbei nur in wenigen FĂ€llen. Weitergehende, mehrjĂ€hrige Studien sollten willingness to pay-Analysen einbeziehen, um offen gebliebene Fragen zu beantworten


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    Poder, história e coetaneidade: os lugares do colonialismo na antropologia sobre a África

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    O presente artigo toma como base a tese clássica de Johannes Fabian sobre a política do tempo na representação antropológica tendo em vista revisar criticamente a carreira da coetaneidade na produção antropológica sobre a África. Ele parte da antropologia feita sob o colonialismo, com foco no estrutural-funcionalismo britânico, e chega à antropologia do colonialismo que desponta nos anos 90, passando pela forte disjunção temporal imposta à disciplina pelas independências africanas, que começam a florescer no final dos anos 50. Observa-se nessa trajetória um amadurecimento teórico acerca do impacto formativo duradouro do poder colonial nas sociedades africanas. Como conclusão, problematizo a prescrição de Fabian de “um encontro real com o tempo do outro” ao recorrer a debates contemporâneos sobre a condição pós-colonial em África. Destaco assim a natureza ambígua e elusiva da temporalidade subalterna e defendo a necessidade de uma abordagem mais etnograficamente atenta às vicissitudes da temporalização periférica. his article explores Johannes Fabian’s well-known thesis about the politics of time in anthropological representation and reviews critically the carrier of coevalness in the anthropology of Africa. It departs from the anthropology produced under colonialism, focusing on the British structural-functionalist school, and arrives at the anthropology of colonialism emerging in the 1990s, passing through the robust temporal disjunction imposed to the discipline by the African independent states that start flourishing in the late 1950s. This trajectory is followed by a growing theoretical awareness about the formative impact of colonial power in African societies. As a conclusion, I question Fabian’s prescription of an “actual confrontation with the Time of the Other” by recurring to contemporary perspectives about the post-colonial condition in Africa. I highlight the ambiguous and elusive nature of subaltern time, and defend a more ethnographically grounded approach to the vicissitudes of peripheral temporality.

    Os estudos crĂ­ticos da religiĂŁo e do secularismo: virada ou paradigma?

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    Neste artigo proponho uma revisĂŁo da recente virada crĂ­tica nos estudos da religiĂŁo e do secularismo. Revisito alguns aspectos da abordagem genealĂłgica e antropolĂłgica de Talal Asad para a religiĂŁo, o secular e o secularismo, e destaco duas linhas de investigação por ela estimuladas: o estudo comparativo dos secularismos realmente existentes e o estudo simĂ©trico de fricçÔes e controvĂ©rsias entre o conceito secular de religiĂŁo e as tradiçÔes por ele englobadas. Esse sobrevoo me servirĂĄ de base para debater se o recente rearranjo do lugar da religiĂŁo na academia indicaria uma “virada” ou uma “mudança paradigmĂĄtica”.The article proposes a review, based on the work of Talal Asad, of the critical turn in the studies of religion and secularism. I revisit some aspects of Asad’s genealogical and anthropological approach to religion, the secular, and secularism, and address two lines of research it has encouraged: the comparative study of actually existing secularisms and the symmetrical study of frictions and controversies between the secular concept of religion and the traditions it encompasses. I conclude by debating whether the recent realignment of religion in secular scholarship would indicate a “turn” or a “paradigmatic shift”.Dans cet article, je propose une rĂ©vision du rĂ©cent tournant critique dans les Ă©tudes de la religion et de la sĂ©cularisation. Je revisite certains aspects de l’approche gĂ©nĂ©alogique et anthropologique de Talal Asad en matiĂšre de religion, de sĂ©culaire et de sĂ©cularisation, et je souligne deux axes de recherche qu’elle a encouragĂ©s : l’étude comparative des sĂ©cularisations rĂ©ellement existantes et l’étude symĂ©trique des frictions et des controverses entre le concept sĂ©culaire de religion et les traditions qu’elle englobent. Ce survol servira de base pour dĂ©battre la question de savoir si le rĂ©cent rĂ©amĂ©nagement de la place de la religion dans le milieu universitaire indiquerait un « tournant » ou un « changement paradigmatique »


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    A partir da experiĂȘncia do autor com o movimento pentecostal em Gana, o comentĂĄrio dialoga com o artigo “Fazendo polĂ­tica em outros Congressos”, de Carly Machado. Destaco as propriedades expansivas e eticamente contingentes da concepção pentecostal de glĂłria, que considero um esteio de sua teopolĂ­tica e uma fonte de instabilidade moral nas vidas dos homens e mulheres de Deus. Articulo o caso pentecostal com a genealogia da glĂłria oferecida por Agamben e sublinho trĂȘs contribuiçÔes do artigo de Machado para um estudo imanente da polĂ­tica pentecostal: o conceito de escalas, sua abordagem nĂŁo-reducionista para a midiatização religiosa e sua proposta de uma antropologia do suplĂ­cio pentecostal

    Economic impact of the spread of alien species in Germany

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    In dem Entwurf einer European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species T-PVS (2002) 8 werden verstĂ€rkte ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten der Mitgliedstaaten angeregt, die nicht nur auf den biologischen Bereich oder BekĂ€mpfung invasiver Arten beschrĂ€nkt bleiben, sondern auch die Bewertung der Auswirkungen auf Gesundheitswesen und Volkswirtschaft untersuchen sollen. Derartige Studien wurden bisher nur fĂŒr die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika oder mit eher regionalen Charakter durchgefĂŒhrt. Aus diesem Grunde wurden 20 Tiere und Pflanzen aus verschiedenen Problemgebieten (GesundheitsgefĂ€hrdende Arten, SchĂ€den in Forst-, Land-, und Fischereiwirtschaft, im kommunalen Bereich, an aquatischen und terrestrischen Verkehrswegen sowie Kosten von Arten, die einheimische Spezies gefĂ€hrden oder in der Empfehlung 77 der Berner Konvention aufgefĂŒhrt sind) ausgewĂ€hlt und beispielhaft fĂŒr das Gebiet Deutschlands bearbeitet. Die entstehenden Kosten wurden in drei Kategorien aufgeschlĂŒsselt: a) direkte ökonomische SchĂ€den, beispielsweise durch VorratsschĂ€dlinge, b) ökologische SchĂ€den, verursacht durch Pflege und Schutz gefĂ€hrdeter heimischer Arten, Biozönosen oder Ökosysteme und c) Kosten fĂŒr Maßnahmen zur BekĂ€mpfung invasiver Arten. Es zeigte sich, dass auf Grund der Datenlage sowie der unterschiedlichen Biologie und Ökologie der invasiven Arten jeweils individuelle AnsĂ€tze notwendig waren. Die hier ermittelten Kosten unterscheiden sich stark von Art zu Art. Nicht alle untersuchten Arten verursachen ökonomische SchĂ€den. Eine differenzierte Betrachtung von Neobiota ist nach dem Prinzip der Einzelfallbewertung erforderlich. Die Monetisierung von ökologischen SchĂ€den gelang hierbei nur in wenigen FĂ€llen. Weitergehende, mehrjĂ€hrige Studien sollten willingness to pay-Analysen einbeziehen, um offen gebliebene Fragen zu beantworten.The European Strategy on Invasive Alien Species T-PWS(2002) 8 mandates intensified research by member nations on invasive species. This research will not be restricted solely to the biology and remediation of invasive species, but will also evaluate their adverse health effects and economic impact. Previous studies of these issues have only been carried out in the Unites States of America, or in a limited, regional manner. Consequently, 20 plant and animal species from various problem areas (species which pose a threat to public health; losses to agriculture, fisheries, and forestry; damage to public roads and waterways; costs associated with the protection of native species threatened by non-native species as mandated by Recommendation 77 of the Bern Convention were assessed in Germany nation-wide. The accruing costs were sorted into 3 categories: a) direct economic losses, such as those caused by destructive pest species; b) ecological costs, in the form of extra care and protection of native taxa, biotopes, or ecosystems threatened by invasive species; c) costs of measures to combat invasive species. Because of the nature of available data, as well as the different biology and ecology of the invasive species, each had to be treated individually, and the associated costs vary greatly from species to species. Moreover, not all of the species investigated cause economic losses. Accordingly, a nuanced approach to alien species is essential. Cost assessment of losses deriving from ecological damage was only possible in a few cases. Ongoing, multi-year studies incorporating cost/benefit analysis will be necessary to resolve remaining issues


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    Ups and downs of a transcriptional landscape shape iron deficiency associated chlorosis of the maize inbreds B73 and Mo17

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    BACKGROUND: Improving nutrient homeostasis is a major challenge of a sustainable maize cultivation, and cornerstone to ensure food supply for a growing world population. Although, iron constitutes an important nutrient, iron availability is limited. In this respect, iron deficiency associated chlorosis causes severe yield losses every year. Natural variation of the latter trait has yet not been addressed in maize and was therefore studied in the present analysis. RESULTS: In this study, we i) report about the contrasting chlorosis phenotypes of the inbreds B73 and Mo17 at 10 and 300 ΌM iron regime, ii) identified over 400 significantly regulated transcripts (FDR < 0.05) within both inbreds at these growth conditions by deep RNA-Sequencing, iii) linked the gained knowledge with QTL information about iron deficiency related traits within the maize intermated B73 by Mo17 (IBM) population, and iv) highlighted contributing molecular pathways. In this respect, several genes within methionine salvage pathway and phytosiderophore synthesis were found to present constitutively high expression in Mo17, even under sufficient iron supply. Moreover, the same expression pattern could be observed for two putative bHLH transcription factors. In addition, a number of differentially expressed genes showed a co-localisation with QTL confidence intervals for iron deficiency related traits within the IBM population. CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights differential iron deficiency associated chlorosis between B73 and Mo17 and represents a valuable resource for differentially expressed genes upon iron limitation and chlorosis response. Besides identifying two putative bHLH transcription factors, we propose that methionine salvage pathway and sterol metabolism amongst others; underlie the contrasting iron deficiency related chlorosis phenotype of both inbreds. Altogether, this study emphasizes a contribution of selected genes and pathways on natural trait variation within the IBM population

    Da Lição de Escritura

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    A partir da interpelação feita por Jacques Derrida à celebre Lição de Escritura, de Claude Lévi-Strauss, e das proposiçÔes de James Clifford sobre o texto etnogråfico, propÔe-se uma reflexão acerca do fazer etnogråfico em sua dimensão escritural.From the point of view of the interpelation of Jacques Derrida to Claude Lévi-Strauss's The Writing Lesson and the propositions of James Clifford about the ethnographic text, this article proposes a reflexion about the written dimension of the etnographic métie
