39 research outputs found

    La reconnaissance de la courbure membranaire par ArfGAP1

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    The COPI coat drives the budding of small vesicle from Golgi apparatus. After being recruited by membrane-bound Arf1-GTP, the COPI coat subunits (Coatomer) polymerise, and shape mechanically the lipid membrane into a spherical structure. Then, GTP hydrolysis in Arf1 is required for the disassembly of the COPI coat, but this reaction must be finely tuned to permit coat disassembly only after vesicle formation. ArfGAP1 is a cytosolic protein that associates in dynamic manner with the Golgi apparatus, and controls the cycling of COPI coat on membranes by catalyzing GTP hydrolysis on Arf1. Results from our lab indicated that the activity of ArfGAP1 is highly sensitive to membrane curvature. Thus a negative feed-back loop was suggested, where COPI assembly drives membrane curvature, which in turn prepares the coat for disassembly by recruiting ArfGAP1, thereby promoting GTP hydrolysis in Arf1.During my thesis, I found that two motifs in the central region of ArfGAP1 act as lipid-packing sensors and help anchor ArfGAP1 at the surface of highly curved membrane. These “ALPS” motifs, which are not structured in solution, adopt an amphipathic helical structure on curved membranes. These helices contrast from classical membrane-adsorbing helices in the abundance of serine and threonine residues and the paucity of charged residues in their polar faces. Because these residues cannot make electrostatic interaction with lipid polar heads, the adsorption of ALPS motifs is driven solely by the insertion of hydrophobic residues between lipids and is thus strongly favored by the creation of lipid packing defects such as those introduced by high membrane curvature.La formation d'un bourgeon vĂ©siculaire repose sur une machinerie complexe qui dĂ©forme, par une action mĂ©canique, une membrane plane en une membrane courbĂ©e. Le manteau COPI, responsable de ce phĂ©nomĂšne dans le Golgi, se polymĂ©rise latĂ©ralement Ă  la surface de la membrane, sous le contrĂŽle de la petite protĂ©ine G Arf1 activĂ©e. Suite Ă  la formation de la vĂ©sicule, Arf1 revient Ă  l'Ă©tat inactif par hydrolyse de son GTP et se dissocie de la membrane, provoquant alors le dĂ©sassemblage du manteau. Cette rĂ©action d'hydrolyse doit ĂȘtre finement rĂ©gulĂ©e, pour ne pas intervenir trop tĂŽt et compromettre l'assemblage du manteau. Notre laboratoire a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que l'activitĂ© de la protĂ©ine ArfGAP1, responsable de la dĂ©sactivation d'Arf1, est hypersensible Ă  la courbure membranaire. Ceci permettrait Ă  ArfGAP1 de rĂ©guler de maniĂšre spatio-temporelle l'Ă©tat du manteau COPI en couplant son dĂ©sassemblage Ă  la courbure membranaire qu'il a lui-mĂȘme induite.Au cours de ma thĂšse, j'ai montrĂ© que la dĂ©pendance d'ArfGAP1 Ă  la courbure s'explique par la prĂ©sence dans cette protĂ©ine de deux motifs « ALPS », qui se replient en hĂ©lices alpha lors de leur adsorption membranaire. Ce sont des hĂ©lices amphipathiques atypiques car, si elles possĂšdent une face hydrophobe classique, elles ont une face polaire riche en sĂ©rine et thrĂ©onine et pauvre en rĂ©sidus chargĂ©s. Puisque ces rĂ©sidus hydroxylĂ©s ne peuvent interagir avec les tĂȘtes polaires des lipides, la liaison d'un motif ALPS ne repose que sur l'insertion de ses rĂ©sidus hydrophobes entre les lipides, ce qui est favorisĂ© par l'Ă©cartement lipidique induit par la courbure membranaire, mais plus difficile sur membrane plane oĂč les lipides sont plus compactĂ©s

    Un marchĂ© d’échange de lipides

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    Le cholestĂ©rol est synthĂ©tisĂ© dans le rĂ©ticulum endoplasmique (RE) puis transportĂ© vers les compartiments cellulaires dont la fonction en nĂ©cessite un taux Ă©levĂ©. Nous dĂ©crivons ici le mĂ©canisme de transport du cholestĂ©rol du RE vers le rĂ©seau trans golgien (TGN) par la protĂ©ine OSBP (oxysterol binding protein). Celle-ci prĂ©sente deux activitĂ©s complĂ©mentaires : elle arrime les deux compartiments, RE et TGN, en formant un site de contact oĂč les deux membranes sont Ă  une vingtaine de nanomĂštres de distance ; puis elle Ă©change le cholestĂ©rol du RE avec un lipide prĂ©sent dans le TGN, le phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). Dans le RE, le PI4P est hydrolysĂ©, rendant le cycle d’échange irrĂ©versible. OSBP est donc au cƓur d’un marchĂ© d’échange de lipides dans lequel un cholestĂ©rol transportĂ© « coĂ»te » un PI4P. Des molĂ©cules Ă  activitĂ©s antivirales ou anticancĂ©reuses ont pour cible OSBP, suggĂ©rant une importance dans diffĂ©rents contextes physiopathologiques du cycle d’OSBP, dont les bases gĂ©nĂ©rales sont partagĂ©es par d’autres protĂ©ines transporteurs de lipides

    Lipid exchange and signaling at ER–Golgi contact sites

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    Meticulous observations of the cell perinuclear region where the Golgi and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) networks intermingle have revealed close contact sites of barely 20 nm between these two organelles. Recent studies demonstrate that molecular machineries, including lipid-transfer proteins, enriched in membrane contact sites between ER and trans-Golgi are capable of bridging membranes and exchanging key lipids such as sphingolipid precursors and cholesterol while bypassing the early secretory compartments. This occurs at the cost of an intense phosphoinositide turnover in order to prepare a membrane environment conducive to the signaling and trafficking functions of the trans-Golgi network. A tight control operates in the contact zone to adjust lipid transport and metabolism to the cellular needs

    Improvement of the Performance of Targeted LC–MS Assays through Enrichment of Histidine-Containing Peptides

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    Mass spectrometric-based quantification using targeted methods has matured during the past decade and is now commonly used in proteomics. However, the reliability of protein quantification in complex matrixes using selected reaction monitoring is often impaired by interfering signals arising from coelution of nontargeted components. Sample preparation methods resulting in the reduction of the number of peptides present in the mixture minimizes this effect. One solution consists in the selective capture of peptides containing infrequent amino acids. The enrichment of histidine-containing peptides via immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography loaded with Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions (IMAC-Cu) was applied in a quantitative workflow and found to be a simple and cost effective method for the reduction of sample complexity with high recovery and selectivity. When applied to a series of depleted human plasma digests, the method decreased nonspecific signals, resulting in a more precise and robust protein quantification. The method was also shown to be an alternative to HSA/IgG depletion during plasma protein analysis. This method, used in conjunction with recent improvements in the instrument’s peak capacity, addresses a bottleneck generally encountered in quantitative proteomics studies by providing the robustness and throughput required for the analysis of large sample series without compromising the number of proteins monitored

    Improvement of the Performance of Targeted LC–MS Assays through Enrichment of Histidine-Containing Peptides

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    Mass spectrometric-based quantification using targeted methods has matured during the past decade and is now commonly used in proteomics. However, the reliability of protein quantification in complex matrixes using selected reaction monitoring is often impaired by interfering signals arising from coelution of nontargeted components. Sample preparation methods resulting in the reduction of the number of peptides present in the mixture minimizes this effect. One solution consists in the selective capture of peptides containing infrequent amino acids. The enrichment of histidine-containing peptides via immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography loaded with Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions (IMAC-Cu) was applied in a quantitative workflow and found to be a simple and cost effective method for the reduction of sample complexity with high recovery and selectivity. When applied to a series of depleted human plasma digests, the method decreased nonspecific signals, resulting in a more precise and robust protein quantification. The method was also shown to be an alternative to HSA/IgG depletion during plasma protein analysis. This method, used in conjunction with recent improvements in the instrument’s peak capacity, addresses a bottleneck generally encountered in quantitative proteomics studies by providing the robustness and throughput required for the analysis of large sample series without compromising the number of proteins monitored

    : A Tale of Resemblance and Contrast Between VAP Proteins

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    When considering the vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein (VAP) family, major receptors at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), it appears that VAP-A and VAP-B paralogs largely overlap in structure and function, and that specific features to distinguish these two proteins hardly exist or are poorly documented. Here, we question the degree of redundancy between VAP-A and VAP-B: is one simply a backup plan, in case of loss of function of one of the two genes, or are there molecular and functional divergences that would explain their maintenance during evolution